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I. Identifying Information
Program Title: Municipal Employee’s Capacity Building and Training Development Program
Proponent: Human Resource Office
Location: To be arranged
Implementing Period: September – October 2024
Beneficiaries: Permanent and Co-Terminus employees and Elective Officials
Total Project Cost: ₱1,500,000.00
Funding Source: General Fund – HR MOOE attributed to GAD Budget

II. Background and Rationale

Capacity building and development is an activity and a process by which individuals and
organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, and other resources needed
to do their jobs and functions competently. In the Local Government Unit of Jamindan, these kinds
of training are not readily available to all employees and to the organization as a whole that is why
the Human Resource Office have allotted a budget specifically for this kind of activity.
The LGU is composed of a total of 168 employees of which 93 are female and 75 are male, and are
either permanent employees, co-terminus or elected officials. Although there are trainings and
seminars that are extended to the LGU, the invitation is usually intended for specific positions and
cover specific topics only and rank and file employees are mostly not given a chance to attend
because of these reasons as well as budget constraints. And none is usually specific to the overall
effectiveness or working relationship of the organization as a whole.
Employees and officials are usually immersed in their daily work and daily routine that usually
results to burnout. The effect is low performance and exhaustion of their physical and/or emotional
strength. A lot of factors may also cause it like stress at work of frustration in the work environment.
However, there are no course of action or options available for the rank-and-file employees that will
help them develop their individual capacity as well as career development.
During the Jamindan Municipal Employees’ Association General Assembly, which is conducted once
yearly, it has come up the need to conduct a capacity building and development training program to
address the career and individual growth development of the Municipal Employees. Also, the
organization has employed members of LGBTQIA+ and so to ensure that discrimination is avoided, a
GST is needed for the organization as a whole.
The LGU also strives to be a gender sensitive workplace; thus, it recognizes that its employees may
have been exposed to different physical and psychological risks without them knowing because of
stereotype gender societal norms and new employees may not be aware of gender and
development as a whole. Gender sensitive policies respond to the needs and interests of both
women and men in their structures, operations, methods and work, and remove barriers to women
fulfilling their potential.
The Capacity and Development Program aims to provide continuing education and relevant training
to all of its employees as a whole. It hopes to provide opportunities to employees to improve their
abilities and strengthen their skills, as well as provide motivation and improve their job
performance. Moreover, it aims to equip its employees of additional knowledge that will give them
the potential for personal growth and opportunity for promotion. Thus, this proposal is a response
for the call if the employees and the organization as a venue to get away from the work
environment and focus on their well-being at work and personal development that doesn’t involve
their daily routines and task in addition to the management giving support to the call of employees
to access training and seminar.

III. Program Description

The activity is a Training Program dedicated to take the employees out of the office and to help
groups break down political and personal barriers, eliminate distractions, and most especially have
fun. The activity also aims to support employee growth and future performance as an individual and
in the organization collectively.
The activity has three (3) focus: The Gender Sensitivity topic, which will entail a program to increase
gender sensitivity in the workplace and identify gender issues that arise or may arise in the
workplace; Values Development Program which will focus on organizational culture and human
behavioral organization as well as values work ethic that will answer basic competency gap and
growth; and the Team Building activity in itself that will be used to enhance social relations and
define roles within teams in addition to increasing camaraderie and interpersonal relationship
within the organization.

IV. Program Objectives

The main objectives of the program is to give the employees and the organization to address
interpersonal problems within the group and to improve performance in a team-based

The specific objectives are:

 To provide opportunity for the rank-and-file employees have access to trainings and seminar
for the personal growth and career development.
 To provide opportunity for the employees to get updated on the civil service issues affecting
 To enhance gender sensitivity of employees in dealing with clients and co-workers in the
 To improve teamwork and interpersonal relationships within the organization.
 To enhance the work environment and create a harmonious relationship within the
 To improve work ethic and employee conduct towards clients and co-workers.
 To improve work performance and effectiveness.
 To provide a venue for employees to get away from work and daily routines and have fun.

V. Expected Output of the Program

The program expects to improve the behavior and perspective of the employees towards work
ethic, client-focused interactions and interpersonal relations within the organization. In addition, it
strives to establish communication, improve morale and good camaraderie within the organization.
It also aims to be a gender-sensitive organization.

VI. Budgetary Requirement

Total Budget for appropriation is ₱1,500,000.00.

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation

At the end of the program, the participants will be given an evaluation sheet to assess their
learnings and realizations from the activity as well as their comments and recommendations on
what trainings and seminars that they need to enhance their personal development or other topics
that can be discussed through this activity.

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