Stakeholders Participation Analysis in School Operational Assistance Fund Management in Sman 16 North Bengkulu

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1 (June, 2023)


Heru Herdianto 1, Suparman 2, Kahar Hakim 3
1 Depatrement Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science And Political Science, University of Bengkulu.
2 3 Depatrement Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science And Political Science, University of Bengkulu.


Received: 15 May 2023 This study aims to analyze the role of stakeholder
Revised: 28 May 2023 participation in planning the preparation of the BOS RKAS
Accepted: 8 June 2023 funds, analyze the role of stakeholder participation in
Available online: 12 June 2023 planning the implementation of BOS funds, and analyze the
role of stakeholder participation in planning the oversight of
BOS funds at SMAN 16 Bengkulu Utara. In this study, the
authors used a qualitative descriptive approach. The
Stakeholder Participation, BOS
informants in this study were SMAN 16 Bengkulu Utara
funds, SMAN 16 North Bengkulu stakeholders, namely the principal, teacher board,
administrative staff, committees and parents/guardians of
CORRESPONDENCE students who were only taken as representatives from each
part of the stakeholders. The population in this study
Phone: 081373069706
consisted of 6 people consisting of 1 school principal, 1
E-mail: school committee, 1 teacher council, 1 BOS fund treasurer, 1
parent/guardian, 1 school administration. Data analysis in
THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE this study was carried out through the steps, namely Data
UNDER THE CC– BY-SA LICENSE Reduction, Data Presentation and Conclusion Drawing.
The results of the study found that the management of BOS
funds at SMA Negeri 16 Bengkulu Utara went through
several stages and processes of using the funds starting from
planning, implementing, and supervising. The process of
planning or budgeting for BOS funds is in accordance with
the regulation of the minister of education and culture of the
Republic of Indonesia number 8 of 2022. In implementing
the management of BOS funds, it must be based on
agreements and joint decisions between the school BOS
management team, the teacher council, and the school
committee which must be registered as one one source of
revenue in RKAS. The process of managing BOS funds at
SMA Negeri 16 North Bengkulu did not necessarily go well
and smoothly, in other words, the management of BOS
funds had obstacles or obstacles that hindered the
operational activities of SMA Negeri 16 Bengkulu Utara.
For example, the process of disbursing funds was slow,
causing disruption to the operations of North Bengkulu 16
Public High School.

Doi: Available at :

OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (March, 2023)

INTRODUCTION the wider community besides parents of

Education is essentially an effort to students in realizing national education.
facilitate students to be able to solve Therefore, a real contribution is needed
problems in life that they will face in the from all the existing tools in the SBM
future. Thus it becomes clear that the concept in accordance with the
government has a duty to ensure the characteristics of the school concerned.
fulfillment of the right of every citizen to Given the importance of the participation
obtain proper education, as stipulated in of all school members and the community
the 1945 Constitution. Realizing this, the in advancing education in schools, as a
government has made various efforts to consequence of accommodating the
improve the quality of education, aspirations, hopes and needs of
including in improving the education interested parties (stakeholders) towards
system. These efforts included shifting schools, it is necessary to have a forum
the paradigm of the management of the that can accommodate views, aspirations
education system from centralized to and explore potential society to ensure
decentralized which became known as democratization, transparency and
regional autonomy. accountability. Participation of the wider
One of the government's efforts to community consisting of parents of
improve the quality of education in this students, student representatives,
era of regional autonomy is by teacher representatives, principals,
implementing the concept of School- representatives of local community
Based Management. In the Guide to the leaders, institutionalized community
SBM Program it is stated that SBM is representatives (lurah, sub-district heads
seen as an approach to school and other officials in the school area),
management within the framework of education officials (Education Office).
decentralization of education which The objectives of stakeholder
gives schools broader authority to make participation are (1) to accommodate and
decisions regarding the management of channel aspirations and initiatives in
school education resources (human, producing operational policies and
financial, materials, methods, technology, education programs in education units,
authority and time). which is supported (2) to increase shared responsibility and
by the high participation of school role in education delivery, and (3) to
members, parents and the community, create an atmosphere and conditions that
and is in accordance with the national are transparent, accountable and
education policy framework in order to democratic in the delivery and service of
improve the quality of education. The quality education in educational units
essence of SBM is management that gives (Hasbullah, 2006). There are three main
autonomy or independence to schools roles of school stakeholders (1) providing
and encourages participatory decision- advice (advisory agency), (2) providing
making that directly involves all school support (supporting agency), (3)
members in accordance with service supervising the implementation of
standardsset by the government. education in schools (controlling agency)
Implementation of SBM contains a (Kurniawan, I., 2006). The synergy
mission to increase the participation of between school stakeholders causes
educational responsibility to become a

