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Name: __________________________

Date: ___________________________

Researching Cancers and Cancer Treatments


There are many different ways to treat cancer, depending on the type of cancer and where it
is located in the body. In this activity, you will find out about a specific type of cancer and how
it is treated. Record all your answers on your data sheet.

1. Choose a type of cancer to research from the list below. Describe which body parts it
usually affects and how it affects them. (2 marks)

2. Describe the probable causes of this cancer. (2 marks)

3. Describe the symptoms of the cancer. (2 marks)

4. Find out if we typically screen for this type of cancer. If so, describe the screening
process. (2 marks)

5. Find out how this type of cancer is usually treated. Describe the treatment in detail.
(4 marks)

6. Describe the drawbacks or side effects of the treatment. (4 marks)

7. Find pictures or graphics (at least two) that help to illustrate the cancer and its
treatment. Attach them to your data sheet. (4 marks)

Types of Cancer:

melanoma pancreatic cancer stomach cancer

breast cancer ovarian cancer prostate cancer

colon cancer bladder cancer non-Hodgkin lymphoma

bone cancer brain cancer kidney (renal) cancer

leukemia thyroid cancer endometrial cancer

lung cancer esophageal cancer cervical cancer

oral cancer myeloma other: __________________________

Researching Cancers and Cancer Treatments Data Sheet

Body parts





Drawbacks of

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