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TAM0010.1177/1758835919880084Therapeutic Advances in Medical OncologyM Muscaritoli, J Arends

Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology Review

From guidelines to clinical practice:

Ther Adv Med Oncol

2019, Vol. 11: 1­–14

a roadmap for oncologists for nutrition DOI: 10.1177/

therapy for cancer patients

© The Author(s), 2019.
Article reuse guidelines:

Maurizio Muscaritoli , Jann Arends and Matti Aapro

Abstract: Tackling malnutrition in cancer patients remains one of the most challenging tasks
in clinical practice. Even though robust evidence exists stressing the role of nutritional status in
relation to treatment outcome, its appropriate consideration in clinical practice is often lacking.
In this review, we discuss the significance of nutritional status and of malnutrition for the
cancer patient. Drawn from experience and from current recommendations of the European
Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), we propose concrete and manageable
steps to routinely incorporate nutritional aspects in today’s oncological clinical practice.

Keywords: cachexia, clinical nutrition, ESPEN guidelines, malnutrition, nutritional status,


Received: 16 November 2018; revised manuscript accepted: 30 August 2019.

Highlights Recent therapeutic advances have profoundly Correspondence to:

Maurizio Muscaritoli
Malnutrition, the result of a poor nutritional sta- changed cancer treatment options and outcomes Department of
tus, has a well-documented negative effect on for the better.3 New substance classes target Translational and
Precision Medicine,
treatment outcome in cancer patients. immune cells, reactivating anticancer-directed Sapienza University
immune activities, as well as tumor cells, reduc- of Rome, Viale
dell’Università, 37, Rome
(1) Although high-quality randomized con- ing their burden and leading to increased survival 00185, Italy
trolled trial (RCT)-based evidence is still rates.3 However, tolerability of treatment regimes maurizio.muscaritoli@
scarce, data exist showing that timely inter- and outcome of therapy depend on several
Jann Arends
vention can lead to improved treatment aspects, one of the most important being the Department of Medicine
outcomes. nutritional status of the patient. In this review, we I, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
(2) Comprehensive therapies should include have summarized the current knowledge of nutri- Matti Aapro
strategies for cancer treatment while main- tional status in oncology in an attempt to provide Cancer Center, Clinique
de Genolier, Genolier,
taining the nutritional status of the patient. oncologists involved in the care of patients with Switzerland
(3) Measures and tools proposed in this article cancer with a roadmap for nutritional therapy in
can help to determine the nutritional sta- their everyday clinical practice.
tus and detect and treat malnutrition in a
timely manner. Based on the recent guidelines from the European
Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
(ESPEN) we propose possible nutritional inter-
Cancer: an unparalleled challenge for ventions, from diagnosis to treatment and
treating physicians monitoring.
Today, malignant disorders represent the second
leading cause of death worldwide.1 Progressively
aging populations, especially in western coun- Nutritional status in cancer treatment:
tries, together with an anticipated global increase current understandings, future challenges
of cancer incidence2 pose new challenges to Among hospitalized patients, cancer patients pre-
screening procedures, as well as to diagnosis, sent with the highest prevalence of malnutrition,
treatment, monitoring, and reimbursement. with 30–50% of hospitalized cancer patients 1

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Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 11

found to be malnourished or at risk of malnutri- patients is multifactorial in origin.30 Causes can