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OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (June, 2023)

shared responsibility between schools demonstrated by the participation of

and the community as work partners in school stakeholders in mendraw up a
building education. From here the School Budget Activity Plan. In this
community will be able to channel context schools must involve all potential
various ideas and participate in teachers and the entire education
advancing education in their area. community to provide advice in
Besides that, the community through the preparing RKAS. The need for the
school committee has the right to know involvement of all parties in the
the various disbursements of funds that preparation of the RKAS, namely that all
flow to schools (Ali Hanapiah Muhi, components of education in schools have
2012). a moral responsibility to carry out and
One example of an education fund control the application of plans that have
that needs to be managed is the School been prepared together. As a form of
Operational Assistance (BOS). BOS is a the high level of participation in the
government program which is basically preparation of the RKAS, the RKAS must
to provide funding for non-personnel be displayed so that every member of the
operating costs for basic education units school community can see directly the
as implementers of the compulsory plans that have been prepared together.
education program (BOS Handbook At the implementation level of spending
2012). BOS funds, the school principal and BOS
One of the performance of school treasurer must always coordinate all
stakeholders is providing input for the activities for spending or disbursing
preparation of the BOS Funding School BOS funds. At this stage it is necessary to
Activity and Budget Plan (RKAS), explain openly the mechanism of
providing consideration for changes and spending and financial expenditure. Thus
participating in ratifying the RKAS with school stakeholders can provide input or
the school principal. Of course, the consideration if there are expenditures or
RKAS should not deviate from the RPS expenditures that are not in accordance
or the strategic plan, because the with the plans that have been prepared.
existence of the RKAS serves to achieve This is an effective form of control or
the objectives that were previously supervision in order to further improve
summarized in the main objectives of the the management of BOS funds.
School Development Plan (RPS). RKAS is Furthermore, in order to better support
a detailed program/activity cost and the level of participation in the plan for
funding plan for one fiscal year preparing the management of BOS funds,
(Rahmania Utari, 2012). it is also necessary to conduct an
evaluation of the management of BOS
In order to be able to manage BOS
funds. Evaluation activities carried out
funds in a participatory manner, it is
also need to involve the participation of
necessary to make proactive efforts from
the school committee. Every finding in
schools to involve school stakeholders so
the evaluation activity needs to be
that all matters related to fund
communicated to school stakeholders so
management are openly known to all that it can be known with certainty the
parties (Saleh, 2005). The strategy
management of BOS funds in schools.
implemented in managing BOS funds was
This evaluation will also serve as a
OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (March, 2023)

