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Table of Contents Page

1. The foundation

2. The Treasures in you

3. The eye of a visionary

4. Discover your potentials

5. Live above weakness

6. The confidence of a man

7. Make words work for you

8. You’re born for a purpose

9. Ten questions great men do ask

10. Six secrets of greatness

11. Alert of unknown enemies

12. The real picture of a man

“He that descended is the same
Also that ascended” up far above all
Heavens, that he might fill all
Things and he gave some
Apostle, and some prophets, and some
Evangelists, and some pastors and teachers”
(Ephesians 4 vs. 10-11).

The message brings a picture of Man comes into the earth with
nothing i.e. nobody that came into this earth with something in his hands,
yet we all came having something in our minds that, the almighty God
ordained us with different gift, potentials and talents to work. We carry
different potentials that makes us what we were to become and accomplish
the task we were given and responsibility to make it comes to reality for the
born and unborn generation to learn and survive on.
Everything created by God has a purpose of their existence both living and
non-living. Human beings as part of God creation, have special and
different purposes on earth. This is what we call “destiny” life appeared to
be meaningless and worthless without accomplishment of one’s destiny.
Every human being on earth has been endowed with potentials that can
make him or her achieve destiny. This book “TEARS FOR DESTINY” is a
piece of work that can turn around the lives of men and women on earth for
generations for good. What you’re holding is a divine channel to free you
from every obnoxious and ungodly strategy ever employed to stand against
achieved your destiny for greatness. If you apply the Principles in this piece
of materials, your life will receive a positive boost.

The potential you carry inside you is what the whole world is waiting,
in need to survive. Yet you and your world may remain helpless and suffer
without way to help each other or escape from the generational misfortunes
until you stand to recovered and unveil the treasures in you that have the

solution to the problem of the earth, your life and your generation will
remain in ignorant or captivity

“A man`s gift makes ways for him and bringeth him before great men
(Proverb 18 vs. 16). The greatest thing you need on earth is to fulfill your
life dream on earth in line with God`s purpose. The first step to achieve
greatness as a child of destiny is to listen to wise men (said) i.e. food for
thought by humble in your endeavors. This gift started with being In God’s
channel atmosphere, God`s presence and observes his scriptural
principles. Greatness in the side of God lies in the fulfillment of his purpose
for one’s life on earth. Any man who must fulfill destiny must be a man with
focus and dogged spirit. Go beyond ordinary to understand and distinguish
between white and black. Remain the best you ever desired to be as you
meditate deeply on the content of this work.


“If the fountain is destroy, what can the
Righteous do”? (Psalms 11 vs. 23)

Foundation is a lowest and supporting part of a wall i.e. the ground.

Foundation is an act of founding, establishing, or beginning to erect that
upon anything stands or the groundwork. A building can only stand strong if
the foundation is laid well, a tree stand well with the help of its roots when
the wind is blowing to enable the tree not to fail. A man can only reach out,
pursuit and achieve his destiny if his foundation is well laid. The sweetness
of a fruit is from the tree that bears it and how fruitful a tree is, depends on
the ability and strength of the root. As a man, you may have asked, why
have I not achieved my education, hard work and struggles of life
endeavors? And for this reason have I taken this decision? To reveal this
mystery to you, do you care to ask of your background, about yourself, your
name, peers, your lineage, the resident you stayed and the land you come
from? The greatest philosophical statement is “man knows yourself”
(Socrates) because your knowledge is the fundamentality instrument of

A proper understanding of your background, name, peers, lineage and your

land will help you know who you are and why you are acting the way you
are doing. How your life is not given a good result, without a clear
understanding of this subject, there is bound to be a great confusion in the
total course of your life concerning destiny. Most time it can extend to your
generation through lineage. Most challenges faced by men of destiny on
earth about ninety percent (90%) have its root of his background. So define
yourself, your family entirely, find out to know how their act and acted
during endeavors in their days.

Discovery set you above others. It makes you first among equals
because you become the first, discovering makes you see far, stand tall,
and be a reference of a case study. What did you discover? “Ignorance
leaves a man in perpetual darkness” (Ecclesiastes 2 vs. 14) it makes life
stagnant and redundant. The only way to move forward is to be a seeker.
You don’t sit down to seek, you move to seek, to make research, listened
to wise thought and be current of the latest trend. Knowledge advances a
man into the greatness height of success, If he diligently seeks and applies

Have you ever sat down to think of what you stand to lose when you
lack knowledge? Have you ever think where you need to be when the
availability is not available. We only fail when we don’t know because
success is a product of discovered secret. Ignorance makes us go for the
flimsy thing that brings humiliation rather than humility and honour. It is a
big bondage to live in ignorance. In fact it makes one live in fear and have
inferiority mind set. If a man like Abraham Lincoln of United State of
America saw himself as nobody or thought of his background as nobody he
wouldn’t have become president of his State. Always sees yourself as the
first and have a mind set of being the best by trying something good
without quit. Those who prove bold of wrong doings in their ignorance only
expose their folly in the public. This is why Solomon says “The wise shall
inherit glory but shame shall be the promotion of fools” (Proverb 3 vs. 35).
Ignorance can distinguish a man because nobody likes to associate with
failure and the only product of ignorance is limitation. It makes you to be

forsaken (Proverb 9 vs16). The treasure in you will help you discover your
destiny. I am glad before God that this book in your hands will help to
brainwash you of the needs to achieved greatness and destiny. Did you
know destiny is a hidden power in you that control what will happen in your
future? If you fail to discover the purpose of God upon you is like an Iroko
tree that can be wave by wind. Know these by defining yourself; you will
live to enjoy the goodness of God on planet earth.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,
Because thou have rejected knowledge I will also
Reject thou, that thou shall be no priest to me, seeing
Thou has forget then law of the God will also forget they
Children” (Hosea 4 vs. 6)

God is the creator of the universe who created man in his own image and
bestow talent in him to fulfill his mission on earth. He deposited inside
every individuals what it takes to be to fulfils any field of endeavor’s,
unfortunately someone may remain frustrated and amount to nothing in life,
when he does not discover the values of his potentials and maximize them
to pave his way to excellence. Every seed has the ability to produce a tree
and a forest will remain dry and irrelevant until it is sown to produce.
Poverty will be inevitable until the values of the potentials in you is
discovered and put to work. The truth here is, nothing becomes an
essential commodity without the values in it being discovered and
maximized to benefit the world.
The entire world population owns you wealth which will be paid only
in exchange for your potentials and ideas that has to be transmitted into
something or useful material that will solve a problem. What people suffer
is not lack of money nor Chances or opportunity but lack of discovery of
treasure that is hidden in them that can fulfill the plan of God in their life. If
a man discovered his potentials of what he can do money will be a slave to
you and the opportunities in life will be a thing of the past. He will be a
celebrity of honour and success.

BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO, the General Overseer of living faith church
started small as nobody in Kaduna, a state in Northern Nigeria, with a call
to serve God, he started a small ministry. He realized the purpose of God in
his life; he observed the principles of God kingdom in his endeavors. God
usher blessings like that of Abraham to his generation, now he was rated
as the riches man of God in Africa. He discovered his potentials and God
purpose for his life, now he stands as a case study for the world.

For you to be great, you must be willing to learn and acquire knowledge or
learn from a mentor. The problem most people have is that, they don’t want
to start small or to be a servant before they become a master. I observed
that great men and women of history started small with a mentor(s) from
whom they acquired knowledge before became what they are today. In the
holy bible, it has being known that, many great Apostles learn from each
other to grow in the processed of their gospel. Joshua learnt from Moses,
Peter learnt from Gameliel, Aristotle and Plato learnt from Socrates,
Alexander the great learnt from Aristotle and they achieved greatness. Now
the question is whom are you learning from? Who is your mentor? These
people achieved greatness due to the knowledge there acquired from their
master. I pray you should acquire or have a mentor. A mentor of your
dream can direct you to achieve your destiny as you’re seeking for

THE EYE OF A Visionary
“The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end
It shall speak and not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it
Because it will surely come” (Habakkuk 2 vs. 3)

Greatness is a thing of the mind. It is a picture that comes with

determination and focus of principles of life. “As a man thinketh in his
heart so is he” (Proverb 23 vs. 7) in life, some people are born great with a
silver spoon on the mouth, these set of people they don’t suffer as much
because riches and wealth are around them. Opportunity and chances are
waited for them because the principles of life to a good living were already
cared for by their parents. Some acquired greatness through their
readiness of what they achieve on training either by education, handwork
or ideas they sell out in return of a reward. That is, having something at
hand or up set to search for opportunity or chances. This people can only
be great through their hard work and diligent to God. While some admire
greatness due to how they feel life will have being around them. This
people are the set of person that has not discover God purpose in their life.
In these category, there may acquire education, learned skills, but may not
ask; what is life? What is the purpose of their existence on earth? What is
around them? What’s goes before them? What is monitoring them? Without
a clear definition of their life, their life will be stagnant and it will not give
optimum purpose in the eyes of God, which is destiny. In all God knows the
beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega who program for man and
guide for his achievement as he said, “I returned and I saw under the sun,

that the race is yet bread to man of understanding nor yet favour to men of
skills, but time and chance happened to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9 vs. 11)


Life is in stages is like a game of risk. I face challenges in different

stages and different levels o life. I saw myself as a man of vision at the
tender age during my twelve years old (12) that was the time I was in
secondary school with my seriousness in academics as of then, I was
choose as a class prefect of my class.Then, I started realizing the talent
(the gift of God) in my life. I was excelling beyond imagination, as the time I
prepared to further to university. Life was so tough such a way that, my
face was always full of tears because they are challenges all over in my
nuclear family. Mostly financial constraint, also my beloved mother pass
away (die) at that critical time and my father was at the bed of illness. It
was not easy with the family and my education was at stake, no sponsor.
Then, I was with my elder sister in Calabar selling small provision shop in
new airport Calabar in Cross River State Nigeria. As she saw my
seriousness on how I pay attention in reading books, newspapers and
novels in my free time in the shop, one day she told me to prepare my mind
to write Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB), as God will make the
way I pass the examination and gained admission to University to study
Business Administration. The school was all about suffering because that
was the period my siblings were running their school programs with the
little money they had from their teaching carrier, the little money given to
me by my elder sister for my school was always appreciated to use in
judicious way. Tears of poverty and intimidation are my second lesson I
learnt in the society. All these I always give thanks to God in his mercy

upon my life. I have no one to speak for me or to help. I wore second hand
clothes throughout my programs in my first degree; I always make it neat
well iron at all time. During my three hundred levels I lost my father (die),
the condition was more critical than before. Oh I experience shame,
humiliation and intimidation in society and my community. The assistance I
do receive from my elder sister seized after the death of my father, she
backed out my academics. As the time I was in final year the only hope I
have is from the little jingles of coaching students, the little money I
generated was used judiciously. It wasn’t easy before I completed my first
degree. Looking for assistance my cousins that pass through my father
kitchen as the time there were running their educational programs who
were well to do as of that time, giving people scholarship, doing father
Christmas by helping people refuse to listen nor ready to hear anything of
assistance of my father offspring. Vision is the mindset of an individual
towards a desire of a dream. It has to do with willingness, determination
and focus. The result of that is the bedrock of destiny. Mission gives birth to
dream. Dream is a mental picture you pay in the imagination of your
tomorrow. Dreaming is an act of attesting imagination, is the master key to
one future. It determines where you are going; it exposes unexpected
ability and ones talent. Every problem is an opportunity for someone to
have a dream. Dream establishing an expected ends, is a force that drive
someone accomplishment and bring about a dawn of a new day in one’s
life which is destiny. With that, I completed my first degree. Life is a race, a
journey, a process; I bear all these because I knew where I am going to. A
man who knows where he’s going is not always tired of his journey no
matter how risky it is, without God mercy upon the life of someone even, if
Mr. President of a nation or a Governor of a state is your Uncle it sounds as
if you have nobody to help you with the things of life. I experience a little of

that because as of that time my uncle and my senior cousin’s where very
rich and wealthy such a way that they were giving scholarship to people,
assistance to community development and outsider, none was done to my
father’s family. I always ask why it was like that. Even when we force
ourselves to them when they came home to see us for assistance none
was avail I wonder why. These are people whom we see Christianity is
their second name; due to how they carry the gospel of Jesus Christ. They
were people who enjoyed my father early kitchen during the time they were
running their early education and he took them as his children. As of then
my father did not have children early to care for their education, as in the
time he is rendering these services. The time he started given birth his
hands were weak to cope with us.
More so, as the time of my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) I
experience hell on earth, the storms of life was so terrible such a way that I
would have given up “Behold they shall gather together but not by me, who
so ever shall gather against thee shall fall for thy sake”(Isaiah 54vs.15). All
these obstacles were the manipulation from the kingdom of darkness to
stop me to the place of my rest (destiny) I love God because he is always
by my side. He’s so kind, caring to reveal himself to me about my success
of the journey of life. Whenever I am confuse of what I need to do I always
encourage myself by saying “I am too needed to be wasted” by asking God
his purpose of my creation in prayers, after the compulsory one year
National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). I travel to a city of Abuja-Nigeria to
look for greener pasture, after a period of two weeks I had a teaching job in
a private school to start life. The people I taught were my saviors whom I
squatted with turn their hands against me they were annoyed why I when to
school, they attitude was upside towards my dream I took my small bag to
search where to stayed “I will instruct and teach thee in the way which thou

shall go; I will guide thee with mine eye” (Psalm 32 vs.8). “The dreams of
yesterday are the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow” (Robert

Any new environment is bound with challenges; those I stayed with at

that early time in Abuja didn’t want any light of success in my life. “A man’s
enemy are member of his household” (Mathew 10 vs. 36). He said “And
gives him no rest, till he establishes, and makes Jerusalem praise in the
earth (Isaiah 62 vs.7). Prayer without season is the weapon I applied to
overcome the challenges of my life, the field of the spirit is the mind.