tion, in large European surveys.4–7 Weight loss be both disease or therapy related; for example,
arises early in the course of disease and may anorexia, oral ulceration, intestinal obstruction,
develop at any time throughout the patient’s can- xerostomia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cramp-
cer journey.8 A recent study in 22 medical oncol- ing, or bloating.8,31–36
ogy centers in Italy with almost 2000 patients
showed that 51% had nutritional impairment and Cancer-related loss of skeletal muscle mass,
9% were overtly malnourished.7 Furthermore, often referred to as sarcopenia,30,37,38 driven by
the authors found a clear correlation between enhanced intramuscular proteolytic systems and
severity of malnutrition and stages of cancer.7 A triggered by the complex interaction between
French study evaluating the prevalence of malnu- reduced food intake, possible increased energy
trition in cancer patients (n = 1903) in 154 French expenditure, systemic inflammation, tumor
hospital wards found that 39% of patients were growth, but also through targeted therapies,39
malnourished. This study also reported that leads to further deterioration of the patient’s clini-
42.5% of the patients identified as malnourished cal and functional status and to poorer overall
did not receive any nutritional support.4 Patient prognosis.30 General consequences of muscle loss
groups at particular high risk of malnutrition in cancer can be physical impairment, as well as
include those with head-and-neck cancer and increased postoperative complications and ele-
esophageal cancer, undergoing esophageal resec- vated chemotherapeutic toxicity.8,37,38,40–44 Loss
tion.9,10 It has been reported that malnutrition of muscle mass is a hallmark of cancer cachexia, a
develops in ~80% patients with esophageal cancer, cancer comorbidity which has been defined as
with dysphagia and weight loss frequently being ‘a multifactorial syndrome characterized by an
already present at the time of diagnosis.11 In ongoing loss of skeletal muscle mass (with or
patients with pancreatic cancer, both the disease- without loss of fat mass) that cannot be fully
related impairment of exocrine and endocrine pan- reversed by conventional nutritional support and
creatic function and anticancer treatment effects leads to progressive functional impairment.’45
contribute to the development of malnutrition.12 Since cancer cachexia syndrome can develop
More than 80% of patients with pancreatic cancer progressively through various stages, it can be
suffer from significant weight loss already by the classified, according to its severity (i.e. degree of
time of diagnosis.13 depletion of energy stores and body protein),
into precachexia, cachexia and refractory
Malnutrition has a negative impact on clinical cachexia.45 While patients with refractory
outcome and mortality in cancer patients,8,14–17 cachexia are less likely to respond to nutritional
with adverse consequences, including impaired therapy,45 the stages of precachexia and cachexia
quality of life,18 higher rates of complications and represent unique and unmissable windows of
worse postoperative outcomes,19 longer duration opportunity for nutritional intervention,8,30 with
of hospitalization,20 and poorer anticancer treat- measurable impact on clinical outcomes, includ-
ment tolerance due to increased toxicity, poorer ing survival. Indeed, consolidated evidence sug-
compliance and decreased response.21,22 Severity gests increased mortality rates associated with
of malnutrition is an independent predictor of cancer cachexia.8,30,46–48
shorter survival.23

Therefore, the need for adequate nutritional Under-recognition of cancer-related

interventions in cancer has been stressed for dec- nutritional impairment: a matter of
ades.24,25 In the oncologist’s clinical practice, terminology?
however, awareness for the nutritional status in One possible obstacle in the daily prevention, rec-
cancer patients remains scarce, demonstrated by ognition, and treatment of cancer-associated mal-
the fact that it is not regularly assessed in hospi- nutrition and cachexia is the current lack of
tals or ambulatory oncology services as part of consistent nomenclature (Box 1).
standard procedures.26–29
Malnutrition (synonym ‘undernutrition’) is
This is even more surprising, since the negative defined as ‘. . .a state resulting from lack of intake
impact of malnutrition on oncological patients’ or uptake of nutrition that leads to altered body
outcomes has been extensively demonstrated. composition (decreased fat-free mass) and body
The pathogenesis of malnutrition in cancer cell mass leading to diminished physical and

M Muscaritoli, J Arends et al.

