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NUST Business School

MKT-817 – Integrated Marketing Communication


Submitted to;
Dr. Muhammad Adnan Waseem

Submitted by;
Aeman Iqbal
Muhammad Junaid Ramzan

MBA 2K22-B

Date: October 31st, 2023.

Part A: Two sales promotion objectives that could be utilized by the company:

🎯 Objective 1: Increase Brand Loyalty and Repeat Purchases

Create a loyal community of people who love our sunscreen and come back to us time and time
again. Build a devoted following of people our objective is to instill our brand in the minds of
as many potential consumers as possible.

Why: Our goal is to get our brand in front of as many people as possible. Not only do we want
people to love our sunscreen, but we want them to love it enough that they become our loyal
customers and can't imagine using anything else.

Implementation: We’ll wow and create an aww effect for our target market and delight our
potential buyers with surprise gifts and exclusive offers. We’ll have “Burst of Savings” days,
for instance, when we have a flash sale, bonus gift with purchase, or a temporary discount.
We’ll also introduce a reward program where you’ll earn points for every purchase you make.
Then, at the end of the day, you’ll get extra points or first-hand access to brand-new

Driving factor: Individuals like surprises and getting more than they expected. We do stuff
like give away extra prizes or unexpected flash sales to generate a vibe of excitement and
seriousness. The sunscreen and the thrilling experience of winning unexpected rewards and
other features will keep customers coming back.

Our main objective is to make our sunscreen into something exceptional and important that
becomes a regular part of our customers' regimens, rather than just a basic product. To
accomplish this, we will never stop surprising our clients with presents that are out of the
ordinary and making well-considered suggestions that are in line with their excitement and
reliability. Ultimately, we aim to build a relationship of trust and satisfaction with our clients
by assisting them in linking our sunscreen with these qualities.

🎯 Objective 2: Boost Seasonal Sales

Embrace the exceptional seasons when everyone should wear sunscreen without a doubt.
Demand surges at these times because individuals value sun protection above all else,
particularly during the winter months, on sunny days, and when engaging in outdoor physical
activity. Make the most of these possible opportunities to capture a sizable portion of the market
by selling your SPF 30+ clear fog sunscreen.

Why: People consider sun protection while they are on holidays, vacations, or during sunny
seasons. We want our sunscreen to come to mind first.

Implementation: We'll create a buzz with seasonal surprises. Incorporating surprise and
excitement into your sales approach. This implies that rather than always providing them with
the same old bargains and offers, you will now and then wow them with truly amazing promos.
Let's say, for instance, that they learn all of a sudden about a "Summer Sizzle Sale" or a
"Vacation Vibes" bundle that contains extra surprises, and prices decrease for a single day.
These unexpected promotions are intended to create buzz and excitement among your
consumers by being distributed and discussed via email and social media.

Driving factor: Surprise promotions generate buzz and urgency. When people see a fantastic
offer that they weren't anticipating, they become excited and have to get sunscreen right away.

Our objective is to be the brand that people think of when they need sun protection at those
unique periods of the year is our goal. We'll create a huge impression with jaw-dropping offers
that are too amazing to pass up.

Effective sales-promotion tactics are critical for the company's summer 2023 campaign, which
aims to grow the market share of its SPF 30+ clear mist sunscreen. Two suggestions are
provided below:

Part B: Two sales-promotion tools I would recommend that the company use in their summer
2023 campaign:

🛠️ Sales-Promotion Tool 1: Social Media Contests and Giveaways

Using social media to promote sales has become an essential tactic for companies trying to
increase their market share in the digital age. Using this tool, you may interact with consumers
and encourage them to act by holding giveaways and contests on social media channels.
Utilizing social media freebies and competitions may be a very successful strategy for the
company's summer 2023 campaign to build buzz about their SPF 30+ clear mist sunscreen and
raise brand recognition.

Why: Giveaways and contests on social media are effective for several reasons. They start by
utilizing the vast user base that social media sites have. People are more active on social media
sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok over the summer, which makes it a great
time to reach out to new clients. Furthermore, some promos are interesting by nature. People
enjoy having the chance to win things, and competitions offer an engaging, participatory
experience. Regarding sunscreen promotion, a well-designed competition might ask
participants to submit their tales about sun safety, images, or product experiences. This user-
generated material has the potential to greatly increase the campaign's impact and reach.

