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1) Let f(x) = 3x² + 5. Determine the x if f(x) = 46.

f(x) = 46
f(x) = 3x² + 5
46 = 3x² + 5
46 – 5 = 3x²
41/3 = 3x²/3
√41/3 = √x²
X = √41/3

2) Let r(x) = √(x-5). Find r(-11).

5(x) = √(x – 5)
r(-11) = √(-11-5
r(-11) = √-16

(-11, √-16)

3) Given f(x) = 2x² + x – 3 and g(x) = x – 1. Solve (f/g)x.

f(x)/g(x) = (2x² + x – 3)/(x- 1)
= (2x + 3)(x – 1)/(x – 1)
f(x)/g(x) = 2x + 3

4) Solve the rational equation 1/(x+5) + 4/(x-5) = 21/(x² - 25).

1/(x+5) + 4/(x-5) - 21/(x² - 25) = 0
1/(x+5) + 4/(x-5) – 21/(x - 5)(x + 5) = 0
(x 5)(x + 5) [1/(x+5) + 4/(x-5) – 21/(x 5)(x + 5) = 0] (x 5)(x + 5)
x – 5 + 4(x + 5) – 21 = 0
x – 5 + 4x + 20 – 21 = 0
5x – 6 = 0
5x/5 = 6/5

5) Write True if the given value is a solution to the given inequality. If it is not, write
False and give the correct solution set of the inequality.

(x² - x + 1)/(x² - 9) ≥ 0 ; x = 2

(x + 3)( x – 3) ≥ 0

x = -3


6) Solve the inequality (3x+2)/(x – 1) ≤ 3 ; x = 2 to see if it is correct. Write True if it

is and False if it is not.

(3x+2)/(x – 1) ≤ 3 ; x = 2
( x – 1) [(3x+2)/(x – 1) ≤ 3 ; x = 2] (x – 1)
3x + 2 ≤ 0
3x + (-1) ≤ 0
3x/3 ≤ 1/3
x ≤ 1/3

7) Hose L can fill a tank in 1.25 times as fast as hose M. When both faucets are
opened, they fill the tank in 4 hours. How long will it take for hose L to fill the tank
by itself?

Hose L = 1.25(7.2)

Hose M = 7.2

8) Determine the inverse of the function f(x) = 6x – 11 and graph.

f(x) = 6x – 11
y = 6x – 11
x = 6y – 11
(x + 11)/6 = 6y/6
(x + 11)/6 = y

x -1 0 1 2
f(x) -17 -11 -5 1

x -17 -11 -5 1
f(x) -1 0 1 2

9) Determine the inverse of the function f(x) = (2x – 7)² - 5.

f(x) = (2x – 7)² - 5
y = (2x – 7)² - 5
²√(x + 5) = ²√(2y – 7)²
²√(x+5) = 2y – 7
²√((x + 7) + 7)/2 = 2y/2
y = ²√((x + 7) + 7)/ 2

f^-1(x) = ²√((x + 7) + 7)/2

10) In a simple electric circuit, the current (I) varies inversely with its. Resistance
(R). When k = 7.05 Ω, the I is 10.2 A. What is the current of the circuit with a
resistance (R) of 32 Ω?

I = k/R
10.2 = k/7.05
k = 71. 92 AΩ

I = k/R
I = 71. 91 AΩ / 32Ω



1) Identify the illustration.

Answer: precession of equinoxes

2) In this module, it is assumed that Earth was at the center of the universe ,
while other celestial bodies revolved around Earth in perfect circles with
constant velocity.

Answer: Ptolemaic model

3) He considered as one of the greatest observational astronomers.

Answer: Hipparchus of Nicaea

4) When did Galileo’s idea got verified?

Answer: 1971

5) How many times is the Earth farther away from the sun than the moon?

Answer: 18
6) Who proposed this experiment?

Answer: Galileo Galilei

7) Identify the following parts.

8) How can you illustrate a motion graph of position vs. time?


9) According to Aristotelian explanation, it is the force that makes an object


Answer: Impetus

10) Who are the ancient people that perceived the Earth as flat?

Answer: Babylonian, Egyptian, and Hebrew

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