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Ereiue.ntly askes questians zi wz s

ENaluate He Caloiialperception o £aly Indian HistorH
Ho oliol istoriaria Kespoiol toik 2.(2015)£Revi He
AhifHing intosicalpenpectives onsiahlednslian Hikory
201)/Evoluate teváhious intexpretahian fpr He study
of ean ndian uistary:(2018)Dayou agaeesi the vieo
hat eaily Inliann d.notkave aaperise.oistury7
Subatanthale youh vieo{ 2019/wite Ahort ndte.on £ax
Sindian notond.oAkitory(206-8L))::,

NTRO- h a t iA intoriogiraptuy-anol l e kiiveue

iHiAtokiograplyyis Hatincholaklj acikiih of

certruèkngamolotiting uihtot.1vaioua nchools
staxy brihmg-ake.often pireAemked'anl unolex--
Atoo intermy of she Aikool naking a for Hae
0ft inameal firwshd pwghemionbut 3ome
Co-einteok. MueAe can be undeAtook againo He
bagound oftae pòikicad arnd inteltechual

contexb in t a i Remege.and louniakk


The18t and 19H eertuies. seredominakea
rihngA of Euio pean Aeholans, unually kefeNhest
to a ndologiabA on Orienbalzatazoffén deacibe
b eimaelves aA aniáuakian", MoAk eRLe
mplayees ofo £LC and takt e
0 mment. Amajor contribuion of he
mologinbs lay in Hieir ePtorbs to colkeck, edit,a
tranlale anuent Indian texta- for:oli Haey
matie informanh.fhe
depended heavily on

Contribuhons ae brtakhsroughs we Rootedin

a ealonial context wic becomeA evident inetin
featue sf indolagical utitin e erahmanicaal
pexnpecis of aneient Sanaleit fexbs was often
untitically taken aAreflectna.HeIndigmpant
Sociol and keligioun nshtahioma and tradihons
were chikiqued froaa weAken ieiapoint.4ndián
ciety wanpiesenked.ak Ataiccand ita political
6AYAt ms untavehingdespolbie dse tae centinies.
Roce, neligiom,andk EHnicity wene often canfused
i t t each thene waAatendento
exaggerak e impack offoreigninfuence on
a ancnt 9ndia.Mis is the tine to the
lamiieRon of HeIndianpast.intoH Knday
Munim and Brdsh pekiods took reot.f o n
leerned Katluana's a haxoel
text inHe tonvenhonalsLnALrof hiakony Lriir
SRtENTAS44 UiGtahiaAAdvocated by
damee Mil amdkomas MacaulaAey beiered
tiabthe backiaotdmet elkeed preralenkin
n meian oaieeouldbl Haontedntihaug
tegiulative tmeasdne»1hecalonialints denked
hat Imoliamkoskany hintoricak tonscioumem or
poduced ang reastaintoicak yecorep


gndian. Aekolaru of Mherlate 19t.and frak hal of-
e 20 Lrtuiea male ajar tomtibutions
conneckeslnaKhakie ofancienh4holha.Aiing.
ajcinnt Ke baokgnan efan.emengent anel lákA
inceasing Atonmational movemint, Hese
tistonamake genttaly aANationatak
ntoianAvsayankan, R,cMajumdah).1ley wene
espomAible for neticulouny weaving togeten laka
omtexn, inAoniptiomly cains,and otheinatenial
MenainA40amplify Hae eomtouhgHhe aneient
Sndlion past. Expecialy imyortant cantrbutions
one made i He etdof palübical.hintory6ouh
n dia uah brgat into te makkakive and the
tud of wegional poikien pragkewed.Le natonalut
inge in He oritingå oftaeseiekolarj tai be seen
i n theininkistence onctoeindigeneoun Mö
major eultunak developienba, It ia ebho hef Lected in
thir seakch for goldenages, o i c Led toei
exalkng Hae.age of HeNedaniand Hcguptas. Non-
nonahdhical poukies otke.discovexek andene
celebrated to coumeitheilea tast ndia had n e e
knonanythinghus despotie ile he periodlization
of He Snolian past.inta Hke Hinelu Miasmanok
DriiAhpeiodsLoan, iotaeven, hekained. IL coálese&
oitAaConnnunal tandency tovaloire He "Hindu
Hhe Tunles and
ptiodli.and to projectHatadvenb of
Alam as a calamity and trageky.R.G. 3handartax,
Y.K. Raywade,Dayananol Sakastoaki.
950s Saw he
aiek went
temengénce o Mak Xist kintokig9raph in' t e
o hto p l a y t a n . e x h r e m e l y m f u e n t i a o l e
Cotruehon. ef He.hastoryf ancient.and ease
medieval SnoliaThe major
an trent
hustorianaiwasto skifh nsufscun frim