Box 1. Malnutrition, cachexia and sarcopenia: definitions and differentiation (according to Cederholm et al.,49 Cruz-Jentoft et al.,50
Baracos et al.,30 Arends et al.,8,15 and Fearon et al.45).
• A state resulting from lack of intake or uptake of nutrition that leads to altered body composition (decreased fat-free mass)
and body cell mass;
• Leading to diminished physical and mental function and impaired clinical outcome from disease.
Disease-related malnutrition
• Malnutrition caused by an underlying acute or chronic disease;
• Can occur with or without the presence of systemic inflammation;
• Reduced food intake or assimilation will cause tissue breakdown that can, in turn, result in significant loss of body weight,
alterations in body composition, and declining physical function.
• Multifactorial syndrome characterized by involuntary weight loss, with ongoing loss of skeletal muscle mass with or without
loss of fat mass;
• May be considered a form of disease-related malnutrition with systemic inflammation as an important contributing factor;
• Staging according to nutritional status/severity of catabolism and response to nutritional intervention:
1. Precachexia: onset of low-grade weight loss (⩽5% body weight):
– Early initiation of preventive nutritional intervention is key;
– Measurable impact on clinical outcomes, for example, mortality.
2. Cachexia: progressing weight loss (>5% or BMI < 20 kg/m2 with weight loss >2% body weight or sarcopenia with weight
loss > 2%):
– Adequate nutrition support as a mainstay of a multimodal treatment approach;
– Measurable impact on clinical outcomes, for example, mortality.
3. Refractory cachexia: extensive weight loss/catabolism close to the end of life (expected survival < 3 months):
– Low emphasis on nutritional intervention except for palliative nutrition to alleviate hunger and thirst;
– Low likelihood of response to any type of treatment intervention.
• Progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and function associated with increased likelihood of adverse
outcomes, including falls, fractures, physical disability and mortality;
• Can be age related (primary sarcopenia) or due to other causes such as disease, inactivity, or malnutrition (secondary
• Sarcopenia is a hallmark of cancer cachexia.

BMI, body mass index.

mental function and impaired clinical outcome A combined task force commissioned by four
from disease.’49 When malnutrition is caused by major international clinical nutrition societies
an underlying disease, be it acute or chronic, it is (ESPEN, the American Society for Parenteral
classified as disease-related malnutrition (DRM).49 and Enteral Nutrition, the Parenteral and
Systemic inflammation plays a major role in the Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia, and Federación
pathogenesis of DRM, but DRM may also occur Latino Americana de Terapia Nutricional,
in the absence of a clinically significant inflamma- Nutrición, Clínica y Metabolismo) has recently
tory response (DRM without inflammation).49 In proposed a consensus scheme for diagnosing
this light, cancer cachexia may be considered a malnutrition in adults in clinical settings, on a
form of DRM with inflammation,49 brought about global scale.51 Briefly, the panel of experts has
by a complex and peculiar pathophysiology.30 suggested that diagnosis of malnutrition is based
on three phenotypic criteria [unintentional
Despite the recognized negative impact of DRM weight loss, low body mass index (BMI), and
on patients’ prognosis and healthcare costs, dur- reduced muscle mass] and two etiologic criteria
ing recent decades, there has been a fundamental (reduced food intake or assimilation, and
lack of consensus on diagnostic criteria for mal- inflammation or disease burden). To diagnose
nutrition to be applied in clinical settings. As a malnutrition, at least one phenotypic criterion
consequence, DRM remains frequently unrecog- and one etiologic criterion should be present.
nized, underdiagnosed and untreated, with its Severity of malnutrition may also be assessed
prevalence being extremely variable, depending based on the degree of deviation of these criteria
on the assessment method used.7,49 from normality.51 3
Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 11

