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HANUNUO MANGYAN documenting and preserving the Mangyan

The Hanunoo live on Mindoro, a Philippine The Panaytayan Mangyan Settlement is a
island located just to the southwest of the main small community with a basketball court, a
island, Luzon. The Hanunoo are also known as school, a chapel and native nipa huts where
the Bulalakao, the Hampangan, and the Mangyans traditionally live.
Mangyan. As recently as the 1950s, the
Hanunoo were almost entirely isolated from Balay Lakay, a gathering or a communal house.
modern civilization, but today they have begun A wooden elevated house with a Hanunuo script
to develop relationships with other peoples and carved at the facade. The place has served
cultures. different purposes throughout the generations.
Aside from being a meeting place for elders, it is
The term “Mangyan” is an umbrella term that also a place of worship. Mangyan believe in a
refers to several indigenous communities on the higher being called Maha na Maako who
island of Mindoro in the Philippines. There are watches over them. Some of the Mangyans also
eight recognized groups: Iraya, Alangan, embraced Christianity as evidenced by a
Tadyawan, Tawbuid, Bangon, Buhid, opening up a set of doors to reveal a small room
Hanunuo, and Ratagnon. While these groups that serves as an altar. Paganism still lingers as
are often referred to as “Mangyan,” they speak they still believe in dwelling spirits.
different languages, and only one of the ethnic
groups—Hanunuo—refers to itself as Mangyan. CULTURE AND TRADITION
The Hanunuo are very welcoming. The
Hanunuo means “genuine” or “true”. They Hanunuo are very poetic and has a way with
claim to be the true Mangyan as they have words. In fact, most of their Hanunuo writings
remained faithful to their old traditions. are love songs.

Of the eight groups of Mangyan, only the As is evident, the Mangyan have a rich literary
Hanunuo and the Buhid from the Southern part tradition with a long history. Despite its deep
of Mindoro Island have attested writing systems roots, most historical example is the Mangyan
called Surat Hanunuo Mangyan and Surat writing which is no more than a century old. This
Buhid Mangyan respectively. The Hanunuo is because Mangyan writing was carved on
Mangyan and Southern Buhid have similar bamboo, a material that deteriorates quickly.
syllabic scripts due to their geographical
proximity. Hanunuo are quite crafty. They also love bead
works as seen from their personal accessories
Unlike other Mangyans, The Hanunuo are not and souvenirs they sell.
nomadic. Family are tightly knit and they value
the sense of togetherness in their community. SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEF
• Hanunuo’s are animists, which means
They have no written laws but are guided by that they believe animals and aspects of
counsel and advice passed down by their nature have spirits.
eleders verbally. Dispute settlements between • They believe in Kalag that allow evil
Mangyans are usually done in the presence of spirits called labang that afflict the
their elders. The elders also serves as the Hanunuo.
judges who give appropriate punishment for the • To combat illness, they call shaman, or
offender. priest, known in their language as a
The Hanunuo Mangyans may also be
distinguised by their rutay (clothing). Men RELIGION
ususaly wear ba-ag & balukas while women 96% Ethnics Religion and 4% Christian
wear a ramit & lambung. (Evangelical)

The Panaytayan Mangyan Settlement is
located in the uplands of Mansalay, Oriental
Mindoro, a municipality nort of Bulalacao. This
is a tourist-friendly community of at least
500 Hanunuo Mangyans which was developed
by Antoon Postma together with his Mangyan REPORTED BY:
wife, Yam Ay, they worked together in GE ELECT 2
MWF (3:30-4:30 PM)

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