cenbued hniatory dkominatel y politieali


naxnakive to Äe delineakion 0f Aaciak

ecomomic Atructukes and procesmeA, peialy

thohe related to claaa Ataicakion
agnaian relakiona. MakNiAt istouiogirapluy
alao eontributed touwando uneoveimg abAd
fon-elkk qrouph, Aomeof otom hak
e2nhuieA ofAuborelinat'om and mahginaliAhio,
to isonk twit
Mah xitritnga often tenoked
uniinean hintoscak noIela deiive fom Lenten
aintoicäl and anthsopologicaonitingA Texts
L30h0rAamehcess nead unctitlcallygoita
inAfhcent:attemionpaxd tiein problemaic
ronolojy and peculailtiea sfgenna-Archaolgi
oatal oad insluded, but He basic rameoork of
He istosuical.makhdtiveiremaimed text Lentnc.
enihioly, Hhe kocus oin claas meant.Lem attention
to óHek.bases of sociak Atrahifieaion Aue
eante ano gendek. Religion and cultuseiwee
ofttn idelined or meclhanicallg pre[znked a
HefleckionAiof. bocio-economici sbruchwesAx
DD.Kosambi one of He.Leading advdcake.
FEMINIST SCHO9L-Tne keseakelof.a Anall
group of hintoriana (mostl women)wDrking
n 9enodek nelakiona hass rcdically alkAel
e frontiens of.eanly Indian Aociai istorg
s e ocuhon gender Kas inyolvedmiucemore.
Hen simpl inseAking taomen into:history
Breakin8 aisay from ttiaiclihon poniton
oomen maudol, it has asked neu guestionn
brokene ahkificiak divide beteenKne prira
and polikical domains,and xeealed the pauaek
hiehaxei oitin.the family and thekouneholk.
1he mostimportant achitr ment of HaiA.ine
rsaxein thar.t has deim onAtrateol Hhe elon
Relahionnip behuoetn gendes.and hieranchea
baae n clamcaxte amd polikical powen.
:Aignificantfeatune of recent hintariographj
the. eanj medievaperiod in He
detaikel sudy oA
He eanging profilejiconigukationsoErgiorn and
Aub regig BaAeh on caxeful empi rica
examinakionA of epizkaplicanet textaakAoukc
Rese studitn has idenkifiel changea in poliReak
tdonomie, and socialatrutkusea, tsa npecial foun
agkaian relakionmand the le9iakionioEpalibieal

potien doing so, ey kave.sevialek hevaiel

Astoical texhuke anel
panta of He Sndian Aubconhnenb in eank melievak{
himACHikicak.undekstaneling op histonog raplg,
One lichrecagnitey Hhe conttikuionAiand initatiom
of past amol preaent ioleologcal arik tcohekical
frametsor RA, in enienial in Ptoler to umletatanol
hne i s bry ofiaicient end.eanltimedieual Sula
Atand oda

Aintorical. frálition.inckeaked porn tne

intellechak ansl sociakamumphiónn oa Aoeie
LonstiowntyAeleckel eventa are envelopes.ina
delbenatelrakel *aoikion wiea maynybe
poikial ackval»Hintaricaktradkionaemege from
and hefeck #hein Aocial context,and He tonkext may
prooluceandextend to a broad range of sociakL
fots.ithin. thee. form, kisteyingenerally t e
ecord bA recósrizableisocio-polikical grox
itorical trockikions emanakr*nia.Aenne of
He past.ano incude 3aspectsikrst;a conbeiou^meas
asofpot.evento.relerark t r tousofan'piganikcant
apankieulah Hhe oice of
Auh events being implieik ecomol, the placing oA
eno exêntn in om approirmakely edhmolusiehl
frameork, inlg:hiei.tooulod teno toketlec
eltmens af Hhe ideoa.of eanualt kyj anid th ro, Hhe
Tecoron9 of Hene erenbs in a form thieko meabb
neuuremenb of Hhat noiey
Hiatorical conaciou^neM begintIken a Aocie,
Naocn tovwicioanein of bok pan¥anol fukame,an
doen so by ntngntanting o rewrol Hepaat.
Romilahapoh as madle.a unetal oliahnehon
b&ttaeentembeddel' an exteknalize omn ot
hintorEmbedleo hintory id ohere. kinbriea!
otawanen hanto be prisesl oub, as
and geneelogy ExieNnalireel hintory repteekae
moe ekent.and nef-comeioui his takiea
onA cipuAnei; releckel forinstnce in cbhonick
and:biographies.hapen jpa ints out tnat He
embeddet forma Aistoriaal cois ciouAnem
tended to be connecked toit linecge basedAotieke
and t e extenmairelones to ataterAacielien.
Late edic textA eontain
centain pes of
Compotpitionnkiat'xeftect histostical conseiousneha.
hese inekude Hhe dana-atuia,gak^as,nahashami
and aklyanan. 1he dana-Atuha ane hamind praining
HJenekonikj zakes u praike of kingA, Aung on t occonion of
cenkin naUikceA. NahauamAAsene uses in
ihual anekaneipresorelin text.Auelaa tHA
rawmänaa and nanufaN.Akbponansahe
mar ative ymmAin dialaguefonmy refehha *
miead and ponibyanoricak event.8t o