Lastly, inconsistencies also exist regarding sarco- dietary counseling and ONS improved nutritional
penia. The term sarcopenia is commonly and still status and reduced early and late radiotherapy-
largely used to define the loss of skeletal muscle induced toxicity.57 The long-term follow up of
mass and function associated with aging. More this study showed the longest survival rates in
recently, the European Working Group on patients with intensified nutritional counseling
Sarcopenia in Older People has defined sarcope- compared with usual diet plus supplements and
nia as ‘primary’ (or age related) and ‘secondary’ usual diet alone.58
(when other causes other than, or in addition to,
aging are present, such as chronic diseases; Nutritional interventions in head-and-neck can-
reviewed in the work of Muscaritoli and col- cer patients yielded more consistent results. Early
leagues52). However, the term sarcopenia is being nutritional intervention ranging from counseling
increasingly used in cancer clinical practice to (for patients with low nutritional risk) to ONS or
indicate decreased muscularity as assessed by EN via tube (for those with higher nutritional
computed tomography (CT) scan,30,37,38 irrespec- risk) reduced weight loss, frequency and duration
tive of the loss of muscle function. Consensus of treatment interruptions, as well as rehospitali-
concerning meaning and use of different terms is zations.59,60 In high-risk patients, for example,
warranted in order to harmonize terminology, as with hypopharyngeal primary site, T4 tumor,
well as diagnosis and treatment algorithms of female sex, or receiving combined radiochemo-
sarcopenia.53 therapy, prophylactic percutaneous endoscopy
gastrostomy (PEG) was associated with fewer
malnourished patients over time and higher qual-
Effectiveness of nutritional therapy in ity of life.61,62 Early nutritional intervention with
oncology: where is the evidence? either counseling ONS or EN was associated with
Another barrier preventing the implementation of reduction of treatment interruption and duration
structured clinical nutrition pathways in oncology of hospitalization.63
is the lack of high-quality RCT-based evidence of
nutritional therapy efficacy.54 This has consider- In selected cancer patient populations, mainly in
ably weakened the interest of oncologists toward those whose gastrointestinal function is partially
clinical nutrition. Indeed, it must be acknowl- or totally impaired, PN may play an essential role
edged that while the negative impact of cancer- in maintaining nutritional status. In patients with
related malnutrition and cachexia is striking, the advanced pancreatic cancer, supplemental paren-
results on the effects of nutrition on patients’ teral nutrition improved nutritional status.64,65
overall prognosis are weak or inconsistent. Two studies focusing on the impact of home par-
Nutritional care and therapy in cancer patients enteral nutrition (HPN) in cancer patients could
encompass dietician-aided dietary counseling show that HPN is associated with an improve-
(aimed at improving patients’ spontaneous food ment in nutritional status, as well as quality of
intake), oral supplementation with industry- life.66,67 In summary, the available studies address-
prepared oral nutritional supplements (ONS), ing the effects of nutrition care or therapy on can-
enteral nutrition (EN) and parenteral nutrition cer patients’ outcomes is still insufficient or
(PN).49 The term ‘nutritional therapy’ is used inconsistent. Further high-quality RCT-based
when active interventions are implemented with evidence is needed to better identify the catego-
ONS, EN or PN. ‘Medical nutrition’ utilizes ries of cancer patients in whom nutritional ther-
ONS, EN and PN to prevent or correct DRM, apy may be cost effective in impacting outcomes
depending on the clinical indications and patient’s of oncological relevance.
clinical condition.49

Growing evidence supports active nutritional Simultaneously targeting the tumor and
interventions in the oncological patient. In cancer nutritional and metabolic derangements:
patients who were malnourished or at risk of mal- the oncological parallel pathway
nutrition, oral nutritional support or dietary Because of their high incidence and prognostic
counseling were shown to improve energy intake relevance, screening for and assessment, treat-
and body weight55,56 but had no effect on clinical ment and follow-up evaluations of nutritional
outcomes of oncological relevance, such as sur- deficits should be implemented as a standard sec-
vival and treatment toxicity. In patients with colo- ond pillar in cancer therapy (Figure 1). The nutri-
rectal cancer undergoing radiotherapy, individual tional and metabolic (e.g. inflammation-driven

M Muscaritoli, J Arends et al.

