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1.1 Objectives
The objectives of the study were to identify and understand the information requirements for
various departments namely production, design, marketing, education & health (E&H) and
buildings & grounds (B&G); to analyze the identified information for meaningful decision
making; to identify and establish a system of reporting and information sharing amongst the

1.2 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study was limited to design, production, marketing, E&H, and B&G
departments of the organization.

1.3 Methodology
The methodology adopted was primarily descriptive in design.

1.4 Methods of Data Collection

Interviews and group discussions with personnel in each department; observing and
participating in departmental and organizational meetings, inspection of current and past
records/documents and website of the organization and field visits to associated villages were

MIS: An integrated man-machine system that provides information to support the planning
and control functions of managers in an organisation. Any information system to qualify as a
MIS must satisfy the following characteristics namely,
• It should subserve managerial functions.
• It should collect information systematically and routinely.
• It should support planning and control decisions.
• It should include files, hardware, software, and operations research models.
Strictly speaking, the system designed for Kala Raksha Trust satisfies only the first three
conditions enumerated above- that too more in letter than in spirit. Also, the information
system does not include within its ambit the administrative and accounts department.

Therefore, the information system designed bears a close resemblance to what is traditionally
understood as a management information system.

The Organisation: Kala Raksha (KR) is a grass-roots level social enterprise registered as a
trust and society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and Public Trust Act 1950,
respectively, in Bhuj, Kutch on 26 August 1993. It has adopted a model of development
through handicrafts consisting of two interlinked parts: preservation and presentation of
traditional arts and income generation via contemporary work which in turn is achieved by
encouraging innovation within traditional crafts. In the recent past it has undertaken
administering of a preventive health care and basic education program for its target group of
women artisans.

The Rationale: Over its ten years of existence KR has grown in every aspect. Its complexity
in terms of spatial differentiation (geographically widely dispersed artisan groups), horizontal
differentiation (specialization of labour and consequent creation of departments) vertical
differentiation (top, middle and lower levels of management) has increased, decision taking is
being increasingly decentralized, formalization in terms of job descriptions and procedural
rules and policies are being laid down and above all the scale of operations in terms of
volumes manufactured and artisans associated has increased manifold. The number of
suppliers of raw materials, other agents engaged in processing and final buyers and channels
of sales have increased since its humble beginnings.

Thus an informal information system - which served so well when complexity and
formalization was low, centralization high, volumes were low and it had lesser players to
contend with in the value chain - was gradually being felt to be grossly inadequate.

With piling inventory, declining sales, delay in honouring orders and other inefficiencies in
operations a need for formal and systematic information systems was felt. Also, being a
development organisation it is critically dependent on donors and resource providers to
support its operations who more often than not are demanding in terms of performance
appraisal and fund utilization reports.

It was in the light of changed circumstances and a growing realization that an efficacious
information system was needed, that the management sought the development and
implementation of a MIS.

This following section of the report begins with an analysis of the KR’s organisational
structure and operations in various departments. It would be followed by department wise
analysis of the processes and transactions involved; reports to be generated to aid control,
supervision. A detailed delineation of the format of manual and computer records to be
maintained, frequency of recording and reporting, and system of supervision of the process of
regular recording and sharing of information through various media like meetings and notice
boards follows. The report concludes with a summary of actions taken and recommendations.

Kala Raksha has a functional organisational structure with design, marketing, and
administrative and accounts being one-man departments. It is a small organisation with 35-40
employees at any point in time. A schematic representation of its structure is presented on the
following page.

