Heavenly Kingdom Events

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namespace = heavenly

# Missionaries from treaty port build hospitals/schools

heavenly.1 = {
type = country_event
placement = scope:missionary_state

title = heavenly.1.t
desc = heavenly.1.d
flavor = heavenly.1.f

event_image = {
video = "gfx/event_pictures/southamerica_christianity.bk2"

on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear"
on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/southamerica/christianity"

icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_scales.dds"

duration = 3

trigger = {
NOT = {
root.religion = {
has_discrimination_trait = christian
any_scope_state = {
is_incorporated = yes
any_scope_pop = {
NOT = {
religion = rel:protestant
any_neighbouring_state = {
is_treaty_port = yes
owner = {
religion = rel:protestant
immediate = {
random_scope_state = {
limit = {
is_incorporated = yes
any_scope_pop = {
NOT = {
religion = rel:protestant
any_neighbouring_state = {
is_treaty_port = yes
owner = {
religion = rel:protestant
save_scope_as = missionary_state
random_neighbouring_state = {
limit = {
is_treaty_port = yes
owner = {
religion = rel:protestant
save_scope_as = treaty_port_scope
owner = {
save_scope_as = treaty_port_owner

option = {
name = heavenly.1.a
default_option = yes
scope:missionary_state = {
add_modifier = {
name = missionary_schools_hospitals
months = normal_modifier_time
convert_population = {
target = rel:protestant value = 0.05
option = {
name = heavenly.1.b
change_relations = {
country = scope:treaty_port_owner
value = -1
scope:missionary_state = {
convert_population = {
target = rel:protestant
value = 0.01

# The God Worshipping Society

heavenly.2 = {
type = country_event
placement = scope:cult_state

title = heavenly.2.t
desc = heavenly.2.d
flavor = heavenly.2.f

event_image = {
video = "gfx/event_pictures/asia_union_leader.bk2"

on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear"
on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/asia/union_leader"
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_newspaper.dds"

duration = 3

trigger = {

immediate = {
random_subject_or_below = {
random_scope_state = {
limit = {
has_modifier = god_worshippers
save_scope_as = cult_state
set_variable = {
name = cult_center
option = {
name = heavenly.2.a
scope:cult_state = {
# Already added when the Journal Entry activated, but we're going
to remove it and add it again to make it visible to the player
hidden_effect = {
remove_modifier = god_worshippers
add_modifier = {
name = god_worshippers
months = short_modifier_time
convert_population = {
target = rel:protestant value = 0.1

# Cult Grows
# Repeatable
heavenly.3 = {
type = country_event
placement = scope:cult_growth_state

title = heavenly.3.t
desc = heavenly.3.d
flavor = heavenly.3.f

event_image = {
video = "gfx/event_pictures/asia_union_leader.bk2"

on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear"
on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/asia/union_leader"

icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_newspaper.dds"
duration = 3

cooldown = { months = 3 }

trigger = {
any_subject_or_below = {
any_scope_state = {
has_variable = cult_center
any_scope_pop = {
has_pop_religion = protestant
any_neighbouring_state = {
owner = ROOT
NOT = {
has_variable = cult_center
NOT = { is_capital = yes }
immediate = {
random_subject_or_below = {
random_scope_state = {
limit = {
has_variable = cult_center
any_scope_pop = {
has_pop_religion = protestant
any_neighbouring_state = {
owner = ROOT
NOT = {
has_variable = cult_center
save_scope_as = cult_center
random_neighbouring_state = {
limit = {
owner = ROOT
NOT = {
has_variable = cult_center
save_scope_as = cult_growth_state
set_variable = {
name = cult_center
option = {
name = heavenly.3.a
scope:cult_growth_state = {
add_modifier = {
name = god_worshippers
months = short_modifier_time
convert_population = {
target = rel:protestant value = 0.1

# Heavenly Kingdom spawn

heavenly.4 = {
type = country_event
placement = ROOT

title = heavenly.4.t
desc = heavenly.4.d
flavor = heavenly.4.f

event_image = {
video = "gfx/event_pictures/asia_union_leader.bk2"

on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear"
on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/asia/union_leader"

icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_fire.dds"

duration = 3

trigger = {

immediate = {
every_state = {
limit = {
has_modifier = god_worshippers
remove_modifier = god_worshippers
if = {
limit = {
c:GNG = {
is_player = no

c:GNG = {
random_scope_state = {
save_scope_as = heavenly_kingdom_spawn

# else_if = {
# c:GNG = {
# is_player = yes
# }
# }

else_if = {
limit = {
any_country = {
is_player = no
OR = {
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_buzhengshi }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_zongdu }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_dujun }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = vassal }