Figure 1. Continuum of care for the cancer patient: the parallel pathway in oncology (developed from
Muscaritoli et al.68).
Comprehensive treatment of the cancer patient requires next to the oncological therapeutic strategy a standardized concept
for addressing nutritional needs. The respective strategies should be pursued in close collaboration with each other.

impaired glucose tolerance, muscle hypercatab- Multifactorial patient needs require a

olism, anabolic resistance) changes should be multidisciplinary team approach: the role of
attended to in parallel to all oncological treat- the oncologist
ments and during all stages of a patient in cancer Cancer treatment represents a continuum of
disease. Thus, the aim is to start nutritional care, from diagnosis to treatment and follow up.
management early in the course of the disease, Addressing stage- and condition-dependent
beginning with the assessment of nutritional sta- patient needs should be at the center of all treat-
tus at the time of diagnosis, and starting nutri- ment decisions. To be optimized, such individu-
tional interventions in parallel with cancer alized approaches cannot be shouldered by the
therapies.68 Nutritional strategies should be treating oncologist alone, but should best be per-
adapted to different cancer stages and treat- formed by a closely collaborating multidiscipli-
ments, and all options of nutritional therapy nary team, led by the hematologist/oncologist and
should be explored, including ONS, EN or PN, including other medical (e.g. surgeon, gastroen-
as appropriate, in patients who are not able to terologist, pain expert, supportive and palliative
fully meet their nutritional requirements by the care expert) and allied specialists (e.g. nurses,
oral route,8,68 according to existing clinical prac- dieticians/nutritional therapists, psychologists,
tice guidelines and recommendations on nutri- and physiotherapists; Figure 2). A comprehensive
tion in cancer patients.8 treatment plan should be designed by the 5
Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 11

Figure 2. Tackling malnutrition in oncology as a multidisciplinary team approach.

treatment team and regularly reviewed for neces- experts in the field and provide a set of recommen-
sary modifications. dations for screening, assessment, treatment, and
monitoring of malnutrition in oncological patients.
Cancer diagnosis and treatment should be accom- In the following sections, the most important
panied by a comprehensive screening for and guideline recommendations and their implementa-
assessment of possible malnutrition. The plan tion into clinical practice are presented.
should consider key aspects (e.g. nutritional sta-
tus, pain management, and coping strategies) to be
adapted throughout the patient’s cancer journey by Integration of nutritional management into
a team consisting of different professions, for exam- cancer care: the role of early screening and
ple, oncologists, surgeons, psychologists, nutri- assessment
tional therapists, nurses, and physiotherapists. Historically, nutritional intervention in cancer
has often been associated mainly with the set-
ting of advanced cancer stages as part of a pal-
Translating clinical knowledge into practice: liative treatment regimen. This has been, and
recommendations of the ESPEN board still frequently is, due to a low awareness for
Since 1997, ESPEN publishes guidelines and posi- nutritional and metabolic problems in clinical
tion papers in the field of clinical nutrition. Recent oncology and has resulted in underdiagnosing
ESPEN guidelines for nutritional care in cancer the gradual development of malnutrition of
offer a comprehensive overview and recommenda- patients during anticancer treatment.
tions authored by 22 experts from 13 countries.8
The guidelines are based on evidence of clinical However, nutritional therapy, if applied in a
practice, as well as on personal experience of the timely fashion, can contribute to maintaining or

M Muscaritoli, J Arends et al.