benchmark for the success of managing funds in schools is often not according to
BOS funds as well as a comparison the rules of the game because school
material for further management of BOS principals dominate policies. Especially
funds. in preparing programs and budget
Conditions in the field in the allocations. The domination of school
implementation of the program are still principals can make the process of
found various problems. Based on the preparing accountability reports for BOS
audit by the Supreme Audit Agency funds difficult to implement according to
(BPK) on the management of BOS funds the mechanism.
for the 2017 and semester 1 2018 fiscal One indicator of transparency in the
year in 3,237 sample schools in 33 management of BOS funds is the
provinces, irregularities were found in existence of school stakeholders.
2,054 or 63.5% of the total sample of However, in reality some of the
schools. The irregularities in BOS funds stakeholders, especially parents of
that were uncovered included providing students, do not know the existence and
assistance for transportation abroad, function of school stakeholders. This
PGRI donation fees, and incentives for ignorance is intentional on the part of
civil servant teachers. The negative school principals and other school
impact of BOS proved to be less able to officials who are afraid of the control of
suppress fraud in its management, this is policies that will be carried out by other
evident from several findings from the stakeholders. Management of BOS funds
Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the must be carried out in a transparent
results of inspections on the use of BOS manner by involving the School
funds in several places. One of the Committee. This is intended so that there
contributing factors to BOS funds at the is an effective control mechanism in the
school level is the low level of utilization of these funds. The impact of
transparency, accountability and citizen the absence of information disclosure in
participation in their management. the management of BOS funds is the
The management of BOS funds at the possibility of corruption under the guise
school level has so far tended to be closed of BOS. Primary research (2013) shows
and did not follow the guidelines for that community participation
managing BOS funds as prepared by the government transparency and public
Ministry of National Education. For accountability have no positive
example, the obligation to announce the relationship to the efficiency of BOS
APBS (School Expenditure Budget) on funds distribution. This was caused by a
school announcement boards was lack of coordination between school
apparently not followed by most schools. principals, BOS treasurers and school
In addition, the preparation of the APBS, committees.
especially the management of funds Observing the description above, it is
sourced from BOS, did not involve clear that the high level of participation
parents' participation. Finally, leakage of in the management of BOS funds is
BOS funds at the school level was indicated by the following, including the
unavoidable (Hendri, 2012: 1). The active role of school stakeholders in
problem with the management of BOS preparing and evaluating the use of BOS
funds. Through the management of BOS

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OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (June, 2023)

funds which is carried out by involving MATERIALS AND METHODE

the active participation of school
stakeholders, it is expected to be able to In this study, the authors used a
improve the quality of financial qualitative descriptive approach.
management in schools. Qualitative descriptive research,
SMAN 16 North Bengkulu, Marga descriptive is a formulation of the
Sakti Sebelat District, is one of the schools problem that guides research to explore
that received B funds OS and must try their or photograph social situations that will
best to make the most of BOS funds in be thoroughly, broadly and deeply
accordance with the technical guidelines examined. Informants are research
stipulated by the Ministry of National subjects who can provide information
Education. The conditions at SMAN 16 about the issues raised in the research.
Bengkulu Utara, Marga Sakti Sebelat Data analysis in this study was the
District, show that the BOS funds systematic process of searching for and
received by the school have been used organizing interview transcripts, field
toimprove the quality and achievement notes, and other materials that the
of student learning and have been used researcher had collected to increase the
to organize academic and non-academic researcher's own understanding of the
activities. material and to enable the researcher to
However, the existing reality shows present what he had found to others.
that the involvement of other education There are several steps that must be
stakeholders in schools, including taken in qualitative data analysis,
parents and the community who are namely:
members of school stakeholders, has not 1. Data reduction
been maximized. The lack of involvement Data reduction refers to selecting,
of other stakeholders can beseen from the focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and
observation results, namely participation transforming "raw data" that occurs in
in the planning process for preparing the written field notes. As we know, data
RKAS of BOS funds, which in this case reduction occurs continuously, through
is still dominated by the school principal the life of a qualitatively oriented project.
with the lack of involvement of In fact, even “before” the data is actually
community leaders and committees and collected. Data reduction is not
parents/guardians of students. Then something separate from analysis. Data
participation in the evaluation was also reduction is part of the analysis, the
not maximized because when the BOS researcher's choices of pieces of data to
funding year's budget ended, the school code, to draw out, and summarizing the
principal and BOS treasurer did not patterns of a number of pieces, what
involve other stakeholders in evaluating develops the story, are all analytical
the BOS program for the fiscal year so choices. Data reduction is a form of
that other stakeholders also did not analysis that refines, selects, focuses,
understand how the level of utilization of discards, and organizes data in a way
BOS funds was. where final conclusions can be drawn
and verified.
2. Data Presentation
Presentation of data is an activity
OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (March, 2023)