Figure 1: Organisation Structure of Kala Raksha Trust

Board Of Trustees

Chief Executive Project Coordinator

Design Production Marketing B&G E&H A&A

PA-I PA-II Driver VHW (n) Head Teacher

Fieldworker (n) Supervisor (n) Cook

Local Teacher (n)


PA: Production Assistant, VHW: Village Health Worker,

B&G: Buildings & Grounds E&H: Education & Health
A&A: Administration & Accounts

The following were the findings that were observed across all departments.
• In all the departments the format of recorded information was informal and non-
standard which made retrieval, collation, and analysis of information extremely
• Recording of information was irregular in some departments.
• There was a lack of awareness about the methods of data collation, aggregation and
analysis and how it could be used for forecasting, monitoring and exercising control
over operations.
• Managers of the various departments lacked proficiency in the use of computers
applications. Similarly, field workers were generally averse to systematically
recording information. These two factors rendered earlier attempts at standardizing
information systems of production and marketing departments, unsuccessful.


Based on the analysis of its operations and the organization structure it was concluded that:

There exists an acute need for a simple and user-friendly man-machine information system. A
system designed after factoring in the current skill-sets and proficiency with computers of the
end users is essential for the information system to be effective.


Actions Taken: Following the above analysis the actions department wise actions taken can
be summarized as follows.

• Alterations in the design of challan books were suggested.

• Formats of recording information were standardized for all departments.
• A system of information storage, retrieval, and reporting was developed and
implemented in MS-Access.
Detailed descriptions of department-wise design and implementation of information system is
given below.

Recommendations: A monitoring system comprising daily inspection of records for data
entry, fortnightly submission of reports in the Monday-meetings; quarterly, half-yearly and
yearly submission of summary and analytical computer generated reports in review and
evaluation meetings was suggested.


This plan is being proposed following discussions with various department managers
regarding their duties/responsibilities, the data currently recorded by them and the form in
which it is recorded.

Department-wise proposals follow below. It includes the records and their formats to be
maintained manually; the data to be transferred on to the computer and the reports that can be
generated thereof. Also included is a checklist of "to do" items for each department every

7.1 Buildings &Grounds

The buildings and grounds manager is responsible for maintenance of the buildings, land
acquisition, vehicle, canteen, gardening, electricity and communication, provision and
maintenance of utilities and all related activities. Given below is format of records to be
maintained manually and on the computer (refer to Figure 2).

Manual: The following records should be maintained manually.

1. Vehicle log book (details of route traveled daily, purpose, date, fuel bought, opening and
closing km readings, signature of B&G manager)
2-a) Vehicle Maintenance Register Date Description Vehicle Other Amount Vehicle # Sign
Expense Exp.

2-b) Vehicle Hired (date, purpose, amount) Date Route/Destination Purpose Amount

3. Canteen/Rations Register

6 Date Description Amount From Cash/Credit Signa
Whom ture

Weekly Summary: Cash Credit Total


Similarly, at the end of the month a summary statement for each entity can be prepared.
Cash Credit Total

Few pages must be set aside in the canteen's expenditure diary to record the date and quantity
of receipt of LPG cylinder and mineral water bottles separately.
S.No. Date Item Quantity Rate Amount

4. Expense register (other than canteen and vehicle)

a) Non-vehicle expenses Date Description Amount Category

The categories will be pest/ plant/ repairs and maintenance/ purchase/ solar/ wages (mason,
carpenter, electrician)/ bills (water, electricity, telephone).

5. Daily record of work done by both B&G manager and B&G assistant.
Time Work


(Schematic diagram of manual and computer records)

Movement of
vehicle owned
by KRT, fuel


Vehicle Hired
** B & G
Canteen Table


Daily log of
work done by
manager and

** Those records that are maintained on the computer.

On the computer: Every week the B&G manger should post into the computer the following:
Vehicle fuel consumption expenditure
Vehicle maintenance expenditure
Vehicle fare
Canteen -expenses, cylinder & mineral water bottles consumed
Expenses incurred by B&G manager apart from the above mentioned expenses

Reports Generated: The reports generated include:

The expenditure incurred between any two points of time
• For any category of expense
• For all categories taken together
• Two-way table (month/quarter and category wise) of expenses (this report shall serve
as the basis for preparation of annual budget)
• Graphic representation of proportionate share of various categories of expenses

Periodic Meeting -Check list

Are all the manual records updated?
Have all the entries been posted in the computer?
Have all the reports been presented in the meeting?
Enquire about unusual trends/exceptional cases.
Review of the work done daily by the B&G assistant, cook, driver and manager.
Answerable to production and E&H departments for disruption of electricity or vehicle
services respectively.

