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Date: 30.11.


Minutes of Staff Meeting

The staff meeting was held in the school library where following agenda points were discussed and
elaborated upon for the month of December 2023.

Syllabus for all classes must be complete by 10. December 2023 so that sufficient time can be given for
revision from January 2023 for all the classes.

The Annual Academic Panel inspection will be conducted on 19.12.2023.

For completion of syllabus online classes can be taken and a clear picture to be given to the school
Authority to solve the problem

Practical work for all Practical subjects must be complete by 15 Dec 2023.

Reports regarding different activities should be authentic one and should be disseminated timely.

Record to be maintained as without assessment no marks will be awarded to the Students Slow
Bloomers must be identified and an effective action plan to be implemented to

make the performance of the students better. Record for the same to be maintained.

At Primary level, competencies should be checked and records must be maintained for the same.
Parents of students with attendance below 75% should be made aware and low attendance can be one
of the criteria to detain the student.

In Teacher's Diary, TLOs of all the lessons must be mentioned and TLMs to be used to

achieve the required targets. Collaborative efforts of all are required to curb the problem of indiscipline
in the school.

Subject teachers must make their teaching interesting to solve indiscipline during class room teaching.

Not to leave the class to entertain parents as it disturbs teaching learning process.

List of Absent students should be sent on class WhatsApp group to make the students aware in case a
student bunks the school.

• Existing staff members should be cooperative with the newly joined staff members and made them
aware regarding the rules and regulations of the school,



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