when a set of information is compiled. As carrying out its management, North

Emzir calls it, seeing a show helps us Bengkulu 16 State High School applies
understand what is happening and carry several procedures. The procedures are
out further analysis or action based on the planning for the preparation of the
that understanding. All are designed to RKAS, planning for implementation and
assemble structured information in an planning for supervision. The three
easily accessible, practical form so that procedures made by North Bengkulu 16
the researcher can see well what is Public High School in managing the
happening and can provide justified School Operational Assistance funds are
pictures or conclusions or move to the in accordance with applicable
next stage of analysis. regulations.
3. Conclusion There are three legal bases that are
The third step of the analysis the reference for Bos in 2022. The first is
activity is drawing conclusion the Regulation of the Minister of Finance
verification data. From the beginning of (PMK). PMK No 119/PMK.07/2022
data collection, qualitative researchers where the regulation regulates the
begin to decide the "meaning" of things Management of Special Non-Physical
noting regularities, patterns, Allocation Funds. Where in PMK it is
explanations, possible configurations, explained more in the Distribution
causal flows, and proportions. Mechanism and Distribution Stages.
Competent researchers can handle these Then the second is, Permendikbud No. 2
conclusions unambiguously, maintaining of 2022, regarding BOP PAUD funds,
honesty, suspicion and so on. Conclusion BOS and BOP for Equality Education.
drawing is only part of a data analysis Whereas in the Permendikbud it is more
process. about Targets, Requirements and Criteria
for Recipients, Use of BOS funds.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Furthermore, the third is Permendagri
No. 24/2022, regarding the management
Based on the summary of the of BOS funds for local governments
results of the interviews, it can be seen (Pemda), Permendagri No 27/2021,
that the Principal, BOS Treasurer, concerning Guidelines for Compiling the
Committee Chair, Head of Regional Revenue and Expenditure
Administration and Teachers and student Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year. And
guardian representatives have the same finally Permendagri No 24/2022
answers explaining the process of regulates the Governance of Recording,
preparing the RKAS carried out by the Administration, and BOS Financial
school. Accountability in 2022. Where the
Planning for the Management of purpose of all of this is to assist BOS and
School Operational Assistance (BOS) improve accessibility and the quality of
funds at North Bengkulu 16 Public High learning for students.
School is adjusted to the Regulation of At the beginning of each new
the Minister of Education and Culture of academic year, North Bengkulu 16
the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of Public High School
2022 concerning Technical Guidelines for
conducts planning by forming a team
School Operational Assistance and in

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OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (June, 2023)

