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Comprehensive Examination

General Instructions:
1. Read and understand the instruction before answering.
2. Write the corresponding letter to the correct answer. Use black ink only.
3. Check your answers before submitting, any form of erasure or superimposition is strictly prohibited.
4. You are only given 1 hour to finish the exam.
“Don’t stop until you are proud”

I. MORSE TYPE. Choose the correct statement/s from the following choices. (2 point each, total of 50 points)

For items 1-8, base your answers in the following choices:

A. ii only B. i, iii & iv C. ii only D. AOTA

1. These are building block elements found in human body, except

i. Potassium ii. Oxygen iii. Hydrogen iv. Nitrogen
2. Description of a metal element:
i. solids at room temperature ii. Mercury iii. good conductors of heat and electricity iv. Sb and Te are examples
3. All are physical properties of matter, except
i. Density ii. Odor iii. Melting point iv. Flammability
4. True for physical change
i. evaporation of water
ii. a substance changes its appearance but not its composition
iii. substance is transformed into a different substance
iv. hydrogen burns in air
5. Which of the following flame colors is/are correctly matched?
i. Calcium - yellow ii. Barium - brick red iii. Radium - carmine red iv. Strontium - crimson red
6. Which of the following statement is/are true after mixing a tablespoon of water?
i. salty taste ii. dissolved iii. crystals appeared iv. Chemical change
7. Physical and chemical properties of iodine crystals, except
i. spherical in shape
ii. metallic-grey to black in color
iii. emitted blue vapor after heating
iv. Undergone change in properties after heating
8. Magnesium ribbon experiment
i. described as a strip of thn silver colored metal
ii. gives off a fume after igniting
iii. physical change took place
iv. chemical change took place

For items no. 9-25, base your answers in the choices below:
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I & II

9. Which is not a preliminary test for the analysis of anions?

I. Physical Examination II. Test for the presence of precipitate III. Dry Heating Test
10. Which of the following is/are the reagents used in Qualitative Analysis of Group I Cations?
I. 3M HCl II. 6M NaOH III. 6M Potassium Chromate
11. Uses of centrifuge, except:
I. separation of whole blood components II. PH testing III. flame test
12. A technique used for the separation of particles from a solution according to their size, shape, density, viscosity of
the medium and rotor speed
I. Centrifugation II. PH test III. Qualitative analysis
13.What do you call the procedure wherein you will transfer the supernatant liquid to another container without disturbing the
I. Decantation II. Centrifugation III. Flame test
14. Negatively charged ions produced by acids and salts
I. Cations II. Anion III. Electrons
15. The following statements correctly refers to Slaking
I. it is the process used to prepare Precipitated Sulfur USP
II. it is a process carefully done by adding limited amount of water to CaOH
III. the process is characterized by the acid absorption of water by the oxide to form calcium hydroxide
16. Which of the following pertains to Oral Rehydration Salt?
I. It can be delivered by village health workers and practiced in the home by mothers with some guidance
II. It is done in the preparation of calcium hydroxide
III. The ingredient glucose facilitates the absorption of sodium

17. Therapeutic uses of Sulfur
I. cathartic II. parasiticide in scabies III. antiseptic
18. The following statement/s correctly refer to Boric acid, except:
I. produces green-bordered flame under flame test with methanol and acetic acid
II. composed of six-sided triclinic crystals
III. Acidum Boricatum
19. Pharmaceutical and therapeutic uses of Boric acid solution
I. vehicle for ophthalmic solutions II. provides acidic and buffered medica for other drugs III. used for
diaper rash
20. Which of the following is a physical property of Magnesium carbonate?
I. Light weight powder II. White and bulky powder III. Comes in friable masses
21. Uses of Magnesium carbonate that contraindicated only when the stomach must not be burdened with carbon dioxide
I. Antacid II. Laxative III. Cathartic
22. A device used for pressure-assisted filtration.
I. Suction filtration II. Buchner funnel III. Florence flask
23. The term comes from the Latin verb fervere which means “to boil”.
I. Effervescence II. Slaking III. Deliquescence
24. Uses of Potassium tartrate, except:
I. Saline laxative II. Hydragogue III. Expectorant
25. Uses of potassium acetate
I. Systemic alkalinizer II. Diuretic III. Expectorant

