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Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

Corner Rizal and Amat St.,

8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School




An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to

The Dean and Faculty of the College of Teacher Education

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree



JULY 2023
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School


This thesis entitled




Prepared and submitted by HAZEL F. CLARITO, NICOLE S. COROS, SOPHIA

MARABULAS, KYLA MASUHAY has been examined, and is recommended for approval and

acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION.


APPROVED by the Committee on Proposal Examination with the grade of _______
on January 27, 2023.




Member Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree



Dean, College of Teacher Education
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School








Introduction 1
Framework of the Study 2
Statement of the Problem 8
Hypothesis 9
Significance of the Study 9
Scope and Limitation 10
Definition of Terms 10


Synthesis of the Review 18

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

ResearchDesign 20
Participants 20
Instrument 20
Data Gathering Procedure 21
Ethical Consideration 21
Data Analysis 22



A. Survey Questionnaire 25



Demographic Profile of the Respondents 25

Scale 26
Determined the Parental Involvement 26
Determined the Parental attitudes and expectations 27
Determined the Home Learning Engagement 27
Determined the Curriculum Flexibility 28
Determined the Cross-Grade Collaboration 29
Determined the Differentation Strategies 29
Determined the Resource Allocation 30
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School


Figure Model of the Study

1. Schematic Diagram of the Study 7
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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School



This chapter presents the introduction, framework of the study, statement of the
problem, hypothesis, and significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of


Home and curricular factors play a big role in learning engagement of the pupils.
These two factors could impact pupil’s learning engagement negatively and positively. If
one of these two factors fails to contribute its part, the remaining factor would not also be
a hundred percent effective in the learning engagement of the pupils. Children first learn
in their own homes, where they practice different aspects by the help of their parents and
other members of the family. A family's involvement directly enhances a child's
achievement in school. Pupils get the family support they need to cultivate a lifetime love
of learning when families are actively involved in their children's educational experiences.
Promoting family involvement goes beyond just good manners.
Curricular factors also affect pupils learning engagement by the quality teaching,
curriculum design, learning resources and materials, differentiation and personalization,
and assessment and feedback. These factors could either enhance or discourage the pupils
and that could affect their performance.
As observed at Barangay Tinogpahan, there are a lot of cases where some pupils
grow up without the parental guidance that is essential, especially for young children.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Some pupils grow up with only their mother or father, and some pupils grow up with their
siblings, who will look after them. There are some cases where pupils go to school with
empty stomach, without a ballpoint pen, notebooks, or papers that they will ask their
classmates to give them so they have something to write on. In addition, some pupils
choose to help their parents with their cost of living rather than go to school. Some pupils
choose to stop going to school in order to guard their other siblings at home. It is really
hard for those pupils who faced that kind of situation; at such a young age, they already
engaged in a situation that they did not deserve. They deserve to enjoy their childhood,
they should be playing in the playground, enjoying their class, and enjoying themselves
with their friends and classmates, chit-chatting and laughing with their friends.
This study aims to determine how home and curricular factors influence the
learning engagement of the pupils of Tinogpahan Elementary School. These could be the
factors that have an impact of the pupils. It could possibly have negative impact on the
pupils. One way to cope up with this problem is that, parents should be the one who give
their children the support that they needed.

Framework of the study

The study was anchored from Bronfenbrenner’s (1979). The Bio-ecological
theory. The theory suits and is relevant for this research topic in the sense that it
highlights the dynamic interplay between various environmental systems and their impact
on an individual’s development. The theory emphasizes the importance of considering the
different layers of the environment, including the micro-system (such as the home
environment), mesosystem (such as interactions between home and school), exosystem
(such as community resources), and macro-system (such as cultural values and norms). In
the context of the impact of home curricular factors on learning engagement, the theory
helps us understand how the home environment, as a micro-system, can influence pupils’
engagement in learning through the interactions and relationships they have with their
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

