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Prelim Examination

General Instructions:
1) Read the instructions carefully, analyze before you answer.
2) Please answer these questions honestly and without consulting others.
3) Make sure to answer every item of the exam. Only shade 1 bubble corresponding your answer of choice.
4) Marking of (x) with other bubbles will not be accepted and marked wrong.
5) Use BLACK INK PEN in shading your final answer. Friction pen is not allowed.
6) You are given 1 hour (maximum) to finish the exam.
7) Pray before you take the exam.

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I. Modified True or False: Evaluate the given statements. Choose among the choices below. (2 points each x 20 items= 40
A. If BOTH statements are TRUE
B. If BOTH statements are FALSE
C. If only statement I is TRUE and statement II is FALSE
D. If only statement I is FALSE and statement II is TRUE
I. The toxicity of a chemical may or may not depend on the route of administration.
II. If a toxicant is injected IP, compound may be completely extracted and biotransformed by the liver with subsequent excretion
into the bile without gaining access to the systemic circulation
I. Oral administration of toxicant is more toxic than Intravenous administration.
II. Intravenous administration is 100% absorbed by the body system.
I. Chronic exposure is the result of exposure to small amounts of toxicant in a long period of time.
II. Exposure to heavy metals such as Lead is an example of chronic exposure.
I. The smaller the dose needed to produce an equivalent effect the more potent the compound.
II. The slope of dose-response curve gives a clue to the variability of the data
I. In Synergism, the resulting toxicity is less than the individual toxic effect of the agent.
II. While in Antagonism, the resulting toxicity is greater than the individual toxic effect of the agents.
I. Chemicals that cause oxidative stress can oxidize DNA or protein leading to dysfunctional molecules
II. Tetrodotoxin is an example of chemical that specifically interact with protein targets.
I. Neurotic poison chemically produce local destruction to tissues.
II. True poison is still a poison no matter how diluted it is.
I. Autopsy involves examination of tissue or organs.
II. Experimental evidence is the evidence observed during poisoning.
I. Chemicals that cause protein adducts can lead to DNA mutations and trigger cell death pathways.
II. Chemicals that cause protein adducts can also lead to autoimmunity and carcinogenesis
I. In Apoptosis, there is overall shrinkage in volume of the cells and its nucleus.
II. Loss of adhesion to neighboring cells also happens in apoptosis.
I. Inactivation of FAK disrupt call adhesion, leads to detachment of apoptotic cells.
II. Laming of these proteins leads to changes in cell shape and surface blebbing.
I. A cause of necrosis is an early loss of plasma membrane integrity which leads to swelling and bursting of cells.
II. Mitochondria and other organelle contains damaging substances which leads to inflammation upon release also cause
I. Intrinsic pathway is Mitochondria-independent.
II. Extrinsic pathway is Mitochondria-dependent.

I. Necrosis is the active form of cell death enabling individuals to perform cellular suicide
II. Caspase-dependent is the group of enzymes that plays a role in apoptosis.
I. If a gas has a solubility ratio of 0.5, then it is readily transferred to the blood during each respiratory cycle so that little remains
in the alveoli just before the next inhalation.
II. While if a gas has a solubility ratio of 5, it means the blood is quickly saturated with this gas and a higher concentration of gas
remains in the alveolar space.
I. If a chemical has no tissue distribution, it has a low plasma concentration and high Vd.
II.If a chemical distributes into both compartments, it has a high plasma concentration and a low Vd.
I. Anaphylactic shock is an example of immediate toxicity.
II. Immediate toxicity occurs after 24 hours of exposure to the toxicant.
I. The amount of liquid eliminated via the lung is inversely proportional to its vapor pressure.
II. Volatile liquids are in equilibrium with their gas phase in the alveoli and may be also excreted via the lungs.
I. A toxicant may be passed with milk from the mother to the nursing offspring.
II. A toxicant may also be passed from cows to humans by way of dairy products.
I. Drugs need to become polar first before it is eliminated.
II. Urine and plasma use an organic cation transport protein as a specific transporter.