II. Modified True or False. Determine if the statements provided is correct. Choose the letter of your answer
(2 points each, total of 50 points)

A. Only the first statements is TRUE B. Only the second statement is TRUE
C. Both of the statements are TRUE D. None of the statements are TRUE

26. i. Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond
ii. As you go down the group, electronegativity decreases
27. i. Atomic radius is the weight of the atoms
ii. Atomic radius decreases across a period and increases down a group
28. i. Ionization energy is the measure of the tendency of an atom to resist the loss of an electron
ii. The higher the ionization energy, the more strongly the nucleus holds the electron
29. i. Cesium is the most metallic man-made element
ii. Francium is the most metallic natural element
30. i. Group VIIIB has the highest density
ii. The element Hydrogen has the highest density
31. i. The strip of the magnesium ribbon give off a bright light
ii. Chemical change has taken place
32. i. In the silver nitrate test, Silver chloride and Sodium hydroxide are the products
ii. Formation of white precipitate
33. i. After heating Iodine, violet vapor was observed
ii. This is a process of sublimation

34-36. Experiments Involving Cations

34. I. Group I Cations precipitates when added with diluted HNO3
II. Group I Cations are also known as insoluble Chlorides
35. I. Potassium ferrocyanide test confirms the presence of Lead (II) ion
II. Potassium Iodide test confirms the presence of Lead (II) ion
36. I. Potassium chromate test is a test to confirm presence of Lead (II) ion
II. Potassium ferrocyanide confirms presence of Ferric (Fe3+) ion

37-38. Experiments Involving Anions

37. I. In group IV anions, Silver acetate is being formed upon addition of sulfuric acid
II. Cadmium salts of Group IV anion group are insoluble in a slightly basic soln.
38. I. In identifying the Group IA anions, conc. Nitric acid was used with Barium acetate
II. The precipitate that was formed was discarded
39. I. Boric acid may be used undiluted except for ophthalmic use
II. Toxic manifestations are first seen in the GI tract regardless of the route of administration
40. I. Signs and symptoms includes of boric acid toxicity includes nausea, vomiting and chills
II. It is not absorbed through the intact skin
41. I. Washed sulfur appears to be a coarse, yellow, crystalling powder with faint odor and taste
II. Washed sulfur is obtained by condensing sulfur vapors
42. I. The product in the addition of CaO with H2O is CaHCO3
II. In the preparation of milk of sulfur, the mixture should be stirred frequently and the water lost by evaporation
43. I. Laxative action is due to fluid retention brought about by the salt action of the soluble salts of magnesium in the intestines
II. The antacid properties of magnesium carbonate are due to the carbonate and hydroxide anions reacting with the
gastric hydrochloric acid

A. Only the first statements is TRUE B. Only the second statement is TRUE
C. Both of the statements are TRUE D. None of the statements are TRUE

44. I. Toxic manifestations of Mg carbonate are first seen in the alimentary tract
II. Signs and symptoms include boiled lobster appearance
45. I. CaB4O7.4H2O is called Borocalcite
II. Ca2B5O11.5H2O is called Tincal
46. I. Boric acid is called Acidum Boricum
II. One natural source of Boric acid is calles rasorite
47. I. KISS is used as an expectorant
II. It means that Iodides are stimulating to mucous membrane and are excreted by the bronchial glands
48. I. Expectorants should be used only long enough to loosen the cough
II. KISS has antifungal effect and used in the treatment of sporotrichosis
49. I. Cupric hydroxide is readily converted to cuprous oxide (Cu2O)
II. The copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide probably react to form cupric hydroxide
50. I. Potassium tartrate is insoluble in water
II. Potassium tartrate is practically insoluble in acetone

No. of items: _______50 items_____

No. of points: ______100 points_____

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