family members, the availability of resources, and the support they receive from their
immediate surroundings.
Figure 1 of the schematic diagram, the first box, the profile of the respondents are
included in the study which includes their age, sex, grade level, educational attainment,
and socioeconomic status. Age is to determine whether the respondent's age is appropriate
for their grade level. Sex is to determine how many boys and girls are in the class. The
Grade level is to determine the number of pupils in grades 5 and 6 in the class.
Educational attainment is to determine the capability of the parents in supporting the
needs of their children, not just in education but also the perception of the parents on how
important education is. Socioeconomic status is to determine if the parents can support
the basic needs of their children.
In the second box, which are the home factors, that consists of parental
involvement, parental attitudes and expectations, and lastly, home learning environment.
Parental involvement plays a vital role in the learning process due to its positive impact
on a child's development, academic success, and emotional well-being. Parental attitudes
and expectations influence pupils motivation, behaviour, and long-term objectives. Pupils
can be empowered to fulfil their potential with the help of positive attitudes and acceptable
expectations. Home learning environment offers a welcoming environment that fosters
curiosity and development. It provides access to technology and educational tools,
promotes parental involvement, sets routines, and fosters emotional well-being. This
setting lessens distractions, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and lays the groundwork for a
child's overall growth and academic achievement, making it an essential component of the
pupil's educational journey.
And the third box, which is Curriculum factors, consists of curriculum flexibility,

cross-grade collaboration, differentiation strategies, and resource allocation. Curriculum

flexibility is essential for curricular factors because it enables education to adapt to the

diverse needs of students and the changing demands of the world. A flexible curriculum
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

allows for personalized learning, catering to different learning styles and interests,

fostering creativity and innovation, and ensuring that students are prepared for the

challenges of the future. It also promotes inclusivity by accommodating special needs and

diverse cultural perspectives. Ultimately, curriculum flexibility empowers both students

and educators to engage in dynamic and effective learning experiences that better align

with the realities of our ever-evolving society. Cross-grade collaboration is crucial for

curricular factors as it enriches the educational experience by fostering peer learning,

promoting social and emotional growth, broadening perspectives, and optimistic are

crucial for curricular factors because they address the diverse needs, abilities, and learning

styles of students within the same classroom. By tailoring instruction to individual

learners, educators can ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed and reach

their full potential. This approach promotes inclusive education, prevents achievement

gaps, and maximises student engagement. Furthermore, differentiation strategies

recognize that students come to the classroom with varied backgrounds and prior

knowledge, allowing teachers to build on these foundations and provide a more

personalized and effective learning experience. Ultimately, differentiation enhances the

overall quality of education by accommodating the unique characteristics of each student,

contributing to their academic and personal growth. Resource allocation is critical for

curricular factors as it directly impacts the quality of education. Effective distribution of

resources ensures that schools have access to the necessary materials, technology,

qualified teachers, and facilities to support a well-rounded curriculum. It helps create

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

equitable learning opportunities for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic

background or location. Proper resource allocation can enhance teaching and learning

experiences, promote innovative teaching methods, and provide students with the tools

they need to succeed academically. Additionally, it supports the development and

implementation of diverse programme that cater to various learning styles, fostering a

more inclusive and comprehensive educational system.

Statement of the Problem

This study primarily focuses on the influence of home and curricular factors on
pupils learning engagement. Specifically, this study answers the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
1.3 Grade Level;
1.4 Educational Attainment of Parents; and
1.5 Socioeconomic status.

2. What home factors influence pupils learning engagement as to:

2.1 Parental Involvement;
2.2 Parental attitudes and expectations; and
2.3 Home Learning Environment.

3. What influence curricular factors on pupils learning engagement as to:

3.1 Curriculum Flexibility;
3.2 Cross-Grade Collaboration;
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

3.3 Differentiation Strategies; and

3.4 Resource Allocation
4. Is there significant difference of Home and Curricular factors on Learning
Engagement of pupils when grouped according to profile variables?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the influence of Home and Curricular

factors on Learning Engagement of the pupil when group according to their profile

6. Based on the results of the study, what enhancement activity may be proposed?
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Home factors
 Parental
 Parental attitudes
and expectations;
 Home Learning
Profile of the Environment
 Age;
 Sex;
 Grade level; Proposed
 Educational Enhanced
attainment; Activities
and Curricular factors
 Socioecono  Curriculum
mic status Flexibility
 Cross-Grade
 Differentiation
 Resource Allocation

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

At a 0.05 level of significance, the following hypotheses are considered:
Ho1: Is there a significant difference on the influences of Home and Curricular
factors on Learning Engagement of pupils when grouped according to profile variables?
Ho2: Is there a significant difference on the influence of Home and Curricular
factors on Learning Engagement of the pupils?

