Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising (USA, Australia)

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AGB-AW2P-NFHUG AALS _ BLACK HOLE RISING INSTRUCTION BOOKLET SPIELANLEITUNG MODE D’EMPLO! HANDLEIDING CONTENTS Controls ..... Pee iacv corte ere Map Menu . . Preparing for Combat . Fog of War... Select Made Screen .. Selecting a Mode SAVING Sere ce cn Unit Intel Rules of Engagement .......... Terrain Intel . UN NSS tier ces steiner. CO Powers .. CONTROLS: ¢ Move cursorto units, y P = Display INTEL on units awaiting orders and terrain features #Confim selections * Display Map Menu ¢ Move cursor a * Display movement range eo Make menu ‘© Scroll through text selections Move units Bk Lee et | EE Ch SELECT Begin game Display Map Menu + Display overview map Reorder troop display # Skip cinema scenes and dialogue & 2) (eee a Ae My eure decked Murk etom PREPARING FOR COMBAT { Insert the Avance Wars™ 2: BLack Hote Aisne Game Pak into your Game Boy Advance!™ and turn the power ON. The GAME BOY: logo ‘will appear followed by he Language Selection Screen where you Can choose ore of the languages (ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, DEUTSCH, ESPANOL or ITALIANO) using the + Contra Pad. Press START on. the Title Screen to move to the Select Mode Screen. RINT H 1s AdANCE Wass 2: Buick Hole Risine has:six game modes ta choose from. Use the Control Pad to sélecta made, and press the A Button to confirm your choice. Decending on the mode you select, ‘@sub-window with further choices may be displayed. {I In some sub-Wwindows, you can only select NEW when Starting the game for the first time. STUNG ‘There-are two ways to save game data: by completing a mission or by selecting SAVE from the Map Menu during a mission. Completing a Mission ‘When you finish @ mission, you will be asked if jou want to save your game data. Use the # Control Pad to. select YES, and press the A Button to coniirm your choice, Ema You can save your game data at any point during a battle, Select the SAVE command from the Map Menu (see pg. 13) and press the A Button, You will be asked to save your current game data. Restore your game by selecting CONTINUE fram the Select Mode Screen. {8} Games played in Link Mode cannot be saved. Clear All Sayed Game Data Ifyou want to delete all of your saved data, press and hold: SELECT, the: Button, and right on the “Control Pad when you tum on your Game Boy Advance, Use the Control Pad to'select YES and press the A Button to. confirm. (Game dela that has been erased cannot be restored, so be carefull RULES OF ENGAGEMENT The Game Screen is divided into square-shaped spaces. The distance units can move ard their atlack ranges are measured in these spaces. Some squares have HOs, bases, and other properties, while others contain different terrain features, like mountains and seas. CeCe Battles consist of COs issuing orders (FIRE, GAPT, etc.) to their troops, then waiting while the enemy’ CO: does the same: When all COs-are firished, a day ends. This process continues until a Victor emerges. Ps ‘You'll find five separate armies In Anvance Wars 2: Orange Star, Bluz Moon, Yellow Comet, Green Earth and Black Hole (enemy). You will give orders to all the soldiers, with the exception of the enemy army, ‘via your commanding officers. Mission Complete (VICTORY), ‘Thera are two main ways to win a mssion: HO Capture OF “Enemy Pout Foran nH Capture, move ‘One of your INFANTRY or MECH units onito the enemy field HQ and select CAPT. To rout the enemy troogs, you must defeat all deployed enemy units. {il Depencing on the nife settings and the Battle Map, you might bs able to win by Base Capture = caottiring a pre-determined number of properties, (DEFEAT) Thee are threa ways to lose-on the field of battle: HO. Teer Rout, and Surrend HQ Capture and Rout are the same @s above, Tosurrender, simply choose YIELD from the Options Menu on tte Map Menu, {I The terms for victory vary between game modes. UTE) Soldiers; veticles, and artillery that appear on the map represent entire Units-Each unit starts with: @ total of 10:4P (Hit Points}. War Funds and Deployment ft takes monsy to deploy its into the field. War funds are re collected from the; properties ( (bases, ¢ cities, HO, ete.) each army controls on any: given map. These funds are added to your total at the start of every turn, Unusac funds are carried over to the next turn, but your funds are not caried from map to map. Unit Deployment Units can Rca tame one of three deployment properties: a bese, an aitport, of a port. Press the A Button to display the Deployment Menu, then use # and -* on the # Control Pad to select the unit you want todeploy. Confirm your choice by pressing the