“Great men are ordinary men with extra-ordinary determination”

(Abraham Lincoln) I pass through different challenges at different levels of
life. Life was so horrific such that, at times I live with biscuit with small garri
to sow for the day just to survive. Most times once, twice or I go to bed
without food (hunger). I was homeless because I stayed with a friend I met
in the school I was teaching as of that early time in Jikwoyi by then,
because I could not get an apartment to stay for myself because they were
no money nor someone to give me an assistant, unfortunately I was sacked
from the little work I was doing as of that time, trekking in the city of Abuja
searching for what to do to earn a living. Some friends laughed at me use
my condition as a song; give me different names to the taste of their
choice. Even my community people saw me as a caricature; I had no value
in the society. Most people wrote me off as a failure. My siblings saw me as
a product of no fruit. One man from my maternal home who work with
Nigeria National Petroleum (NNPC) as of then who was well to do, instead
to help my condition he defined me as a fluster. On the way to your destiny
people may misquote you by defining you wrongly; the road to a destiny is
like a road that seems vehicles cannot ride. Whenever I had opportunity to

grab a job at the edge of the breakthrough it became abortive, the devil
doesnt want any good thing to come to my life. But as the appointed time
God uses men of authority whom I didnt know to speak for me to make me
what I am today. “The lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace
(Exodus 14 vs. 14).

The story of great men cannot be written in one book due to the
complexity and the nature of the story. Without a cross no crown, anyone
who must be great in life must follow his mind in acting wisely, appreciate
and celebrate people that achieved greatness. Greatness in the eyes of
God lies in the fulfillment of his purpose of one’s life on earth. Men of
vision goes extra mile to achieve destinies. Some men die with great
destiny due to lack of understanding of their potentials to acquire and
secure their chances. The Holy Bible tell us how Sampson was ordained to
delivered his people from the hands of their enemies but lack knowledge
and understanding of his existence, he die like a chick in the hands of
Delilah (Judges 13 vs. 16). Any challenges that trap a man has its solution
inside his potentials, Yet until you discovered and realized them you will
live in darkness. A man who must fulfill destiny must be a man of focus and
determination “show me a great man and I will tell you his challenges”
(Durum Daniel). Any man who is great faces different levels of challenges
in life that cannot be defined by a layman. Don’t give up until you make
your last attempt and don’t make your last attempt until you have
succeed”(Abraham Lincoln). To be great in life live a life being as a
spiritual fighter. Satisfaction is an enemy of progress. “But the God of all
grace who had called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye
have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you”
(I Peter 5 vs. 10). Therefore some attitudes of being great can be manifest
in a child in his childhood. I discovered mine in my teenager hood when I

was in junior secondary school, observe the way you do things or act when
you are on any issue that comes to you in life. Not all good things comes
from God, some people may comes to change your mind to take you out of
your focus and destabilizes you from your destiny.


Abraham Lincoln was one of the men of visions who were born in the
home of no body with sufferings but with the dream he has in his heart, he
was known as one of the great man in United State of America (USA) and
in the circular World. He was one of the less privileged in the America
society, born and breeds in log cabins. Lincoln lost his mother at the age of
eight (8) and was depresses in life, he has never enjoy the advantage of
his early life. But that did not deter him from realizing his dream. He was
born with the talent of greatness; he was deprived, stressed and limited in
the society. Nevertheless, he started his carrier by chopping fire wood to
sustain his livelihood. He was denied with chances to develop himself and
any chance he had he turned it into opportunity, believing that the way he
perceived himself is the only way to opportunity. He set the belt that will
work his way to the success stage. He was time conscious using every
leisure time for reading books and doing other things that will elevate his
Lincoln believed he will be successful in life. Although, he did not
know where to meet success but believed the few things within his capacity
is to master some fundamental principles and tools which were headed to
reach his destiny. His hard work and determination make him to become a
professional surveyor and a Lawyer. He is a model; I describe him

“Unshakable man of impossibility” he achieved that seemed impossible for
him. He gave out all he had in the struggle but never gave up. Probably,
Lincoln faces different challenges in different levels such as in business, in
politics and up bring (nurture) and in the society etc. If you want the picture
of a dreamer learn from his story

Finally, after all these challenges, he earned as one of the

renowned President of United State of America, from nowhere to
somewhere, from grass to grace, from dream to reality, from focus to
determination and to the throne of honour. You cannot know what your
ability can do until you try what you cannot do. Start to practice something,
you will be known from it. What you see from great men today was their
decision yesterday. If you want to become great make up your mind and
think differently. Note that “small minds are the first to condemn great
ideas.”(John Manson). Without adversity you can’t know your strength.
“Many of life failure are people who do not realize how close they were to
success when they gave up” (Henry Fredrick). Are you dreaming to
become great? Or you’re born to accompany others? Choose where you
will be today, because tomorrow is pregnant and has a question to answer.

“And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for, to buy corn, because the
famine was so sore in all land” (Genesis 4 vs. 57)

Life is a game that may happen as tragedy. In life, it happened you may be
poor and lacked recognition in the society but people of the world may run
to you when you have the solution they are in dire need of. Pharaoh the
king of Egypt turned to a common prisoner (Joseph) for a solution and
eventually surrenders his country into his hands because of what he
carried. King Nebuchadnezzar bowed down and worshipped the God of
Daniel because he was surprise of the manifestation of the power of the
living God around Daniel. The whole world will soon bow before you if only
if you will provide solutions to her greatest needs. You may neither be
beautiful, handsome nor have any distinct recognition in the society, but the
moment you show up with your potentials and undeniable solutions to
human problems, you will immediately be lifted from dust to sit with Prince
and Princes.
Martin Luther king (Jr) said “If you are best of what you are doing,
even if is to sweeped on the street, the whole world will beat a path to your
door and declare you the best sweeper that ever live”. Nobody knew
Joseph, nor cared to know what brought him to prison and to help him out
of his troubles. Even to butler, whom he interpreted his dreams, went out of
the prison and forgot him. However, when needs arose in the palace which
only Joseph had answer to—the king called for him. He became the
desired of the people and one of the senior officials well known in the
history of events in the world. Therefore, one essential step to greatness is
to make a remark on earth i.e discovered. Though knowledge is the brain
child of discovery, you can’t know until what you known are applied and
shown in the life of people. The point being that, there is little or no
accomplishment in life without discovering a fact.

