Developmental Miles and Comparative Study

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San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII

Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program


Care of Children with Normal Health Patterns

Developmental Milestone of Assigned Student

Name: Mitch Terado Age: 7 Yrs. Old

Developmental Normal Actual Interpretation

Turn pages of book, Mitch can do By this age a child can
unbuttons and independently of dress themselves,
buttons up clothing, turning her book, turn pages of book,
steadily holds a unbuttons and buttons independently, and
pencil, has follow up clothing, and can has a fully develop
Gross Motor develop eye hand-eye steadily holds a hand-eye
Development coordination and cuts pencil, has a normal coordination. Having
using a pair of hand-eye independence from
scissors coordination and can family becomes more
use a scissors. important now to
develop confidence in
all areas of life.
Tying shoelace, can
write, drawing Mitch can ty her
detailed pictures with shoelace, can write, At the age of 7 years
Fine Motor recognizable objects, and draw an object old they can already
Development holding a pencil with a with her 3-finger grasp write and draw also
3-finger grasp and and generate can ty their shoelace
generate movement movement.
from fingers (not
Maintain the topic of
conversation and take Mitch can maintain
Language turns speaking. They the conversation and A 7 yrs old child,
make good eye
able to speak typically in second
contact and able to
use language for properly without grade, normally will
multiples goals such stuttering also she be developing more
as gain information for make a good eye complex sentences
entertainment. as they grow.
Children this age contact to the person
control the use of she talks with.
different tenses (past,
present, future)

By this time,
friendship become
Mitch engages with more and more
Engaging with small small groups and they important. Physical,
groups and making up make their own rules social, mental skills
Play their own games with and negotiate the develop quickly at this
rules, negotiating consequences and it time. This is a critical
during play, enjoying makes her enjoy time for a child to
play with other playing with other develop confidence in
children. children all areas of life such
as through friends,
schoolwork, and

Comparative Study of Assigned Student

Name: Mitch Terado Age: 7 Yrs. Old

Theory Normal Actual Interpretation

• Preschoolers Based on Freud’s

are in the Psychosexual
Phallic Stage theory, this behavior
Mitch can already of Mitch is normal at
• They start to identify what or who
this point of her age
learn about and must be guided
Sigmund Freud their sexual is male and female appropriately in
Psychosexual identity order for her to grow
and already know
Theory through with a healthy body
awareness of the differences at image. Normal
their genital progression of this
the age of 7 years
area stage would be
old. resolve conflict and
• They begin to result to a healthy
discover adult personality
differences (The Victorian Web,
between male 2000).
& female
Mitch is able to Mitch has
• Garde participate in successfully
schooler activities such as completed this stage
experience song time and of his psychosocial
conflict stomping foot. She is development. This
Erik Erickson between able to play freely would lead her to feel
Psychosocial Theory initiative and and independently sense of purpose
guilt with the toys on her and will be eager to
own will, and eagerly engage in new
• Begin to explores in craft- experiences without
assert power making. fear and/or
and control embarrassment
over the world (Zeigler-Hill &
and Schakelford, 2020).
directing play

• They initiate
activities on
their own
• Children ages
2-7 years old
are in stage
called the
Thought/stage Based on Piaget’s
Display symbolic Stages of Cognitive
Jean Piaget • Their thoughts thinking by Development, this
Cognitive become more visualizing her behavior of mitch is
Development symbolic, they art/craft with only 3 a normal
can develop colors as a rainbow. progression of how
spelling, Manifests she learns and
identifying egocentrism upon thinks. She may not
skills, and fighting with another be able to relate with
comprehend kid over a food the experience of
simple others, thus, she
abstractions wouldn’t understand
the sentiments and
• A child’s feelings of the other
thinking is child who wanted to
dominated by eat the foods.
how the world (Koocher, 2017).

• They are
influence by
thinking and
role fantasy
• At this age, The reason for her
they are in the deliberate separation
pre- from the line in
conventional getting the snacks
stage, may be cased by her
specifically want to not interact
focused on with others and just
individualism do these by herself,
and exchange which she thinks is
fine to do. This
• They carry out Mitch does not line
behavior points out
actions to that she does not
satisfy their together with the consider the student
Lawrence Kohlberg own needs nurses reasons of
others upon getting
Moral Development rather than the the need for them to
society’s their snacks and line up and decides
for herself since she
does activities on
• Moral may feel personally
decisions are her own. She insists hassled or
based on the uncomfortable.
to other kids about
standards of Moreover, parent’s,
adults taking over the guardian, and
teacher’s must keep
• They will do in mind that his is a
something for normal progression
someone if of her moral
that someone development and
does that she must be
something to appropriately guided
them in return to progressively
correct her actions.

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