A Button again. The unit then appears on that property and can receive orders on the next turn. Each unit can move once per tum, Use-the cursor to select the unit you wantto move, and press the A Button. When the unit is selected, its movement range appears. Place the cursor where you Want the unit to move. A red arrow traces the tnits path. After the unit moves, the Command Menu appears. (NOTE: two units cannot cecupy a single space at the same time.) The following orders may appear in the Command Menu: CAPT (Capture), WAIT, FIRE, SUPPLY, JOIN, LOAD, DROP. Usa + and #00 the + Control Pad to' order, and press the A Button to confirm, Once-a unit has been ordered tolwait, it can recelve no further orders until the next turn. Gas. = : 4 Ground Units burn fuel only when ordered to move. Air and naval units constime fuel every tum, They crash or Sink if they run out of fuel, so check the fuel status on the Cursor Intel Window. Cancelling Movement, Ord2F8 5 = ‘Youcan cancel movement orders until you've given secondary orders from the Command Menu. Normally, units don't consume fuel if their mavement orders are cancelled. However, in FOG OF WAR (See pa. 14), units. consume fuel even if their movement orders are cancelled. Capture (CAPT) ‘The Capture command appears when you move one of your infanky or mech units onto’a neutral or enemy procerty. Confirm the Capture orders with the A Button to maxe your unit begin securing the property. Each property has a capture number, which is reduced each turn by the number of HP the capturing unit has, An infantry of mech unit with 10 HP can caplure @ property with a capture number of 20 in 2 days: Ones a property is secured, it turns the colour of the army that captured it. FIRE ‘The FIRE order appears in the Command Menu when a unit can attack an enemy. When you choose to altack by selecting FIRE and oressing the A Button, the Altack cursor appears. IF multiple enemies are within range, you can move the Attack cursor with the + Control Pad. Once you have selected an enemy target, press the’A Button to confirm your choice. Your unit will open fire immediately. ‘Types.of Attack, ee Depending on the type of unit ataskin, you vill engege in ether di rect orindiveGt combat. Direct-combat units can move and fire in the same tum: Indirect-combat units, however, can only move 6r fire in one turn, When attacking, inditect-combat Units are safe from counterattack. [I The range of fire for indireet-comibat units differs between unit types. An enemiy Unit that loses all of its Hit Points explodes and vanishes from the screen. Of course, the same is trie for your tinits, too. Tae ‘You can supply units with their maximumramount of fuel and ammo by moving APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers} adjacent to them, Units can resupply thei fuel and ammo by stopping on Secured properties, too. They alsa recover 2 HP for every tum they remain on a property, Unit Receiving Supplies }—— To use an APG to:supply, move the APC to a space adjacent to the unitin need of fuel or ammo. The SUPPLY order will appear in the Command Menu. Select SUPPLY, and press the A Button to confirm. [Hl If multiple units are adjacent to an APC, all units recelvé supplies. Air and naval nits can receive supplies and replenish hit points by. resting in airports and ports, respectively. Air units and naval units can recelve supplies from APCs by moving to a space adjacent to them. [ Using bases to recover supplies and HP casis money Don't worry - the cast will be deducted from your available war funds automatically! Ci ‘You can join two units of the same type into one unit if both units Rave been damaged. To do this, move one unit onto a space cecupied by a unit of the same type, select JOIN from the Command Menu, and press the A confirm your orders. The newly formed unit has the combined amount of fuel and ammo of the individual units, but that number cannot exceed the maximum amount for that unit type, {) Units also combine their HP when joined, but their HP Will never exceed 10. 