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Midterm Examination

General Instructions:
1. Read and understand the instructions and questions before answering.
2. Shade/Write the corresponding letter to the correct answer. Use black ink only.
3. Check your final answers before submitting, any form of ERASURE or SUPERIMPOSITION will be marked wrong.
4. You are only given an hour to finish the exam.

I. MORSE TYPE. Choose the correct statement/s from the following choices. (2 point each, total of 50 points)

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I & II

E. I & III F. II & III G. I, II & III

1. An electrolyte used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and alkalinizer.

I. Potassium acetate II. Sodium bicarbonate III. Sodium citrate

2. Which of the following statements is/are use/s of sodium bicarbonate?

I. electrolyte replenisher II. buffer III. antidote for methanol poisoning

3. Which of the statements is/are Properties of sodium chloride?

I. insoluble in alcohol II. crystalline powder having saline taste III. freely soluble in glycine

4. Which of the following incorrectly refers to the imbalance in Potassium ion?

I. Rickets II. Renal Damage III. Muscular tremor

5. Imbalance of this ion causes metabolic acidosis in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and renal failure
I. Phosphate II. Chloride III. Bicarbonate

6. Description of CaCl USP, except:

I. component of Lactated Ringer’s Injection only
II. Molecular weight of 147
III. freely soluble in water and alcohol

7. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

I. Major ICF Cation II. Principal ECF cation III. Sodium

8. Salts are present in Lactated Ringer's Injection, which of the following is/are incorrect?
I. 600mg Sodium Chloride II. 8.6g Sodium Chloride III. 500mg Sodium Chloride

9. Hypochloremic states, except:

I. Having metabolic acidosis in Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Failure patients
II. Prolonged vomiting
III. Tissue atrophy

10. Aside from being a buffer constituent, which of the following is/are metabolic functions of Potassium?
I. Facilitate CO2 transport II. for neuromuscular irritability III. Formation of appatite in bones and teeth

11. Which of the following relates to the essential trace element Iron?
I. Widely distributed in the tissues and abundant in the liver
II. leads to neutropenia
III. sourced from fish and oyster

12. Laboratory results for Iron deficient erythropoiesis

I. Normal hemoglobin II. Low serum Iron III. Normal serum

13. Which of the statement/s describes Copper?

I. Found in the brain as cerulocuprein
II. long term insufficiency leads to bone lesions
III. Component of tyrosinase

14. Which of the following is/are NOT observed in patients with Zinc deficiency?
I. Impaired immunity II. hemorrhage III. Impaired wound healing

15. Which of the following are symptoms of Wilson's disease?

I. arthritis II. Hepatomegaly III. steel hair

16. Treatment for iron toxicity:

I. sodium bicarbonate II. Desferoxamine III. Tetracycline
17. All statements are true regarding Manganese
I. 10-20 mg is found in the liver and bones
II. Manganism leads to mental retardation
III. Deficiency to Manganese leads to reproductive dysfunction

18. Achlorhydria is described by these statements

I. Absence of HCl II. no longer responds to stimulation by histamine III. Excessive HCl

19. Treatment for excessive HCl content of stomach

I. Sodium bicarbonate II. Aluminum hydroxide III. Magnesium hydroxide

20. Treatment for achlorhydria

I. Al(OH)2 II. C4H6O5 III. H3PO4

21. Which of the statements best describes Magnesium containing antacids?

I. precipitated chalk II. insoluble in water and alcohol III. they are usually white and odorless

22. Which of the statements refer to Milk of Bismuth?

I. soft, yellowish powder in lumps with earthy and clay like taste
II. used as an astringent
III. insoluble in cold dilute acids

23. Which of the statements describes Kaolin

I. also known as Porcelain clay II. can be used as antidiarrheal III. insoluble in water

24. Uses of activated charcoal

I. Universal antidote II. can be used for upset stomach III. treat high cholesterol levels

25. Definition of cathartics, EXCEPT

I.for the relief of acute constipation II. for short term therapy III. for rectal disorders

