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Materi grammar causative verb

Definisi causative verb

Causative verbs are verbs that are used to indicate if the subject is not
directly responsible for the action that occurs, but rather someone or
something else that performs the action.

Example: "I had my hair cut".

Subject I in the sentence does not cut his own hair but instead makes
other people do it.

Generally there are four causative verbs that are often used, namely
have, get, let, and make.

Kalimat aktif: S + causative verb + agent + action verb (basic verb/infinitive)

Kalimat pasif: S + causative verb + object + action verb (past participle)


o Agent: orang yang melakukan kegiatan

o Action verb: kegiatan yang dilakukan
o Basic verb: kata kerja dasar
o Infinitive: to + kata kerja dasar
o Past participle: bentuk pasif (kata kerja bentuk ketiga)

Kalimat Aktif: Let

Kata let berperan sebagai pemberi izin. Jika kamu menggunakan let maka berarti kamu telah
memberi izin pada orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu. Perhatikan contoh causative
verb kata ‘let’ dalam kalimat berikut ini:

o I let you drive me home tonight.

(Aku memperbolehkan kamu untuk mengantarku pulang malam ini.)
o They let Patricia borrow their history books.
(Mereka mengizinkan Patricia meminjam buku sejarah.)

Active voice: make

The word make seems more forceful than the word let. Make usually puts more emphasis on someone
getting him to do something. Consider the example of the causative verb word 'make' in the following
Both of my parents make my sister, Linda, cook for her own supper.

(Kedua orang tuaku meminta kakakku, Linda, untuk memasak makan malamnya sendiri.r.)

The police made the thief return back the things he stole before.

(Polisi memaksa pencuri untuk mengembalikan barang yang dicurinya..)


Have is a common causative verb. This verb functions to want

someone to do something for the subject. The formula used is
as follows:

Kalimat aktif : S + (have/ had + agent + action verb (bare

infinitive) + object. Kalimat pasif : S+(have-had)
+object+action verb(V-3).

Contoh :

 I had my brother take that glass (aktif)

 Mr. Setia had Lillie check the paper (aktif)
 I had my jacket cleaned yesterday (pasif)
 I had my computer fixed (pasif)


The use of the verb Get is similar to have but with a different
sentence structure. The formula used is as follows:

Aktif : S + (get/ got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive) Pasif : S

+ (got) + object + action verb (V-3)

Contoh :

 He got his father to buy a ball (aktif)

 I got my jacket cleaned (pasif)

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