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study would contribute and would benefit of the following:
School Heads. The findings of this would benefit the School Head for it will serve
as a basis on what influences the pupils in their learning engagement. It can be an eye
opener to the School Head to find a way, on what should they do in order to help the
Teachers. The findings of this study can help the teachers for them to be well
aware on the factors that can affect their pupils. By this, the teachers would be able to
know what how they will handle and guide their pupils in coping up with these factors.
They can ask help from government agencies or other platforms that can give possible
help to the pupils in different ways.
Parents. The family can affect a student’s learning engagement. A stable and

supportive family environment promotes engagement, while factors like family conflicts,

parental separation, or lack of emotional support hinder it.

Pupils. The findings of this study can help the pupils in coping with the factors

that might affect their learning engagement. It can be a reference for them to have certain

solutions while they are in the situation where in they are having difficulty in their

learning engagement.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Future Researchers. The findings of this study can help the future researchers

for them to use this as a guide and bases to their related study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will be conducted in Tinogpahan Elementary School, Tinogpahan, Sison,

Surigao del Norte. It will be conduct on November 29, 2023 within one (1) day. This

study is limited only for Grade 5 & 6 pupils of Tinogpahan Elementary School. The total

of the pupils in the grade 5 & 6 are 30 only.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined to guide readers to have clear minds

as to its use and purposes.

Curriculum Factors. Play a vital role in shaping educational experiences and

outcomes. It encompass the selection of subjects, content, teaching methods, and

assessment strategies that guide the learning process. They determine what knowledge and

skills students acquire, impacting their intellectual development and future prospects. By

addressing diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests, curriculum factors promote

inclusivity and equitable education. Additionally, they reflect societal needs and values,

helping students develop a well-rounded perspective and relevant skills for the evolving


Home. Serves as the foundation for individuals, providing a nurturing and

supportive environment for personal growth and development. It plays a vital role in
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

shaping values, beliefs, and behaviors, as it is where core life skills, social norms, and

cultural traditions are often first introduced. The home offers emotional security, fostering

a sense of belonging and identity. It is a place where relationships are nurtured, and

communication skills are honed, laying the groundwork for healthy interactions in broader

society. Through the family unit, the home contributes significantly to the physical,

emotional, and cognitive well-being of its members, ultimately influencing their roles and

contributions in the wider world.

Parents. Play a vital role in a child's development by providing love, guidance,

and a nurturing environment. They serve as primary caregivers, shaping the child's values,

attitudes, and behavior through their actions and words. Parents offer emotional support,

instill important life skills, and act as role models for their children. Their involvement in

education, social interactions, and decision-making helps children build a strong

foundation for their future. Effective parenting involves balancing discipline with

empathy, fostering open communication, and fostering a sense of security and belonging

for the child to thrive.

Pupils. They represent the future generation. They play an essential role in

learning, growing, and developing the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to become

responsible and productive members of society. Pupils engage in formal education,

acquiring academic and social skills that shape their character and enable them to

contribute positively to their communities. Their curiosity, creativity, and enthusiasm

drive progress and innovation, while their ability to absorb information and adapt to
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

changing circumstances ensures the continuity of cultural, social, and technological


Learning Engagement. Plays a vital role in a child's educational journey,

fostering active participation, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation. When a child is engaged

in their learning, they are more likely to absorb information, develop critical thinking

skills, and retain knowledge over the long term. Engagement enhances their ability to

connect with and comprehend complex concepts, fostering a deeper understanding of the

subjects they study. It cultivates a sense of ownership over their education, empowering

them to take initiative, explore interests, and become self-directed learners. Learning

engagement nurtures a lifelong love for learning and equips children with the skills and

mindset necessary to thrive in various aspects of their personal and professional lives.

School Heads. Multifaceted and plays a vital role in fostering a conducive learning

environment. They are responsible for providing visionary leadership, setting academic

standards, and managing administrative operations. Head teachers oversee curriculum

implementation, teacher development, and student welfare, ensuring a balanced

educational experience. They collaborate with parents, teachers, and staff, fostering a

positive school culture that promotes student growth, safety, and engagement. Through

effective communication and decision-making, head teachers play a crucial role in shaping

the overall educational journey of young learners.

