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MCU International Cultural Education Gala

Ambassador’s Interview Questions.

• Good afternoon, Ambassador, thank you so much for joining us
Background questions
• To start, could you share a bit about your background and your
connection to cultural exchange and what made you to choose
Ming Chaun.
Event Highlights
• The cultural event showcased diverse performances and exhibits.
What aspects stood out to you the most?
Cultural Exchange
• The students were actively involved in organizing and participating
in the event. How did you find the interaction with them?
• What are the opportunities do you see for future collaboration,
would recommend students to come and study at Ming Chuan?
Diplomatic Relations
• From a diplomatic perspective, how do events like these
contribute to strengthening international ties and education?
• Thank you, Ambassador for sharing your insights and reflections
on the cultural event. We truly appreciate your presence and
valuable time.

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