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UNIT – 5

- se usa para expresar habilidades en el presente. No hay tercera persona.
I can speak English.
I cannot (can´t) speak French.
Sandra can swim really well.
Elvis cannot drive a truck.
Can you ride a motorcycle?
Yes, I can.
No, I cannot (can´t)
What can you do?
I can …
What can´t you do?
I can´t …
- también se puede usar para pedir favores, pero no es muy formal.
Can you lend me your dictionary?
Can you tell me the time, please?
Can I come in, please?
I can can a can.
Canned food.
A can of soda.
A can of milk.
I can …, but I can´t …


Se usa para expresar una acción o acciones que están sucediendo en estos instantes.
Some people are walking, working, selling, talking, listening to music, shopping, eating,
drinking, stealing, taking a taxi, smoking, getting off the taxi, crossing the Street,
driving, running, etc.
1.- cuando un verbo de una sola sílaba termina en “C+1V+1C”, primero duplicamos la
consonante final, luego agregamos “ING”.
Sit…sitting, run…running, shop…shopping, cut…cutting, etc.
OJO: eat…eating, call…calling, start…starting,…
NOTA: a los verbos que terminan en “W, X, Y”, tan solo le agregamos “ING”
Draw…drawing, show…showing, fix…fixing, mix…mixing, buy…buying, etc.
2.- Cuando un verbo termina en “E”, la “E” es omitida, luego se agrega “ING”.
Dance…dancing, write…writing, drive…driving, ride…riding, etc.
3.- Cuando un verbo termina en “IE”, ambas vocales son reemplazadas por “Y”, luego
se les agrega “ING”
Die…dying, lie…lying, tie…tying
4.- Si el verbo tiene dos sílabas y el acento en la última, primero duplicamos la
consonante final, luego agregamos “ING”.
Omit…omitting, admit…admitting, …
OJO: listen…listening, travel…traveling, open…opening, iron…ironing, visit…visiting, etc.
5.- A todos los otros “ACTION VERBS”, tan solo se les agrega “ING”.
Paint…painting, join…joining, play…playing, start…starting, walk…walking, work…
working, watch…watching, wash…washing, etc.
- HAVE + ing…con las comidas, expresión del idioma.
Are you having dinner now?
Is Pamela having fun at the party today?
- HAVE + NO ING…cuando se refiere a tenencia o posesión.
I have two brothers and two sisters.
Hans has a new car.
- THINK + ING…reemplaza al verbo “PLAN”
What are you thinking about?
I am thinking about going to the coast next year.
- THINK + NO ING…cuando emitimos una opinión.
We think that our country is contaminated by the corruption.
- COME + ING…cuando indicamos que alguien o algo está en camino.
Sarah is coming home by taxi right now.
Are you coming by train?
- COME + NO ING…cuando indica procedencia.
Where do you come from?
I am from …
I come from …
Los “STATE VERBS” no son usados con ING en este tiempo.
Like, love, hate, know, remember, want, agree, etc.
Time expressions: now, right now, at the moment, today.
Hellen is going to the cinema after classes.
I am traveling to Lima tonight.
What are you doing after classes?

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