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Summary of tenses

Tense Auxiliar Affirmative Negative Questions

Simple I, you, we, I go to work I don’t go to Do you go to
present: they: do/don’t by bus work by bus work by
Routines bus?
and facts He, she, it: She goes to She doesn’t
does/doesn’t work by car go to work Does she go
by car to work by
Simple All pronouns: You drove to He didn’t Did they
past: Did/didn’t work drive to drive to work
Actions yesterday work yesterday?
completed yesterday
in the past

Future with Verb to be I am going to I am not Are you

Going to: travel next going to going to
Plans for I: am/ am not week. travel next read that
the future week book
You, we, He is going tonight?
they: to buy a car He isn’t
are/aren’t tomorrow. going to Is she going
buy a car to eat a
He, she, it: tomorrow salad for
is/isn’t lunch?

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