Figure 3. Proposed treatment algorithm incorporating the nutritional status in oncology.8,15

*Food choices, fortifying foods, ONS.
**Treatment of infections, stenosis, dysmotility, etc.
GI, gastrointestinal; ONS, oral nutritional supplements; PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; PICC, peripherally
inserted central catheter.

regaining a normal nutritional and functional sta- tools are available; ESPEN8 suggests using vali-
tus of the patient, which is associated with better dated nutrition screening tools, for example,
tolerability of anticancer treatment and better Nutrition Risk Screening 2002, the Malnutrition
clinical outcome.8,16,17,25,26,37,38,40–44 Universal Screening Tool, the Malnutrition
Screening Tool, or the Mini Nutritional Assessment
Therefore, timely screening (Figure 2, Table 1) of Short Form Revised.69 The Patient-Generated
the nutritional status should be seen as a hallmark of Subjective Global Assessment has been highly rec-
care for the patient, and as good clinical practice. ommended due to its high sensitivity, specificity and
Early detection of nutritional needs and appropriate predictive value in the oncological setting,70–72 but
intervention programs are critical in cancer treat- also other validated tools may be used.
ment (Figure 2). Key drivers for later complications
like malnutrition and cachexia can be detected and Prior to chemotherapy, patients should undergo
treated at an early stage, thus helping to prevent an intensive risk assessment, including disease
treatment interruptions caused by impaired physical staging, medical condition of the patient, as well
status. Such timely ­screening of the nutritional sta- as specific examination of pre-existing cachexia or
tus can lead to b­ etter tolerability of therapy, higher further metabolic disturbances. Valid methods
completion rates of treatment cycles and an opti- for determination are depicted in Table 2.
mized treatment outcome. A number of screening CT-aided examination already used for cancer 7
Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 11

Table 1. Screening for (risk of) malnutrition.

Criteria to build and select screening Reliable detection of nutritional deficits

tools (Mini Nutritional Assessment and requiring intervention
ESPEN criteria) Easily performed by non-nutrition expert
Minimally invasive

Nutritional aspects evaluated by most Food intake

screening tools Loss of body weight
Body mass index
Metabolic changes (e.g. glucose intolerance, inflammation)
Selected validated screening tools8,69 Nutrition Risk Screening 200273
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool74
Mini Nutritional Assessment75
Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, specifically
designed for oncology patients70–72

ESPEN, European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.

Table 2. Quantitative or semiquantitative assessment of relevant nutritional and metabolic parameters at

present and as expected for the near future.

Domain Parameter

Energy and protein intake e.g. Food diary, dietary recall

Barriers to food intake Gastrointestinal problems

Nutrition impact symptoms (nausea, anorexia, dysphagia, diarrhea)
Chronic pain
Psychosocial distress

Physical appearance Low body weight, BMI

History of weight loss/change15

Muscle mass/function e.g. Anthropometry76, bioelectrical impedance analysis, dual-energy X-ray

absorptiometry, computed tomography, handgrip strength77,78

Physical activity e.g. ECOG score/performance index, step counter/accelerometry (when

Systemic inflammation e.g. C-reactive protein, serum albumin, modified Glasgow Prognostic Score80

BMI, body mass index; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.

screening can be applied to identify body compo- intolerance, liver failure, kidney failure) in the
sition and muscle mass.30,37,38,44 patient (Table 2).

Patients with abnormal screening should undergo

a comprehensive assessment of nutritional imbal- How to enable food intake and support
ance. This includes nutritional intake, assess- metabolism
ment of symptoms potentially interfering with Results of the assessment procedures need to be
food intake (e.g. anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dys- compared with the individual aims for the patient.
phagia, dysgeusia), assessment of muscle mass, If the present condition deviates from these aims,
determination of physical performance, and interventions need to be planned to diminish or
degree of systemic inflammation. Key domains remove the observed deficits. Aims include the
for this assessment should comprise dietary intake of adequate amounts of energy and nutri-
intake, body composition, physical activity, and ents, the absence of nutrition impact symptoms
underlying metabolic abnormalities (e.g. glucose (e.g. nausea anorexia, dysphagia, abdominal pain,

M Muscaritoli, J Arends et al.

Table 3. Tasks and contributions of the multidisciplinary team.

