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The Forgotten Man

Written by

Jackson Parks

5521 Rock tree dr

Agoura hills,Ca 91301
Fade in

Ext. Poppy field - Day

Saint running through a poppy field overly happy

Ext. Alleyway In New york City - Day

Saint wakes up dazed and confused, struggles to get

up and slowly makes his way down the streets of new

Ext./Int. Saints mothers home

Saint stumbles inside looking for money

You won't find anything here

I know I had some money here where it is!

There is nothing for you here, You need to leave. You
can’t get your shit together then there is nothing
for you here

I see... want nothing to do with your drug addicted
son, can’t even get me any help.

What difference does it make if you can’t even help
Ext. Sidewalk - Day

Tracy starts crying as saint storms out of the house

and stumbles on sidewalk as he calls his friend

Yo justin can you hear me man?

Yeah what’s up bro?

Listen I need a favor

I'm not giving you anymore money you already owe me

Come on man this is the last me.

I will not contribute to the death of my friend
because he can’t get clean. You call me when you're
ready for that.

Int. Liquor store - Day

Saint is having withdrawals and is falling over in

the store.

Ext. Outside liquor store - Day

Saint falls down outside of the liquor store finds 5$

tumbling in front of him
Int. Warehouse - Night

Saint meets with luther to buy some more heroin

Who the fuck let you back in here? You better have
some fucking money for me saint.

Look i got five dollars right just give me something
man anything...Please

Saint...You owe me a lot of fucking money, Just
because we are cool in highschool doesn’t mean you
get any special fucking treatment

I know, I know look I got you by the end of the week.
Please this is the last time...I swear

You get me the fucking money by the end of the week.
You hear me?

Yeah I hear you man, I hear you.

Ext. Streets of new york - Night

Saint takes drugs and passes out on sidewalk in front

of house and tracy finds him

Jesus Christ Saint. Why do you keep doing this to
yourself. This is it saint you either get clean or
never come back here again
Ext. Brooklyn - Day

Saint walks down street has flashback moment

Do you love me?

I will always love you

I won't ever love someone else, ever.

Me either. Well I have to get going, I have to study
for finals and I need to finish my applications for

Alright just call me when you’re done`and i’ll come
over. I love you

I love you too

Int. Store - Day

Saint collapses in store

Int. Hospital - Night

Saint wakes up in hospital to see his friends Justin

and trinity.

How are you feeling?
About as good as I look

Well you look like shit saint. Listen It's time you
get some help, me and justin have been talking and we
found a perfect rehab center for you downtown

I'm not going to no damn rehab center I can do this

Lets just go trinity he doesn't want to help himself.
Why did we even come here? You’re just throwing your
life away saint and I'm not gonna sit around and
watch my friend deteriorate, I’ll be in the car.

Saint I just think this is what you really need and
if you want to keep your friends around I suggest you
make a change in your life.


Saint leaves the hospital only to run into luther

Where’s my money saint. Tick tick tick your time is
running out.

I'm going to get your money I still got a couple days

Don’t let me down saint, Your life depends on it
Montage - Saint running around the city trying to get
enough money to pay luther

-- Saint walking around asking for spare change

-- Saint trying to wash windshields at gas stations

-- Saint stealing money out of a tip jar and running


Ext. Alleyway - Night

Saint realizes he doesn't have enough money for


Where’s the money Saint?

I don’t have it...I couldn’t get the money luther I
just need more time.

You are all out of time my friend. But I'm feeling
generous today, I know how you can pay off your debt.
I need you to do some things for me. You understand?

I can’t do that luther

You don’t have a choice motherfucker, You got a week
to get clean.Now get the fuck out of here.

Montage - Saints memories of thalia

-- Saint and thalia out and about shopping

-- Saint and thalia on a date at a restaurant

-- Saint and thalia listening to music in the car

Int. Tracy’s House - Night

Tracy is cleaning the house when luther pays a visit

to threaten her

Hello there, Don’t mean to barge in but seems your
son owes us some money.

I am not affiliated with my son anymore; he lost that

Luther hits tracy in the face and grabs her by the


I don’t give a fuck what he is to you, I want my
fucking money.

I don’t have anything here for you, just take what
you want and leave please!

