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FIELD STUDY 2 Episode Utilizing Web-

FS 2
conferencing Apps
for Synchronous e-

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be

sure to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS
2 Resource Teacher's class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will
need to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
 identify features and functions of web conferencing applications that are useful to
 demonstrate skills in using a web conferencing app for synchronous teaching and
learning. (PPST 4.5.1)
 demonstrate positive attitude towards use of technology tools (ICT SCT 7.1.2)
 use professional reflection and learning to improve practice (PPST 7.4.1)


After you participated or assisted in synchronous classes using a web-conferencing app,

described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.

1. Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe
it's features and how you or the teacher used these features.

Web-conferencing App Feature Was it utilized? If yes, describe how it was utilized in

Virtual background Yes, it was utilized but some of them can’t use it due to their
quality of phone or their signal.

Microphone icon on/off It was utilized in a way that they can turn on their microphone
if they want to say something or if they want to recite in the
class session.

Camera icon on/off Just like the microphone it was also utilized for students and
teacher since they can open their camera if their teacher
want to see them if they are really attending their class.

Screen share Screen share was been utilized since their teacher was
sharing her PowerPoint Presentation to the class regarding
on the topic that they are discussing.
Reaction buttons Some of the students can use it but some of them didn’t
have a reactions button for a reason that their Google Meet
is not updated yet.

Spotlight They didn’t have the spotlight in their Google Meet.

View (using different views) Yes, they use a different view in a way that they can use it
for the camera like front cam and back cam.

Polling Their educational app used was didn’t have a poll.

Recording It has a recording that the teacher can just access since she
is the host in creating the link of the Google meet.

2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities facilitated?
What strategies did the teacher or you used to keep the students engaged? How did
the students respond to the teacher? To the activities?

 The content was taught accordingly to the plan however, some of the students
didn’t participated due to the lost connection or poor signal that is why some of the
learning activities didn’t make it properly. But, their teacher is a fighter and a girl
scout in a way that she used a strategy that students can still join or participate even
they didn’t open their camera or microphone through using the comment section
wherein they can all share their ideas and thought by commenting their answer and
most of the students are actively respond to their teacher and to their activities.

3. What was your experience in participating and assisting in synchronous classes?

What were your thoughts and feelings while you participated and assisted?

 My experienced was good and at the same time tired in recording all those
students who are participating in the class. It was also fun seeing and watching th
students are trying their best just to learn something from their teacher.


1. What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app that you or the
teacher used? How did these features help the teachers and the students?

 Google Meet helps the students and teacher in a way that they are still gaining information
from their teacher and they are still learning even they staying at their home. Also, for the
teachers they can still be able to deliver their discussion and not delayed it for a reason that
they can’t meet face-to-face so this was very helpful for both of them due to the fact that it
has a positive impact with their teaching-learning process.

2. Referring to the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the teacher/or you use
the web-conferencing app to establish: (Describe in detail)

Teaching Presence?

 The teacher use the web-conferencing app to establish her teaching presence in a way that
she is still has a command with their students and she guide and the students on how to
use it and actively participate since she is the teacher and the host for the meet.
Social Presence?

 They use it to establish the social presence in a way that majority of them participating and
enjoying it with having a socialization with their other classmates just like on how they
socialized in face-to-face.

Cognitive Presence?

 When it comes with their cognitive presence in using it, some of them can’t be able to
actively participate but somehow they can be involve in conscious intellectual activity that
prepared by their teacher.

3. What problem or challenges did the teacher/you or the students encounter during the
synchronous classes? How did it affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of
synchronous classes do you think can be still improved? How can this/these be

 The only problems that we are all both encountered during the synchronous classes is the
internet connection or their signals since we are all experiencing a low or poor signal while
we are having the discussion. And the only way to improved or to avoid this problems is to
find an area or places that your phone or laptop has a strong internet connection or signal.


