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Certainly! Creating a virtual machine (VM) in Azure involves several steps.

Below is a template with a

step-by-step guide to help you create a virtual machine in Azure using the Azure Portal:

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Virtual Machine in Azure

1. Sign in to Azure Portal:

Open your web browser and go to Azure Portal.

Sign in with your Azure account.

2. Navigate to Virtual Machines:

In the left navigation pane, click on "Virtual machines" under the "Create a resource" section.

3. Click on "Add" to Create a New Virtual Machine:

Click on the "+ Add" button to start creating a new virtual machine.

4. Basics Configuration:

Subscription: Choose your Azure subscription.

Resource Group: Create a new one or select an existing resource group.

Virtual machine name: Provide a unique name for your VM.

Region: Choose the region where you want to deploy your VM.

Image: Select the operating system image for your VM.

Size: Choose the VM size based on your requirements.

Authentication type: Select either password or SSH and provide the necessary credentials.

5. Disks Configuration:

OS disk type: Choose between Standard HDD, Standard SSD, or Premium SSD.

Enable or disable encryption: Choose whether to enable disk encryption.

6. Networking Configuration:

Virtual network: Choose an existing virtual network or create a new one.

Subnet: Choose a subnet within the selected virtual network.

Public IP: Choose whether to create a new public IP or use an existing one.

Network security group: Configure network security group rules if needed.

Enable or disable monitoring: Choose whether to enable Azure Monitor.

7. Management Configuration:
Boot diagnostics: Enable if you want to capture screenshots of the VM.

Auto-shutdown: Configure auto-shutdown settings if needed.

8. Advanced Configuration:

Configure additional options such as extensions, custom scripts, etc., if necessary.

9. Tags Configuration:

Optionally, add tags to help organize and categorize your resources.

10. Review + Create:

Review your configuration settings.

Click on "Review + Create" to validate your settings.

11. Create:

Once validation passes, click on "Create" to start deploying the virtual machine.

12. Monitor Deployment:

You can monitor the deployment process in the Azure Portal. Once completed, you'll see a notification.

13. Access the Virtual Machine:

After deployment, go to the Virtual Machines section, select your VM, and click on "Connect" to access it
using RDP or SSH.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a virtual machine in Azure. Adjust the steps based on
your specific requirements and configurations.

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