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Name and surnames: Anselmo Makenene Denise Kissoka

Group: 1
Date: 27 /11/ 2022
Task 1
What has been the attitude toward the teaching of (a) pronunciation, (b)
grammar, (c) vocabulary in the approaches discussed in this unit?

To start there has been a swing of the pendulum because, the approaches
discussed in this unit sustain mainly on accuracy and fluency. English language
surrounds us in our daily lives and in order to encourage students to develop their
language skills. Furthermore, English in the classroom should motivate students and
make them aware of the importance of aspects like: pronunciation, grammar and
vocabulary in order to help the students to be more proficient in the target Language.
To show that:
(a) Pronunciation:
Teacher should encourage the Students to identify their shortcomings and
opportunities for development regarding pronunciation. Teaching pronunciation is a
requirement, since some curriculum says that students should be given the
“opportunity to develop correctness in their use of language in speech.
(b) Grammar:
A grammar is the back bone of any language. Without it we will not speak with
accuracy or write coherently. So syllabus is needed, along with the other syllabuses
and word lists that structure a course. This does not mean that grammar is the most
important thing to teach: the title probably goes to vocabulary. But there is room, and
need, for both vocabulary and grammar. Good teaching of good rules with good
examples and good practice activities can mean that grammar teaching only takes the
time it needs to take.
(c) Vocabulary:
The learning of Vocabulary is important part in foreign language learning. It is
considered as the central in language teaching and is of paramount importance to a
language learner. Lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to
the acquisition of a second/foreign language and a lack of vocabulary knowledge is an
obstacle to learning. So The teachers should be concerned that teaching
vocabulary is something relevant and different from student’s native language.
They also have to take into account that teaching English for young learners is different
from adults. The teacher should prepare and find out the appropriate techniques, which
will be implemented to the students.
Task 2

1. a) What differences between these methods does Stevick highlight?

Humanistic approaches:
The differences between these methods as Stevick highlights, it is explained in brief
overview of what I understand about each method.
The Silent Way.
Theory of learning:
Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or problem solves. Students work
cooperatively and independently from teacher.
Theory of Language:
Very structural language is taught in building blocks us syllabus is determined by what
learners need to communicate.
Teaching Method:
Teacher should be as silent as possible. Language is learned inductively.

The communicative language learning.

Theory of learning:
Learners learn from responding to verbal stimulus.
Theory of Language:
Language is communication. based on learning how to communicate whta you want to
Teaching Method:
learners learn through interaction with each other and the teacher. The teacher help
them to say what they want to say.

Theory of learning:
anxiety should be lowered through comfortable chair, batoque music etc.
Theory of Language:
language is gradually acquired. No correction.
Teaching Method:
Teacher, introducing the grammar and lexis in a playful manner while students follow
ad use the language in fun and indirect way.
b) What similarities does he refer to?
Humanistic Language Teaching;
Most of the approaches which have been popular in recent years, and given the label
'humanistic' they have certain feature in common. The following are the most important
(i) They involve the whole person of the learner It is assumed that learning will be
effective and meaningful when it involves the total personality of the learner, both
intellectually and emotionally This leads to an emphasis on the affective side of
(ii) They see second language learning as quite different from learning
a first language.

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