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How to be A good Presenter

Good afternoon everyone. Thank you all very much for coming today. We hope you all had a
pleasant journey here today. It’s great to see you all.
Ok, let me introduce myself and my partner from group one.
My name is Dela Sapira Br Sitepu And I’m responsible for the moderator.
My name is Andra Nasfath from group one, where I’m responsible for presenter one.
And then, I’m Nur Jannah Nasution as responsible for presenter two.
And the last, my name is Asriben Debora Hutabarat, where I’m responsible for presenter three.

Sesi presentasi (MODERATOR)

Today we are here to talk to you about Edlink Quiz Number 1 to 4
In today’s presentation, we are hoping to cover 4 points:
The first is opening, after that we will look at presentation session, the next is Q & A session and
finally is closing.

Mengalihkan presentasi kepada presenter 1

I’m going to pass you over to presenter one.
Who is going to talk you present about Edlink Quiz Number 1
To presenter, the time is yours

Jawaban presenter 1
Thanks for the moderator for giving me the time
Ladies and gentleman I would like to talk to you about Edlink Quiz Number 1
That’s all from me, I give the time back to the moderator

Jawaban moderator setelah dikembalikan oleh presenter 1 sekaligus ke presenter 2

Thank’s to Andra for the nice presentation. Ladies & gentleman. I’d like to hand you over to
Presenter two. She will be telling you about Edlink Quiz Number 2 , to presenter two, the floor is
Jawaban Presenter 2
Thanks for the moderator for giving me the floors
Ladies and gentleman I would like to talk to you about Edlink Quiz Number 2
That’s all from me, I give the floor back to the moderator

Jawaban moderator setelah dikembalikan oleh presenter 2 sekaligus ke presenter 3

Thank’s to Jannah for the nice presentation. Ladies & gentleman. I’d like to hand you over to
presenter three. She will be telling you about Edlink Quiz Number 3, to presenter three, the
opportunity is yours.

Jawaban Presenter 3
Thanks for the moderator for giving me the opportunity
Ladies and gentleman I would like to talk to you about Edlink Quiz Number 3
That’s all from me, I give the opportunity back to the moderator

Jawaban moderator setelah dikembalikan oleh presenter 3 sekaligus kembali ke presenter 1

Thank’s to Asri for the nice presentation. Ladies & gentleman. I’d like to hand you over to
presenter one again. She will be telling you about Edlink Quiz Number 4, to presenter one, the
times is yours.

Jawaban Presenter 1
Thanks for the moderator for giving me the times again.
Ladies and gentleman I would like to talk to you about Edlink Quiz Number 4.
That’s all from me, I give the times back to the moderator

Setelah Presentasi selesai, sebelum masuk Q & A

Presenter one has given you an overview of Edlink Quiz Number 1 and 4
We have just heard from presenter two about Edlink Quiz Number 2
And Presenter three has given you an overview of Edlink Quiz Number 3

Q & A session
Ladies and gentleman, now I’d like to invite any questions you may have. We open three question
only for this session, Do you have any question?
Someone raises hand
To Diana, the time is yours.
Mengumpulkan pertanyaan dari audiance lain
Thanks to Diana, any question?
Setelah semua pertanyaan terkumpul
Ladies and gentleman, thank’s for the questions. Give us a minute please, we are going to
discuss for the firs question.
Menjawab pertanyaan
Ladies & gentleman, presenter one would like to answer the first question, presenter 1 the time is

Setelah presenter menjawab pertanyaan

Thanks for the presenter one, for the nice answer. To Diana, do you get the point?

Ladies and gentleman, I’m going to cunclude this presentation by two sequences as follows,
First, - in learning TOEFL especially in reading skill number 7, we study about -- while for reading
skill number 8 in the TOEFL, we learn about --- and we explore about -- In reading skill number
9 in the TOEFL.
Second, tips and trick RS 7 is -
next tips and trick RS 8 is -
and then tips and trick 9 is -

Ladies and gentleman that’s all for our presentation, thank’s for your kindly attention. Sorry for
many mistake and have a nice day. See you

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