10 ‘Transport units have the ability to carry other units. They can carry units with lw movement ranges. farther than normal, even allowing, them: ‘o cross otherwise impassable terrain. To load a unit, select it with the Cursor, move if onto’ space occupied by a transport unit, and select LOAD fromm the Command Menu. Place the cursor on a transport vehicle to View INTEL on the units being carried. {l) Depending on the tye of transport, some terrain tynes may prevent you from faading units. {f) Units being transported are nat damaged ifthe transport vehicle is fired upon. However, ifa transoort is destroyed white carrying another unit, that unit is alse destroyed. {i Even after transports have been ordered 10 WANT, they can still Joad Units. BROP Loaded units can, of course, be Unloaded. First, use the curser to move the transcort unit to the desired focation. If the transport Unit stops in terrain that allows for the unloading of traops, DROP appears in the Command Menu. When you select DROP and confirm this order with the A Button, the cursor appears, allowing you to choose. where you want-to unload a unit, If the transport is carrying two Units, select which Unit you want to drop with the 4 Central Pad. {I} A transport canying two units can drop both unis in a singe tum. {) Units cannot mave on the tum they are unloaded. A ‘When a unit finishes moving, this appears in the Command Menu. Select this to end a unit's tum if i's rot firing of capturing, t em EU) ‘To display the Map Menu, place the cursor on an unoccupied space and press either SELECT of the A Button. Use * and + to select a command, and confirm with the A Button: il] Menu items vary depending on the game mede and the selected rules. to scroll through each dossier. At the end of each GO dossier, a chart shows the parameters foe. cach of that CO's Units. You can see how much each unit's abilities. vary between COs.. For help reading the chart, press the R Button. INT Baers a View intel on the curent bettfetd, There are four menu tems under INTEL: STATU: TERMS, UNIT, and RULES. Use * and + to select an item, and press the AButton to confirm your choice. @ STATUS @ UNIT STATUS displays the current map name, the This screen displays sital intelligence (or INTEL) number of days the battle has been waged, On Your troops. Press + or + on the # Control the number of bases held by each army, and Pad a colurm and reorganise the information on'each army's funds, information in numerical order. Press * or + 7 on the 4 Control Pad to-select a unit, and © TERMS (Only in CAMPAIGN) press the A Button tomove the game screen Check the victory conditions for your current ‘cursor to that unit. battle here. !) Select a data column end press SELECT ta Switch the order from highest number first to fowest number first © RULES (Not used in CAMPAIGN or the WAR ROOM) Genfirm the rufes for the current battle, NOTE: you cannot changes the rules here. 12 CO Powers (ROWER) and Super, CO Powers (SUPER) (see pg, 20) ‘These two options only appear on the menu when the CO Power Meter is full. Select them to use special CO abilities, OPTIONS. on the 4 Control Pad to complete setup, and {her press the A Button. On the next screen, lise * and + on the 4 Control Pad to set each CO toa single-letter team name. When you're happy with the settings, press the A Button. If) In battles Getween three or more armies, you can create allies by assigning COs to the same team name. : ‘The Rules Screen comes next. Use and + on the Control Pad to move between rules, and use * and * to change the rule settings. Confinn your rules by pressing the A Button, Rules FOG Tum FOG OF WAR ON or OFF Selecting ON limits tha vision range to that of each individual unit WEATHER ‘Choose between CLEAR, SNOW, RAIN. and RANDOM. RANDOM allows for ciate changes izing tha battle. FUNDS Set the amount of money aries receive for each allied base, TURN Limit the number of days the baltla wil continue. Victory goes lo the armiy with te mést bases at the endl. CAPT Set Victory conditions to be determined by the number of bases captured during the battle POWER, Tum the. CO pawers.ON or OFF: VISUALS ‘Select your animation preferences. 15 SCT In the DESIGN ROOM; you can design your own clistom maps and change CO hair and outfit colour. MAP. = 2 Place terrain features and units anywhere you want to create all-nev original maps. You can Use your ‘own maps in Versus Mode and Multi-Pak Link Mode (see pg- 19}, You can also trade your maps with friends in Link Mode by selecting TRADE MAPS (see pg. 20). Select DESIGN ROOM from the Select Mode Screen, then choase MAP from the Sub Menu. This opéris the map designer, where you can create maps to your heart's content. ® Creating your own Maps Map Designer Main Screen (Ones you open the map designer, use the L and R Buttons ta open the unit and terrain menus. Scroll through choices with * and +, and use + and + to scroll through the avallable colours. Move the cursor to the area you want to place the selected item, and press the A Button to place it on the map. Map Dasigner Terrain Features Menu (R Sutton) ‘This menu includes HQs; cities, and all types of bases, as well as roads, woods, and rivers. () Special terrain features that appear in Campaign Mode will not be available, Unit Menu (L Button) Here you can choose ftom infantry, tanks, and other ground units. ‘You can also deploy air units and naval units. 