How to Implement Social Media Contests and Giveaways:

Select a Theme:

Choose a theme that complements the goals of the campaign. For example, the theme
may be summertime activities, sun safety, or special outside times.

Choose Platforms:

Determine which social media sites are most used by the target demographic and use
those sites for the competitions. It may be necessary to use various strategies for
different platforms and, therefore adjust the campaign appropriately.

Create Engaging Contests:

Provide original and captivating contest concepts to entice users to participate. A

contest like "Best Beach Selfie with Our Sunscreen" would encourage people to post
pictures they took at the beach with the sunscreen on.

Set Rules and Prizes:

Clearly state the qualifying requirements, contest rules, and reward details. Make sure
the regulations are unambiguous and equitable. Product bundles, special summer kits,
or gift cards are examples of prizes.

Promote the contest on the social media platforms associated with your brand. To create
buzz and attention, share captivating images, videos, and posts.

User Engagement:

Invite individuals to follow your social media accounts, tag friends, use particular
hashtags, and post their contributions to get them started. This raises the campaign's
profile and produces social evidence.

Announce Winners:

Post the winners' announcements on your social media accounts when the competition
is over. This maintains the momentum and demonstrates your integrity.

Leverage User-Generated Content:

One potential beneficial resource is the user-generated content from the competition. Post it to
your website, social media accounts, and promotional materials to show off actual customers
who genuinely use and adore your product.

Benefits of Social Media Contests and Giveaways:

 Expands the reach and awareness of a brand.

 Produces content created by users for marketing purposes.
 Interacts and engages the audience.
 Generates a feeling of eagerness and expectation.
 Fosters a feeling of camaraderie among clients and supporters.

The business may use social media freebies and contests to make its sunscreen promotion
extremely engaging and memorable, utilizing social media's enormous potential to grow its
market share.

🛠️ Sales Promotion Tool 2: In-Store Demonstrations and Sampling

Traditional but incredibly powerful sales promotion strategies include in-store product
sampling and demonstrations, particularly for items that are best experienced firsthand. Using
in-store sampling and demonstrations, the company's summer 2023 campaign may address
customer concerns about comfort and sunscreen application while providing a hands-on
experience with their SPF 30+ clear mist sunscreen.
Why: The reason these technologies are effective is that they fill the void left by internet
marketing campaigns and in-person product interactions. Potential buyers may view, touch,
and use the product during in-store demos to have a better grasp of its features and advantages.
This is especially important for sunscreens because greasy hands and efficient application are
common concerns.

In-store demos can draw customers in and offer them an instant answer during the summer
months when they are actively browsing for sun protection items. By allowing customers to
sample a product without committing fully, you increase the likelihood that they will purchase
by testing its usefulness and convenience.

How to Implement In-Store Demonstrations and Sampling:

The business can take the following actions to successfully implement this sales promotion

Collaboration with Retail Partners:

Form alliances with drugstores and retail establishments that offer sun protection gear.
These partners can offer space for sample sales and in-store demos.

Trained Brand Ambassadors:

Employ and educate brand ambassadors with the expertise to properly promote the clear
mist sunscreen. They should be able to respond to inquiries and concerns from
customers and describe the advantages and application procedures.

In-Store Displays:

Organize striking displays in the store that prominently feature the product's logo and
details. These exhibits have to be eye-catching and communicate the special qualities
of clear mist sunscreen.

Live Demonstrations:

Organize in-person events where brand advocates apply and demonstrate sunscreen’s
benefits. Permit clients to look around and inquire.

Give clients testers or sample-sized bottles to try. This gives them the chance to feel the
texture and application of the substance directly.

Immediate Feedback:

Invite clients to immediately submit evaluations or comments. The promotion and the
product may both benefit from these comments.

Exclusive In-Store Promotions:

Offer special in-store discounts or promotions during the campaign time to encourage

Benefits of In-Store Demonstrations and Sampling:

o Offers practical experience while attending to customer issues.

o Let users view the benefits of the product instantly.
o Promotes prospective purchases and an instant trial.
o Builds credibility and confidence via interpersonal encounters.
o You have the chance to get insightful comments and important input.

