Learning 4a's

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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Commission on Higher Education
Tomawis Bldg. Poblacion 1, Parang, Maguindanao, BARMM, Philippines
Telephone No. (064) 425-0257; Email: registrar.illiana@yahoo.com

Subject: Learner's with exceptionalities

Grade Level: Grade 6

A. Identify the basic categories of exceptional learners
B. Distinguish the terms disability and handicap
C. Appreciate the goodness of a person with disability

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Understanding the different types of disabilities and their impact on daily
2) Social Studies - Exploring the history of disability rights and advocacy
3) Language Arts - Reading and analyzing literature that features characters with

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: learning/Style and Multiple intelligences ]

[Instructional Materials: Interactive quiz platform]

1) Conduct a fun and engaging quiz on famous people with disabilities, highlighting
their achievements and contributions to society.
2) Use an interactive quiz to test students' knowledge on the differences between
disability and handicap, encouraging class discussion and critical thinking.
3) Create a quiz that focuses on positive portrayals of characters with disabilities in
literature, promoting empathy and understanding.

Activity 1: "Disability Awareness Gallery Walk"

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

- Pictures or posters depicting different disabilities
- Chart paper and markers

- Students will explore different disabilities through visual representations and
engage in collaborative discussions.
1) Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific disability
category (e.g., physical disabilities, sensory impairments, learning disabilities).
2) Provide each group with pictures or posters related to their assigned disability
3) Instruct the groups to create a gallery walk by placing their pictures or posters
around the classroom.
4) Give each group chart paper and markers to write down their observations and
questions about the displayed images.
5) Allow groups to rotate and visit other gallery walks, discussing the different
disabilities and sharing their insights.

- Identification of key features of assigned disability category: 10 pts
- Quality of observations and questions: 10 pts
- Active participation and engagement in gallery walk discussions: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the main characteristics of the disability category assigned to your
2) How did the gallery walk activity deepen your understanding of different
3) Share one observation or question you had during the gallery walk.

Activity 2: "Disability vs Handicap Debate"

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

- Handout with definitions of disability and handicap
- Debate guidelines

- Students will engage in critical thinking and develop persuasive arguments while
exploring the differences between disability and handicap.

1) Divide the class into two groups: one representing the disability perspective and
the other representing the handicap perspective.
2) Provide each group with the handout containing definitions of disability and
3) Explain the debate guidelines and assign roles within each group (e.g., opening
statement, counterarguments, closing statement).
4) Give students time to research and prepare their arguments based on the
definitions provided.
5) Conduct the debate, allowing each group to present their viewpoints and engage
in a respectful discussion.

- Knowledge and understanding of definitions: 10 pts
- Clarity and coherence of arguments: 10 pts
- Active participation and respectful engagement in the debate: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the main differences between disability and handicap according to the
definitions provided?
2) How did participating in the debate help you understand the nuances and
complexities of these terms?
3) Reflect on the arguments presented during the debate. Do you think the
definitions of disability and handicap need to be revised? Why or why not?

Activity 3: "Appreciating Abilities Art Project"

[Teaching Strategy: Artistic Expression]

- Art supplies (paper, pencils, crayons, markers, etc.)
- Inspirational quotes or stories about people with disabilities

- Students will express their creativity while reflecting on the abilities and strengths of
individuals with disabilities.

1) Show students examples of artwork that celebrate the abilities and achievements
of people with disabilities.
2) Provide inspirational quotes or stories about individuals with disabilities.
3) Instruct students to create an art piece that showcases the talents and goodness
of a person with a disability.
4) Encourage students to use their preferred art medium and incorporate the
inspirational quotes or stories into their artwork.

- Creativity and originality of the art piece: 10 pts
- Reflection of the abilities and strengths of individuals with disabilities: 10 pts
- Effort and craftsmanship in completing the artwork: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) Describe the message or theme of your art piece and how it represents the
goodness of a person with a disability.
2) How did creating this artwork enhance your appreciation for the abilities of
individuals with disabilities?
3) Share one aspect of your art piece that you are particularly proud of and explain

Activity 1 - The Disability Awareness Gallery Walk allowed students to identify and
categorize different disabilities, which connects to the objective of identifying basic
categories of exceptional learners. It also encouraged appreciation for the
uniqueness and diversity of individuals with disabilities.
Activity 2 - The Disability vs Handicap Debate promoted critical thinking and helped
students distinguish between the terms disability and handicap, aligning with the
objective of distinguishing these terms. It also fostered empathy and understanding
by exploring different perspectives.
Activity 3 - The Appreciating Abilities Art Project encouraged students to appreciate
the goodness of individuals with disabilities and express their understanding through
artistic expression. It connected to the objective of appreciating the goodness of a
person with a disability.

Through these activities, students will gain a deeper understanding of the basic
categories of exceptional learners, the distinctions between disability and handicap,
and the importance of appreciating the goodness of individuals with disabilities.


[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Task 1 - Students will interview a person with a disability and create a multimedia
presentation highlighting their experiences, challenges, and achievements. This task
allows students to apply their knowledge and empathy in real-life situations.
Task 2 - Students will design an accessible classroom layout for a hypothetical
student with a specific disability. They will consider the student's needs and make
modifications to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for learning.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment rubrics]

Question 1 - Describe one category of exceptional learners and provide examples of
disabilities within that category. (5 pts)
Question 2 - Explain the difference between disability and handicap using your own
words. (5 pts)
Question 3 - Reflect on the activities and discussions in class. How has your
perception of individuals with disabilities changed? (5 pts)

1. How should you treat a person with handicap problems?
2. What are the signs of learning disability?
3. How can a disabled persons overcome learning disabilities

Alyssah U. Ibrahim Farhayana O. Esmail

Student Teacher

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