16 1 Button: Display the Unit Menu SELECT: Osciaythe Mop | Designer Menu + Control Pad: B Button: Select tha terrain feature or On Design Screen: Move the cursor ‘unit indicated by the cursor on the Map. On Menus: Use + end + to select ment items Designer Screen Use and + to change the colour of army units, HOs, and bases Rules for Creating Maps Tha map must have at least two HOs of different colours and contain at least one deployed unit or one production bass for each army's HO. About the Menu Windows: Press SELECT to bring up the Map Designer Menu, Use + and + to select a menuitem, and press the A Button ta confirm your choice, FILE Use * and © to select a menu Rem and the A Button to confirm your choice. HELP Open recetve hints om using tha map designe. INTEL ‘To view the current number of cities and bases on a man, select INTEL FILL ‘Choose FILL to fl an entra mep with ore tetain feature. You cam also choose RANDOM. to have the computer design a map with random terrain features, END Choose END to return to the Select Mode Screen. LOAD ‘Select this to foad a prevlously saved map, Use + and # fo sefect amap and ‘press tha A Button to confirm, SAVE Come here to save a rap you are designing. Usa the + Control Pad to select the NemaEntry ‘piace you want ta save to and press the A Sutton to confirm. NAMEENTRY To namo your map, select this menu iter. The Name Entry Screen spears when you select ths item, 17 Diocese ao a a On the Colour Edt Screen, isa tha + Control Pad to seed! the colour schema you went, then pees the A Button to confirm your choice. {f} Any COs you have revised will appear in CAMPAIGN, Versus Mode, efc,, mith thelr new colour schemes. hs Choose this mode: and fink up.two or more Game Bay Advance systems with the appropriate number of Game Boy Advance Game Link™ cables (sold separately) to wage multiplayer war or to trade original maps. On the Mode Select Screen, choose LINK to bring Up the Link Menu. There are tives link modes to:choose from: SINGLE-PAK, MULTI-PAK, and TRADE MAPS. To select a mode, use * and + on the Control Pad and confirm your choice with the A Button, You can bet with Up to three fran sho astole Gane Pak Single-Pak Mode offers five different maps to play on. The rules setup in Single-Pak Mode cannot be changed. The Map Menu options and units avatable are preset on each map, () Before praying, You need fo connect ail game systems with Game Boy Advance Gams Link cables (see pg. 22). Once Player 1 selects SINGLE-PAK from the Link Menu, the Player Entry ‘Screen appears. Player 1 then confirms the number of player entries and presses START, {8 Only Player 1's game system will show the Player Entry Screen. All other players’ systems will show the GAME BOY logo. {0} if tha number of entries is Incorrect, check the cable connections and agin the inking process again. 18 Link Failure The Link Failure Screen appears if an error occurs during linking Rea haa process, If this happens, turn all game systems OFF, check all a fa Game Boy Advance Game Link cable connections, and begin the ie GoWnidad Setup again. Once the downloading process begins, a Loading Screen appears Rsapnaabiaiieaaaaubaia Dacands on all players’ game systems, (8) While the gamais loading, do not tum any of the systenis OFF or disconnect any of the Game Boy Advance Game Link cables, iN) The downloading process takes a few moments. Data Transmission Failure ‘The Data Transmission Failure Screen appears if an error occurs during data transmission. If this happens; tum ai game systems OFF, check ail Game Boy Advance Game Link cable connections and = begin the downigad setup again, WaT: When deta transmission is complete; the Select Map Screen wil appear on Player 1’s game system. Player 1 should use the 4 Controt Pad to select a map, then press the A Button to confinn and begin the battle. MU z =. See To playa: PAIK battle, you need one Game Pak per player, (t) Before plsying, you need to connect all game systems with Game Boy Advance ‘Gams Link cables (see 99. 