During the summer shopping season, in-store tastings and demonstrations provide a real,
personal connection with customers. It's a useful tactic to dispel customers' concerns and make
them more likely to select the SPF 30+ clear mist sunscreen for their sun protection

Part C: How the company could integrate product packaging into their sales promotion with
strengths and limitations of packaging:

Since product packaging often represents a company's initial point of contact with potential
customers and shapes their purchasing decisions, it is crucial to sales promotion. The
corporation may utilize a range of tactics to improve brand awareness, communicate significant
advantages, and leave a lasting impact when including product packaging in their sales
campaign for the SPF 30+ clear mist sunscreen. But in this situation, it's critical to understand
the advantages and disadvantages of packing.

Integration Strategies:

To successfully include product packaging in their sales promotion, the business can.
Leverage Visual Appeal:

Invest in eye-catching packaging designs that showcase the product's distinctive features and
the summer theme. To create the ideal ambiance, think about utilizing vivid colors and beach

Highlight Benefits:

Make sure the benefits of the clear mist sunscreen are communicated clearly on the box,
emphasizing the "non-greasy" and "no-fuss application" features.

Promotional Stickers:

Put reusable advertising stickers on the box to advertise limited-time or summer-only sales.
This gives you flexibility without permanently changing the package.

Sustainability Messaging:

If the business uses sustainable practices, make sure to convey this dedication to customers
who care about the environment by including wording on the packaging.

Incorporate User-Generated Content:

To combine the power of packaging with user-generated content, encourage users to post about
their experiences using the product on social media and design packaging that includes actual
customer quotes and pictures.

Consistency Across Channels:

To create a unified brand message, make sure the packaging complements other marketing
collateral and initiatives.

The firm may establish a strong visual identity, communicate important product qualities, and
increase brand awareness by skillfully integrating product packaging into its sales promotion.
All the while, they can be aware of the various constraints and issues related to packaging in a
competitive market.

Strengths of Packaging in Sales Promotion:

Visual Appeal and Branding:

Packaging provides a blank canvas for striking patterns, hues, and branding
components that can draw in buyers. The sunscreen's packaging may include pictures
of families enjoying the summertime, sun-drenched beaches, and vivid hues that
capture the spirit of summer. A product with strong branding can have a distinctive
visual character.

Information Conveyance:

Essential details about the sunscreen, such as its SPF rating, how to apply it, and any
special features it offers (like its "Clear Mist Technology" or "Non-Greasy Formula")
can all be communicated by the manufacturer through the packaging. Orderly and
succinct information aids in the decision-making process for consumers.


Creative packaging may help a product stand out from rivals. Packaging for the clear
mist sunscreen might emphasize its "pump action bottle" and "no-fuss application"
features to set it apart from other creams. Special packaging characteristics may be a
powerful marketing point.

Promotional Messages:

Packaging can be used to highlight special deals or time-limited promotions. For

example, a sticker promoting a "Summer Special" with a discount or a gift might be
included in the container.


Packaging has the potential to advertise other items in the brand's line. The business
may, for instance, package the clear mist sunscreen with a related item, like an after-
sun moisturizer, and advertise the offer on the product's packaging.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices:

Packaging has the power to convey a business's dedication to sustainability and moral
business conduct, which appeals to customers who care about the environment.

Limitations of Packaging in Sales Promotion:

Limited Space:

Because packaging has a limited amount of space, giving the consumer too much
information may overload them. It's critical to strike a balance between visual appeal
and necessary information.
Environmental Concerns:

Unfavorable impressions of the environment might be created by intricate or non-

recyclable packaging. This might deter buyers who care about the environment from
selecting the goods.

Packaging Costs:

Specialized or inventive packaging may result in higher production costs, which might
have an impact on the product's profitability and price point.

In-Store Competition:

The product faces competition from a wide range of different brands on store shelves.
In a congested retail setting, the product still has to stand out even with attention-
grabbing packaging.

Consumer Expectations:

Packaging ought to match the real experience of the product. High expectations set by
the package may not be met by the product, which might damage the brand's reputation
and leave people dissatisfied.

