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Jonathan Pagunsan Latin I

1.Domus muros et tecta habent.
The houses have walls and roofs
Tense: Present (habent)
Person: Third person
Number: Plural
Gender: Feminine (implied by "domus" being a feminine noun)
2. Nox pars diéi est.
Night is part of the day
Tense: Present (est)
Subject: Night
3. Ad muros civitatis veniebamus.
We were coming to the walls of the city
Tense: Imperfect (veniebamus)
Subject: We
4. Dignum est nostris matribus bonis gratias agere.
It is fitting to give thanks to our good mother.
Tense: Present (est, agere)
Subject: It
5. In somno justérum dórmiunt.
In the sleep of the just, they sleep.
Tense: Present (dormiunt)
Subject: They
6. In manus tuas libros datúri eramus.
We were going to give the books into your hands.
Imperfect (eramus, daturi eramus)
7. Homo potens est, sed Deus omnipotens est.
Man is powerful, but God is omnipotent
Tense: Present (est) Subject: Man, God
8. Omnes discipuli lectiónes bonas hódie habébant. All the students had good lessons
Tense: Imperfect (habebant)
Subject: All the students
9. Facies virginis bona et clemens erat.
The face of the maiden was good and gentle.
Tense: Imperfect (erat)
Subject: The face of the maiden
10. Sancta Fides nomen civitatis est. Holy Faith is the name of the city.
Tense: Present (est) Subject: Holy Faith
11. Panis manducandus est. Bread is to be eaten.
Subject: Bread
12. Puéri domum mitténdi sunt. The boys are to be sent home.
Tense: Present passive periphrastic (mittendi sunt) Subject: The boys
13. Deo gratiae agéndae sunt.
Thanks are to be given to God.
Tense: Present passive periphrastic (agendae sunt)
Subject: Thanks
14. Vobis item scribam de ecclésia nova.
I will also write to you about the new church.
Future (scribam)
15. Mater cum puéris simul salvatur.
The mother is saved together with the boys
Tense: Present (salvatur) Subject: The mother
16. Audi, dictúrus est.
Listen, he is about to speak.
Tense: Future (dicturus est)
Subject: He
17. Virgines nobis servitúrae erant.
The maidens were about to serve us.
Tense: Imperfect (erant) Subject: The maidens
18. Frater meus in domum clamans intrat. My brother enters the house shouting.
Tense: Present (intrat) Subject: My brother
19. Ab dómino laudati servi beati sunt.
The praised servants by the master are blessed.
Tense: Present (sunt)
Subject: The praised servants
20. Civitatem magna luce illuminátam vidébant. They saw the city illuminated by a great
Tense: Imperfect (videbant)
Subject: They

Crédere non póssumus in fidem géntium malárum.

We cannot trust in the faith of evil nations
Tense: Present (possumus)
Subject: We
21. Aequum est pro pace intercédere. It is right to intercede for peace.
Present (est)
22. Calix a flammis salvandus est.
The chalice is to be saved from the flames.
Tense: Present passive periphrastic (salvandus est)
Subject: The chalice
23. Eos in monte stantes vidémus.
We see them standing on the mountain.
Tense: Present (videmus)
Subject: We
24. Eos docébit et non peccàbunt.
He will teach them, and they will not sin.
Tense: Future (docebit, peccabunt)
Subject: He
25. Ecce homo!
Behold the man!
Ecce: Interjection (behold)
Homo: Noun, nominative singular (man)
26. Omnes libros salvatos a flammis habémus. We have saved all the books from the flames.
Tense: Present (habemus)
Subject: We
27. In monte stans eos judicat.
Standing on the mountain, he judges them.
Tense: Present (judicat) Subject: He
28. Crucem magnam a patre suo datam videt puer. The boy sees the large cross given by his
Tense: Present (videt) Subject: The boy
29. Nobis erat dictúrus nomen suum. He was about to tell us his name.
Imperfect (erat dicturus)
30. Fides patrum nostròrum fortis erat. The faith of our fathers was strong.
Tense: Imperfect (erat)
Subject: The faith of our fathers
31. Virgines fratres suos vocantes audiébam.
I was hearing the maidens calling their brothers.
Tense: Imperfect (audiebam)
Subject: I
33. Nos monitúri erant quia flammas ascendéntes de tecto domus vidébant.
We were warned because we saw flames rising from the roof of the house.
Tense: Imperfect (erant, videbant) Subject: We
34. Homo pauper et miser erat, sed auxilium non implorabat.
The man was poor and miserable, but he did not implore for help.
Tense: Imperfect (erat, implorabat) Subject: The man
35. Auxilium ad civitatem mitténdum est. Help is to be sent to the city.
Tense: Present passive periphrastic (mittendum est)
Subject: Help
1. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam. Send forth
your light and your truth.
Tense: Present (emittere)
Subject: You (implied)
2. Et introíbo ad altare Dei, ad Deum qui laetificat
juventútem meam.
And I will go in to the altar of God, to God who gives joy to my youth.
Tense: Future (introibo, laetificat)
Subject: I
3. Tu vivificábis nos.
You will give us life.
Tense: Future (vivificabis)
Subject: You
4. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam. Lord, hear my
Tense: Present imperative (exaudi)
Subject: You (implied)
5. Domine Deus, Rex caeléstis, Deus Pater omnipotens.
Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty.
6. Cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris.
With the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father.
7. Deo gratias.
Thanks be to God.
8. In corde meo. In my heart.
9. In nómine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. In the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
10. Glória tibi, Dómine. Glory to you, O Lord.
11. Laus tibi, Christe.
Praise to you, O Christ.
12. Credo in unum Deum. I believe in one God.
13. Visibilia ómnia, et invisibilia. All things visible and
14. Omnia saécula. Forever
15. Deus de Deo. God from God.
16. Nos hómines.
We, the people
17. Ventúrus est cum gloria. He will come with glory.
18. Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et
Who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified together.
19. Una, sancta, cathólica, et apostólica ecclésia. One,
holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
20. Unum baptisma.
One baptism
21. Exspécto vitam venturi saéculi. I await the life of the
coming age.
22. Dominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you.
23. Et cum spiritu tuo. And with your spirit.
24. Dóminus noster. Our Lord.
25. In spiritu humilitátis. In the spirit of humility.
26. Veni, sanctificator, omnipotens, aetérne Deus. Come,
O Holy Spirit, Almighty, Eternal God
27. Misericórdia tua. Your mercy.
28. Lavábo manus meas. I will wash my hands.
29. Domus tuae. Your home.
30. Cum impiis. With the ungodly
31. Anima mea. My soul.
32. In mánibus iniquitates sunt.
In the hands are iniquities.
33. In ecclésiis benedicam te, Dómine.
In the churches, I will bless you, O Lord
34. In honórem beatae Mariae semper Virginis.
In honor of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin.
35. Pro nobis intercédere.
To intercede for us.
36. De manibus tuis.
From your hands
37. Ad laudem et glóriam nóminis sui.
For the praise and glory of His name.
38. Ecclésiae suae sanctae. His holy Church.
39. Dignum et justum est.
It is right and just.
40. Catholicae et apostólicae fidéi.
Catholic and apostolic faith.
41. Pater noster, qui es in caelis.
Our Father, who art in heaven.
42. Panem nostrum da nobis hódie.
Give us this day our daily bread.
43. Elevátio mánuum meárum.
Lifting up of my hands.
44. Dórmiunt in somno pacis.
They sleep in the sleep of peace.
45. Omni benedictióne caelésti et gratia.
With every heavenly blessing and grace
46. Ite, missa est.
Go, the Mass is ended.

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