** Also for whereabouts of vehicle the B&G manager should be informed everyday and
those in need of the vehicle should contact him. The B&G manager should act as a hub of
information regarding the vehicle and its whereabouts.

7.2 Education & Health

The education and health department is responsible for conducting the basic education
programme for women artisans, running anganwadis for children faculty development
programme, organizing periodic health camps, preparation of reports to be submitted to

donors and annual budget preparation for its operations. Given below is format of records to
be maintained manually and on the computer (refer to Figure 3).


(Schematic diagram of manual and computer records)

Village wise artisans’ ** Consolidated village

attendance register; weekly attendance
exam performance

Consolidated village
Village wise weekly exam performance
syllabus to be covered

** Consolidated camp
Village wise camps workshop list &
organized, related details
resource persons, etc

Village wise camp ** Education & Health

Beneficiaries expense

** Medicine -
Medicine received by purchase and
each village distribution

Notice board –
activities of the week,

Fortnightly, monthly

** Those records that are maintained on the computer

Manual: In this department records would have to be maintained both at the village levels
and at the centre in Sumrasar.
Village Level:
1. Attendance register
First 4-5 pages contain list of students
Name Date Of Joining Date Of Leaving Duration

Following pages would be for monthly attendance

Name↓ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … … 28 29 30 Total … … … 25 … … … 23
Total 24 20 … … … … ... …. …. 24

2. Weekly plan of syllabus to be covered and targets achieved

For each week maintain a page in the following format
Date Attendance Target Syllabus Achieved Syllabus Notes

3. Medicine procured from the main center

A few pages could be set aside in the attendance register/syllabus diary for recording
medicine receipts.
Date Medicine Amount

4. Camps organized and beneficiaries

The local teacher / health worker shall maintain a record of all the camps/workshops held in
the village in the following format. The first few pages would be the index as follows.
Pg. Nos. Date from Date till Subject RP1* RP2 RP3 Total Attended

*RP= resource person

Further a list of all the beneficiaries for each camp/workshop should be maintained,
preferably for each day.

Sl No. Name Whether Ailment *

of KR

• If villagers are treated for any ailment in the camp.

Head Teacher
1. Annual/quarterly and monthly plan of syllabus to be covered. (Basic education and health)
2. Exam performance

Health Coordinator
3. Medicine purchased and distributed
4. Camps organized resource persons, beneficiaries, expenses etc.

Computer: Given below is a list of tables and their contents. The education coordinator
should ensure that these details are entered into the tables regularly.

• Camp workshop list (camp/workshop code, date, village, resource person 1,2,3,
ailment/disease, no of beneficiaries, expenses incurred, remarks)
• Camp workshop Details (camp/workshop code, beneficiary code, remarks)
• Village weekly attendance (village code, village name, date, number of students,
• Village exam details (exam code, exam level, exam date, maximum marks, and
minimum marks to pass)
• Village exam performance (exam code, artisan code, exam performance, status-
• Education & Health Expense (date, category of expense, quantity, rate, amount)

Reports Generated: The reports generated include

• Category wise expenditure for between two points in time
• Village wise attendance report for between two pints of time
• Village wise list of scores of artisans in exams
• Summary reports of the above for between two points in time.
• Camp wise and village wise list of beneficiaries of camps/workshop
• List of camps/workshops organized, resource persons associated between any two
points in time.

Periodic Meetings Check List: In the weekly meeting the head teacher shall collect/disburse
the following information from the individual villages
• daily attendance report and causes of fall in attendance if any
• targets achieved, method of delivery of syllabus
• any special happening in their village
• set targets for the following week
• convey any other information that needs to be passed on to the villagers from other
department (like pending orders etc.)