Part A: ‘Rational Appeal’, Advertising, and Justification with Examples:

A 'rational appeal' in advertising is a persuasion technique that depends on logical reasoning,

and factual information to influence consumers' attitudes and behaviors. It involves presenting
a product or service that emphasizes its tangible, functional, and practical aspects, such as
features, benefits, price, and utility. A rational appeal is designed to appeal to the intellect of
the audience, providing them with concrete reasons why the product or service is a rational and
sound choice.

The above example shows the facts and figures as Rational Appeal for the marketing of “Burger

EnVigour, a fruit juice company, offers an illustrative example of how a rational appeal can be
used in advertising. Let's delve deeper into this concept:

Rational Appeal in Advertising: An Overview

Rational appeals are grounded in providing consumers with the information they need to make
an informed and logical decision about a product. Here are some key elements of rational

 Information and Data: Rational appeals involve presenting factual information, data,
and evidence about the product. This information can include specifications, features,
nutritional content, scientific studies, or comparisons with other products.
 Product Features and Benefits: Rational appeals emphasize highlighting the benefits
and features of the product, ensuring the consumer's needs, solving a problem, or
enhancing their life.
 Value Proposition: These appeals often emphasize the value or cost-effectiveness of
the product. It may compare the price of the product to its features or benefits to
demonstrate that the consumer is making a sensible choice.
 Transparency: Rational appeals promote transparency by offering a clear and honest
representation of the product. This can include disclosure of ingredients, sourcing, or
any relevant information that the consumer may consider in their purchase decision.
 Addressing Concerns: If there are common misconceptions, doubts, or concerns
associated with the product category, rational appeals can address them directly and
provide reassurance.

Now, let's explore how EnVigour, our fruit juice company, can effectively employ a rational
appeal in its advertising campaign.

EnVigour's Rational Appeal in Advertising:

EnVigour is about to launch a new range of Vitamin C-enriched energy gel packs targeted at
busy individuals seeking a convenient energy boost. To effectively employ a rational appeal in
their advertising campaign, they should consider the following steps and strategies:

1. Highlight Unique Features and Benefits: The gel packs from EnVigour have several
special qualities, such as extremely concentrated complex carbs, actual fruit, and three
strong cups' worth of caffeine. A rational appeal should focus on these features,
outlining how they contribute to a better energy-boosting experience. Example:
EnVigour can create a campaign that highlights each feature. They can showcase how
complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy, real fruit adds a natural and refreshing
flavor, and the caffeine content provides a significant and immediate boost.
2. Nutritional Content: The equivalent of Vitamin C from three oranges is a powerful
selling point. A rational appeal should delve into the nutritional content of the gel packs,
explaining how they fulfill daily Vitamin C requirements. Example: EnVigour can use
visuals and infographics to show that their gel packs provide a significant portion of a
person's daily Vitamin C intake, emphasizing the health benefits associated with
Vitamin C.
3. Product Comparisons: A rational appeal can include comparisons with other energy-
boosting products. EnVigour can demonstrate how their gel packs outperform other
options in terms of nutritional content, caffeine levels, and overall value. Example:
EnVigour can create side-by-side comparisons with popular energy drinks or
supplements, highlighting how their product is a more balanced and healthier choice.
4. Transparency in Ingredients: The company should provide full transparency about
the ingredients used in their gel packs, showcasing that the product is made from real
fruit and quality ingredients. Example: EnVigour can feature videos or behind-the-
scenes content, showing their production process and ingredient sourcing to build trust
with consumers.
5. Convenience and Practicality: Since the target audience is busy individuals, EnVigour
should focus on the convenience factor. How easily can gel packs fit into a hectic
lifestyle? Example: EnVigour can create scenarios in their advertising where people on
the go effortlessly incorporate the gel packs into their daily routines, like during a
commute or a busy workday.
6. Healthful Claims: The claim of "a healthful energy boost" is a significant rational
appeal. EnVigour should provide data or expert opinions supporting this claim.
Example: They can collaborate with nutritionists or health experts who can speak about
the health benefits of the product, especially the Vitamin C enrichment.
7. Addressing Concerns: If there are concerns about the caffeine content in the gel packs,
EnVigour should address this directly and provide information about safe and
responsible consumption. Example: The company can create an FAQ section on its
website or in its marketing materials to address common questions and concerns.
8. Value Proposition: EnVigour should communicate the value of their gel packs. They
can do this by showcasing that the product's price is justified by its nutritional content
and convenience. Example: EnVigour can present a cost breakdown, showing how
purchasing their gel packs is a cost-effective way to meet one's daily energy needs
compared to buying multiple items separately.