What do you know about your desire carrier, business or your life
inspiration? You are a warehouse of greatness, but your may not know
because you lack an information. Information is a tool that brings success
to reality, to have the best in life you must get the right information towards
your dream. For you to achieve your destiny, you must possess a mind of a
winner, the heart of a champion and the spirit of a conqueror. To acquire
the best in life you need to know what is common among the history of
great men i.e. they are all men of vision and very calculative. The bible
says “when there is no vision the people perish” (proverb 29 vs. 18). What
is vision in this context? Vision is the ability to have determination, focus,
courage, bold, desired, and to plan the future with imagination.” Vision is
the ability to see beyond the majority” (Myles Munroe).

A man in United State of America (USA) known as Bill Gate had a

vision to do unknown practical’s he applied senses of reasoning finally he
achieved it by invented a computer we are using today. A woman from
United State of America (USA) name Helen Keller she was a blind woman
from birth she asks herself “What would be worse than being born blind”?
She answers the question to herself and said “to have sight without vision
is like a dead person”. Despite the facts that she is blind, she did not see
her limitation. Helen makes use of her ideas, wisdom and singing skills to
acquire greatness. She ended in becoming a woman of history. She spoke
different languages know as a renounce philosopher and one of the best

singer in the world. To discover your potentials is to keep doing what you
know you can do best that will give a positive result in your life to affect the
society for a change. Be a celebrity for people to learn from you.

“Then said I, ah, lord God, behold,
I cannot speak, for I am a child” (Jeremiah 1 vs. 6)

Jeremiah was a child born with greatness but did not quickly release
God purpose upon his life. As God want to use him, at first he wanted to
excuse himself from his destiny because of his youth-age weakness, yet
God forbade him from being a youth. Do not say I am a youth, because
being a youth. Let’s add to it, being uneducated, poor or without good up
bring, having does not make irrelevant in the cause of your destiny and the
purpose of God in your life.

God had never for once, used any person that have strength, he
rather choose the weak to make them perfect and champions in any field.
Men that have weakness there developed inward spirit to march towards
fulfilling their purpose in life. As the matter of facts, even the lepers or the
blind can rule the world. If they can source solution the world is in need of,
the answer people are desperately looking for. The bible makes us to know
of a man name Jepthah who became a leader over his people (Israel)
despite that; he was a rejected son of a prostitute. Esther became a Queen
in the king’s palace despite that, she was an adopted Orphan. Don’t see
yourself as nobody always count yourself among the best or the first for
people to follow. You must not return to the grave with the potentials in you
which was meant to benefit the world. Don’t allow your mindset of
inferiority, the environmental condition or your background to weight you

Thomas Edison, John Lake and Abraham Lincoln have weakness

with poor backgrounds, yet they became celebrities of generations. People

make references through their Impact. They learnt by crushed weakness to
fulfill the purpose for which they have born for. Don’t allow yourself to be
trapped down by consciousness’ of weakness and makes mistake in life.
Your strength is your defense; it should be rise from within to push your
upward into excellence. Even if your academics status, the skills you
acquire, the colour of your skin and your nationality are highly attractive,
they are not the desire of the world. What will give a text of time is the
manifestation of the treasure in you that will greatly benefit the world. You
should therefore never let your mindset of inferiority to mount road block of
success. Maximized your potential, the world are waiting to feed on your

Do you really believed on what you are doing? This is the time you
need to improve it. Stand where you are and refuse to quit. One thing you
must encounter is the challenges of life. With fervent prayers the result will
surely come. With prayer nothing will stand against you. But note that, for a
destiny to fulfill the devil is involved, without the devil your will not achieve
that which is great. Adversity will help you to know your strength, your
direction and you’re potentials. Take a look of Joseph in the bible. He was
hated by his brother to an extent that they exchange him for money,
thereafter was send to prison. Finally, what happen? He became a prime
Minister. You are the most important person on earth. Don’t quit faith for
anything you are doing. “A winner does not quit, and a quitter does not---
and cannot win”. It is a spiritual concept. Stand firmly refuse to shift, If do
your victory is certain.

Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. He did not consider the

situation around him. He waited for the promises of God; he was in the best
position to doubt and to quit but he did not because he believed he will

meet success. The bible makes us to know of a man called Abraham who
was persuaded with option to staggered to change his mind to use his son
Isaac for a sacrifice, the option were open to him. But he kept to the
promise to fulfill it. God met Abraham because he refuse to quit will also
need to be fully persuaded, know a enough in God to stand on his words.
Refuse to be a failure to your family, society and the generation. The devil
takes advantage of the failure; always sound as a winner whatever the
circumstances. Surely, you will be growing from glory to glory.

The confidence of a man
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this
One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high
Calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3 vs.13-14)
The world is planted by God, before the creation of the earth God has
numbered everything how it will go from the beginning to the end. He
destined how your journey of life should be programmed. It is let for you to
discover yours. Always know that God who gave you the wonderful destiny
believed in you to make it comes to past, despite your weakness. So why
don’t you believed on what you can do, start where you are—with a little
you have. The parable of the mustard seed teaches that every big thing
has a small beginning. Note that, self confidence makes a man perfecting
conclusion, confidence with two statements from Abraham Lincoln to his
son teacher. “Teach him to have faith in his own ideas even if everyone
tells him they are wrong”. Also, “teach him always to have sublime faith in
himself too because then he will always have faith in mankind” This
showed a great enthusiasm or burning desire for something. Any
achievement in life must start with the zeal of burning desire for a thing.
I want to speculate that zeal is not only wishing for a thing but also
being ready to receive. Many people have failed to achieve their destiny
today; they wish to be great but are not ready to receive it by what it
demands. There is a said “If wisher were horses beggars would ride on
them” yes everybody prayed or desired to be great but it can’t come to
everybody except those that prepare for it. Be bold, be courage’s, be
determined, be focus, and make your words be your stand. Greatness is a
thing that has to do with choice. Success does not come by chance; you

create an atmosphere for success. Information is the earn product of
success, Information is power, the level of Information you gather, the
bigger your destiny.