II. MORSE TYPE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. (2 points each x30 items = 60 points)
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and II
E. I and III F. II and III G. AOTA H. NOTA

21. Which of the following elicit Delayed toxicity:

I. Carcinogens
II. Ethanol
III. Mutagens
22. The following is/are Asphyxiants except:
I. Methane gas
II. Nitrosamines
III. Opioids
23. Which of the following is/are Poison-related factors affecting the effect of poisons:
I. Route of Administration
II. Concentration
III. Solubility
24. Toxicological parameters in experimental toxicology:
I. LC50
II. LD50
25. The following is/are Asthenics except:
I. Carbamates
II. Tubocurarine
III. Aflatoxins
26. Which of the following is/are kinds of Evidences of poisoning:
I. Local Evidence
II. Experimental Evidence
III. Symptomatic Evidence
27. Which of the following is/are spinal neurotics:
I. Alcohol
II. Nux vomica
III. Nelsemium
28. The following is/are Route/s of administration in acute exposure except:
29. The following is/are Animal poison/s except:
I. Picrotoxin
II. Hannahtoxin
III. Carbamates
30. Which of the following is/are Volatile poison/s:
I. Cyanide
II. Halides
III. Formaldehyde
31. Which of the following is/are Condition/ss modifying the effects of poison which are those relating to the organism itself:
I. Disease
II. Exhaustion
III. Sleep
32. The following is/are Actions of antidote except:
I. Remove poison from the body
II. Mechanically prevent is absorption
III. Act upon the functions of the body so as to overcome the effects of absorption
33. Which of the following is/are Chemicals that inhibit the production of cellular building blocks:
I. Tetrodotoxin
II. Sarin
III. Amanitin
34. Which of the following Initiates the start of apoptosis by activating executioner caspases:
I. Initiator caspase 8
II. Initiator caspase 7
III. Initiator caspase 10
35. Which of the following is/are included in the Process of intrinsic apoptosis:
I. Bax forms homo-dimers in the presence of apoptotic signals, releasing Cytochrome c in the cytoplasm
II. Cyctochrome c binds to Apaf-1 to form apoptosome
III. Caspase 9 activates executioner caspase 4, 5 and 8
36. Which of the following is/are Factors affecting disposition:
I. High fraction absorbed or rate of absorption
II. Biotransformation of a chemical
III. Distribution of a toxicant
37. Which of the following has/have a High capacity for binding a multitude of chemicals:
I. Liver
II. Kidney
III. Bone
38. The following is/are the Main barriers that separated higher organisms from an environment containing a large number or
chemicals except:
I. Skin
II. Brain
III. Lungs
39. The following is/are the Most critical factors that affect the distribution of xenobiotics except:
I. Chemical composition of xenobiotic
II. Organ blood flow
III. Affinity of xenobiotic
40. Which of the following is/are the Mechanisms the kidney uses to remove end products of intermediary metabolism from the
I. Glomerular filtration
II. Tubular excretion by passive diffusion
III. Active tubular secretion
41. He was credited to be the first one to develop antidotes.
I. Mithridates
II. Paracelsus
III. Theoprastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
42. He is the Father of Modern Toxicology.
I. Mithridates
II. Orfilia
III. Theoprastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
43. It occurs when chemicals reach their site of action which can be a macromolecule on either the surface or the interior of a cell,
or their site of toxification which is an intracellular enzyme where the ultimate toxicant is formed by biotransformation.
I. Adsorption
II. Absorption
III. Distribution
44. The process of biotransformation that eliminate the ultimate toxicant or prevent its formation.
I. Detoxication
II. Absorption
III. Distribution
45. Which of the following is/are true regarding the results of inappropriate repair and adaptation?
I. Tissue necrosis
II. Fibrosis
III. Carcinogenesis
46. Which of the following is/are considered factor/s that affect absorption?

I. plasma solubility
II. surface area of exposure
III. lipid solubility
47. The following is/are considered effects of toxicants to target molecules, except.
I. dysfunction of target molecules
II. destruction of target molecules
III. neo-antigen formation
48. Decreased concentration of toxicant on the target molecule is/are brought by what factors?
I. excretion
II. pre-systemic circulation
III. detoxification
49. Which of the following is/are considered major excretory organs of toxicants?
I. Liver
II. Skin
III. Kidney
50. The following is/are considered storage depots of toxicants and xenobiotics in the body.
I. Bones
II. Fats
III. Brain

No. of Items: 50 items

No. of points: 100 points

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