22), All players select MULTI-PAK from the Link Menu to bring up the Player Entry Screen. Once the players fave all been entered, Player 1 must press START, (W) If the nunber of players enterad is incorrect, check the cable connections and Gegin the linking process again. if Link Failures occur, please'refer to the information in section “Single-Pak’, Det rete as 92 Once all the data is transferred, the Select Map Screen appears on all players’ screens, Use © and * cn the Control Pad.taselect a map type, then # and + to choose a map. Press the A Button to confirm. (8) Any player can select a map'to play. The avallable macs vary ‘depending on the number of players. Next, on the Teams Screen, each player uses * and + on the “+ Control Pad to choose a CO, Each player must press the A Button to confirm his selection, (i) When playing with three or more players, teams can be created by having. players select tha same single-lettér team name (sea pa. 15), Rule Setup comes next. RULES can be set just as in a VERSUS battle, Use * and? to move batween rules and * and + tochange the rule ‘setup. Press the A Button to confirm satup and begin the game. (1) Rules can be Set by any player: and rules cannot be changed once the game begins, [The computer cannot contrat an army In this mode. TRAD! as See a Select this to trade original maps created in the MAP DESIGNER. You must have one game system ‘and one Game Pak per person to trade maps, (I) Before tracing naps, you need to connect all gama systems with Game Boy Advance Game Link cables (see pg. 22). In Trade Maps Mode, the person sending map data Is the Sender, and the person receiving map data Is the Receiver. The Sender can send map data {o all linked players. (1): You cannot send map data if that data has not first been saved, and only one map data file can be sent ata time, 20 ‘Select LINK from the Select Mode Screen with the + Control Pad and then press the A Button. On the following screen, all players Use the same steps to select TRADE MAPS. Once each player has been entered; Player | must press START to begin the data transfer. (1) ifthe number of entries 's incorrect, check the cable connections and begin the linking process again. When data transmission is complete, the Sender Select Screen wil appear. Use. and * on the + Control Pad to select the Sender, and press the A Button to confirm. (t] Any player can select the Sender. ‘hacse tha Man Data Use © and > on the Fie to send with + and + $Contvol Pad to select on the + Conael Pad, So) where ta sa incoming then press the A Button Ci meaidata, then soofirm tocconfinm. i with the A Button. ‘Sending Screen (1) You can save Up to three maps. IfLink of Data Transmission Failures occur, please refer to information on page 19. When Waiting for other players to save map data, players who have already saved the data will see @ Waiting Screen, Data transfer begins when all players have selected where to save the map data. Now Loading Screens will appear while data is being transferred. Once the transfer completes, the game retums to the Link Menu. (0) Maps traded |n this mode can be used in Versus and Multi-Pak Link Modes, oF [0203/UKV/AGB} Playing Multi Game Pak play and Single Game Pak play THIS GAME PAK INCLUDES A MULTI-PLAYER MODE WHICH REQUIRES A GAME 80Y ADVANCE GAME LINK™ CABL, Necessary Equipment Game Boy Advance systems... One per player Game Paks = Muiti Game Pak play: One per player =Sing’e Game Pak pis One Gama Pak Gama Boy Advance Game Link cabies: Linking Instructions Muiti Game Pak play: 1. Make sure that the Power Switches on all of the game systems are tuned OFF then insert the Game Paks into the individual Game Pak slots. 2. Connect the Game Boy Advance Game Link cables and plug them ilo the External Extension Connector (EXT) on each of the game: systems. & Turn the Pawer Simici on each game system ON. 4. Now, follow the instruetions for Muiti Game Pak play. + When playing with only two or three players, do not connect any game systems hat will not be used, Can oy eee «The player who plugs the small. purple connector infa his or her Gata Sey Adearoe Gams Lik cables Game Boy Advance will be Piayer 1. Consult the diagram when connecting Game Boy Advance Game Link cables (0 Game Boy Advance ‘systems. (Note (hat tie small connector is purple'and the large connector Is aray,) 22 Single Game Pak play: 1. Make sure that the Power Switches on all of ine game systems care turned OFF then insert the Game Pak inte Player fs Game Pak Slot. 2. Conneet the Game Boy Advance Game Link cables. 3, Making sure to insert the small purple connector into Player t's game system and the Jarge gray connectors into the other game systems, insert the Game: Bay Advance Game Link cables into the Exierna! Extension Connectors (EXT). 4, Turn each system S Power Switch ON, 98 5: Now, loliow tiie instructions for Single Game Pak play: * When playing with only. two-oF three players, de not connect any game systems thal will nat be used. Sane eae yaad ‘Gare Goi Advance Gama Lrg estier Consult the diagram when connecting Game Boy Advance Game Link cables ta Game Boy Advance systems. (Note that the Game Pak and the small, purpfe connector go into Player.1's game systent:) Troubleshooting You may be unable fo transfer game data or you may experience malfunctions In any of the following situations: + When you are using any cables other than Game Boy Advance Game Link cables, + When any Game Boy Advance Game Link cable is not fully inserted into any game system. «When any Gamie Bay Advance Game Link cable is removed during the transtérof data, + When mare than our Game Boy Advanca game systems are linked. » Wien any Game Boy Advance Game Link cable is incorrectly connected to any game system, + Wien the Game Pak is inserted into any system olher than Player I's. Game Boy Advance (Single Game Pak play). 