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Dear Marius,

I know you’ve been waiting for this day in a while. I remember you being so cute like a child getting
excited for this special day made for you. First of all, I would like to apologize that lately I’ve been busy
and for the next few weeks I know we won’t be able to spend as much time together because of my
midterms and my deadline for projects coming up. The distance snd our timezones aren’t helping it too
making it harder for us but for me, trust me when I say that just talking to you, chatting and hearing your
voice, looking at your handsome and adorable face, is enough for me. Please do not worry about me
getting sad of us not spending time together as much as before because I know that you get upset about
that too and I understand. I just hope that us talking together and calling will be enough for you and I
just wish that I’m giving you what you want and need. That’s my priority because I want to make you
happy. It’s been almost four months since we met, time really flies, I really would’ve never expected that
our silly fun friendship would blossom into something more valuable. No, I do not regret it, it’s just I
really wasn’t expecting it, especially with the timing and with my situation. If someone told me 5 months
ago, I would be in a happy and healthy relationship, where I don’t have to beg to be treated right, and I
didn’t even know at that time how to be treated right. Because, how could I ever find someone like you?
How did you grow up so well and patient, especially knowing what happened in the past, they’e treated
you so bad and mine they treated me badly too but compared to you it’s nothing. I know I shouldn’t be
even comparing these kind of things but God, you turned out so perfect and I’m just so lucky to have
you. And my parents can’t even handle me as good as you, you have more patience, you’re more
understanding, you’re more forgiving, and you’re more loving. I cannot just comprehend how you came
to like someone like me, LIKE ME? I don’t know if you have bad taste or you’re just blind to be honest.
But we’re locked in for now so yeah, you’re mine forever just as I’m yours. But really though, why’d you
dm me that day, like what was it that caught your eye? My bio? My roles? Did I even have roles, I don’t
fucking know, was it my status, my username, was it my profile picture? Why out of all people did you
choose to dm me? Then here comes the next question, why did you like me too? What was it did you
find attractive about me cause I honestly don’t know how you would like someone like me. But if its you
then yes its logical, like who wouldn’t like you? God you’re so cute and handsome and I’m so in love with
your voice and your personality, If I lived near you, I would always be so clingy and not let you go, I’d
follow you around and of course we’ll always eat lunch together and I’ll just feed you food and I’ll feed
you a lot to make my sweet cute baby even more roundy! Also love, did you know kissing your
girlfriend’s cheeks every second gives you muscles? You should try it, it works 100%, it has been tested
already and I guarantee it works. Our relationship just feels so unreal sometimes because it’s just too
good to be true? How can I be the luckiest girl in the world to be with the sweetest boy. I love the way
you smile, you laugh, your pretty green eyes, I can stare at them from minutes to hours, how could I not?
They’re so beautiful and most importantly, it’s the eyes of the man I love the most in this world. Thank
you for being mine. I swear I’ll always do my best to make you happy, though I’m sorry if I make you sad.
I’m sorry for making you cry; my love shouldn’t shed a tear even yet I’m the reason why you cry. I just
can’t bear it hearing you helplessly crying and I’m not there to hold you and wipe your tears away. I want
to be always with you, I don’t ever want to leave you alone, God fuck that man. Also, I’m sorry if my
letter is all over the place my brain is dead, and I just don’t know how to do this properly. Agh, I just love
you so much baby. I really do, god and you whining is so cute how can you be so cute baby. I just want to
kiss you so bad. I want to sleep right now too not gonna lie, I’m so sleepy and I just wanna cuddle with
you and sleep that’s all I could ever wish for right now. And if you haven’t gotten it yet, Happy
Boyfriend’s Day my love! Thank you for always being supportive and loving. Thank you for being such a
good partner, for being so patient. And god I really wanted to write more but I’m just so sleepy so I’m so
sorry baby, I swear I’ll do better next time okay? I wanna give you more, something you’re worthy and
deserving of. I just want to spoil you so much baby. I hate being sleepy now God, I wanna give you more
letters. I want to show you in your love language how much I really love you. And baby I’m sorry if
sometimes I’m so difficult and you don’t know how to handle me but thank you for not leaving me and
always staying by my side. I love you so much, I just keep falling for you even more. Hehe and I still
remember the day you showed me your baby well now “our” baby, he was so tiny before and so cute
and now he’s just growing, and I love it so much when you play with him and I would just hear you
giggle, it’s just like the sweetest thing ever. I feel so sleepy right now, I’m so sorry I can’t do much for you,
I really wish I could. I’ll do better next time baby. I love you so much, just know that I love you a lot snd
it’s you and it’s always been you baby. I love you again baby, mwah mwah, have a great day ahead of you
okay? Marius my sweet lovely Marius hehe.

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