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Name: Arun Mp

Profile: Marketing and sales intern

Corporate ID : 22IW31282

1) A sales funnel is the steps that a customer goes through before making a purchase
from the first point of contact with a business to the final purchase.

2) The processes and stages involved in making a sale are the following:

3) The marketing funnel and the sales funnel are closely related,The marketing funnel
refers to the process of attracting potential customers to a business, while the sales
funnel refers to the process of converting potential customers into paying customers.

4)When facing objections from leads, it's important to listen to their concerns and
address them directly. Some common objections might include price, features, or
competition. To overcome these objections, i will be offering discounts, highlighting the
benefits of your product or service, or offering a free trial period.

5) A real-life example of a sales funnel in the process of purchasing a car.

The AWARENESS STAGE involve seeing an ad for a car on TV.
The INTEREST STAGE involve visiting the car dealership to learn more about the car.
The CONSIDERATION STAGE involve test-driving the car and comparing it to other
The INTENT STAGE involve negotiating a price and deciding to make the purchase.
The EVALUATION STAGE involve signing the paperwork and making the payment.
Finally, the LOYALTY STAGE might involve returning to the dealership for regular
maintenance and potentially purchasing another car in the future.

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