23 PNA ley Earn Wars Points in the CAMPAIGN and the WAR ROOM, then come here to buy new maps, new COs and edit your COs colours. Hachi, the proprietor, is waiting to make a deal, and he might just have some Gossip for you, tao! (0.Onee you complete the CAMPAIGN, you: can purchase the SOUND ROOM, which ‘contains music used throughout the game, hot to mention some fine artwork. em tT Inthe WAR ROOM, you can earn points and rankings by clearing maps, The rank you'll. eam for caring maps appears.on the Select Map Screen next to eacih individual map, On the Select Mode Screen, use t and * on the 4 Control Pad te select WAR ROOM, then press the A Button to confirm, From the Sub Menu, choose either NEW or CONTINUE fo bring up the Select Map Screen. Select a map using * and + on the + Control Pad; and use the A Button to confirm your choice. The next screen is the Select CO Screen. Choose an army by using * and +, then select a CO.with and +. Press the A bring up a Confirmation screen. then press it again to confirm your choice of army and CO. ‘Once you're done, the battle commences. {l) The available macs and items on the Map Menu very between game modes, On| the o Select Map Screen in. the Wt waa ROOM, cheose-a map and press the A Button t to view. the (0 five scores for that’ map. yao Each Unit in ADvANice WARS 2: BLACK HIGLE RESNG has its own special traits, Knowing the strengths and ‘Weaknesses of your army will allow: you to formulate-a more precise and effective strategy. Viewing Data Secondary Weapon Name (Secondary Number of Primary Weapon Rounds Weapons have unlimited Ammo) Yision Range in FOG OF WAR Movement Range Deployment Cost {H! Units that use two weapons automatically switch between weapons depending on the enemy unit they are attacking. {i} Some units carry:no weapons. if] When transport onits are destroyed, so are any units they were transporting. B35 Infantry (NFTRY) Thess are the cheapest Units to deploy. They can capture new Bases, but theirfire- power is low. They ara strong against tanks. They are asoable to captive bases. infaniey unis ard have a Zice movement range, TANK 8 These small, nexpenseve tanks have a large range of movement, making then Ges} 0 Capioy. i Wrapea Goa Heese | Weapon Tee] Fre 1 Tara Coenen 3] Macmra Gun 1 Viton Move Feet et 5] MD (Mediom) TANK: ETA | Medium tanks have Very high offensive and ee! | defensive ratings. easiy the mest powerful ground Unit, Capture their design plans to depioy them yourssit. These unts can transport infantry and mech units, They can also deliver fut and anno, APCs cary no weapons and Anti-Alr (A-AIR) & These specialized units are strong against aie ints, lnfantry, and mech uit. They can't take on tanks, thicugh: Waagea Ova Arama] Wes Wes Caron a] ot Vision Move: Fat Cont 2 6 o ‘These units wreak havoc on air nits. ‘Their vision range in FOG OF WAR 's lame. yp [aerate ncn camy eee ‘Ancioi] Wesesa Tre | Fee Rese Mes 8] Wachee an ! Wee] wee fa 3 4 3 HP to these units, thay also provide high defensive cover, 22 Airport (ARPT) Aizunits enter the fied of battle from these air tases. They also rece supples and regan Hi here. The defensive caver rating of airports is high. ‘ammo, fuel, and repairs (by restonng HP}. Pods are safe havens forshins ad subs becausaca ther excatent Getenstte cover. cry [i] Cites can be alied, neutral or controled by the enetny, Both infantry and mech nits can captune neutral and enémy cities, which can then proves ‘(yound Units With: supplies and HP. Missife Sito (SILO) fe Missle slog can ba used by infantry and LE) iech units, Move one of these units onto a. fpissile slo fo fire a Single messila with an uniinvted range of fire and a bisst radius of @ soaces: Each slo contains one missie. ROAD |) | Roads. alow ints to traverse maps without hindrance, but they offer no: ther terain benefits [7 PLAN Plains are tha most common typeof |__| terrain found They provide only a reinmal defensive cave vioop By.) When FOG OF WAR is present units deployed in Woods can only bo seen by units adjacent to tham and by air units, Air units cannot hide in wads during FOG OF WAR. ire Mountain (MTN), aS ‘Oply mech, infanty and air rts c&s travel vee LET mountains. In FOG OF WAR, mech and infantry ‘rns crease thn Viewer rang