*** The education department could play a role in fostering a sense of community amongst
artisans of different villages and also getting them involved with KR activities by bringing
out a fortnightly (later on weekly) pamphlet in local language. It would contain information
on newsworthy happenings in different villages, quality and quantity of work in different
villages, production targets and their achievement etc. The pamphlet could serve as a
medium of creative "literary" outlet, information of new designs being created by different
artisans (this could be an incentive to improve productivity); toppers in exams, educating
about who the ultimate buyers are; what activities the trust is currently engaged in etc. The
idea on first impression may sound ambitious or even foolhardy but I firmly believe it is a
potent one.

*** The notice board could be used as another medium for dissemination of information and
for other similar purposes.

7.3 Design
The design coordinator holds a key position in Kala Raksha’s operations. He is entrusted with
the responsibility of overseeing the process of new design creations by means of creation of
design workshops, exposure to past documented traditions; maintaining samples of new
designs produced; determining the design, color combination and fabric that would be used in
a product, quality control of final products and above all costing of the final products. He is
also responsible for identifying new suppliers of raw materials.

The design coordinator shall maintain the following documents (refer to Figure 4).

Figure 4: DESIGN
(Schematic diagram of manual and computer records)

Stock of embroidered
yet unstitched pieces

List of samples of
finished products

** Sample specifications
in terms of quantity and variety
Sample specifications of raw material required

** Cost Sheet for a unit of

Raw material samples
finished product

** Those records that are maintained on the computer.

Manual: The manual records maintained by him include

• Stock of embroidered yet unstitched pieces
• Sample list
• Sample specifications ( what raw materials and in what quantity are used)
• Cost sheet
• Sample of raw materials and their suppliers

Computer: The design coordinator has to maintain the following tables on the computer
• Sample specifications
• Cost of raw material, processing (dry-cleaning, binding) and overhead to be charged.

Reports Generated: The reports generated include

• Cost sheet
• Sample list
• Summary
o work-wise ( i.e. style of embroidery)
o category wise ( by product
• Addition/deletions between two points in time.

Periodic meeting:
The design coordinator should keep production manager informed of the production targets,
the patterns and designs required in consultation with the marketing manager.

7.4 Production & Stores

The production and stores department is responsible for placing orders for raw materials;
maintenance of stock of raw materials, finished goods, and work-in-progress; distribution and
collection of work to field workers for embroidery in different villages; distribution of work
to tailors for stitching; planning production schedule and adherence to it; packaging of orders
and issue and receipt of raw material for dyeing and fixing, finished goods for dry-cleaning
and binding as the need may be.
The production manager should maintain the following records (refer to Figure 5).

Manual: The records to maintain manually are listed below.

• Challan -for raw material (RM) issued to artisans, to dyer, to fixer, for finished goods
issued to dry-cleaners, binders
• Wage list- of artisan's village wise, of tailors
• Tailor job assignment and finished good submission
• Correspondence with suppliers
• Progress report according to production plan
• Packing list for exit of FG by any channel, be it exhibition, orders, export, shop sale
etc to be passed on to marketing department
• Attendance register for tailors
(Schematic diagram of manual and computer records)

Challan – raw material ** List of suppliers,
issued, finished good contact details etc

Wage list- of artisan's ** Raw material stock;

village wise, of tailors Entry/exit of raw
Tailor job assignment ** Finished good
& job submission stock; Entry/exit of
finished goods

Correspondence with ** Raw material

suppliers ordered

Packing list for exit of ** Raw material

finished goods from received

Tailors and production

attendance register

** Those records that are maintained on the computer.

Computer: To begin with the tables enlisted below should also be maintained in registers
manually to guard against any eventuality because the information is critical to its operations.
• List of suppliers
• Raw material stock
• Finished goods stock
• Entry and exit of raw materials
• Entry and exit of finished goods
• Wages- artisans and tailors
• Raw material ordered
• Raw material received

Reports Generated: The reports generated include,

• Period wise and supplier wise raw material ordered/received
• Period wise and village wise wage list
• Period wise and tailor wise wage list
• Periodic inventory position

Periodic meeting: The periodic meetings shall discuss issues like progress on production
plan, targets achieved, wages reports, performance of artisans (whether orders completed on
time or delayed and adherence to quality standards etc) and all issues impacting production.