There is nobody born with so called confidence, yet is in the life of

somebody. How can these be known? The only way to identifies self
confidence is in time of adversity (when challenges arise) how to handle
them. It needs one to define himself, how to define the problem, the action
to approach such a problem these should be done with the fears of God.
Make yourself as the only person to handle your challenges. Most time
when adversity arises doesn’t go for an advice nor to cry for someone help
stand as the solution solver. The fastest result for a prayer solution is for
one to pray for oneself, you are the only person to handle the prayer of an
unmovable mountain that see itself as automate. Some advice is agents of
confusion, enemies of progress or destiny killer. Most advice multiply more
problems, the only way for such is to have a confidence on you. In some
cases, disclose it to your mentor. Have a mentor that can enlarge your
coast. Every great man has a mentor, in life is certain that God will use
someone to elevate the second to the top. Nobody on planet earth become
a celebrity without assistance from somewhere. Life is like leather,
confidence is the unseen backbone of a man that holds the life of a person

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Eat and drink,
Saith he to thee.(proverb 23 vs. 7)

One of the best ways to improve self image is by our words. Words
are like seeds; they have content, and there like a creative power. In the
book of Isaiah the scripture says “we shall eat the fruit of our words” that
amazed when you consider the truth. We should always be positive of our
words. When you wake in the morning blessed yourself with words; I’m
healthy, wealthy, blessed, talented, wise, and creative. Also blessed
someone with such a good words, our words is powerful. Always say you
can do it, when you do that you are building your self-image. Those words
permeate your heart and mind, especially your subconscious mind,
eventually they will begin to change the way you see yourself. “With our
tongue we can either be blessed our life or we curse our life” ( ).
Some people can curse their future by saying words that are negative to
their life. Some time what you will have made a trial, its sound as if is a
mountain before you by saying I don’t have what it, I can’t get it right, I’m
stubborn, am problem maker, I like problem. Etc

We must be extremely careful of what we air out of our mouth; our mouth
set direction to our success. Which direction are you? Do you bless your
life? Do you speak words of faith? Do you speak words that will help your
generation? You prone to say negative things, nothing ever happen to me, I
will never get out of debt; I will never change of this addiction. When you
sound negative you seek a limitation. You need to start speaking words like
I am excelling in my carrier, I have the grace, I make good decision

always, I’m industrious, I will soon get to a new level. These will create a
good picture in your mind, whether you feel good or not, declare positive
words. I’m anointed to do impossible. People expect to hear good words
from you, get an agreement with God and learn to speak word of faith. If
you develop a better image, you will become a better of you. Victory will be
waited for you. Learn to update your mentality by reading books, attend
conferences, worships, seminars or be a good listener where people Ideas
are used to feed the unfed about the current things in the word. Associate
with people of the same vision, it will encourage and brainwashed your
mentality to make your words work for you. Start learning from somewhere
by gathering good ideas of people; it will help you when you apply them.

Most parent alter negative words to their children in their tender

age, those words can be a curse that limit their entire life (destiny). Take
example of the sacrifices or vow our parent did during their time, those
utterances are the one most family are suffering today. A tree cannot
produce good fruit in a bad soil. “If the foundation is destroyed what can the
righteous do” (psalm 11 vs.3) a man can only excel in life if his foundation
is well laid. Some time the attitude of a child can destroy his future or
blessed, I can recalled in my childhood when offer of money was given to
me, I always told my sibling and my parent that this money is not for biscuit
nor food. I will save the money to build a mansion as at that tender age I
saw myself as a rich man who need a house of his own nursery such a big
vision, Is now I realize every vision show its light at the tender age of a
child through the character the person inhabit. Note an environment;
background (family) influence one destiny always defined your words with
action. God spoke to Abraham to leave his country because the land is
polluted as Abraham know of God promises upon him he obey the
instruction, that make him the father of all nation. Learn how to use your

words the world will look for you and enslaves them to your hands see
yourself as the first among equal.

“Before I formed thee in the belly I know
Thee, and before thou comest forth
Out of the worm I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet unto the nation”
(Jeremiah 1vs. 5)
The bible reveals to us of the assignment of Jeremiah, Daniel and
Amos as messengers of God as the called came, they had no former
training for their task, yet all that God would tell them was just don’t be
afraid but depend on his presence available to you. People often
complained of what they cannot do, and sometimes get depressed for who
they are or intimidated by what other people does even to the point they no
longer believe on their strength. This is because people value what they
don’t have, than what they have. Unfortunately, it is only when they lose
what they have before the real values of theirs would be magnificent in their
eyes. Sure, you have weakness? Is there no small strength in you that
could do even small thing? Force yourself. “Normal situation are force by
abnormal circumstances” until you realized by taking action to recovered
you will stand in the same condition. Always have attitude of readiness to
act at all times in your Endeavour’s. Start to do what is available with you.
Note, be the head cheeked of your life by tried to know yourself, people you
associated with at home, in the office or your work place. The world in a
weaken place nowadays people used evil to celebrate, proud. Where do
you stand? Is it in God or with evil? If you’re to serve God, serve him in
spirit and in truth and keep his commandment in him you will be save, he is
the author and the finishes of all things.
Jesus Christ discovered his assignment at the aged of twelve (12) to
take his father business. It would have amounted to disappointment to

heaven and a total failure on his part, if he lived like every other Prophet
ever before him. But he knew he had a purpose that brought on earth.

The purpose of one life is to fulfill those things which God destines
for you. Have you ever think of them? How often you pray? to show you
how you were called. If the purpose of your creation is to just to exist, eat
food, wear clothes, build mansions, ride cars, probably fleet on jets or
airplanes and finally you die then you have no eternal values to live. The
highest property a man can leave on earth is to die and leave a legacy.
Take one of the examples from Chinua Achebe of his novel (Things fall
apart). You need to live a life that pleases God and people around you by
affect life positively. Why not arise of that purpose? Make hast to find what
you really born for by trying something different from what you know. You
need to know what is meant for you by our heavenly father and what
heaven is required of you, It has a propensity to make you great because
when purpose is discover fulfillment is guaranteed.

