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Results in Physics 26 (2021) 104390

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A mathematical model to study resistance and non-resistance strains

of influenza
Isa Abdullahi Baba a, Hijaz Ahmad b, c, *, M.D. Alsulami d, khadija M. Abualnaja e,
Mohamed Altanji f
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Department of Basic Sciences, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Section of Mathematics, International Telematic University Uninettuno, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39, 00186 Roma, Italy
University of Jeddah, College of Sciences and Arts at Alkamil, Department of Mathematics, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Taif University, P. O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Recently, cases of influenza virus resistance are being observed. Resistance is deadly and can cause many pan­
Equilibrium points demics in future. That is why, here we investigate the situation on which the strains exist side – by – side and the
Bilinear incidence rate difference in their mode of transmission. This paper studies two strain (resistance and non - resistance) flu model.
Basic reproduction ratio
The non-resistant strain mutates to give the resistant strain. These strains are differentiated by their incidence
Saturated incidence rate
Global stability
rates which are; bilinear and saturated for the non-resistant and saturated resistant strain respectively. This will
Lyapunov function help in studying the difference in the mode of transmission of the two strains. Equilibrium solutions are
computed and Lyapunov functions are used to show their global stability. It is clear from the analysis that disease
– free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if max{RR , RN } < 1. On the other hand endemic equilibrium is
globally asymptotically stable if min{RR , RN } > 1. Any strain with biggest basic reproduction ratio out performs
the other. In order to support the analytic results some numerical simulations are carried out.

Introduction changes in the virus. New strains are produced which is hardly recog­
nized by antibodies. Contrastingly, antigenic is characterized by rapid
Influenza virus causes Influenza. It is characterized by a serious change in the virus which gives rise to an entirely new strain. While
cytopathogenic respiratory disease which is infectious in nature [1]. Influenza A can undergo either of the changes, Influenza B only un­
Based on matrix protein (M) and nucleoprotein (NP) differences, it dergoes antigenic drift [5].
subdivide into A, B, and C [2]. New Influenza strain is hardly prevented by vaccination. This can be
Type A and B infects humans and animals. Type A being the most observed from the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Therefore, in order
severe is further divided according to hemagglutinin and neuraminidase to prevent the escalation of influenza epidemic, antiviral is needed
proteins found on the surface of the virus. There is H1 to H16 of hem­ [5–7]. Nowadays, influenza virus resistance cases are discovered.
agglutinin and N1 to N9 of neuraminidase. The nomenclature of Influ­ Example is the H3N2 virus resistance to Aminoadamantanes and H1N1
enza A depends on the combination of the various hemagglutinin and virus resistance to Oseltamivir [8–10]. Resistance is deadly and can
neuraminidase. For example H1N1 virus means influenza A that has an cause many pandemics in future [9].
H1 protein and N1 protein. On the other hand, type C affects only General, transmission rate of a new strain of is believed to be very
humans. Its spread is not usually epidemic that is why it is hardly little when compared with the original strain. This phenomenon is
differentiated from common cold [3]. linked with the fact that mutation minimizes viral strength [10–15].
Another mode of characterization of influenza A and B is through However, it was found in the case of H1N1 influenza virus resistance to
strains. New Influenza strain appears through either antigenic drift or Oseltamivir that these mutations do not necessarily effect virus trans­
antigenic shift [4]. Antigenic drift happens over time through gradual mission [16–19].

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Ahmad).
Received 19 January 2021; Received in revised form 24 May 2021; Accepted 25 May 2021
Available online 29 May 2021
2211-3797/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
I. Abdullahi Baba et al. Results in Physics 26 (2021) 104390