II. Modified True or False. Determine if the statements provided is correct. Choose the letter of your answer
(2 points each, total of 50 points)

I. Statement I is a fact II. Statement I is false

III. Statement II is fact IV. Statement II is false

A. I & III B. I & IV C. II & III D. II & IV

26. I. Potassium is known to be the major intracellular fluid cation

II. Potassium is for carbon dioxide transport

27. I. Extracellular fluid is the body fluid that surrounds cells and tissues
II. Extracellular fluid provide the required nutrients and other supplements to the membrane-bound cells.

28. I. Phosphate is the second most abundant anion in the extracellular fluid
II. Bicarbonate is the principal anion in the intracellular fluid

29. I. Magnesium is a co-factor for phosphate

II. Magnesium is a constituent of boned and teeth

30. I. Electrolytes in acid-base therapy maintain balance in our body’s Ph

II. Bicarbonates are usually found in the cells and liver

31. I. Fluid maintenance is maintenance therapy with IV fluids to supply normal requirement for water and electrolytes
II. They are needed when there is heavy loss of water and electrolytes

32. I. You can give electrolyte replacement IV fluids when there is severe fever, vomiting and diarrhea
II. Examples of which is Lactated Ringer’s injection with 8.6g NaCl, 0.33 g of KCl and 0.5g of CaCl2 prepared in 1 L solution

33. I. Sodium citrate is used as an anticoagulant for whole blood

II. Sodium citrate does not have a diuretic effect

34. I. Potassium acetate and Potassium citrate are the components of Potasssium bicarbonate
II. Its synonymous to Salaraetus

35. I. Sodium bicarbonate is also called Sal de Vichy

II. it is very soluble in water and alcohol

36. I. Non-essential metal ions are considered toxic

II. They are widely used in imaging, diagnostics and medicine

37. I. Fluorine can be sourced from grapes and potatoes

II. It is used to prevent tooth decay

38. I. Bromide can used to treat epileptic seizure

II. Bromide can cause CNS stimulation

39. I. Itai itai is a disease caused by drinking Cadmium-contaminated water

II. One symptom of the Ita-itai disease is aminoaciduria wherein there is presence of uric acid in the urine

40. I. One sign of repeated lead exposure is abdominal discomfort or cramps

II. In children lead exposure may affect their brain development that may lead to low IQ and behavioral problems

41. I. Lithium is a CNS depressant for manic-depressive disorder

II. Arsenic is a non-essential ion that has anticariogenic effect

42. I. Dibasic potassium phosphate is a non-official cathartic

II. Potassium hydrogen tartrate is a non-official cathartic

43. I. Magnesium sulfate is an antacid

II. Potassium sodium tartrate functions as a Laxative

44. I. Hydrochloric acid 37% NF is an excellent acidifying reagent

II. While sulfuric acid NF is an acidifying agent as well but in pharmaceutical applications

45. I. One of the criterias of a quality antacid is it is not absorbable or cause systemic alkalosis
II. Another criteria is that it should not be a laxative or causing constipation

46. I. A quality antacid should exert the effect rapidly and over a short period of time
II. A quality antacid should react with the gastric Ph causing a large evolution of gas

47. I. Activated charcoal functions as a protective

II. It is also the recommended antidote in certain types of poisoning

48. I. Saline cathartics act by increasing the osmotic load of the GIT
II. They are salts of poorly absorbable ions

49. I. Stimulant laxatives causes local irritation on the intestinal tract which decreases peristaltic activity
II. Bulk forming laxatives is made from cellulose and other non-digestible polysaccharides which swell when wet and
with the increased bulk stimulating peristalsis

50. I. Potassium sodium tartrate is also known as Epsom salt

II. Magnesium sulfate is also known as Rochelle’s salt

No. of items: _______50 items_____

No. of points: ______100 points_____

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