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Troubleshoot runtime upgrade errors

Scripted Browser: Attempts to interact with elements fail

When validating a monitor created in an older runtime against the Chrome 100 (or newer)
runtime, findElement and other methods to find and interact with elements on the page may fail
due to promise handling differences. If the monitor passes in a legacy runtime, fails in the new
runtime, and the element is present in the screenshot, you may need to improve your promise
handling logic.

Selenium WebDriver promise manager / control flow allowed some functions to execute in order
in legacy runtimes, without managing promises. This capability was removed in Selenium
WebDriver 4.0 and is no longer available in the runtime. All async functions and promises need
to be managed with await or with .then promise chains. This will ensure script functions execute
in the expected order.

For example, promise manager / control flow could allow this partial script to complete
successfully, even though $browser.get returns a promise and the promise is not being handled



In the the Chrome 100 (or newer) runtime, any methods that return a promise need to use await
or .then syntax to properly sequence steps. Using await is recommended due to cleaner syntax
and easier usage, but .then promise chains are still supported too.

await $browser.get('');

let el = await $browser.findElement($driver.By.css('h1'));


Scripted API: Differences between request and got

The Node.js 10 and older scripted API runtimes used the request Node.js module to provide
a $http object that could be used to test APIs.

The Node.js 16 and newer scripted API runtimes use got instead of request. The request module
was deprecated in 2020 and will no longer be included in new API or browser based runtimes.
The $http object provides a custom request-like experience while being powered by got to
provide backward compatibility for basic use cases while still avoiding the use of a deprecated
module. Not all advanced use cases of request are or will be supported. Script examples and a
conversion guide are available.
The request-like experience provided by the $http object will also be returned for any customers
attempting to use request directly in Node.js 16 and newer scripted API runtimes.

Scripted Browser: Deprecation warnings ($browser /

Deprecation warnings for $browser and $driver were removed starting with the 2.0.29 or newer
version of the browser runtime. You should no longer receive these warnings when using public
locations. Please update your node browser runtime image if you are receiving these warnings
when using private locations.

Scripted Browser: waitForAndFindElement and

The waitForAndFindElement and waitForPendingRequests methods are New Relic custom
methods that are provided in the Chrome 72 and older scripted browser runtimes. They can still
be used with $driver and $browser in the Chrome 100 and newer runtimes, but they will not be
available when using the Selenium WebDriver 4.1 APIs directly with $selenium and $webDriver.
This change will better align New Relic's Selenium WebDriver implementation with the base
Selenium WebDriver implementation.

Customers who choose to continue using waitForAndFindElement or waitForPendingRequests in

the new runtime can paste code examples into their monitors.

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