Task Health Care Specialist

Food intake Dietician, clinical nutritionist

Dysphagia Speech therapist, ear–nose–throat specialist, dentist, head-and-

neck surgeon, neurologist

Gastrointestinal problems Dietician, clinical nutritionist gastroenterologist, surgeon

Chronic pain Pain expert

Psychosocial distress Psychologist, social worker, palliative care specialist

Muscle loss, fatigue, inactivity Clinical nutritionist, physiotherapist, exercise physiologist, dietician

Table 4. Nutritional goals in cancer treatment.8,15

Nutritional Intakes Amount

Energy 20–25 kcal/kg/d for bedridden patients

25–30 kcal/kg/d for ambulatory patients

Protein >1 g/kg/day and, if possible, up to

1.5 g/kg/day
Micronutrients, i.e. vitamins and Vitamins and minerals to be supplied in amounts approximately
essential trace elements equal to the RDA. Use of high-dose micronutrients in the
absence of specific deficiencies is discouraged

RDA, recommended daily allowance.

diarrhea), a functioning gastrointestinal tract, the condition. Protein intake should be above 1 g/kg
absence of chronic pain and psychosocial distress, and aiming for 1.2–1.5 g/kg body weight per day.
adequate physical activity, and the absence of sys-
temic inflammation. Specialists of the multidisci- Nonprotein energy may be provided by fat and
plinary team are to be assigned to alleviating carbohydrates, with each nutrient group provid-
specific barriers according to their specializations ing a similar amount of energy. Vitamins and
(Table 3). essential trace elements should be provided daily
in doses analogous to recommended daily allow-
Nutritional goals are summarized in Table 4. In ances for healthy subjects81 either via habitual
patients with malnutrition or risk of malnutri- diet or in cases of inadequate food intake, as a
tion, the use of dietary restrictions is not recom- daily oral, enteral or intravenous supplement.8
mended and even considered dangerous.
Theoretical arguments that nutrients would pri- For patients with nutritional need, the route of
marily benefit the tumor lack scientific evidence administration should be tailored to the patient’s
and thus, should not lead to interruption, physical condition. Patients with inadequate food
decrease, or cessation of nutritional intervention intake who are able to eat should receive adequate
in cancer patients.8,15 Energy intake should ini- dietary counseling, including fortification of foods
tially aim to be from 20–25 to 35 kcal/kg body as well as ONS. If oral nutrition remains inade-
weight, choosing the higher range for ambula- quate or is not feasible, EN is recommended.
tory, younger, underweight, and male patients, Should EN not be feasible or fail to improve the
while choosing the lower range for bedridden, nutritional status of the patient, PN should be
older, obese, and female patients. During follow implemented,8 either as supplemental, or, if not
up, energy provisions need to be adapted accord- otherwise possible to supply adequate nutrition,
ing to the nutritional status and the metabolic as total or complete PN. 9
Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 11

