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School : SMP Berbasis Pesantren FAI UMJ

Subject : English
Class/Semester : IX/1
Topic : Chapter III Be healthy, be happy (Label of product)
Time Allocation : 2 x 35 minutes

A. Kompetensi Dasar
3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk label, dengan meminta dan memberi informasi terkait
obat/makanan/minuman, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.3 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk label pendek dan sederhana,
terkait obat/makanan/minuman

B. Learning Indicators
3.3.1 Menemukan informasi dari label obat makanan dan minuman.
3.3.2 Membedakan label obat/makanan/minuman.
4.3.1 Mengemukakan pendapat secara tertulis tentang label obat /makanan

C. Learning Goals

Through lecturing session and group discussion:

1. students are able to find the information from the label of product
2. Students are able to make the differences between label of food/drink and label of
3. Students are able to present orally and in writing related to label of

D. Tools and Medias

- Realia
- Whiteboard
- Cardboard papers
- Colored pencils, colored markers, and crayons
- English dictionary

E. Learning Resources
- Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa Kelas IX Bahasa Inggris, Think Globally Act
Locally, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta : 2018 (hal 33 – 53)

F. Approach, Learning Model, and Learning Method

- Approach: Scientific
- Learning model: PjBL
- Learning method: Lecturing, QnA, Group Discussion.
G. Assessment
- Attitude assessment : observation from attendance and discipline through the
learning process
- Cognitive assessment : question and answer session
- Skill assessment : writing and presentation
H. Learning Material
 Definition of Label of product

A label is a piece of paper, plastic film, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a
container or product, on which is written or printed information or symbols about
the product or item. Information printed directly on a container or article can also
be considered labeling. Product labels can be made from a variety of materials.
Common materials include: paper or cardboard (often attached with plastic, twine
or metal staples), cloth, metal (often aluminum), and plastic.

 From a label we will know about:

1. The brand of the product

2. The name of the product
3. Description
4. Content
5. Ingredients
6. Direction to use/ Instruction
7. Direction to store
8. Expiration date
 Social function
1. To get detailed information of the product.
2. To avoid harmful effects.
3. To choose healthy and safe product.
4. To get the best result.
 Language Feature
Unsur kebahasaan untuk memahami label produk obat, makanan dan minuman.
a. Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim pada setiap produk obat, makanan dan
b. Tata bahasa :
- Kalimat Imperative ( Command and Prohibition)
Command = V1 + O
Example : Use the soft material!
Shake well before use!
- Prohibition
Do not + V1 + O
Example : Do not consume after expired ate!
No + Ving + complement
Example : No accepting if the seal is broken!
c. Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the,
this, those, my, their, dan sebagainya secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
d. Kata Bantu modal yang lazim

Learning Activities (1st Meeting)

Opening Activities (10 minutes)

Orientation 1. Teacher and students greet one another. Religious

apperception 2. Teacher and students pray together before starting
the lesson. Discipline
3. Teacher check students’ attendance and their
4. Teacher gives apperception by connecting today’s
topic with students’ experience.
5. Teacher delivers the achievement goals of the
6. Teacher delivers the learning activity that will be
Main Activities (50 minutes)

Start with 1. Teacher asks the students’ about the essential Communication
essential question. (4Cs)
question “Have you ever go to the mini market? What kind
of product do you like to buy?” Collaboration
2. Teacher asks the students to observe the product (4Cs)
3. Teacher asks the students’ related the information
that shown on the label product.
4. Teacher asks the students to make a group consist
of 6-7.
5. Teacher draws the type of product that will be used
as a project using Spinwheel.
Design 6. Teacher asks the students to make the design Collaboration
project project of the product. (4Cs)
7. In group, teacher asks the students to discuss
related to the story mapping Communication
- Determine the advantages and disadvantages of the (4Cs)
Creativity (4Cs)

Create 8. Teacher asks the students to bring cardboard paper Communication

schedule and coloring tools for the next meeting. One (4Cs)
cardboard paper for each group.
7. Teacher tells the students about activities for the
next two meetings:
- Writing describe about the product
- Presenting their picture about the product and
explain about the advantages and disadvantages of
the product based on the information nutrition fact.
Closing Activities (10 minutes)