Using a rational appeal in EnVigour's advertising campaign for their Vitamin C-enriched
energy gel-packs can be an effective strategy, especially when targeting busy people looking
for a convenient energy boost. Rational appeal focuses on providing logical and factual reasons
why a product is beneficial. In this case, it would emphasize the nutritional and functional
aspects of the gel packs, such as the real fruit content, caffeine equivalent to three cups of
espresso, and Vitamin C enrichment. However, it's important to balance rational and emotional
appeal to create a well-rounded campaign that resonates with consumers.

Justification for Using Rational Appeal:

Credibility: Rational appeal adds credibility to the product's claims. Consumers are more
likely to trust and make a purchase when they are provided with verifiable information.
EnVigour can cite scientific studies and data to support its claims about the gel pack's
nutritional content.

Educational Value: Busy individuals looking for an energy boost often appreciate learning
about the specific benefits of a product. By providing detailed information about the gel pack's
content, EnVigour can educate its potential customers about how it can meet their energy and
nutritional needs.

Product Differentiation: A rational appeal allows EnVigour to highlight the unique selling
points of its gel packs. The combination of real fruit, caffeine content, and Vitamin C
enrichment sets their product apart from competitors. This information can help consumers
make informed choices.

Meeting Specific Needs: The rational appeal aligns with the needs of busy individuals who
are looking for a convenient energy boost. By providing clear and factual information,
EnVigour can demonstrate how their product addresses these needs effectively.

Examples to Illustrate the Use of Rational Appeal:

1. Nutritional Information: EnVigour can use rational appeal to present detailed

nutritional information about their gel packs. For example, they can create
advertisements that list the precise content of complex carbohydrates, the percentage of
real fruit, and the exact amount of caffeine equivalent to three cups of espresso. This
approach informs consumers about what they are consuming and why it's beneficial for
their energy needs. Example Slogan: "EnVigour Gel-Packs - A 50ml Powerhouse!
100% Real Fruit, Super-concentrated Carbohydrates, and 3 Espresso Shots Worth of
Caffeine - Your Perfect Energy Source."
2. Scientific Backing: Rational appeal can also be used to cite scientific studies and
research supporting the health benefits of consuming Vitamin C and caffeine. For
instance, EnVigour can incorporate references to studies that show how Vitamin C
boosts the immune system or how caffeine can enhance alertness and performance.
Example Slogan: "Science-Backed Energy: Our Gel-Packs Offer the Vitamin C Boost
of 3 Oranges and the Alertness of 3 Espresso Shots, Proven by Research."
3. Comparative Information: EnVigour can employ rational appeal to compare their
product to common alternatives. This might involve illustrating how consuming their
gel packs is more convenient, healthier, and cost-effective than other energy sources
like sugary energy drinks or multiple cups of coffee. Example Slogan: "Skip the Sugar
and Multiple Coffee Runs! One Gel-Pack = Convenience + Health + Savings."
4. Ingredients Transparency: Transparency about ingredients can be a compelling
rational appeal. EnVigour can use clear and straightforward communication to
showcase that their gel packs contain no artificial additives or preservatives. This
reassures health-conscious consumers. Example Slogan: "No Artificial Anything! Just
Real Fruit, Carbs, Caffeine, and Vitamin C - Because Your Body Deserves the Best."
5. Functional Benefits: Rational appeal can highlight the functional benefits of the gel
packs. EnVigour can create advertisements that demonstrate how their product can help
consumers stay alert, focused, and energized throughout the day, making it ideal for
those with busy schedules. Example Slogan: "Stay Energized All Day Long - Perfect
for Busy Professionals, Students, and Parents On-the-Go!"
6. Nutrition Facts and Certification: Incorporate nutrition facts and any relevant
certifications on the packaging and in marketing materials. This not only provides
factual information but also ensures that your product complies with health standards.
Example Marketing Copy: "Check the Label for the Facts! Certified for Quality and
Packed with Essential Nutrition."