Mathematical modeling helps in studying the dynamics of a given

epidemic disease [26–41]. For any epidemic, the important questions
that need answers are: what causes the epidemic, and how can the
population be prevented? Epidemiological models answer these type of
questions [20–22]. That is why, in order to analyze the situation in
which the two strains can coexist and the difference in their mode of
transmission, we employ the use of mathematical modeling. An impor­
tant element in mathematical modeling is the Incidence rate. Its’ sig­
nificance in epidemiology can’t be over emphasized.
This paper studies two strains of influenza and their possible coex­
istence in a population. Different incidence rates were considered for
these strains. This is due to the fact that the mutated strain will have a
minimal effect. We assume saturated and bilinear incidence rates for the
resistant and non-resistant strains respectively. Saturated incidence rate
grasps the negotiating alteration and swarming impact of the infected
people and hinders the unboundedness of the interconnection rate by
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of model (1).
fitting parameters, which was reused in several epidemic issues [24,25].
The paper follows the following format; in the first section, the
introduction is given. Second section takes care of the model construc­ Mathematical analysis
tion. Detail analysis of the model is given in the third section. Numerical
simulations and conclusion are given in the fourth and fifth sections The following lemma is presented first;
respectively. Lemma 1. S +IR +IN +R = dbis an invariant manifold of system (1), which
is attracting in the fourth quadrant.
Model construction
Proof. Summing equations in (1), we have
An epidemic model with two – strain and four compartments is dN βSIR βSIR
considered. Let S(t) – susceptible, IR (t) - infective resistant, IN (t) - = b − dS − αSIN − + αSIN − (d + μ)IN + − (d + γ)IR
dt 1 + kIR 1 + kIR
infective non-resistant, and R(t) - removed individuals at time t, repre­ + μIN + γIR − dR,
sent the compartments. Table 1 gives the meaning of parameters and
Fig. 1 consists of the schematic diagram of the model. dN
We assume that; = b − dN.
For N(t0 ) ≥ 0, we have
(i) people become susceptible through birth or immigration only
(ii) co – infection is not possible b
N(t) = + ce− dt ,
(iii) there is immunity d

The disease dynamics can clearly be studied using the system of now at t0 = 0,
equations below; b
N(t0 ) = + c,
dS βSIR d
= b − dS − αSIN − , ( )
dt 1 + kIR
b b − dt
∴N(t) = + N(t0 ) − e .
dIN d d
= αSIN − (d + μ)IN ,
dt Thus lim N(t) = db,
dIR βSIR Since, N = S +IR +IN +R, then we can consider,
= − (d + γ)IR , (1)
dt 1 + kIR dS βSIR
= b − dS − αSIN − ,
dR dt 1 + kIR
= μIN + γIR − dR.
dt dIN
= αSIN − (d + μ)IN ,
where, N = S + IR + IN + R. dt

= − (d + γ)IR .
dt 1 + kIR

Table 1
Parameters description of the model.
Parameter Description
Equilibrium solutions
B Recruitment into susceptible class
1 Death rate
We get the following solutions after equating (1) to zero and solving
В Rate of infection by resistant strain the system simultaneously;
α Rate of infection by non – resistant strain
1 Rate at which individuals with resistant strain become removed from
(i) Disease free equilibrium
γ the population
1 Rate at which individuals with non - resistant strain become removed ( )
μ from the population E0 = , 0, 0
k Mutation effect on the resistant strain

I. Abdullahi Baba et al. Results in Physics 26 (2021) 104390

⎡ ⎤
αS 0 [ ]
d+μ 0
F=⎣ βS βkSIN ⎦, V =
(ii) Non-resistant equilibrium 0 −
1 + kIN (1 + kIN )2
0 d+γ
( )
d + μ bα − d 2 − d μ Then,
E1 = , ,0 ,
α α(d + μ) ⎡ ⎤
which exists when bα − d − dμ ≥ 0, and this is the same as bα
≥ 1. ⎢αd 0 ⎥
d(d+μ) ⎢
F(E0 ) = ⎣ ⎥,
0 β
(iii) Resistant equilibrium d
( )
d + γ + bk bβ − d2 − dγ and,
E2 = , 0, ,
dk + β dγk + d2 k + βd + βγ ⎡ αb ⎤

⎢ d(d + μ) ⎥
which only exists if bβ − d2 − dγ ≥ 0, and this is the same as d(d+γ) ≥ 1. FV − 1 (E0 ) = ⎢