You just bought saint some time Hahaha. He doesn’t
have long.

Ext. Tracy's house - Night

Saint notices house was broken into and immediately
runs in to find his mom on the floor

Mom? What happened here?! I'm so sorry momma, Who did
this to you?

Luther stopped by. Said you owed him money and he hit
me and took whatever he wanted. What have you gotten
yourself into saint.

Don’t worry momma I'm going to make this right I
promise. I'm going to get clean for you. I will deal
with Luther just please let me stay here to get clean
please help me.

Don’t let me down again Saint my heart can't take it.

I won't let you down I swear, Let's get you up to bed
I’ll get some ice for your eye.

Int. Tracy's house - Night

Saint puts his mother to bed and tucks her in

I will make this right mom I swear.

Saint, I will always love you son. Even when you
break my heart I will always love you.

I love you too mom.

Montage - Saint getting clean

-- Saint laying in bed shaking

-- Saint sweating profusely

-- Saint tossing and turning in bed

-- Saint having hallucinations

-- Saint throwing up in the bathroom

-- Saint looking and feeling better

-- Saint finally clean

Int. Warehouse - Day

Saint comes to luther to start paying off his debt

You know I was hoping you would fuck up so that I had
a reason to come kill you and your mother.

Leave my mother out if this has nothing to do with
any of this luther.

You just don’t get It do you. I dont give a fuck
about you or your mother, She is simply a means of
leverage to get you to do what I want. If you fuck up
well saint then im sorry to tell you that just cost
you and your mothers life.
Okay okay let's just get on with this so I can get
you out of my life for good.

That’s what I like to hear Saint finally taking some
initiative in your pathetic life. Here take this
pound and sell all of it by the end of the day.

This is my first time I don't think i can sell a
whole pound I don't even know where to start.

Saint...It’s not my fucking problem, all i can say to
you is for your sake i hope you figure it out in time
or that is the end of Saints story

Man fuck this give me the bag.

Ext. Streets of Brooklyn - Day

Saint frantically runs around town selling dope

Ext. Alleyway - Day

Saint is almost done selling all of the dope when a

group approaches him

What’s good with y’all, You need some?

Hooded person
Yeah let me get everything.
That’s going to be 350$

Hooded person
You must of misunderstood me bitch I want everything
motha fucka empty your pockets.

Woah man come on put the gun down, It doesn't have to
go down like this. I can’t give you any of this, my
life depends on it please.

Hooded person
Do it look like we give a fuck about your life? You
talk too damn much.

Ext. Alleyway - Day

Saint starts to get beaten up really bad and is


Flashback - Thalia’s house

What the fuck were you thinking? How could you cheat
on me?

Please thalia I wasn’t my normal self i was fucked
up, Please im sorry i couldn't think straight.

You knew exactly what the fuck you were doing Saint.
I never want to see you again, I hate you.

No thalia please don’t say that. You don’t mean that,
I love you
You don’t love me Saint, If you loved me you wouldn’t
have broken my heart. Please leave.

Thalia I can’t live without you please, I can't lose

You lost me the second you got in bed with her.

Ext. Alleyway - Night

Saint lies there motionless, helpless crying softly.

Ext. Streets of Brooklyn - Night

Saint calls Thalia to check in on her and see if she

wants to hangout.

Hey thalia...

What do you want?

I'm just in a really bad place and I really need you
right now.

I want nothing to do with you, saint, YOu mean
nothing to me. My heart is broken and you can’t fix

Thalia please don’t do this to me...
I'm sorry saint. Goodbye

Ext. Tracy’s house - night

Saint breaks down crying in front of his house unable

to walk.

What happened saint?

I don’t want to live anymore I can’t find it in me

YOu have made so much progress these past few weeks
and I will not allow you to give up, you can’t just
curl up into a ball and give up as soon as you hit
adversity. You need to dig deep down and pick
yourself up out of that dark place. You aren’t
trapped there anymore you are free now.

I got robbed and lost all the money. I dont know what
I'm going to do. Luther is going to kill me.

Don’t worry Saint I’ll see what I can do.