1. How ready are you in teaching an online synchronous class?

 I can say that I am not totally ready in teaching an online synchronous classes since I am
not in favor with this situations and hoping that we can’t never be back with that kind of
situation and also because I am more used in face-to-face classes.

2. Using a web-conferencing app, how else would you better establish:

Teaching Presence?

 I would better establish my teaching presence in creating a different strategies that my

students can be able to attend our class. Also, I need to have a plan whenever we are
experiencing those problems that I mentioned for us to have a interactive and continuous

Social Presence?

 When it comes to the social presence, I can’t force my students to actively participate in my
discussion due to their poor signal so maybe I just making a way for them to join with us
even I can’t see them or I can’t talk to them just like what their teacher did I will also use the
comment section for them to feel that they are also open or free to share their ideas and

Cognitive Presence?

 Just like in social presence, this cognitive presence can be better establish if I have a
differentiated activities that all students can join even when they are experiencing a
challenges in joining our class.
3. What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a
web-conferencing app effectively?

 I still need to learn in analyzing and evaluating the apps that I will going to use in order for
me to conduct an online synchronous class using web-conferencing app effectively. Also,
to know more my students and be observable with the situation of their living.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and
reflected on to come up with a possible topic for an action research.

1. What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you
participated and assisted using a web-conferencing app for synchronous learning?

 The problematic situation challenges is the interest of the students to learn and join in the discussion
and the intenet connection or signal of their gadgets.


2. What do I hope to address the problem/challenge/area of improvement in web-conferencing app

use? What change do you want to achieve?

 I hope to address their interest and motivation to learn and enjoy even they can’t be able to see each
other in person. Also, giving them some advice to have a better place to have their connection and signal
will not be able to interrupt our classes.


3. If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in
nos. 1-3):

 If I will conduct an action research, the title would be “Improving The Pedagogical in
Using Web-Conferencing App in Teaching-Learning Process”.

4. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

 The strategies that I can make is to prepared a differentiated activities that can be use with web-
conferencing app and that the students can have an interest to learn. Also, through giving them
some reminders and advice to find a better place so that they can join without ny reason.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of he correct answer.

1. During an online synchronous class, Ms. Bonifacio greets her students cheerfully. She allows
time for the students to know more about their classmates through interesting polls. She also
provides opportunities for the students to work together and collaborate. She uses the reaction
buttons, smiley heart, or clap to appreciate the students’ effort and excitement to participate. She
was able to attain which essential element?

A. Teaching presence C. Social presence

B. Cognitive presence D. Community presence

2. During a two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher taught about centripetal and
centrifugal forces. She did not introduce the learning goals for the session. She shared on
screen the first PowerPoint she found on the internet and lectured about the topic to students
without engaging them to participate. They were passive the whole time. Some students turned
off their cameras. She ended the class with with a quiz on the topic. The teacher did NOT
effectively demonstrate which essential element?

A. Community presence C. Cognitive presence

B. Teaching presence D. Social presence

3. The topic of the online synchronous session for the day was how the Philippines will attain
herd immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way. After introducing the topic, the teacher explained
to the students one learning outcome which for them to analyze the current situational factors
that may impede and hasten the Philippines’ goal of attaining herd immunity. Another learning
outcome was for students to articulate suggestions on how the Philippines will succeed on this
goal. The teacher provided readings ahead of time and also placed the links on the chatbox.
She allotted time for the students to got the small group meeting rooms she arranged on the web
conferencing app for discussion. Later, students went back to the big group, and student actively
shared their outputs . The teacher fostered which essential element?

A. Teaching presence C. Community presence

B. Social presence D. Cognitive presence

4. All are he example of web-conferencing apps, EXCEPT.

A. Microsoft Teams
B. Zoom
C. Skype
D. Canva

5. When a teacher is mindful demonstrating teaching presence, social presence and cognitive
presence consistently, she is adhering to the mode of

A. Community of Practice
B. Community of Inquiry
C. Community of Learners

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