Teachers. Fosters a nurturing environment that encourages curiosity, creativity,

and social development. Through interactive and engaging lessons, the teacher ignites the
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

students' enthusiasm for learning, patiently addresses their individual needs, and instills

fundamental values and positive behaviors. The teacher's ability to balance educational

instruction with emotional support creates a foundation upon which students can build

their academic, social, and emotional growth.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School



This section presents previous studies, articles, and other information from

published journal and internet that are related to the study at hand.

Learning Engagement

Arguedas, Daradoumis, and Xhafa (2016), Considering social and emotional

competence in learning, emotion awareness aims to detect the emotions that students show

during their learning interactions and make these emotions explicit to them.

Being aware of their emotions, students become more conscious of their situation, what

may prompt them to behavioral change. The main goal of this work is to analyze the

effects of emotion awareness, supported by specific teaching strategies, on students’

motivation, engagement, self-regulation and learning outcome in long-term blended

collaborative learning practices. A bilateral goal also involves an initial study that explores

the way emotion awareness affects teacher’s attitude and feedback as well as the

competencies that teachers need to have in order to achieve a positive change on students’

affective and cognitive state. To this end a quasi-experimental study was designed with

high school students. The results of this study show that when students are aware of their

emotions and guided by specific teaching strategies, their learning performance improves

in relation to their motivation, engagement and self-regulation. Likewise, when teachers

are conscious of students’ emotional state their attitude and feedback become more

effective and timely.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Parental Involvement

According to Bunijevac (2017), to comply with the system of integrated support

for their students’, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual

responsibility for childrens’ success in the educational system. In this way, parental

involvement are increased, parents’ effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are

directly making a positive impact to a successful educational system.

Considering the importance of parents’ participation and involvement in school activities,

in this paper, we will analyse the positive effects of parental involvement, summarize

leading principles for the successful partnership of parents and school and present six

factors (Parenting, Communicating, Volunteering, Learning at home, Decision-making

and Collaborating with the community) and six models (Protective Model, Expert Model,

Transmission Model, Curriculum-Enrichment Model, Consumer Model and Partnership

Model) of parental involvement. In addition, we will draw conclusions and make

recommendations that are important for planning programs that are focused on the

improvement of parent involvement.

Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) described students’ engagement as a

complex, multifaceted process presumed to be affected by contextual features. It consists

of three components, namely cognitive engagement, behavioral engagement and

emotional engagement. Cognitive engagement is the mental process that involves

students’ knowledge and skills in learning; behavioral engagement is the extent to which

student demonstrate positive actions towards the institution, their social circle, the
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

academic subject matter, and extra-curricular activities; and lastly emotional engagement

is the student’s feelings towards their teachers, institutions and fellow peers (Northey et al.

2015). Therefore, engagement includes what individuals feel (emotional), think

(cognitive), and plan to do (behavioral). This is consistent with the concept of students’

engagement by Vibert and Shields (2003) that it could be learn from different aspects, for

example emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components.

Font and Maguire-Jack (2013) the authors examined whether being placed in

foster care was associated with school engagement and performance. The authors used

propensity score matching to compare children who had similar demographic

characteristics, maltreatment histories, and prior levels of school engagement. Children

who were in foster care at wave 2 were found to have higher levels of cognitive

engagement in school compared to children who were maltreated but never removed from

their homes. It is recommended that children who are maltreated but remain in their

familial home receive additional intervention related to their educational engagement.

Mansour and Martin (2012), he home and parental factors that predict

achievement motivation are an important focus in research, because they are a clear point

for potential educational and psychological support for students. The present study

investigates the achievement motivation of high school students, in the context of parental

and home factors such as home resources, in- and out-of-home parental assistance,

parenting style, and parental involvement in the school. Among a sample of 100

Australian high school students, hierarchy multiple linear regression analyses were
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

performed in order to determine the relative salience of the proposed home and parental

factors predicting students' achievement motivation. Results demonstrated that over and

above demographic factors such as age, gender and ethnicity, home and parental factors

do indeed play a critical function in predicting student motivation and engagement.

Specifically, the study reveals that home resources and parenting style are the most salient

home and parental factors associated with key aspects of achievement motivation and

engagement (planning, task management, teacher–student relationships — positively, and

self-handicapping — negatively). These findings affirm the role of the home and parents

in students' academic development. Implications for future research and practice

harnessing the present findings are discussed.