involving several parties including the results of supervision are made

school principal, school treasurer, some accountability reports charge every
teacher boards, school committee quarter. Supervision planning is a process
administrators and parents of students of observing the implementation of all
through meetings and the results of the organizational activities to ensure that all
agreement are written in RAKS, RAKS is activities are carried out according to a
compiled to plan the school's annual work predetermined plan.
and to set the school's annual income and As for the obstacles faced by
expenditure budget. The RKAS preparation schools related to the management of
activity begins with gathering all teachers School Operational Assistance funds, the
and employees to collect data on the needs main problem lies in the slow
or activities of each field. Changes to the disbursement and management at the
RAKS were also made because there were school level which is not transparent. So
initial activities that had been planned but far, delays in transfers have occurred due
could not be realized in the current year of to various factors, such as delays in
the budget, so the school would replace transfers by the central government and
them with other activities and be prepared the length of time the letter of
in the revised RKAS draft. The source of introduction for disbursement of funds
funds used for activities at SMA Negeri 16 was issued by the regional BOS
North Bengkulu, namely funds from management team. As a result, school
Regular BOS funds. principals have to look for various
Planning for the Implementation of sources of loans to overcome the delay.
the School Operational Assistance (BOS) Planning is a process of a
fund program at SMA Negeri 16 North management activity before taking
Bengkulu begins with coordinating and action, because planning is an absolute
outreach to the various parties involved in requirement in a management activity.
planning the use of BOS funds. BOS fund The School Revenue and Expenditure
management planning must be based on Budget Plan is a school income and
mutual agreement, the results of the expenditure planning system which
agreement on the use of BOS funds must includes school activity plans and
be written in the form of an official report estimated costs needed to support the
attached with the signatures of all implementation of school activities for
participants attending the meeting. one year. The School Budget Activity
Schools strive to provide sufficient Budget Plan (RKASS) is one of the
resources so that students have the conditions for channeling BOS funds
opportunity to learn but schools must also because the RKAS is a form of a financing
use resources as efficiently as possible. plan that is used as a guide and
Then the supervision of the School controller in collecting finance from
Operational Assistance (BOS) fund various sources and what components
program has been going very well based will be financed in the education process
on the supervision process and it has been in a school. The use of BOS funds in
said to have been well implemented, then schools must be based on agreements
the supervision process is carried out and decisions between the school BOS
jointly and is carried out once every three management team, teacher councils,
months or four times a year. Then the
OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (March, 2023)

administrators, school committees and preparing RAB BOS SMA based on BOS
student guardians who must be listed as a technical instructions. Activities that can
source of revenue in the RKAS in be funded using the SMA BOS Fund are
addition to other funds obtained from the non- operational school operational
local government. Therefore, the use of activities listed in the technical
school operational assistance funds (BOS) guidelines, so that schools can easily
must be adjusted to the RKAS prepared prepare their funding planning items.
by the school. Preparation of SMA BOS RAB to be
The planning for preparing the submitted by the head of the Central
RKAS is carried out at the beginning of Government, namely estimating the
each new year when BOS funds are number of students in the academic year
disbursed at the beginning of the fiscal of the SMA BOS Fund period.
year, so that in the middle of the year BOS SMA funds obtained by
there will be changes to the RKAS. schools are based on the submission of
Changes to the RKAS also occur when the number of students in that school
there are new students or there is a year. The school has complete student
transfer of students to another school. data for each school year. The school also
This will affect the amount of BOS funds collects data regarding the economic
received. Planning for the use of school situation of the students' families which
operational assistance funds (BOS) at SMA is used by the school to provide
Negeri 16 Bengkulu Utara starts with the assistance to students to pay for the
preparation of the RKAS which is Education Operational Fund (DOP). The
adjusted to the size of the BOS funds and activity of making the RKAS is the first
the planning of human resources for step in preparing a plan for the
managing BOS. The preparation of the management of funds owned by the
RKAS is carried out through meetings. The school. Because from the RKAS it is
RKAS drafting meeting involved the known how much money the school has
school principal, teacher council, school and how much money the school will
committee and student guardians. In this spend. The preparation of the RKAS by
meeting discussed the sources of the school listens to input from school
existing funds, the division of tasks to BOS members. This input will later be used by
treasurers, and to identify the needs of the school treasurer in preparing the
schools to be funded with BOS funds. school budget. Because from these inputs
In identifying the needs of schools it can be seen which program will be a
to be funded by BOS funds, schools must priority in preparing the RKAS. Keung
develop needs in accordance with Yau and Fong Cheng (2011) in their
existing guidelines for using BOS funds. research stated that in implementing
Data on the preparation of the SMA BOS school financial budgeting, good
RAB were obtained through interviews planning is needed. In addition, the
with the Principal, BOS Treasurer, participation of other stakeholders is also
Teachers, School Committees, student needed to provide input to the school
guardians and documentation. The principal about the activities to be carried
process of preparing the SMA BOS RAB out.
is carried out together with the In preparing the school's financial
preparation of the RKAS. Schools are budget, the participation of all members of

