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Ashley Garcia


ENGL 1010

Course Reflection

ENGL 1010 isn’t what I thought it would be like. I was pretty hesitant to take this class at

first because I thought it would be so much more writing and hard to get a good grade in. Even

though this was my mindset as we started doing our assignments I realized that this class was fun

and all you had to do was try.

Furthermore, before I got into this class I didn’t think about writing that much. I knew

that we used it in our everyday life but I never stopped to think about how so many factors really

play into what and how we write. I used to just think that writing wasn’t super important and that

we didn’t need to pay that much attention to it. Now that this course is coming to an end, I can

say that I’ve realized that writing is very important and we use it in many different ways. My

assumptions have sort of changed because now I have a better understanding of what writing

really is and I used to just brush it aside. All of the assignments in this class taught me a lot of

things but the one that really helped me the most was our rhetorical analysis. During this

assignment we had to do annotations on Blue-Collar Brilliance and Shopclass as Soul Craft and

these made me understand why writers do the things they do. Before, I used to think that writers

would just say anything and if anyone was interested in it then they would look into it. Writers

take a lot into consideration such as, what their audience would like, how to word things, and the
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message they want to convey. When annotating the two works this all became more clear to me

and made what they were trying to convey clear. Some skills/concepts that I will be able to use

out of class are things like being able to analyze writing, knowing that depending on the situation

my writing will be different, and that through writing I can change someone's view on something

or even change the world.

As can be seen, my thoughts about English have changed quite a bit after this class. I’m

glad that I had the chance to take this class because it has helped improve my way of thinking

about writing. Over all, this course has been very eye opening and the assignments that came

with it were sometimes a bit challenging but I overcame them just by trying.

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