by 3 when they/re inthe Mountains. Mountains also offer excatant delensive cover. RIVER : Rivers cross rruch cf the terrain. They can ba traversed only by infantry, mech, and ar unts- Nes otetna detershe cover Bridge (BROG) ridges ara essental in that they stow ground ‘units to cress bodies of water: Bridges crovide: fo other terrain benefits. SEA ‘Seas can ba crossed ory by ravalandar its, Saas offer oo terran bevels. ‘SHOAL ‘Shoa's orovide loading andi unloading points foc landers. Almost aunts ean travel aver ‘shoals, but shoals provide no cefensive cover REEF ‘when FOG-OF WAR i presehit Units deoloyed in reels can be seen only by sdjacent units and ir nits. Ai Uns cannot hide in rests duneg FOGOF WAR. PIPE These indestructbi pipeines block passage by al unts. Pipa Seam (PIPE) bail) cat poe cetera be dcteyed Cree) stewing units to pass through. Baga Letoratory (LAB) (Campaign Modeonty) SHH] Hidden research facilities that appear on the I werd map only when certain conditions ae mat [Fyou can captuce a lab; you'l be able to produce neotanks on future msssions Black Cartnon (GANNON) (Campatan Mode snty) ‘Special cannons with a large range of fire and. ‘Siperot frepowte, They have unimited ammo and can ‘oly ba used by the enemy army, but they are eusceplbie toatiack, bk White not 23 powertal as Black Cannons, they ae stil formidable weapons. They have namited amino nd can be used by only the enemy amy, but they are: Susceptible foattacie 29 LASER (Campaign Mode only) FACTORY (Campaign Modo only) jd), These four-directional lasers strike iriand oa ‘Thesa enemy depioyment properties can ‘and foe alfa, Thay have united amma A deploy qxound, at and naval units. and can be used by only the enemy army, butthey are VOLCANO (Campaign Mode onty) ene Nee | (na ofthe many volcanoes on Wars Mer, =) Osathray (0 RAY) (Campaign Mods only) sometimes erupts and spews out chunks I / ‘The Black Hole Army's pride and joy, this ‘buming magava. Any troops struck by this will taka damage, mmanimoth laser fires in only one direction, butitis incredibly powertul and only damages enerny nits. Ituses'so much energy that it cannot be fired each tun. ithas united anymorand can only be sed by tha enemy army, but itis susceptible to attack, Climate is another map: feature. Depending on the map being used, it somatimes rains or snows midbattle. These climate conditions alfect the movement range of all deployed units. For detailed terrain information, place the cursor on. specific terrain feature and press the R Button. This is a useful tool for reconnoitring maps and refining your strategy. CO POWERS ‘The commanding officers in Apvance Wars 2: BiAck Hote Rising all possess unique talents that, when Used Strategically, can turn the course of battle, These abllities are called CO Powers, and each CO has, wo of them, A normal CO Power (POWER) and a Super CO Power (SUPER), CO. POWEE MOE es (CO Powers become usable when the CO Powter Mater fills, ‘The meter increases automatically during combat. © CO Power ‘When the small stars In. tha CO Power Meter are full, your €O can use ‘anormal GO Power, ® Super CO Power ‘When both the small and large stars are full, the Super CO Power's ready to go. (Hl The CO Power nieter increases at different rates for different COs, 30 ORANGE STAR = = ey) lag ‘andy Out 5 Cc Kandel 2 oem tee ————— All PS units possess superice offensive ‘Ofatsea he's always iesd; io goad doesnotredics Oats movement ros end datensie caches. but they ae fas navealwesinésees Rien, however does Sew hen downs More SIESSG Io deploy. HYPER REPAIR: Restores 2HP ial incts. He's as pompous 23 hey come. buthe’s MORALEBOOST: Gives unts.abeost of HYPER UPGRADE: Restores 5 HP Yo iso asound commances with fa real energy and increases thee feenower ail niis: Fespower ticrssses, afd unt Weeltiesses: ‘SAMURAI SPIRIT Soc-cases both cecsive mmovetent creates by { space BLIZZARD:Cassss-snowtofal, which and eatershe ables of al i000. adhersaly Slacks al avis excep! Olaf gum. Damage intcted whi counteatiankeng WINTER FURY: Cats donna ferca orm is muftiched by 1.5, Whietratlects ecerny toon movenent ad oe ern ond can captive procertes in reduced : time. Hee rartscort unis have noxeesed Ths vision rages of al ber uits a = momeertreges Hoven teem (Git) es cascpace noc OF WAR Se rect combat sgarsinon-niantyy as His cect Combat unts haven hereased fas the shitty to.conceal bay Units’ HP COUBLE TIME: Infoniry and mechunts rarge ol fre ard a superior attack strength ftom enemas. Her attack powers a Side Teceveamorenent horus otstsoare- —Alchhis ons are weskindrectcomat, iwak but sha has sueror counterstre Firepowes increases sean. Houg fispomee. VICTORY MARCH: Fost scidiers ecsive SNIPE ATTACK: Increases