Figure 3 shows a treatment algorithm for nutri- Thus, early, continuous, and multimodal inter-
tional management of malnutrition in oncological ventions with a range of approaches, including
patients, including screening and assessment, as endurance training and aerobic exercises (e.g.
well as treatment and monitoring. walking, treadmill walking, stationary cycling,
resistance training) is recommended, aiming at
improving muscle mass and function. Oncologists
Nutritional considerations during should favor implementation of multimodal ther-
different modes of anticancer treatments: apeutic approaches, including controlled physical
surgery, radiotherapy, anticancer drug activity for their patients, even in those complain-
treatment ing of asthenia and fatigue.85
Nausea, anorexia, dysphagia, diarrhea and other
nutritional-impact symptoms may and do occur
during most anticancer treatments. Recent data Nutrition in oncology: time for a change of
show better clinical outcome in patients undergo- perspective
ing chemotherapy by use of standardized web- Historically, treatment advances in cancer have
based monitoring of patient-reported symptoms.82 predominantly focused on the introduction of
Compared with usual care, the patients using the new substances. Lately, patient-centered treat-
electronic symptom monitoring had a 5-month- ment approaches are gaining momentum, pro-
longer survival [31.2 months (95% confidence gressively including patient’s performance status,
interval (CI), 24.5–39.6) versus 26.0 months interindividual variability in drug pharmacokinet-
(95% CI, 22.1–30.9); p = 0.03].82,83 ics and genetic background. This has led to an
increased variety of treatment options, but results
In all situations, the general rule is to ensure an (compared with just a few years ago) in longer
adequate intake of energy and nutrients. This may treatment durations for cancer patients. This may
require early placement of an enteral tube in expose the patient to the prolonged risk of nutri-
patients with obstructing tumors of the upper gas- tional impairment and progressive depletion of
trointestinal tract, or if radiation of the head-and- body resources. Counteracting such depletion
neck region or the esophagus is planned. In cases with nutritional interventions represents a major
with severe dysfunction of the small bowel (e.g. supportive goal in modern oncology. Still, in cur-
mucositis induced by high-dose chemotherapy, rent clinical practice, nutritional status receives
intestinal graft versus host disease after allogeneic little attention. Standard evaluation focuses rather
stem cell transplantation, short bowel syndrome on disease-specific parameters to determine treat-
after surgical resections), PN may be required and ment procedure. Awareness is needed of how a
tailored to the individual need.8 The primary goal deteriorated nutritional status or a high risk of
of nutritional intervention in all these settings is to malnutrition is an important prognostic factor for
keep patients fit for, and to avoid dose reductions later treatment success or failure.
or interruptions of, anticancer therapy.
Incorporation of the nutritional status evaluation
and monitoring should therefore be regarded as a
Role of physical activity hallmark of good clinical practice in cancer treat-
Muscle activity initiates essential anabolic stim- ment. From diagnosis onward, meeting individual
uli. Increasing or maintaining muscle mass may requirements of each cancer patient should be at
be hampered or made impossible by inactivity. the center of every treatment approach. A close col-
Indeed, inactivity prevents optimal incorpora- laboration of experts is the cornerstone of a state-
tion and utilization of nutrients by muscle. of-the-art cancer treatment. This requires profound
Therefore, muscle training should accompany changes in today’s hospital infrastructure, includ-
every nutritional intervention and should be an ing diagnosis and treatment criteria; however, such
essential component of the parallel supportive implementations will strongly benefit the patient,
pathway. The benefits of exercise reported in and therefore poses an ethical responsibility for
patients with cancer include increased exercise treating physicians and associated clinical staff.
capacity, improved activity levels, and reduced
fatigue,84,85 the latter of which is the most fre- Funding
quent and burdensome side effect of chemother- The project received funding from Fresenius
apy. Exercise has also been shown to preserve Kabi Deutschland GmbH. Medical writing assis-
physical well-being.86 tance, supported financially by Fresenius Kabi

M Muscaritoli, J Arends et al.

Deutschland GmbH, was provided by Medizin 10. Alberda C, Alvadj-Korenic T, Mayan M, et al.
und Markt, a medical agency, during the prepara- Nutrition care in patients with head and neck or
tion of this article. The sponsor had no role in the esophageal cancer: the patient perspective. Nutr
writing process of the publication. The authors Clin Pract 2017; 32: 664–674.
are fully responsible for all content and editorial 11. Jordan T, Mastnak DM, Palamar N, et al.
decisions, were involved at all stages of manu- Nutritional therapy for patients with esophageal
script development and have compiled and cancer. Nutr Cancer 2018; 70: 23–29.
approved the final version. 12. Gilliland TM, Villafane-Ferriol N, Shah KP,
et al. Nutritional and metabolic derangements
Conflict of interest statement in pancreatic cancer and pancreatic resection.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of Nutrients 2017; 9: pii: E243.
13. Gartner S, Kruger J, Aghdassi AA, et al. Nutrition
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