Csec Visual Journal Outline Updated

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It is Recommended that students start their Reflective Journal in 4th Form


By L.Palmer-Carroll

1. Cover (this includes the name of the theme and a pictorial design related to theme)
2. Table of content (optional)
3. Theme used (brief statement on selection of theme)-say why you selected that theme
4. Brief statement outlining reason/s for selecting expressive forms and say how you will explore
the theme in the expressive forms chosen
5. Artistic statement
SECTION A – (1st Expressive Form)
6. Expressive Form on a page by itself (eg. Drawing on a page by itself)
7. Information on expressive form (background information, history ect.)
8. Artist used (must be related in some way to the expressive form selected)
9. Information on artist (say also why you chose that artist/say what that relationship is with the
artist work and your work)
10. Interview of artist (OPTIONAL)
11. Examples of artist work (3 to 5 examples for each expressive form) (these MUST be correctly
12. Analysis of at least 3 examples of artist work per expressive form (description/analysis/
interpretation/ evaluation)
13. Preparation and process of five examples of students work – 5 examples per expressive form
(these MUST be correctly labeled). The preparation and process includes---(Steps leading up to
the complete work, this includes:- illustrations, drawings and photographs)
14. Student’s analysis (of EACH piece of their work)
15. Compare at least one of your work to your artist work (say what are the similarities and how the
artist work influenced your work)
16. Use of material for the expressive form (what materials did you use in the expressive form)
17. Experience using particular material and process (what was the experience like)
SECTION B – (2nd Expressive Form)
18. Repeat steps (6-17)
19. Reflection (fourth and fifth form year)
20. A definition of terms and concepts in the journal
21. Data gathering process (interviews, books, internet, gallery, trips etc.)
22. Bibliography (state sources of information)

Teacher deCarteret College, Master Teacher, Education Officer
Copyright 2011, updated 2014 & 2016

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