Ext./Int. Warehouse - Night

Saint brings what little money he has left and some

that his mom gave him in order to pay off luther

Well, Well, Well. Look who made it, I hope you got
what I want.
Yeah I got it. It’s all right there. Can I go now

Yeah yeah, we’ll see about that. You can go.

Ext. Streets of Brooklyn - Night

Saint receives a call from thalia informing him that

she’s moving to california.

Hey Saint...

It’s really good to hear your voice thalia. YOu
wouldn't believe what i've been through today.

Listen this is going to be quick. I was just thinking
about what you said and I think I owe it to you to
tell you this.

Oh ok yeah go ahead

I'm moving to california, and i’ll probably never see
you again so i’ll leave you with this. I am grateful
for our memories together and I will forever cherish
them, You’ll always have a special place in my heart
Saint, Take care of yourself.

Ext. Tracy’s house - Night

Saint walks up to his house distraught fro the phone

call but notices the door is wide open
Int. Tracy’s house - Night

Saint walks into the house that is completely

ransacked and finds his mother lifeless in a pool of
blood on the living room floor.

Mom! Oh my God please wake up mom it's going to be ok
i'm going to get you to the hospital.

Int. Hospital waiting room - Day

Saint is approached by the doctors in the waiting


How’s my mother! Please tell me she’s alive?

Im sorry Sir but there was nothing we could do, She
lost too much blood and we couldn’t save her in time.
I’m so sorry

No you’re fucking lying. Let me see my mother. I
don't believe you. Not my mother please she’s all I
have left.

Saint breaks down crying in the waiting room

Ext. Hospital pay phone - Night

Saint calls justin asking him for advice on what to


Justin i don’t know what to do, Luther killed my
What? How the fuck could you let that happen! This is
all your fucking fault saint. You just need to leave
the state and go somewhere else there’s nothing left
for you here. I’d expect luther is out looking for
you so i’d watch my back if I were you.

I’m sorry i was such a fuck up. I would take it all
back if I could. Goodbye old friend.

Int. Tracy’s House - Night

Saint is gathering all his belongings and packing a


Montage - Saint reminisces about his childhood with

his mother

-- Saint playing on the playground with his mom

-- Tracy helping saint ride a bike

-- Tracy picking him up from elementary school

-- Saint and his mother at an amusement park together

Ext. Subway - Night

Saint gets to the subway in order to get out of town

when he is met by luther and must run away

Where the fuck did you think you were going? You
can’t run away from saint, you already saw that your
mother was unsuccessful
Fuck you

Montage - Saint running from Luther

-- Saint being chased through the streets of brooklyn

-- saint tripping over trash and debris
-- saint punching one of luther's men to get away
-- saint gets cornered in an alleyway

Ext. Alleyway - Night

Saint is trapped with no way out

There is nowhere for you to go time to just accept

How could you kill my mother luther she had nothing
to do with this.

She had everything to do with this. It's called
principle. You owe me and I will take whatever I want
until I feel satisfied! It just happen to cost you
her life.

I’ll kill you

No you won’t hahaha. It’s over for you saint

Hey what’s going on here
Wow you just keep getting luckier and luckier saint.
You better run for your life.

Ext. Streets of brooklyn

Saint takes off running and gets to the train station

Int. Grand central station

Saint catches a train out of the state and escapes

from luther

Montage - Saint traveling on train to different state

-- Saint transfers to different train

-- Saint gets food at restaurant

Ext. Bus stop - Day

A couple months have passed and saint is getting on a

bus to california.

Montage - Saint traveling across the country

-- Saint traveling to different states

--Saint gets lost but finds the right bus
-- Saint finds and old photo of him and thalia in his

Ext. Hollywood - Day

Saint finds out where thalia is supposed to be

staying and knocks on the door
Hi I don't mean to bother you but im looking for

Oh you didn't hear?

What? Hear what? What happened?

Thalia died in a car accident 5 days ago. I'm so

What? God no, Please God no. No, no, no, Fuck.

Ext. Beach - Day

Saint roams to the beach in shock Sits down and takes

out heroin and injects himself.

I can’t live anymore I have nothing left to live for,
I love you Thalia, Forever

Saint Overdoses on the beach and the last thing he

sees is thalia off in the distance smiling at him

Fade out.

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