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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol


Title : School Supreme Student Government Organization (SSG) SIPAG – PAP
(School Initiated Partnership Activity on Greening Program and Project)-Tree
Planting Activity with the theme “Plant today, Save the Future!”

Proponent : Ms. Christina B. Vergara

SSG-Adviser Moderator
Cooperating Agency : SSG
Science Club
TVL Club
Batan National High School Teachers
Barangay Officials
DENR Representative

Location : Batan, Rapu-Rapu, Albay

Beneficiaries : People of the community
Budgetary Allocation : Php 4,000.00
Source of Fund : School Organization Fund
Registration fee from participants
Period Implementation _____________________________
Trees are essential to our world and offer a wide range of benefits to our environment. The benefits from
these trees spread far beyond villages to our homes in Cities, School and Communities as well. Trees increase our
quality of life by bringing natural elements and wildlife habitats into urban settings.

In the efforts to preserve, conserve and protect Mother Nature, and ultimately the Earth, the school’s SSG
Organization came up with the idea of conducting a tree planting activity as part of the SIPAG – PAP (School Initiated
Partnership Activity on Greening Program and Project) – Tree Planting Activity with the theme “Plant today, Save the
Future!”. Tree planting is the most effective and relevant way to do it. With tree planting, even a small effort makes a
huge difference in leaving an on-going environmental legacy in life. As a result of participating in this activity, the
students, leaders and other participants can achieve a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, knowing that they
can made a positive difference. This will help the school to strengthen the partnership with the community and help
them in addressing the ecological crisis, which in turn would benefit the people. In addition, the activity enables great
team interaction among leaders and members while having fun and giving back to the environment. Moreover, the
leaders and the members become more ecologically aware on the things they need to notice the world around. It will
give a great opportunity for us to show our concern to the environment and help diminish the unfavorable effects of
climate change.

SSG and teachers, on its part, shall identify the planting sites within the political jurisdiction of the Barangay
Local Government Unit (LGU); provide manpower, coordinate with LGUs in the implementation of safety and counter
measures among the participants during the tree planting activity; mobilize its members; monitor all the areas
identified and planted. The SSG and the TVL Club will coordinate to the barangay officials of Barangay Batan, Rapu-
Rapu, Albay as the beneficiary of the project. The barangay will identify the planting sites where the trees can be
planted safely. The participants will be limited to 30 only, that includes the teachers and barangay officials. Since we
are still in the pandemic season, the school will strictly implement the health and safety protocols following the
guidelines implemented in the community.

The participants will be strictly required to wear a face shields and face mask and follow a one-meter social
distancing while doing the activity. There will be a hand disinfection of participants before and after the tree-planting
activity. Provision of alcohol or sanitizers, hand soaps and water will be available at the school and plantation site.
The participation of the barangay leaders will greatly help the leading organization in implementing the health and
safety protocols.

The Grade 10 completers will join us to save the future generation. It is mandatory to Grade 10 completers
that before leaving the Junior High School, they are expected to participate in the tree planting activity. This is the best
way for them to show their support to the program and demonstrate their true care to mother nature. Since we are in
pandemic, the completers will connect with us in a different way. The completers and their parents will be planting
trees at their backyard as they join us with the tree planting activity. The students will be supervised by the adviser.
They will be sending their pictures seeing them planting the trees. These completers came from the different partner
barangays of our school, particularly in Barangay Dap-Dap, Batan, Masaga, Bagaobawan, Sagrada and San Ramon.
They can help nurture the nature in their community. We can bring the project not just in Barangay Batan, but also in
their places to their houses.

The SSG organization will be raising funds by selling printed T-shirts, themed with the tree-planting activity.
The profit to be gained will be used to purchase school supplies, like pens, papers, notebooks, envelopes and others.
These school supplies will be given to the indigent students identified in the partner barangays of the school. Giving of
school supplies will be a great help to the students. This tree-planting activity will help the community to address the
ecological crisis, and will also help the students in need of the school supplies.

With the aforementioned statements, the project leaders are motivated to conduct a one-hour Greening
Program with a theme “Plant today, Save the Future!” among students, leaders, teachers and the school
stakeholders. This activity is an environmental education project. By doing this activity the students, leaders and
stakeholders will discover awareness on the importance of tree planting, and establish a connection to nature while
learning what they can contribute to save the future. Thus, like trees freshly planted, their work will pay forward the
investment for years to come. Furthermore, this activity raises the value of participation, unity, and cooperation.
Finally, this one-hour planting activity is also our way of addressing disaster risk reduction and mitigating the effects
climate change.

The SSG Greening Program with a theme “Plant today, Save the Future!” aims to:
1. Promote awareness in addressing the ecological crisis and help diminish the unfavorable effects of climate
2. Integrate environmental values among student leaders and stakeholders in the community;
3. Establish a great connection to the environment and to the community; and
4. Strengthen the partnership of the school and stakeholders.

The groups of people who will be working on the project team are:
1. The School Supreme Student Government (SSG) Adviser - 1
2. Science Club Adviser - 1
3. YES-O Adviser - 1
4. TVL Club Adviser - 1
5. Batan National High School Teachers - 16
6. Barangay Officials of Batan, Rapu-Rapu, Albay (cooperating agency) - 9
7. DENR PENRO Representatives - 1

The 30 participants are the expected participants to plant the trees at the planting site of Barangay Batan,
Rapu-Rapu, Albay as identified by the barangay officials. Aside from the team, the 61 Grade 10 completers with
their parents are also expected to join in the tree planting activity, as they plant their trees at their back yards.


The resources we need are the following:
Transportation of the Seedlings : Php 10.00 x 150 seedlings
Tarpaulin & Certificates for the participants : Php 1,000.00
Drinking Water & Snacks of participants : Php 800.00
Food & Snacks of the Visitors : Php 1,000.00
Seedlings : Donations from DENR PENRO
Total : Php 4,300.00

The proposed project focuses in Barangay Batan, Rapu-Rapu, Albay. The initial phase will take the form of a
‘pilot project’ working with just one community (Barangay Batan) to create a working model to trial and demonstrate
the various techniques which are appropriate to this context. If this pilot proves successful, the participants hopes to
be able to scale up the project to include other communities, and believes that the existence of a successful model will
increase enthusiasm and willingness to participate.


June 15, 2021 / 7:00 a.m - 8:00 a.m


The participants are expected to plant at least 1 native trees which will be planted by themselves. Moreover,
Survey about community perception of environmental problems and the potential of tree planting to provide vital
resources. Lastly, community feedback and assessment at the end of the project.

Prepared by:

Project Leader/SSG Adviser



School Head

Recommending approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

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