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OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (June, 2023)

the school is required to provide input on of SMA BOS Funds. The socialization
the program to be implemented by the was carried out by giving a sheet of
school. The difference is that even in SM paper to the parents of the students
AN 16 North Bengkulu has involved the which contained details on the use of
school committee in preparing the RKAS, SMA BOS funds that had been used by
but their participation has not been carried the school. The year-end plenary meeting
out optimally. In the RKAS preparation also socialized the budget plan for the
activities, the school committee was next period.
basically not directly involved. Because the Based on the results of the
existence of the school committee in the interviews, there were similarities in the
preparation of the RKAS is a giver of answers to the data in terms of
consideration. The school committee gives responding to the SMA BOS Fund
consideration to the things that the school Management Publication conducted by
will do. For example, giving the school. Schools socialize the use of
consideration regarding the management funds that have been carried out during
of BOS funds. The participation of the the plenary meeting of the school
committee is really needed to help the committee and student guardians with
activities carried out by the school. This the distribution of photocopies regarding
participation is usually seen when the the relevance of the RKAS summary.
school asks for consideration from the
school committee regarding programs that CONCLUSION
will be carried out by the school related to
themanagement of school funds originating Based on the results of research on
from BOS funds. The school committee the management of BOS funds at North
only submits input, considerations or Bengkulu 16 Public High School through
recommendations in writing to schools several stages and processes of using the
regarding what programs should be funds starting from planning,
prioritized in preparing PABS. implementing, and supervising. The
Based on the summary results of process of planning or budgeting for
interviews with respondents, it is known BOS funds is in accordance with the
that the respondents' explanations are regulation of the minister of education
similar, that the preparation of the and culture of the Republic of Indonesia
Budget Plan is carried out together with number 8 of 2022. In implementing the
the preparation of the RKAS. Publication management of BOS funds, it must be
data for BOS Fund Management at North based on agreements and joint decisions
Bengkulu 16 Public High School were between the school BOS management
obtained from interviews with the team, the teacher council, and the school
Principal, BOS Treasurer, Teachers, committee which must be registered as
School Committee, and from observation. one one source of revenue in RKAS. The
Publications made in the form of process of managing BOS funds at
explanations on the notice board and also SMA Negeri 16 North Bengkulu did not
socialization during plenary meetings necessarily go well and smoothly, in
between schools and school committees other words, the management of BOS
and parents of students. Schools also funds had obstacles or obstacles that
conduct socialization regarding the use hindered the operational activities of
OF POLICY AND PUBLIC - VOL. 4 NO. 1 (March, 2023)

SMA Negeri 16 Bengkulu Utara. For Directorate of High School

example, the process of disbursing funds Development, Director General of
was slow, causing disruption to the Education.
operations of North Bengkulu 16 Public
High School. Republic of Indonesia. 2003. Law number
20 of 2003 concerning the National
REFERENCES Education System. Jakarta: Ministry
of National Education.
Minister of Education and Culture
Regulation Number 76 of 2012
concerning Technical Guidelines for
the Use and Financial
Accountability of School
Operational Assistance Funds for the
2013 Fiscal Year.

Regulation of the Minister of Education

and Culture Number 16 of 2016
concerning Amendments to
Regulation of the Minister of
Education and Culture Number 80
of 2015 concerning Technical
Guidelines for the Use and
Financial Accountability of School
Operational Assistance Funds.

Regulation of the Minister of Education

and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 8 of 2017
concerning Technical Instructions for
School Operational Assistance.

Government Regulation Number 48 of

2008 Concerning Education

Permendiknas Number 69 of 2009

Concerning Non Personnel
Operational Cost Standards of 2009.
High School Operational Assistance
(BOS) Technical Guidelines for
Senior High Schools. 2013.

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