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TF^ Presenting property, plant and equipment net of accumulated depreciation on the face of the
statement of financial position is an example of offsetting.


IAS 1, paragraph 33 states that “measuring assets net of valuation allowances – for example, obsolescence
allowances on inventories and doubtful accounts on receivables – is not offsetting.

Accumulated depreciation is an example of a valuation allowance account.

TF^ In case the requirement of an accounting standard is in conflict with the Conceptual
Framework, the Conceptual Framework overrides the requirements of the accounting standard.


The requirements of IAS & IFRS always prevails due to its authoritative status.

TF^ General purpose financial statements are those intended to serve users who are in a position
to require financial reports tailored to their particular information needs.


General purpose financial statements are intended to serve different users with their diverse information
needs. If it will only tailor to the information needs of specific users, it loses its neutrality.

TF^ Comparability of information presented in the financial statements is achieved through

consistent application of an entity’s accounting policies.


TF^ In identifying the financial statements, the presentation currency need not be disclosed in the
heading of the financial statements as the currency’s sign is already indicated.


It is a requirement under IAS 1.

TF^ The level of rounding off used in the financial statements is indicated in the heading of the
financial statements to achieve a more understandable information.


TF^ PAS 1 requires management to make an assessment of an entity's ability to continue as a

going concern.


TF^ PAS 1 requires that an entity prepares all of its financial statements using the cash basis of


It should be prepared under the accrual basis of accounting.

TF^ Assets and liabilities, and income and expenses, may not be offset unless required or
permitted by a specific accounting policy developed by the reporting entity.


Unless required or permitted by a specific IAS or IFRS. Take note that accounting policies are not
specifically developed by a reporting entity; rather, it is adopted by reporting entities based on existing
accounting standards issued or adopted by IASB.
TF^ As many parts of the financial statements are based on judgment, models and estimates
rather than exact positions, the IASB’s Conceptual Framework provides the concepts underlying
those judgments, estimates and models.


TF^ General purpose financial reporting also provides information about how the management or
other equivalent governing body is able to discharge its responsibilities of managing the entity’s
resources, comply with laws, regulations and contractual provisions.


TF^ The Conceptual Framework contains detailed requirements on how the financial statements
should be prepared in accordance with PFRS.


The detailed requirements are set forth in IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.

TF^ The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements shall be consistent
from one period to the next unless a change is justified either by a change in circumstances or a
requirement of a new PFRS.


TF^ Consistent net losses and cash used on operating activities, as well as capital deficiency, are
some of the indicators that may cast significant doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a
going concern.


TF^ Financial statements are the shared responsibility of the company's management and the
external auditors, the latter being responsible for determining the accuracy of the management's


An entity’s management is primarily responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements. External auditors are required to be independent of the reporting entity.

TF^ Financial statements also show the results of the management's stewardship of the owners'
resources entrusted to it.


TF^ A non-publicly accountable entity that has total assets of P300 million and total liabilities of
P270 million as of December 31, 2019 is required to adopt the PFRS for SMEs.


A large entity is an entity with total assets of more than P350 million or total liabilities of more than P250
million. Since it satisfied one of the requirements for the entity to be classified as a large entity, it is required
to adopt Full PFRS.

TF^ Publicly accountable entities shall use full PFRS only if they meet the asset or liability
threshold for a large entity.


Publicly accountable entities shall use full PFRS, regardless of its size.

TF^ The recognition of receivables and payables in the statement of financial position is a result
of using the accrual basis of accounting.

TF^ Inappropriate accounting policies are not rectified either by disclosure of the accounting
policies used or by notes or explanatory material.


MC^ According to the new Conceptual Framework, who among the following are primary users of
financial reports?
I. Existing and/or potential investors
II. Creditors
III. Public

I only
*I and II only
II and III only
I, II, and III

MC^ Which best pertains to relevance?

Shows the substance of what it purports to represent

Shows the legal form of what it purports to represent
*Capable of making a difference to the decisions made by the users
Is affected by measurement uncertainty

A faithfully represented information is one that is complete, neutral (which includes substance over form) and
free from any error. Further, since estimates are permitted to be used to present a more relevant and timely
information, the degree of faithful representation of the financial information is being reduced. Thus, faithful
representation is affected by these so-called measurement uncertainties.

MC^ Evaluate the following statements:

I. Comparability, verifiability, understandability, and timeliness enhance the usefulness of


II. Increasing comparability, verifiability, understandability and timeliness can make an

unfaithfully represented information useful.

*True, False
False, True
True, True
False, False

MC^ The phrase “no practical ability to avoid” relates to what element of the financial statement?


MC^ SQUAREPANTS, Inc. intends to use a measurement basis for its investment in publicly-
traded equity securities that will consider the existing conditions as of the measurement date.
Which of the following will SQUAREPANTS most likely use?

Historical cost
Current cost
*Fair value
Value in use
MC^ When two or more qualified individuals, working independently, can reasonably develop
similar conclusions from the complete set of financial statements prepared by the entity, which
enhancing qualitative characteristic was satisfied?


MC^ In principle, where will items of income and expenses go?

