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Ciclo Escolar 2020 - 2021

Reading Summary Report MyON

Student´s name: Valeria Zoe Rodriguez Luevano.
Group: 2° WHITE Date: Wednesday ,26th 2020.
Book’s Title: The kid’s guide to building cool stuff
Author’s Name: By Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt

1..- Look for 5 familiar words and write its DEFINITION of each one.
1.Spice Something that cods interest
2.Enough Equal to the need or demands
3.Hole A hallowed out place
4.Baking To dry or harden by heat.
5.Press To ask or urge strongly
2..- Look for 5 unfamiliar words and investigate the MEANING of each one.
1.Futher To a greater degree or extent
2.Feeder To take food into the body
3.Fold an enclosure
4.Layer A bird that lays eggs
5.Hidden To keep secret

Reading Teacher: Joahsy Aguilar* 1st Trimester 2020-2021

3..- My favorite part in the book.
bubbling volcano what do you need paper snack cup paper plate aluminum foil scissors
baking tray lip-raised cookies 2 tablespoons water red food coloring one tablespoon
baking soda per tablespoon is 30 ml white vinegar what is all that bubbling and foam is
yours only erupting volcano build this and your friends will be there in an instant to see all
the action step a paper cup to the center of the paper plate step to cover the cup and plate
with a long piece of earth do it long enough to fold it edges of the plate step 3 use
scissors to poke a hole in the foil where it covers the center of the cup four slides from the
hole to the edges of the cup to create tabs sold tabs down and take them inside the cup
things to put your volcano on a large cookie sheet pour the water into the volcano cone
then add several drops of red food coloring and baking soda or in the vinegar and watch
the volcano erupt, know the volcano it erupts because vinegar and cooking sodas have a
chemical reaction vinegar is an acid that reacts with baking soda to make foam.
4..- My book rating

5 Stars Excellent / 4 Stars Very good / 3 Stars Good / 2 Stars Not good / 1 Star Bad

Reading Teacher: Joahsy Aguilar* 1st Trimester 2020-2021

5..- What kind of books or readings would you like to read in the next months?
about fantasy

Reading Teacher: Joahsy Aguilar* 1st Trimester 2020-2021

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