7.5 Marketing
The marketing department is responsible for exploring new channels of selling products and
building a loyal base of customers, keeping a tab on emerging trends in fashion, changing
tastes and needs of customers, liaison with and relationship building with customers both
individuals and institutions either in India or oversees and sales at the shop at the main centre
Invoicing and follow-up on payments for orders sent is the responsibility of the marketing

The marketing manager should maintain the following records (refer to Figure 6).

Manual: The manual records to be maintained by him are listed below.

• Correspondence with buyers
• Exhibition organizers etc
• Consumption of FG by various channels
• Shop sales

Computer: The following tables should be regularly maintained on the computer.

• Finished goods order received
• Finished goods order dispatched
• Finished goods sold through shop
• Exhibition -stock taken, sold and returned
• Invoicing

(Schematic diagram of manual and computer records)

Consumption of
finished goods by ** Finished goods
various channels order received

Correspondence ** Finished goods

with buyers order dispatched

** Invoicing of sales
by various channels
Shop Sales
** Finished goods
sales through shop at
Exhibition details-
correspondence, ** Exhibitions- stocks
venue logistics, taken, sold, returned
stock, sales

** Those records that are maintained on the computer.

Reports generated: The reports generated include the following-

• Invoices
• Total sales between any two points in time
• Sales-
o buyer wise between two points in time
o exhibition wise between two points in time
• Summary report of product wise sales between any two points in time
• Periodic two-way table of product sold and consumers of it
• Two-way table of months in which products were sold and quantity sold
• ABC analysis of revenue generated by different products (max ,min, % etc)
• ABC analysis of revenue generated by buyers
• Month wise report of buyers and amounts of revenue generated through each
• % of revenue generated by various channels of sales

Weekly meeting: The marketing manger has a critical role to play in the weekly meetings
wherein coordination is sought to be achieved in the working of design, production and
marketing departments. The issues discussed in each of these meetings could be reports and
analytical inputs from these departments, follow-up on pending orders and convey new
orders in consultation with design coordinator and set targets & review them for the period
before the next review. These meetings should be used to convey to design coordinator
customer requirements, market trends (orders/exhibitions etc).

The synchronized functioning of the design, production and marketing are critical to the
uninterrupted, timely and efficient production. There is a lot of scope of improvement in this
area. More frequent meetings between these three-may be twice a week would definitely
enhance efficiency.

7.6 Administration & Accounts

The A & A department's activities are not covered comprehensively in this system. Only the
extent to which it is engaged with various departments is included in the system(refer to
Figure 7).
(Schematic diagram computer records)*

** Village

** Village wise
artisans’ list

** Village wise
list of

** Money

** Employee list

* The administrative department has not been included in the design of this system.
Therefore, records related to other departments, to the extent necessary for the
current system to work, have been shown here.

** Those records that are maintained on the computer.

Computer: Given below is a list of computer tables to be maintained by the administrative

and accounts on the computer.

• Village Summary (code, name, date of association, remarks)

• Village Artisan List (artisan code, village code, artisan name, date of joining, date of
leaving, duration of association)
• Village Functionaries (village code, field-worker's name, field-worker's salary,
supervisor's name, supervisor's salary, health-worker's name, health-worker's salary,
teacher's, name teacher's salary, remarks)
• Money Transaction (payment received and made to buyers and suppliers)
• Employee list (name, address, salary etc)
• Maintenance of database of addresses of all individuals and institutions associated
with KR in any capacity.