*To profit or loss, unless included in other comprehensive income

To other comprehensive income, unless included in profit or loss
To profit or loss, without any exception
To other comprehensive income, without any exception

Take note that items of income and expenses that go to profit or loss are considered nominal accounts are
closed at the end of each reporting period. Income or expense items that go to other comprehensive income
are considered real accounts and accumulate from one reporting period to another (presented as part of

MC^ Which is required for financial statements prepared in accordance with PFRS?

An explicit but qualified statement of compliance in the statement of financial position

An explicit and unreserved statement of compliance in the statement of financial position
An explicit, but qualified statement of compliance in the notes to the financial statements
*An explicit and unreserved statement of compliance in the notes to the financial statements.

MC^ Based on the IASB’s Conceptual Framework, when is an element recognized in the financial

I. When it meets the definition of a financial statement element

II. When it provides useful information that meets the fundamental qualitative
III. When the benefits from the information exceeds the cost of obtaining it.
IV. When it is reliably measurable
V. When cash is received or paid. – we prepare FS using the accrual basis of

I, II, III, IV and V.

*I, II, III and IV
II, IV and V
II and IV

MC^ Evaluate the following statements pertaining to the information provided by general-purpose
financial statements:

I. An enterprise’s financial position is for a specific period of time.

II. An enterprise’s financial performance is as of a given date.

True, False
False, True
True, True
*False, False

MC^ The going concern assumption assumes that

Market values are always relevant to be used as value for an enterprise’s assets.
Property, plant and equipment should always be updated to their current values.
Enterprises are expected to cease their operations in the succeeding years.
*Enterprises are expected to continue their operations indefinitely.
MC^ What concept justifies the recognition of accruals and deferrals?

*Going concern

MC^ Under the accrual basis of accounting, the effects of the transactions and other events are
recorded in the accounting records

When they occur, but reported in the financial statements when cash is received or paid.
When cash is received or paid, but reported in the financial statements when they occur.
Only when the cash is received or paid.
*As they occur, the timing of the receipt and payment of cash being irrelevant.

MC^ The major objective of applying consistency in accounting policies is

To promote comparability between financial statements of different entities

*To promote comparability between financial statements of different reporting periods.
To match the appropriate revenues and expenses in a particular reporting period.
To reflect accurately the transaction or other circumstance that the information purports to

MC^ Which one of the general features supports the classification of assets and liabilities as
current or non-current?

Accrual basis
Comparative information
Frequency of reporting
*Going concern

MC^ Technically, offsetting in the financial statements is accomplished when:

The allowance for doubtful accounts is deducted from accounts receivable

The total accumulated depreciation is deducted from the total cost of property, plant and
The discount on notes receivable is deducted from the outstanding face value of the notes
*The interest income was deducted from interest expense, thereby presenting it in the statement
of comprehensive income as “Finance Costs – net”.

IAS 1, paragraph 33 states that “measuring assets net of valuation allowances – for example, obsolescence
allowances on inventories and doubtful accounts on receivables – is not offsetting.

The first three choices are all example of valuation, not offsetting.

MC^ In reference to the frequency of reporting, financial statements must be prepared at least

Whenever the entity wishes to prepare

MC^ Which financial statement presents the entity’s financial performance during a particular
reporting period?

*Statement of Comprehensive Income

Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Financial Position
MC^ Information about the entity’s economic resources and claims is primarily provided by which
financial statement component?

Statement of Changes in Equity

Statement of Cash Flows
*Statement of Financial Position
Notes to Financial Statements

MC^ The supporting schedules on the information presented on the face of the financial
statements and other explanatory information are provided by which financial statement

Statement of Comprehensive Income

*Notes to Financial Statements
Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Cash Flows

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entities:
“Entities that are required to file financial statements under Part II of SRC Rule 68.”

*Full PFRS – these are publicly-accountable entities

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following
entity: “Fruitas Holdings, Inc., a publicly-listed entity whose shares of stock are traded
with the Philippine Stock Exchange.”

*Full PFRS - these are publicly-accountable entities

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entities:
“Entities whose total assets are more than P100M to P350M or liabilities of more than
P100M to P250M.”

*PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entities:
“Entities whose total assets or liabilities are between P3M to P100M.”

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
*PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entity:
“Jilliane’s Mini Grocery, a business whose total assets and liabilities are less than P3

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
*Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entity:
“Malayan Insurance, Inc., a life insurance company not publicly listed in the stock
exchange but is regulated by the Insurance Commission.”
*Full PFRS - these are publicly-accountable entities
PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entity:
“Tigers Trading, Inc., classified as a medium-sized entity, is a subsidiary of Thomas
International, a large entity. To aid Thomas in the preparation of the consolidated financial
statements, Tigers Trading decided to apply the reporting framework that Thomas
International uses.”

*Full PFRS
PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entity:
“BDO Unibank, Inc., a bank regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.”

*Full PFRS - these are publicly-accountable entities

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entity:
“Palawan Pawnshop, a quasi-banking institution regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng

*Full PFRS - these are publicly-accountable entities

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

MC^ Determine the applicable financial reporting framework to be applied by the following entity:
“A service company with total assets of P5 million.”

PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
*PFRS for Small Entities
Income Tax Reporting

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