ntnesingto na that all the peaa

comoniHors ehe. dikeij connectea ottHh the
perforrnamte pf acksas UYnas)
rhe kin9-tinbi in He luhaian andepica.repre* resen

mo subato fantialevidenc of an anientsno tradikion.81ke epits ake knoin
itihana,and ane AuPponed to sieorilhings thak -


ckualy happenes MereRerika qhakanpainta oue

he ihkaa- panana trádikion preva.lent in ea
9ndia. She nokex thatsit.n
inportamt to realizë tae
Aignpieanta of Hi facb akaome sorieties choon
torebndHerein past in parkiukan armabkds
Rnon aA iutasaid
magaolhan ployed animp.
Tole mmaintaing ing Mhe iatsie trads kiom.
Ae poeka
aol bahd ofMe ancienb faimik Lan o
elogze Reirroyak patrondi canaao beraeen a
CHeatorA and tramamitkea afaihishoieal traAion.
ne Buddaisk pipavamhaland
offth a ytite-hintonical account.of hoss BücdhiAm
: travelled
to Sri lanka
trakikion a Del J
Eany Indian i kenatuwne intluolen: riumekous
poekry ånd drana mastepieceh caliee ahe ueol by
itorianA as ADwiees of informatiornabout.H.ehimes
in whic Hay wee compose he.ealiesh Sanakrik
paeba aned laywriguta ineauele Ashvagoskaand
Bhana Ashvagoana was he autorrof Hn
Bullhachanita lolescusealasa nahakaviya,
Saiiputraprakahna, anol Saundananamdai 8hana
WHote neveral dramas inluoling the Raneharatra
Dutavalya, Balachanita,dnd Sapne-Vanavadatha.
Ninhakladata'd MudranalkshasaH/8% centuy
TerolveA atounol t e manoeues of
CLanakya #o
inoen Rakskasay a miminteh.of HeiNandas, to
handaragupta' Aido. HisDeviehanolragupta
cenkren:on dn intiokent e
Aegnof Hee yupta
king Ramaqupta 1Le tounta of eaklmedieyal
Ringa a#rackedk OkitehA.anol poetaaef slom
rotebioraplicak eopoAiioriA in:praine of their
roya pàtrama. Tue famoun Sanskritbiographies
innde Baiabhata'a HashachaitaHh century)
about King Haishavarolhana. 3ilkanas
VikramankadevachakikaL12h contuly)is woven

eApecialy Vikramol
Aoundtne ckalukya leinaa,
biograple in
7 . Rayal Naidikkalambakkam (9kenh
anonymou ntur
po@rs.aboteHa@.evenbti of e.heigofHhe
a long
APallavaking.Nandirahm@nI n e PrihvireiranA

by:chand Bandai ia an epicpoeimin eeanly

HA Rpu
traj bhanhai dialeck, t s aiveiatounol Nand&h
i n Pitaviraja chauhan. daube
Ramaeasitais a Sana krit orksik
meaning, Aimaltaneainy nankating He toryof
Ramanandcand HtiZ12 t#centu
af Rampalaan
. Ring of Bengak.Rajtansngini, tthe 12to tenhy
histonical ckhanile of KaAhmir by Kathana
anoconidered an instanee of itihas -puirand
tadikion i
NotoitMtanding tueir eulegisthic natune royal
biographies too efteck ahistomical traelhon.
Mention.can.alho.oe made ofroyak:inaaiptio.m,

containing #e leng» genealog andrefreitesh

win exploika, unuall Loika viea to. Nkouok praiueson
him1eArthaslbastraand He clinese pilgnn
uanzang mënhonireyakancbies:presenti
Lofaial Necordlaiin,evy indian citHoile A:Giru
i1 centanH Taeiayei-6nd refexa Bo He driv
e igut and Tent.MandalahafRe Rigveday
epeaiollyHtePuskasuktakymn HL angirana
vamnana tasifanaf Ne.Punanie texts,vamaara
Crugio Hhe Brakmana.(especial he Aikieyaan
atapata rahmanaA)) Ae akyános (cHl
coAemorah rejas ano hehoea)alb poimk tO
ack. thak Shlie eary Sndiea had
ntoical con coushesholetter it be enbedde'
or.extennalirtslifA historical traolihonh pf
ancient India were onnected usita neRigious,
nitualinhe, and cownt contexta, hence, itnrahng
Hhe iihana-
puvana tradition. Eaklu Indian
hintor reorda does not At imto the Fwao cemtie
conptA of inean ime o r comvenhonal his kahical
Rords but according to Romila 1hapahy, each
AOee prefern to Aecond b a esents wiel it
deem important Ao evey nociey has a hintnicet
trdiion unique to .

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