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5 Different Conflicts and how to solve them

Conflict #1 Conflict #2
Someone wants to attack you. You are in an argument with someone.
If you find yourself in this situation here some Try and talk to them peacefully so their tone could
examples. get better towards you.
Go gather some friends because stuff might become Try persuade them so they can get on you side and
messy. resolve it easier.
Tell your parents so they can resolve it for you.

Conflict #3 Conflict #4

If you fall out with your friend. If a bully wont stop bothering you.

Give them some space and take some Go try and talk to an adult about your problems with
time to regroup yourself. this bully and tell them all the details about how
they have been bullying you.
Once you have taken some time to
yourself, go try and talk to them and get Once you finish talking to a teacher or parent try
what happened. and get them to expel the person or a strategy to
get them off you.

Conflict #5
If you failed a class.
Take responsibility on failing and don’t blame it on
anyone besides yourself. It will make you look bad when
the teacher was trying to teach you.

Once you take responsibility so in next year and take the

class again and go in for extra help and try and get a good
relationship with your teacher.

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