βb ⎦
d(d + γ)
(iv) Endemic equilibrium
( ) The dominant eigenvalue of FV − 1 (E0 ) is the basic reproduction
d + μ − (d2 k + dkμ + βd − αd − αγ + βμ − bkα) βd + βμ − αd − αγ number, and is given by;
E3 = , , ,
α (d + μ)αk (d + γ)αk ( )
R0 = ρ FV − 1 .
which only exists if, This implies R0 = RN = d(d+ μ), orR0 = RR = d(d+γ).
αb βb

d2 k + dkμ + βd − αd − αγ + βμ − bkα ≤ 0, (*) The portrait of R0 is given in Figs. 2 and 3 below;

andβd + βμ − αd − αγ ≥ 0.(**) Stability analysis

From (*)
Here, global stability analyses of the equilibrium solutions are car­
[dk(d + μ) − bkα ] + [β(d + μ) − α(d + γ)] ≤ 0. ried out by Lyapunov function technique. Let us prove the following
This is equivalent to; d(d+
μ) ≥ 1, and d(d+γ) ≤ d(d+μ).
βb αb

From (**), Theorem 1. E0 is globally asymptotically stable if max{RR , RN } < 1 and

unstable otherwise.
β(d + μ) ≥ α(d + γ).
Proof. Consider the Lyapunov function defined as;
This implies d(d+γ)
βb αb
≥ d(d+ μ).
V = (S − S0 lnS) + IR + IN + C,
From (*) and (**), endemic equilibrium E3 exists only if
βb αb whereC = − S0 +S0 lnS0 . Then
= ≥ 1. ( )
d(d + γ) d(d + μ) S0
V̇ = 1 − Ṡ + I˙R + I˙N
Basic reproduction ratio

The method of next generation matrix (NGM) is used here to obtain

the basic reproduction ratio. Let

Fig. 2. Portrait of.R0 = RN

I. Abdullahi Baba et al. Results in Physics 26 (2021) 104390

Fig. 3. Portrait of.R0 = RR

( )( )
S0 βSIR ( ) ( )
= 1− b − dS − αSIN − + (αS S S1 − αb + d 2 + d μ
S 1 + kIR ≤ dS1 2 − − + (αS − (d + μ))
( ) S1 S α(d + μ)
βSIR ( )
− (d + μ)IN ) + − (d + γ)IR β(d + μ)
1 + kIR + IR − (d + γ)
( ) ( )
dS0 2 αS0 βS0 By the relation between geometric and arithmetic means, it is clear
= dS0 − dS − + (d + μ)IN − 1 + (d + γ)IR − 1
S d+μ (d + γ)(1 + kIR ) that V̇ ≤ 0if,
− αb + d2 + dμ < 0andβ(d+
α − (d +γ) < 0.
( )
S S0 This implies RN > 1and RN > RR .
≤ dS0 2 − − + (d + μ)IN (RN − 1) + (d + γ)IR (RR − 1).
S0 S
Theorem 3. E2 is globally asymptotically stable if RR > 1and RR >
By the relation between geometric and arithmetic means and b(dk+β) b(dk+β)
, RN > d(d+γ+bk).
considering d(d+γ+bk)

max{RR , RN } < 1, we have the proof. Proof. Consider the following Lyapunov function

Theorem 2. If RN > 1 and RN > RR ,then E1 is globally asymptotically V = (S − S2 lnS) + (IR − IR2 lnIR )+IN + C,
whereC = − S2 +S2 lnS2 − IR2 +IR2 lnIR2 . Then
Proof. Consider the Lyapunov function defined as; ( ) ( )
S2 IR2 ˙
V = (S − S1 lnS) + (IN − IN1 lnIN )+IR + C, V̇ = 1 − Ṡ + 1 − I R + I˙N
Where C = − S1 +S1 lnS1 − IN1 +IN1 lnIN1 . Then, ( )( ) ( )( )
( ) ( ) S2 βSIR IR2 βSIR
S1 IN1 ˙ = 1− b − dS − αSIN − + 1− − (d + γ)IR
V̇ = 1 − Ṡ + 1 − I N + I˙R S 1 + kIR IR 1 + kIR
S IN + αS − (d + μ)IN
( )( ) ( )
S1 βSIR IN1 ( ) (
= 1− b − dS − αSIR − + 1− (αS − (d + μ)IN )
S 1 + kIR IN dS2 2 βS2
( ) = 2dS2 − dS − + IN (αS2 − (d + μ) ) + IR − (d + γ) + IR2 (d
βSIR S 1 + kIR
+ − (d + γ)IR )
1 + kIR βS
+ γ) −
1 + kIR
dS1 2 ( ) ( ) ( )
= 2dS1 − dS − + IN (αS1 − (d + μ) ) + IN1 ( − αS + (d + μ))
( ) =dS2 2− S
− SS2 + IN α(d+γ+bk)
− (d + μ) + IR β(d+γ+bk)
− (d + γ) +
+ IR
1 + kIR
− (d + γ) ( )( )
βS − bβ+d2 +dγ
− (d + γ) dγk+d2 k+βd+βγ
( ) ( )
S S1 (d + μ)
= dS1 2 − − +IN α − (d + μ) − IN1 (αS − (d + μ)) By the relation between geometric and arithmetic means, it is clear
S1 S α
⎛ ⎞ V̇ ≤ 0if,
⎜β α ⎟ d + γ + bk d + μ d + γ + bk d + γ
+ IR ⎝ − (d + γ) ⎠ < , and < .
1 + kIR dk + β α dk + β β