Reports Generated: The reports generated for this department include the following
• Monthly and any other periodicity of wages report for
o Artisans
o Tailors
o Employees
• Village wise artisan list

Periodic Meeting: The issues that the administrative and accounts manager should discuss in
the meetings are follow-up on payments to suppliers and from buyers, wages due to artisans,
tailors, employees and reimbursement of other expenses to artisans for travel to main centre
to attend weekly meetings.


It is suggested the a monitoring system comprising daily inspection of records for data entry,
fortnightly submission of reports in the Monday-meetings; quarterly, half-yearly and yearly
submission of summary and analytical computer generated reports in review and evaluation
meetings be strictly followed.

on the information system marks a departure from the hitherto informal systems of data
recording and information sharing. The success of this system calls for a change in attitude
towards information management. The onus lies with the top management. In the absence of
regular supervision by top management, non-regular data entry in registers and the computer
system as suggested above may render the management information system ineffective.

List of Tables & Queries


Table1: Buildings & Grounds Expense

Name Type Size
BgExpenseCode Text 10
BgExpenseDate Date/Time 8
BgExpenseCategory Text 50
BgExpenseDescription Text 75
BgExpenseAmount Currency 8

Table2: Camp Workshop Details

Name Type Size
CWsCode Text 10
CwsBeneficiaryCode Text 10
CwsNotes Text 50

Table3: Camp Workshop List

Name Type Size
CWsCode Text 10
CWsDepartment Text 50
CWsDateFrom Date/Time 8
CWsDateTill Date/Time 8
CWsVillageCode Text 10
CWsResourcePerson1 Text 50
CWsResourcePerson2 Text 50
CWsResourcePerson3 Text 50
CWsSubject Text 50
CWsExpensesIncurred Currency 8
CWsNumerOfBeneficiaries Integer 2
CwsNotes Text 255

Table4: Education & Health Expense

Name Type Size
ExpenseCode Text 10
ExpenseDate Date/Time 8
ExpenseCategory Text 50
ExpenseQty Single 4

ExpenseRate Currency 8
ExpenseNotes Text 50

Table5: Employee List

Name Type Size
EmployeerCode Text 10
EmplyeeName Text 50
EmployeeDepartment Text 50
EmployeeDesignation Text 50
EmployeeVillage Text 50
EmployeeDOB Date/Time 8
EmployeeSalaryPerMonth Currency 8
EmployeeJoiningDate Date/Time 8
EmployeeQuittingDate Date/Time 8

Table6: Finished Goods Buyers List

Name Type Size
FgBuyerCode Text 10
FgBuyerName Text 50
FgBuyerContactPerson Text 50
FgBuyerAddress Text 255
FgBuyerCity Text 50
FgBuyerDistrict Text 50
FgBuyerState Text 50
FgBuyerCountry Text 50
FgBuyerPin Text 7
FgBuyerTele Text 30
FgBuyerMobile Text 30
FgBuyerFax Text 30
FgBuyerEmail Text 60
FgBuyerNotes Text 255

Table7: Finished Goods Entry

Name Type Size
FgEntryCode Text 10
FgEntryDate Date/Time 8
FgEntryType Text 25
FgCode Text 10
FgEntryQty Integer 2

Table8: Finished Goods List

Name Type Size
FgCode Text 10

FgCodeKR Text 35
FgCategory Text 50
FgWork Text 50
FgFabric Text 50
FgSize Text 50
FgInitialStock Integer 2
FgNotes Text 50

Table9: Finished Goods Order Despatched

Name Type Size
FgOrderDespatchedCode Text 10
FgOrderDespatched Date Date/Time 8
FgBuyerCode Text 10
FgBuyerCategory Text 50
FgBillAmount Currency 8
FgDiscountPercent Byte 1
FgFreightCharge Currency 8
FgNetlBillAmount Currency 8

Table10: Finished Goods Order Despatched Details

Name Type Size
FgOrderDespatchedCode Text 10
FgCode Text 10
FgQtyDespatched Integer 2
FgRate Currency 8
FgProductDiscount Long Integer 4

