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College of Arts and Sciences, Teacher Education,
Social Work, Human Services and Music
Ivan Christopher J. Legaspi BM-3

ACTIVITY: Human Person as Agent of Evangelization

1. Based on the video documentary, how do you define faith?

- Faith is unseen but felt. It is strengthened when we feel we have none. Also, it is
hope when all seems lost.
2. In what way can you develop your faith?
- I can develop my faith further by being optimistic and thinking that God has made
things possible because of a reason. Instilling to my mind that God’s plans must
be trusted can further make my faith blossom.
3. How can you evangelize your faith?
- I can evangelize myself by trusting God’s plans and opening my doors to people
who preach the word of God. Additionally, recognizing all the blessings that come
to my life will make me wanna ask myself, “Do I deserve this?” and “What can I
do to deserve such goodness from God”.

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