te rangesof ENHANCED VISION: Incresses the veicn Fe2 moveren| boos adafrepoae le afindrectrombstunis ty Vspace, fangs of altunits and even alows hem boast and ey can exoturia procerty in apd increases fel frepowersichvy, too. — to scot units Nidden in woods and rects. ‘ong tam even if not st fal HP SUPER SHIPE: Gives iccrect-oonbst COUNTER BREAK: Al unis recevs an ne Hig nor-tfentry ground, ax and naval Units have &:beror Grectecombat abites His ncirect-combal unts have echice fanges of fre brid low attack strenaeh. MAX FORGE: Drect-combst unis recatve ‘a sihtbocal in frepowsr and «1 latter tpoverent rarges. (MAX BLAST: Direct-combat unis recone a lage trepower tones ard 4? to ther movement ranges. Urals feepones bonus ard increases thes Targesol fa by 2seaces, He dagioys units at reduoed costs At ot fis uns Rave.a Sight reduced attack strength, which may bs 5 result of his eck ofcommand emersece (GOLD RUSH: Increases aralabla funds by RS POWER OF MONEY: Ineroases stenoch col wasoons. The more funds avaisole the stoncer your ces become. Increased vision range of f spice. eidsonaly, tie streregh of thelr counter- attacks is neressedk. Foot soldiers have superor renoer, ‘and the movement ranges fer his transport Units & creased by one space He's an ‘@xpart with batts haicocters, ard those Under fis command have ineweavad attack bier inreses, and infantry units: wih @ HP appearin af albed ots: needy to mie AIRBORNE ASSAULT: Hescopters Fre ower increases, ad mach unis eth HP apcest ll ted Otis, ready ioe, 31 a ETO Eagle's on aerial speciaist whasaheicontars ‘lfer aries and hus Higher ffeisve a8 defensive capabilites, oa: He's a pocr ‘ral commander th LIGHTNING DRIVE: Air it ofershve and defersive abiities increase, LIGHTNING STRIKE: Az unt offenste and dléfensnie abilities increase; and at on-infanty units ofdeved to wat can ove age tal hin. His naval nts fave a +1imovement range and shohty higher defensive abvites. His it units have iferice attack strength. iain does not inneda his fioea moverant: TSUNAMI: Causes a glant wave to strike -shairy Units for HP of damage and fadlsces thei fuel by: hall. TYPHOON: A sea stonn arupis and strikes: eietiy uns, causing 2 HP of danas, reducing fuel by hall, ard hindering troop. movement, ‘Alfie Vehlause fis possess suoeror frepower Hee infantry ir and naval Unis suffer from fener Frecower ‘TURBO CHARGE: Increases tovement rahge of vehiulie urs by 1 space replenchss fuel and ammo, andgives ‘thera frepower bee! as hell ‘QVERDAIVE: Veber units increase their movement ranges by 2. replenish arto end fod, and crease ther aitatk srepah 32 He pessessas immense attack power bot his lack of finesse reduces the etfec= ‘ons of Hs atiocks, BRUTE FORCE: Increases dispersion cffie. There's chance ofgetting a super strong blow, Gut frsoower might crop BARBARIC BLOW: Attack bowerincreases, but se does the csporsien fate, atteeting the amount of damage lapels taka, ‘Al HS nts possets supetinf t Dut his CO Power takes longer to buld up than those of ina other COs do. BLACK WAVE: Alunits recover F HP apd increase ther frepeier All enemy ‘units take 1 HP of damage, BLACK STORM: Alf units increase ‘ther firepower and recover 2 HP Ail enemy unts take 2 HP of damaga. Hea qlicketinidng strategat wigse CO Fite ie ila thar hose of oer SIDESLIP: Allunits receive aimovirrent bonus of +1 space, ‘SNAKEBITE: All units inereass te moverent ranges by 2 spaces, ‘She ullises lean so atlcevey that er troops recai atiock boruses equal to th defensive cover of the terran they eccupy. YWER: in addition to using terain eeets to rereess ftenciver, crops moveesent cost for al units tot. ‘SUPER POWER: Tercineffecss ce daLbied and sed i increta attack sirenoth. ‘Adciboray, movernent cost for afl uns orops 104, ‘AURSs unis possess superior attack ‘Strength. They can move anress any terainaf the same movement cost, butlhe suifers in snoimy conditions. METEOR STRIKE: Puls a gan! matece front Space, which does 8 HP of damage (oval afocted Units, Increases Ns unis" firepower and defense, OMe Tes RL Sta CU SCO uM nce eer Me Meco oare Pere rg eT ee STE Pines Nintendo of Europe GmbH, Nintendo Center, 63760 Grodestheim, Dea eter eee eect ecoan een ieee a conse Cece Bee ane cc ta tice Ceceatut as Atal ee eC en me eee er tet) Recta DC cm Cun KO Mesceiet Acc ma Ueto eS hiccr LMS ar oe eee Seeds) ic) Frane Nintendo France SARL. lmmeuble 'Le Montaigne” 6 Bd de L' Oise, 95031 Cérgy Pontoise Cedex Ra Cu tan ether irde evita SBE. Dolce) Cera ects Ree Ca nC AMS ie ie Maa ieee ee rom a dd eter ee tame) DTT are Dene Nae ee eee ee me a) DM eee ec oe ASM eng ee et wee Na oon ever eee Keen) Coon klar IMPRIME EN ALLEMAGNE

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