A man who doesn’t go extra miles in fulfilling destines are men short
of understanding of why they were created. Sampson was such a man,
who born with an assignment to delivered his people from bondage in the
hands of their enemies. But he ended up his life in a ridiculous manner to
die with people who should have been his prey. (Judge 16 vs. ) This is a
calamity of ignorance and a broken focus of destiny. A child who short lives
his parent expectation is a sorrow to their mind. God is an expectant of
success. Any man who must fulfill destiny must be a man with focus and
full of information. When you are informed, you life would be a format for
others. Information is power, is the source to which findings are made. To
ask did you live to eat or you eat to live? Any successful man eats to live,
have information that advance your level of reasoning. Everything on earth

is meant for a purpose, the ants you may look common was created by
God for a purpose. The question is what do you born for? Are you born to
be a failure and remain as you are-- by accepting any thing that comes or
anything that pass to you? Please, you are not a failure until you accept to
be. Life is all about to take and not to receive. As the scripture say “From
the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of God suffered violence
and the violent take it by force” (Mathew 1 vs. 12) nobody will give you
what is your desire, you have the potential in you to take what God destiny
you to be, be a taker, takers are getters. Always believe on what you can
do, if mentality is obtained you can move forward to release God give

“And give him no rest, till he established and make
Jerusalem a praise in the earth” (Isaiah 62 vs. 7)
Since it doesn’t cost a dime to dream, you’ll never short change yourself to
stretch your imagination. I believed God left us in an unfinished world. So
we might share in the joy and satisfaction of creation. Great men always
ask critical question mostly when there face challenges. Some of the
questions are—


Planning is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

There are management concepts that say “If you fail to plan you plan to
fail” What is your target? Your objective or goal of that your business you
intend to start? What is your plan? You achieve in proportion to what you
attained. More people are persuaded in believing of nothing than into
believing too much. “Where there no vision the people perish”
(proverb ) Always make a step, God will elevate you by the work of
your hands. God cannot bless a lazy man who believed everything is ready
for him. He blessed those that have tools and ready to work. What are
those tools? The tools are the ideas you put to work, what you have to
make a living. God is not a magician; he is an invisible God that works with
principle. Note that success has principle. There is no breakthrough without
an atmosphere of blessed; the atmospheres will come from you before the
intervention of God blessed.


The progress of any man laid on the decision of his action that we
have about life “Our business in life is not to get ahead of other, but to get
ahead of ourselves— to break a record, to outstrip our yesterday by today,
to do our work with more ever before” (Stewart Johnson). If you know who
is responsible for most of you obstacles you wouldn’t sit down for a minute.
It is time to stay out of our own way. As a man think in his heart so is he, a
man can only choose what he needs. Do not build on imagination; your
future depends on many things, but mostly on you. “You may succeed if
nobody else believes in you, but you will not succeed if you don’t believe in
yourself “(Frank Tyger) Have the thought of a winner and a positive mind
that everything in life is easier within your limit. Then you will keep up
progressing within your range.


Time is the most wonderful enemies of life. Time spend cannot be

regained, live a life by working with time. If you master your time, success
will smile on your door. Life itself is a risk, for one to overcome such is to
work with his activities of time. I agreed with Jonathan Winter “I couldn’t
wait for success so I went ahead without it” always be a goal seeker “A
wise man will used any opportunity he sees” (Francis Bacon) Life is full of
golden opportunity , If none was created, you need to create one for
yourself by starting small. God installed potentials on every human being
start with what you can do, don’t stop because of an arrival create more of
the opportunity. A small beginning with focus brings a mighty progress.
Most great men started small, if you ask of their beginning, you will know
that starter is the stepping stone of any journey.


Don’t think of neither yesterday nor the past, think of today and
look unto the future, check your present actions and start laying plans for
tour future. There is future in the past “stop looking at where you can be”
(Mike Murdock) the past always be the way it was, stop trying by changing
it. You can’t get it right when your mind is full of blues about the past.


A man can only define himself when he encounter adversary.

Challenges make a man to think differently by gathering ideas and seek to
know more of what life is needed of--- Do you want to accomplish
something in life? Be like the stone gutter. Whatever you need to acquire in
life require persistence. Most people begin their success when other quit
“success often depend on knowing how long it will take to succeed”
(Montesquieu) T he secret of success is never let down and don’t let go
“seest thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings
(proverb ) the formula of progress is to have a vision, it boost one
thinking by strengthening your ability.


The secret weapon of war in the life of a winner is failure. Failure

wakes the mind of a man to act, to take a decision, to know where he is
and what he needs to do. If everything in life goes smooth, one will have
not thought of a better tomorrow. Think of the alternative risk you can do to
achieve you goal, the worse hope for a man is not to take risk. Take a risk
with less precaution; no one in life has ever achieved genuine success
without adversity. In the journey of life the devil is one of the tools that will
advance you to the top. The devil will help you to understand your strength,
to define yourself and to handle what is needful to take you to the place of
your rest. If you have tried to do something and you failed is better off than
if you had tried to do nothing and succeeded. Without a mistake you cannot
go forward, failure is one of the attribute that advances a man to the top.
Success consists of getting up just one time, more than you fall. Failure is
one of the weapons to strategies and to take correction measure to re-plan.


A lazy man is always judged by what he does not do. The point of
given up of life challenges is where you’re about to make mistake, to go is
a defining moment in once life. Nobody and nothing can bring you down
except you decide not to rise again. You are not a failure until you accept to
be a failed. “The fact that you failed does not mean you are a failure, but it
means you haven’t succeeded yet” (JOHN MANSON). The greatest
tragedy in life is not death but life that fails to fulfill its purpose and potential
on earth.


A man who is contented with his present stage of life is a killer of his
life. People of vision don’t rest. There are like a dog that is in a message to
deliver, there are not satisfied of any stage there found themselves. Life is
a race, if you have achieved all you have planned for yourself, you have not
plan enough. Be used of something significant; choose a goal for which you
are willing to exchange a piece of a thing. The sure way to happiness is to
lose in the cost of a thing greater than you. Always make a plan bigger than
your present stage in life; a good achiever is one who makes a step bigger
beyond people imagination. If you arrive to the expectation of your dream,
the sky will be your limit and you will be special in the eye of men and God.


The mind of a man is the answer to his problem. Everything great
started as a dream, successful people are dreamer. We are told never to
cross a bridge until you come to it. But world is owned who have crossed
bridges in their imagination far ahead of the crowd. Have believed that
everything on earth is possible, even the fight you’re unable to fight you can
still fight to overcome it. Learn to see the unseen, make a research to know
an unknown and it in mind that everything on earth is possible to achieve
by the ability in you to make decision in positioning and connecting to that
which is needed of your existence and the God by your side.


Every living organism is born with expectation to live a good life,

and people dream to have a way out in any attempt there made in their
daily activities. Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuses to have a
dream. Any dream goes with a sacrifice; sacrifice is an act of given out in
exchange of a result to satisfy the objective of the dreamer “He that
regarded reproof shall be honored” (proverb ). The road to success is
like s track that is under construction. If you do things the way you think
people might likely get it wrong in their thought. Take a decision that will
cost you something, life is a game of risk, nothing good comes easy it goes
with a price. A definitely decision will help you to overcome challenges
around you.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Many people go into
life not knowing what their want. If you are indecision to take a step or
advance in your action you will like a stream that does not flow. To move
from where you are--- you must decide where you will be. Life is a choice,
take what you need. Be a good taker and rule the world.