While rational appeal is essential in emphasizing the nutritional and functional aspects of the
gel packs, it's important to remember that consumers are not purely rational beings. They also
make purchasing decisions based on ‘emotions’. Therefore, a balanced approach that combines
rational appeal with emotional appeal can be highly effective. For instance, EnVigour can use
emotional appeal to highlight how their gel packs can improve the overall well-being of
consumers, giving them the energy and vitality to enjoy life to the fullest.

Part B: Recommending Alternative Marketing Techniques to Envigour:

1) Creating Awareness:
a) Content Marketing and Blogging: Create a blog section on EnVigour's website,
focusing on topics related to health, nutrition, fitness, and energy. Regularly publish
informative articles, how-to guides, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This
not only provides valuable information to your target audience but also increases your
website's visibility in search engines.
b) Social Media Advertising: Make use of sponsored social media advertising on Twitter,
Facebook, and Instagram. Craft visually appealing and engaging ads that highlight the
benefits of EnVigour's gel packs. These ads can be targeted at specific demographics
based on user interests, behavior, and location.
c) Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with fitness and health influencers who share
the same ideals as your business. They can make content, including videos and posts,
showcasing how they incorporate EnVigour's gel packs into their daily routines.
Influencers can help reach a broader audience and add authenticity to your brand.
d) Search Engine Optimization (SEO): To increase organic visibility, optimize your
website for search engines. Optimize your website with relevant keywords, meta tags,
and high-quality content to improve its search engine ranking. This ensures that people
looking for products like yours can find you more easily.
e) Email Marketing: Make an email list and send regular newsletters to the subscribers.
These newsletters can include updates on product launches, promotions, and
informative content. Email marketing is a cost-effective way to keep your audience
2) Increasing Sales:
a) Loyalty Programs: To reward loyal consumers, put in place a loyalty program. Offer
discounts, exclusive offers, or free products to customers who make multiple purchases.
This not only encourages repeat business but also fosters customer loyalty.
b) Bundle Offers: Create bundle offers where customers can buy EnVigour's gel packs
along with complementary products. For example, a bundle with workout gear or a
nutrition plan. This increases the average order value and makes your product more
c) Referral Program: Establish a program where clients receive incentives for referring
their friends and family. Offer rewards for successful recommendations, such as
freebies or discounts on merchandise. This leverages word-of-mouth marketing and
expands your customer base.
d) Limited-Time Promotions: Use sales and promotions with a time limit to instill a
sense of urgency in prospective customers. Promote these deals through email
marketing, social media, and on your website. Highlight the savings customers can
enjoy by purchasing during the promotional period.
e) Diversify Distribution Channels: Explore additional distribution channels such as
partnerships with gyms, health food stores, or subscription box services. This widens
your reach and makes your products more accessible to potential customers.

3) Addition to CSR Activities:

a) Cause Marketing: Partner with a charitable organization or cause that aligns with
EnVigour's values. For every product sold, donate a portion of the proceeds to this
cause. This not only supports a good cause but also enhances the brand's reputation and
appeal to socially conscious consumers.
b) Transparency Initiatives: Implement transparency initiatives that provide consumers
with detailed information about the sourcing, production, and environmental impact of
your products. This can include eco-friendly packaging, sustainable sourcing of
ingredients, and fair labor practices.
c) Community Engagement: Engage with local communities through events,
sponsorships, or volunteering efforts. Show your commitment to the community by
participating in or supporting initiatives that benefit the area in which you operate.
d) Educational Campaigns: Launch educational campaigns that focus on topics related
to health, nutrition, and well-being. Provide free resources, webinars, or workshops to
help people make informed choices about their health. This demonstrates a commitment
to public welfare.
e) Green Initiatives: Develop eco-friendly products and packaging. By using sustainable
materials, cutting waste, and lowering the carbon footprint in your production and
distribution processes, you can demonstrate your efforts to lessen your impact on the
By combining these alternative marketing techniques with a well-defined strategy, EnVigour
can effectively create awareness, increase sales, and enhance its CSR activities, ultimately
benefiting both the company and the broader community.

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