9. Teacher and students do a discussion about the Collaboration

advantages and difficulties of the learning process. (4Cs)
10. Teacher guides the students to conclude the topic.
11. Teacher delivers the next learning activity Communication


Learning Activities (2nd Meeting)

Opening Activities (10 minutes)

Orientation 1. Teacher and students greet one another. Religious

apperception 2. Teacher and students pray together before starting
the lesson. Discipline
3. Teacher check students’ attendance and their
4. Teacher gives apperception by connecting today’s
topic with the previous meeting.
5. Teacher delivers the achievement goals of the
Main Activities (50 minutes)

Monitoring 6. In a group, teacher asks the students to make the Collaboration

the students picture on a cardboard creatively and discuss (4Cs)
and progress related to the product.
7. Teacher monitors and checks the students’ based on Communication
of project
the label of product. (4Cs)
8. Teacher asks the students to present their result of
the discussion. Creativity (4Cs)
Closing Activities (10 minutes)

9. Teacher and students do a discussion about the Collaboration

advantages and difficulties of the learning process. (4Cs)
10. Teacher guides the students to conclude today’s
lesson Communication
11. Teacher and students pray together before dismiss
the class Religious

I. Assessment, Remedial learning and Enrichment

1) Authentic assessment technique
 Attitude assessment: observe
 Knowledge: the using of rubric to assess the achievement of social function,
structure of the label product that shown on process and the result of learning.
 Skill : present the worksheet in speaking and writing
 Written assignment to describe the label of product in order to know the
information of the product, know the differences of product, the advantages
and disadvantages of product.

2) Instrument of assessment
Grid and Question
Indicators Question Kind of assessment

1. Students are able to find the - Complete the Writing

information from the label of table according
product to the label

2. Students are able to make the - Identify the Writing

differences between label of product based
food/drink and label of drug. on the label of
then write the

3. Students are able to present - What is the Speaking

orally and in writing related to advantages and
label of food/drink/drug. disadvantages
of the product?
3) Rubric of assessment
a) Knowledge assessment rubric
Aspect Criteria Scor Amount Earning
e of score score

Content Very accurate 3

accurate 2

Less accurate 1

Structure of the text True and correct 3

True but not quite 2

Less percise 1

Language features Totally correct 3

correct 2

Less correct 1

Total Score

Final score = acquisition score : Total Score x 100

b) Skill assessment rubric (Practice/performance)

Criteria Description Score Earning
range score

Describing the Achieve social functions, complete 89–100

information of structure and appropriate linguistic
product (Speaking) elements smoothly

Fluent and developing vocabulary 76–88

and sentences, And there are

Occasional viewing of text, limited 61–75

vocabulary but Fluent

Reading scripts, limited vocabulary, 0–60

and not fluent

Describing the The social function is achieved, the 89–100

information of structure and linguistic elements are
product (Writing) appropriate

The social function is achieved, the 76–88

structure is right and there are
linguistic elements that are not right.

The social function is achieved, the 61–75

structure and linguistic elements are
not appropriate

Social function, Inappropriate use of 0–60

words, sentences, and structures.


4) Remedial and Enrichment assessment

a. Remedial
 Remedial can be given to students who have not reached the KKM (minimum
completeness criteria). Remedial consists of two parts: remedial because it has
not reached the KKM and remedial because it has not reached basic
 Teacher gives encouragement to students who have not reached the KKM. The
teacher gives assignments for students who have not reached the KKM
b. Enrichment
 Enrichment is given to add insight to students regarding learning materials that
can be given to students who have completed reaching the KKM or achieving
basic competencies.
 Enrichment can be billed or not, according to the agreement with the students.
 Planned based on IPK or learning materials that require wider development.

J. Worksheet (LKPD), Remedial and Enrichment


Mengetahui, Bogor, 22 September 2022

Kepala SMP BP FAI UMJ Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ajat Sudrajat, S.Pd.I Desra Liana Buchari, S.Pd

NIP. - NIP. –

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