“And now, Israel what doth the lord thy God require of
Thee, but to fear the lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him and to
serve the lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul”
(Deuteronomy 10 vs. 12)
The scripture make us to know of men and women that rule the world
due to their commitment to God. Any man who aspires for greatness need
to upgrade his life in regard to his mindset or skill, what is needed to
attained the vision. The dictionary is the only place where success comes
before work. In reality work comes before pleasure, man need to work hard
to bring the best of what he is, to be comfortable in life require a cost which
goes with a price.
The to use their talent reason while many men complained of not
have an opportunity is because opportunity often wear the garb of hard
work.( Thomas Edison) most people missed it due to the fact that an
advantage of it. Opportunity is an element you must look for by taking.
“what so ever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, for there is no
work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou
goes’” (Ecclesiastes 9 vs. 10). Then, can you discover the secret of living
a productive and prosperous life? Don’t count idleness, it does not pay,
remember in the old testament of the holy bible ‘Eve’ the wife of Adam fell
into the temptation of eating the forbidden fruit in her moment of laxity. She
gave an opportunity for the devil to enter into a conversation with her that
led to her to fell in the sight of God. You need to make your mind not to be
such victim, keep your hands on the spindle.

The record of most successful men today does not reveal people that
sat in one place but those who took the challenges to stand with a plan of
action by not having fears of what they can encountered. The following can
give us the inside of the secret of greatness in the life of men that rule the


The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Creative mind always

show an act of invention, life of greatness demonstrates practical truth and
purity. He that kept his own soul shall be blessed, but he that despises his
ways shall die. “He that have pity upon the poor lendeth unto the lord, and
that which he hath given will he pay him again” (proverb 19 vs.16- 17)
men of great have fear to go beyond hurting their follow, they always know
that every great man is a vessel of God which there represent. They take
every body to be equal in spirit in the face of God.


There is an adage that says “A good house boy is a second to his

master” some people are not willing to start low; they want to take off from
the pinnacle. Before you become what you are destined to be, you need to
start low as a servant, humility lead to greatness. The bible told us of the
life of Joseph who started as a servant but ended up as a Governor. Ruth
choose to glean at Boaz’s field rather than stay at home to be moan her
widowhood, not only did she end up have favour and exalted. “Don’t
despise a little beginning” ( ) A small beginning is a foot step to the
top, great men has an attitude of respect of things that comes around them.


Those who reach the goal of excellence are not the quitter. They are not
those who are easily put off or have the spirit of discouragement. Men of
determination are not lazy bones mines; there have a ‘will’ an iron mind,
and the spirit to bear risk. “I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to
mine eyelids, until find out a place for the lord, an habitation for the mighty
God of Jacob” (psalm 131 vs. 3-4).People that have determination spend
less of their time to rest. There put more of their time in struggle to achieve
their desire target.


Many people failed in life because they are not consistent. They
jumped from one business to another and one uncompleted project to
another. They are not focus and stable. Unless you are stable and focus
you can’t be able to achieve a specific goal. No athlete can stay focus
without looking forward in obtaining the prize of winning a race. The bible
told us of a man know as Elisha who was focus when he longed for a
double anointing from his master (Elijah) he was hold heartedly prayed with
focus as he demanded so it was. A man of greatness kept his eyes on wise
decision and gave a doubt ears on distraction, he is like a bird that face the
direction of the air without turning. “Take your twelve men out of the people,
out of every tribe and command ye them saying take you hence out of the
place where the priests feet stood firm, twelve stone, and ye shall carry
them over with you, and leave them in the lodging place, where ye shall
lodge this night” (Joshua 2 vs. 3). The secret of focus is faith. “Faith is the
substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrew 11
vs. 1). When you have faith in what you believe on, God will water it to
achieve the best you wished.


Courage is the first secret to be mention in the life of great men.
Courage gives birth to determination and the end product of determination
is focus. These three weapons are crucial in achieving a destiny. “And
there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said
one to another; why set us here until we die? If we say, we will enter into
the city, and we shall die also. No therefore come, and let us fall unto the
host of the Syrians: If they save us alive we shall live; and if they kill us, we
shall but die “(2 kings 7 vs. 3-4). These lepers summon courage to enter
the city and there didn’t meet any of the enemy rather saw enough food
and take charge of the city. Life is about risk, anywhere there is hardship,
obstacle and crises know that there is something good out of that, which
can give a result to a problem. For you to achieve that, you need to exhibit
extreme courage you copes with the challenges of life. People who quite
when they encounter obstacle never develop the creativity that is the
ultimate reward for a commitment. Courage strengthened your objective. I
strongly believe in the stamen “winner never quit and quitter never wins”.
One of the courageous men is Nelson Mandela of South African who
fought for the freedom of his people from slavery; he went to prison for
years because of the struggle to change the system for his people to be
save. Abraham Lincoln of united state of America (USA) he lack the
privileges from his background and neglected by the society , he took
courage from nothing to become a figure in the history of event. These
people succeeded due to their mind set of courage.


A man who has time for prayers is always a winner. Prayer is a

master key of any unlocked doors; for obtaining vision and dreams for
creative life. These create opportunities to receive the best from God. “The

secrete things belong unto the lord our God, but those things that are
revealed belong unto us and for our children for ever, that we may do all
the word of this law” (Deuteronomy 29 vs.29) For life to be meaningful for
existence one need to be prayerful “put on the whole armor of God, that ye
may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We do not wrestle
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of these ages, against spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6 vs. 11-12). Prayers has
stood the test of time as proven principles for creativity, and obtained
mercy, favour and grace from our almighty God. There is nothing in life that
pass prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching theirs with all
perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6 vs. 18). Prayer
is weapons that control the activities of anything on earth. The spiritual
control the physical, be spiritual minded in prayers and stand as a case of
good reference for generations.

“Be sober, be vigilant, because you adversary the devil as
A roaring the lion, walked about, seeking whom he may devour
Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same
Affliction are accomplished in your brethren that are
In the world” (1 peter 5 vs. 8-9)

Life is a journey; the road to success is always wrought, you will

encounter challenges, it might look like a stoning road where vehicle
manage to rid on. In life there is nothing that comes big without an
obstacle; a successful life goes with a story. Note, the devil didn’t like a
good thing, they always like whom to devour. It is very important to know
such an enemy, without knowing such it is very difficult to overcome them.
They are always on board in the journey of life. You may see them with
your eyes, they may come in mask, they can even be your close friend(s)
or member(s) of your household, and it might not be common to easily
identify them. Sometime you can observe them by their lifestyle. The only
way to identify them is in your relationship with God for his intervention to
revealed himself to your of his plan upon you. Most t of them might not
show it physically. Though, they are wolves in a sheep clothes. There are
many groups of such in the society today that prefer evil than good. Some
of the enemies can be seen as followed.