Table11: Finished Goods Order Received

Name Type Size
FgOrderReceivedCode Text 10
FgOrderReceivedDate Date/Time 8
FgBuyerCode Text 10
FgOrderDueDate Date/Time 8
FgOrderSent Yes/No 1

Table12: Finished Goods Order Received Details

Name Type Size
FgOrderReceivedCode Text 10
FgCode Text 10
FgQtyOrdered Integer 2

FgRate Currency 8

Table13: Finished Goods Processing

Name Type Size
FgProcessingCode Text 10
FgProcessingDate Date/Time 8
FgProcessingType Text 25
FgprocessingProductCode Text 10
FgProcessingQty Integer 2
FgProcessingRate Currency 8
FgProcessingAmount Currency 8

Table14: Finished Goods Shop Sale

Name Type Size
FgShopSaleCode Text 10
fgShopBuyerName Text 50
FgShopBillAmont Currency 8
FgShopDiscount Byte 1
FgGuideCommission Byte 1

Table15: Finished Goods Shop Sale Details

Name Type Size
FgShopSaleCode Text 10
FgCode Text 10
FgShopSaleQty Integer 2
FgShopRate Currency 8
FgItemDiscountPercent Byte 1

Table16: Money Transactions

Name Type Size
TransactionCode Text 10
TransactionType Text 50
TransactionCodeDate Date/Time 8
TransactionMode Text 50
TransactionPartyCode Text 10
TransactionAmount Currency 8
TransactionNotes Text 50

Table17: Raw Material Consumption

Name Type Size

RmConsumptionCode Text 50
RmDateConsumed Date/Time 8
RmCode Text 50
RmQtyConsumed Integer 2
RmConsumedBy Text 50
RmConsumptionType Yes/No 1

Table18: Raw Material List

Name Type Size
RmCode Text 10
RmCategory Text 50
RmVariety Text 50
RmSubVariety Text 50
RmInitialStock Single 4
RmCost Currency 8

Table19: Raw Material Ordered

Name Type Size
RmOrderCode Text 10
RmDate Date/Time 8
RmSupplierCode Text 10
RmLeadTime Byte 1
RmStaus Yes/No 1

Table20: Raw Material Ordered Details

Name Type Size
RmOrderCode Text 10
RmName Text 10
RmQty Integer 2
RmRate Currency 8

Table21: Raw Material Processing

Name Type Size
RmProcessingCode Text 10
RmProcessingDate Date/Time 8
RmProcessingType Text 25
RmProcessingMaterailCode Text 10
RmProcessingQty Integer 2
RmProcessingRate Currency 8
RmProcessingAmount Currency 8

Table22: Raw Material Receipt
Name Type Size
RmReceiptCode Text 10
RmReceiptDate Date/Time 8
RmSupplier Text 10
RmTotalBillAmount Currency 8
RmAmountPaid Currency 8

Table23: Raw Material Receipt Details

Name Type Size
RmReceiptCode Text 10
RmCode Text 10
RmQty Integer 2
RmRate Currency 8

Table24: Raw Material Suppliers

Name Type Size
RmSupplierCode Text 10
RmSupplierName Text 50
RmSupplierContactPerson Text 50
RmSupplierAddressVillage Text 255
RmSupplierCityTaluka Text 50
RmSupplierDistrict Text 50
RmSupplierState Text 35
RmSupplierPin Text 10
RmSupplierTele Text 30
RmMobile Text 15
RmSupplierEmail Text 60
RmSupplierFax Text 30
RmSupplierNotes Text 255

Table25: Raw Materials & Sources

Name Type Size
RmCode Text 10
RmSupplierCode Text 10

Table26: Sample Non-material Cost

Name Type Size
SampleCode Text 10
SampleWagesEmbroidery Currency 8
SampleWagesTailoring Currency 8