any_subject_or_below = {
exists = this

random_subject_or_below = {
limit = {
is_player = no
OR = {
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_buzhengshi }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_zongdu }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_dujun }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = vassal }

random_scope_state = {
save_scope_as = heavenly_kingdom_spawn

else= {
random_scope_state = {
save_scope_as = heavenly_kingdom_spawn

create_country = {
tag = TPG
origin = this
state = scope:heavenly_kingdom_spawn
on_created = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_ruling_interest_group = ig_devout
ig:ig_devout = {
add_ruling_interest_group = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_law = law_type:law_theocracy
activate_law = law_type:law_theocracy
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_law = law_type:law_state_religion
activate_law = law_type:law_state_religion
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
has_law = law_type:law_peasant_levies
activate_law = law_type:law_peasant_levies
add_modifier = {
name = uprising_conscription
months = normal_modifier_time
c:TPG = {
save_scope_as = heavenly_kingdom_scope
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
any_country = {
is_player = yes
OR = {
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_buzhengshi }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_zongdu }
has_diplomatic_pact = { who = c:MCH type = id_dujun }

c:TPG = {
if = {
limit = {
c:GNG = {
is_player = no
annex = c:GNG
c:TPG = {
set_capital = STATE_GUANGXI
if = {
limit = {
c:YUE = {
is_player = no
annex = c:YUE
c:TPG = {
set_capital = STATE_GUANGDONG
if = {
limit = {
c:HNA = {
is_player = no
annex = c:HNA
c:TPG = {
if = {
limit = {
c:AHU = {
is_player = no
annex = c:AHU

c:TPG = {
set_capital = STATE_NANJING

every_scope_state = {
set_state_type = incorporated
if = {
limit = { has_journal_entry = je_warlord_china }
post_notification = warlord_china_explosion_point_add
change_variable = {
name = china_warlord_explosion
add = 1

option = {
name = heavenly.4.a
default_option = yes
ai_chance = { base = 1 }
add_journal_entry = {
type = je_taiping
if = {
limit = {
any_scope_state = {
has_variable = cult_center
every_scope_state = {
limit = {
has_variable = cult_center
set_state_owner = c:TPG
set_state_type = incorporated
every_scope_state = {
limit = {
is_capital = no
NOT = { has_variable = cult_center }
any_neighbouring_state = {
has_variable = cult_center
turmoil > 0.1
set_state_owner = c:TPG
set_state_type = incorporated
create_diplomatic_play = {
name = taiping_rebellion
target_country = scope:heavenly_kingdom_scope
type = dp_taiping_rebellion
option = {
name = heavenly.4.b
ai_chance = { base = 0 }
if = {
limit = {
any_scope_state = {
has_variable = cult_center
every_scope_state = {
limit = {
has_variable = cult_center
set_state_owner = c:TPG
set_state_type = incorporated
every_scope_state = {
limit = {
is_capital = no
NOT = { has_variable = cult_center }
any_neighbouring_state = {
has_variable = cult_center
turmoil > 0.1
set_state_owner = c:TPG
set_state_type = incorporated
create_diplomatic_play = {
name = taiping_rebellion
target_country = scope:heavenly_kingdom_scope
type = dp_taiping_rebellion
play_as = scope:heavenly_kingdom_scope

# Aftermath event
heavenly.5 = {
type = country_event
placement = ROOT

title = heavenly.5.t
desc = heavenly.5.d
flavor = heavenly.5.f

event_image = {
video = "gfx/event_pictures/asia_union_leader.bk2"

on_created_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/UI/Alerts/event_appear"
on_opened_soundeffect = "event:/SFX/Events/asia/union_leader"

icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_newspaper.dds"

duration = 3

trigger = {
# triggered by journal entry

option = { # mass re-conversions

name = heavenly.5.a
default_option = yes
every_scope_state = {
limit = {
any_scope_pop = {
religion = rel:protestant
convert_population = {
target = rel:mahayana value = 0.1
every_country = {
limit = {
country_rank >= rank_value:great_power
religion = {
has_discrimination_trait = christian
create_incident = {
country = root
value = 25
option = { # mercy and pardons
name = heavenly.5.b
add_loyalists = {
value = 0.2
religion = rel:protestant
every_country = {
limit = {
country_rank >= rank_value:great_power
religion = {
has_discrimination_trait = christian
create_incident = {
country = root
value = 25

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