People are different in their way of doing things. People who fall into
these group are always comes with words in form of advice to change your
good decision or planned, sometime they can condemn your good effort to

make your feel as if your planned in life is a waste or can’t give good result.
This group of people cannot talk anything good thing on your endeavors. At
times, if you are not careful you will be defeated and lose direction in life.


People have different lifestyle, belief and ways of religious; in the

society today, most people has the spirit to seduce men or women. They
have negative attitude to achieve their desire wants, there can deceive you
to sin before God. People both great or small have fallen victim of these
acts. The bible tell us of the story of Reuben who lost his portion of divine
inheritance as the first born just because of a little pleasure he had with the
father wife. (Genesis 35) Another case is of the story of Sampson who was
anointed by God to deliver his people from slavery, lost his strength and
sight in lap of Delilah the daughter of Jezebel due to the effectual love he
sold himself to her nation (Judges 13 vs. 16). Nowadays, many men or
women go into this act due to emotional spirit they had by given all what
there have for the sack of sex, some can do all manner of things for sex to


There are some people in the society who dressed and expose
themselves for commercial purpose by trying to win the minds of people.
Nowadays people are with the mentality to imitate others intends of
dressed, moving steps, way of communication and dancing etc mostly
friend (s) at their tender age like to act by saying my friend do these I need
to do the latest faction, this is our time. This improper lifestyle can take one
to go astray and missed his portion in heaven. Many daughter of Jezebel
are out there like roaring lion seeking to whom to devour. The bible tell us

of the story of Shechem the son of Harmon, the Levite who defile Dinah the
daughter of Jacob. (Genesis 34).


Enemy shows come in different ways, something there appeared

physically to stop someone for his success, and they see themselves more
powerful than you in the name of having a Godfather who can speak for
them in the days of trouble. They believe by turning black to white for their
favour. Who is your Godfather? Whom will you report to? Incase problem
rises. The ministry of God was fought; the Apostles and early disciples of
Jesus Christ were greatly opposed from spreading the gospel of God due
to the fear of unbelievers (devil). Isaac was victimized not to get water from
the well when he was thirsty during the time their came out from Egypt
(Genesis 22) John the Baptist is another person that was beheaded
because he was preaching the gospel of God. Enemies are all over to
collect your belonging, to stop you to your place of rest.


Enemies are common in the society; they cannot be easily to be

identifying due to the nature of their operation. Those operating in these
groups are those practices mystical and witchcraft. They have the power to
be in their house and travel by spirit to any part of the world. People fly like
jet to hinder destiny, killing people spiritually and make them
uncomfortable, miserable, frustrated and not achieved God purpose on
earth. They live within you, there can laugh with you do as if they are too
good to you rather there are wolves in the sheep clothes. The witchcraft
operators can sit one place and know what is happening or about to
happen in the life of the oppressor. They can manipulate someone destiny
to amount to nothing. These people can be your friend(s), member of your
household or your relatives, it likely be someone who know you. They is a
popular saying “one who know you kissed you”. Beware of enemies there
are on board to stop you’re to a place of rest (destiny). The enemy can
exchange your life in spirit while you’re still living. These people can cause
you to live a valueless life in the society. They are good in stealing words
as the breeds blow so as there here people conversation. The devil
understands every language on earth, there is no distance in the realm of
the spirit. Always defined yourself, the scripture said “For the weapon of our
warfare are not carnel but mighty in God for the pulling of strong hold”
(proverb ).

On the way to your destiny watch well, be like a watchdog suspect

anything coming to your way. They may appear like a cockroach, ants,
animal(s) or any to achieve their evil program. The best way to overcome
them is to have a good relationship with God by defining your full step. The
way you talk, act, and behavior. Note, not every prayer can solve these it
can only work through a force “And from the days of John the Baptist until
now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by
force” (Mathew 11 vs. 12). Live a life of being in charge of your challenges,
the biggest problem a man faces can only solve by him, he can receive a
guide from his master but he is to stand for it. Life is all about taken not to
receive. How you make your bed so as you will lay on it.


The last enemy is you. Many great dreams and ideas have been
buried in the common graveyard due to procrastination. Procrastination is
the thief of time, is a power silent disease, worsen than human immunes
deficiency virus (HIV) I describe it as “I will do it latter’ my friend says,
tomorrow, is too early”. Please what do you say to this menace? Is to have

a program of how things work with timing yourself in anything your doing on
earth. Always a starter “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a step”
(John Manson) put potentials at work. You will live not to excuse yourself
from challenges. You will be a test of time for people to make reference.
Time is not reversible, plan for time.

“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established”
(proverb 24 vs. 3)

God created the earth with all the endowments for humans to live,
eats and to be in charge of all other creatures. The initial plan of God is for
every man to live and enjoyed without suffering. Due to the program of the
devil man is not living as it was plan by God. The devil takes charge of the
activities of man in operation. Initial God destined man to live and achieve
his vision and live without death. The devil alters it to make man to his
instruction and end up living a miserable life. Due to the manipulation of the
devil some people are caught short of their way in exchange of their
destiny, some die on their edge of breakthrough, some were mislaid, while
some cry in the graveyard of sorrow and leave shame and suffering to the
born and unborn generations.
“Man knows their selves” (Socrates). By knowing yourself, check your
life, and think of what you have not done and what is needed of you to do
because the earth is a dangerous place to live, is a home of the survival of
the fitted. “The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice and he that
begotteth a wise child shall have joy of him” (proverb 23 vs. 24).
The wise one achieve destiny because they define themselves in
their daily activities with God. Some of the things we are troubling God--- in
prayers and waited on his answer do not really have their solution in
heaven. They are with us on earth. All that God is looking for is the
opportunity to cause us to hear from him. So he would cause our eyes to

be opened of what is within us to make use of it. They are hopes, riches
and inheritance for the calling of God on us, yet we need God to open our
eyes, ears and heart to know them.
The calling and blessing he has for us is yours, but they will not
manifest their benefit until you seek God to open you eyes. As a matter of
facts, you will become a trouble to the world if today you are not commit
yourself to discover and recover you will be a sorrow to your generation.
Until you realize what is in the world her blessing that are trapped inside
you will not be known. The world is in your hands and God is by your side,
wake up and start to create an impact and legacy that will change the world
for a good. If you don’t build, you build to destroy, start doing something for
the society to hear of your existence. May the almighty God who brought us
to this unfinished world guide you and see you through to achieve your
desire on earth.


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