I. Abdullahi Baba et al. Results in Physics 26 (2021) 104390

b(dk+β) b(dk+β)
This implies RN > d(d+γ+bk) , andRR > d(d+γ+bk) ,
and − bβ +d2 +dγ < 0 which implies RR > 1.
Theorem 4. If RR = RN > 1, then E3 is globally asymptotically stable.
Proof. Consider the Lyapunov function define as;
V = (S − S3 lnS) + (IR − IR3 lnIR ) + (IN − IN3 lnIN ) + C,
where C = − S3 +S3 lnS3 − IR3 +IR3 lnIR3 − IN3 +IN3 lnIN3 . Then
( ) ( ) ( )
S3 IR3 ˙ IN3 ˙
V̇ = 1 − Ṡ + 1 − IN + 1 − IN
( )( ) ( )(
= 1− b − dS − αSIN − + 1− αS
S 1 + kIR IN
( )( )
IR3 βSIR Fig. 5. Dynamics of.E1
− (d + μ)IN ) + 1 − − (d + γ)IR
IR 1 + kIR

Table 2
dS3 2
= 2dS3 − dS − + IN (αS3 − (d + μ) ) + IN3 ((d Parameter values as used in the simulation.
( ) ( ) Parameter Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7
βS3 βS
+ μ) − α S ) + I R − (d + γ) + IR3 (d + γ) −
1 + kIR 1 + kIR b 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
d 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
α 0.15 0.60 0.15 0.60
( ) ( 2 ) μ 0.80 0.20 0.80 0.20
S S3 d k + dkμ + βd − αd − αγ + βμ − αbk
≤ dS3 2− − +(αS − (d + μ)) β 0.10 0.10 0.52 0.60
S3 S αk(d + μ)
( ) ( )( ) γ 0.75 0.75 0.22 0.20
β(d + μ) βS − βd − βμ + αd + αγ
+ IR − (d + γ) + − (d + γ) k 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00
α 1 + kIR αk(d + γ)
RN 0.75 7.50 0.75 7.50
RR 0.53 0.53 6.20 7.50
By the relation between geometric and arithmetic means, it is clear
V̇ ≤ 0if ,
Numerical simulations
d2 k + dkμ + βd − αd − αγ + βμ − αbk ≤ 0, (*)

α − (d +γ) ≤ 0, (**) and − βd − βμ + αd + αγ ≤ 0.(***)

This section consists of the numerical simulations. It can be seen that
From (*) the results support the analytic results. From Fig. 2 it is clear that both
strains die out, reason being max{RR , RN } < 1 (RN = 0.75, andRR =
RN ≥ 1andRN ≥ RR . 0.53). For Fig. 3 resistant strain dies out with RR = 0.53 and non-
From (**) resistant strain persists with RN = 7.5 and in Fig. 4 non-resistant strain
diminish with RN = 0.75and resistant strain persists withRR = 6.2.
RN ≥ RR . Finally in Fig. 5 the two strains persist withRN = RR = 7.5. Parameter
From (***) values for the numerical simulations are given in Table 2.

RR ≥ RN . Conclusion
From (*), (**)and(***), we get
Recently, cases of influenza virus resistance are being observed.
RN = RR = 1. Resistance is deadly and can cause many pandemics in future. That is
why, in this paper we analyze the possible coexistence for the two strains
and the difference in their mode of transmission. Two strain influenza
model is constructed in which one strain mutates to give the other. We
attribute bilinear and saturated incidence rates to non-resistant and

Fig. 4. Dynamics of.E0 Fig. 6. Dynamics of.E2

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