SampleDrycleaning Currency 8
SampleBinding Currency 8
SampleOthers Currency 8
Table27: Sample Specifications
Name Type Size
SampleCode Text 10
SampleProductCode(KR) Text 35
SampleQuantity Byte 1
SampleCategory Text 50
SampleWork Text 50
SampleSize Text 15
SampleColour Text 50
SampleFabricMain Text 50
SampleFabricMainQty Single 4
SampleFabricLining Text 50
SampleFabricLiningQty Single 4
SampleFabricInterlining Text 50
SampleFabricInterliningQty Single 4
SampleFabricOther Text 50
SampleFabricOtherQty Single 4
SampleThreadEmbroidery Text 50
SampleThreadEmbroideryQty Single 4
SampleZippers Text 50
SampleZippersQty Single 4
SampleBeads Text 50
SampleBeadsQty Single 4
SampleButtons Text 50
SampleButtonsQty Byte 1
SampleOthers1 Text 50
SampleOthers1Qty Single 4
SampleOthers2 Text 50
SampleOthers2Qty Single 4
SampleNotes Text 255

Table28: Tailor List

Name Type Size
TailorCode Text 10
TailorName Text 50
TailorJoiningDate Date/Time 8
TailorQuittingDate Date/Time 8

Table29: Tailor Product Wages

Name Type Size
TailorProductCode Text 25

TailorProductStitchingCutting Text 50
TailorProductRate Currency 8

Table30: Village Summary

Name Type Size
VillageCode Text 10
VillageName Text 50
VillageCraft Text 50
VillageDateOfAssociation Date/Time 8
VillageNotes Memo -

Table31: Village Artisans List

Name Type Size
ArtisanCode Text 10
ArtisanVillageCode Text 50
ArtisanName Text 75
ArtisanDateOfJoining Date/Time 8
ArtisanDateOfLeaving Date/Time 8
ArtisanDurationOfAssociation Integer 2

Table32: Village Exam Details

Name Type Size
ExamCode Text 10
ExamLevel Text 30
ExamDate Date/Time 8
ExamMaximumMarks Integer 2
ExamPassMarks Byte 1

Table33: Village Exam Performance

Name Type Size
ExamCode Text 10
ArtisanCode Text 30
ExamScore Integer 2
ExamStatus Yes/No 1

Table34: Village Level Functionaries

Name Type Size
VillageCode Text 10
ArtisanFeildworkerName Text 50
ArtisanFeildworkerSalary Currency 8
ArtisanSupervisorName Text 50

ArtisanSupervisorSalary Currency 8
ArtisanTeacherName Text 50
ArtisanTeacherSalary Currency 8
ArtisanHealthworkerName Text 50
ArtisanHealthworkerSalary Currency 8
VillageEmployeesRemarks Text 255

Table35: Village Weekly Attendance

Name Type Size
AttendanceVillageCode Text 10
AttendanceVillageName Text 50
AttendanceWeekBeginning Date/Time 8
AttendanceTotalStudents Integer 2
AttendanceMon Integer 2
AttendanceTues Integer 2
AttendanceWed Integer 2
AttendanceThurs Integer 2
AttendanceFri Integer 2
AttendanceSat Integer 2

Table36: Wages Artisans

Name Type Size
WagesArtisanCode Text 10
WagesArtisanDate Date/Time 8
WagesArtisanVillage Text 50
WagesArtisanAmount Currency 8

Table37: Wages Tailor

Name Type Size
WagesTailorCode Text 10
WagestailorProductCode Text 35
WagesTailorQty Byte 1
WagesTailorDate Date/Time 8


Buildings & Grounds Expense Query

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Buildings & Grounds Expense].BgExpenseCategory,
[Buildings & Grounds Expense].BgExpenseDescription, Sum([Buildings & Grounds
Expense].BgExpenseAmount) AS [Sum Of BgExpenseAmount], Count(*) AS [Count Of

Buildings & Grounds Expense] FROM [Buildings & Grounds Expense] GROUP BY
[Buildings & Grounds Expense].BgExpenseCategory, [Buildings & Grounds


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