Curricular Factors

The study of Frances, et al. (2018), define accountability broadly as a

government's mechanism for holding educational institutions to account for the delivery of

high quality education. The idea that the practice of accountability can contribute directly

to improvements in education is a powerful one that underpins policy. Paradoxically,

though, some hold that accountability systems can also produce negative impacts on

education, making it more difficult for schools to deliver the sought after quality. They

believe it is critical that research evidence should inform any rationales for policy change.

The literature review aims to evaluate a small body of international research evidence on

the impact of accountability on three key areas: (1) curriculum; (2) standards; and (3)

engagement. Three appendices are included.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Feldman, et al. (2005), reviews the contemporary literature on school-based

activity participation, focusing on patterns of participation, academic achievement,

substance use, sexual activity, psychological adjustment, delinquency, and young adult

outcomes. Also, the authors discuss possible mediators and moderators of extracurricular

activity participation in regard to adolescent development. The review indicates that the

associations between school-based activity participation and these outcomes are mostly

positive but that the picture becomes mixed once moderator variables are included. The

authors suggest areas for future research that include using new methods for measuring

activities and applying an overarching theoretical framework to investigations of

extracurricular activities and adolescent development. Finally, to move toward a causal

model of activities and adolescent functioning, future research must consider the

mechanisms through which activities exert their influence on development. The authors

propose several possible mechanisms of participation in terms of adjustment during

adolescence and young adulthood.

Synthesis of the Review

The ideas presented by different authors highlighted the Impact of Home and

Curricular factors on learning engagement. The similarities of Learning Engagement,

Home factors, and Curricular factors is that, these three plays a vital role in the learning's

of the pupils. It could give positive impact or influence towards them. These factors are all

similar in a way that, it could give pupils an influence in their learning engagement.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

However, they are also different in a way that, each factors give different types of

influence. In home factors, parents and home environment are the basic variable that could

impact the pupils. In curricular factors, curriculum flexibility and differentiation of

strategies are some variables that could influence the pupils. As such, both Home and

Curricular factors with their different variables could influence the Learning engagement

of the pupils. They are only different in their variables or style on how they will influence

the pupils.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School



This chapter presents the research design, participant of the study, research

instruments, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers will be using the descriptive type of research using a qualitative

and a survey method of the study. The study will aim to determine the influence of home

and curricular factors learning engagement among the students of Tinogpahan Elementary

School, at Barangay Tinogpahan, Sison, Surigao, Del Norte.


The respondents in this study will be grades 5 and 6 in Tinogpahan Elementary

School. The selected students will serve as the sample of participants of this study who

will provide pertinent data as regards to the concern of this study.

Research Instruments

This study will use a researchers - made questionnaire as the primary tool to

gathering data which are based on the cited related foreign and local literature studies. The

questionnaire is descriptive which contained indicators about the home influence and

curricular factors in their learning engagement in Tinogpahan Elementary School,

Barangay Tinogpahan, Sison Surigao del Norte. The survey questionnaire will be divided

in three (3) parts: (1) profile of the respondents (2) home factors (3) curricular factors that

may affect in the learning engagement of the pupils.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will first send a letter to the dean of College of Teacher Education

in Northeastern Mindanao Colleges. A letter of permission to conduct a research survey

outside the campus. Thereafter, the researchers will send a letter to the principal of

Tinogpahan Elementary School to ask for permission to conduct this study or survey in

the said school. Upon approval of the School Head or principal, the researchers will ask

permission from the teacher. After, the permission from the teacher is being granted, that

is the time that the questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents through a face-to-

face approach. The researchers started with a discussion about the purpose of the study

and its importance and the impact of home and curricular factors on learning engagement.

They will be given enough time to answer the said questionnaire. After which, the

researchers will retrieve the questionnaire. Strict confidentiality will be assured to the

respondents, which will be specified in the informed consent form. Adhering to the ethical

during the conduct of the entire study will be also observed.

After retrieving the questionnaires, the data that will gather from questionnaires

will be treated, analyzed, and interpreted to yield meaningful and useful result using the

statistical tools appropriate to be utilized in this study.

The study will be carried out with the authorization of the school administration

and the informed consent of the respondents. The researcher must preserve the identity,

responses, and information acquired, as well as treat all data with the strictest
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

confidentially, and any publishing or disclosure of details must be verified and approved

by the people concerned.

Data Analysis

To analyze the results gathered in the study, the following statistical tools were
Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution. These research tool are utilized
to determine the number of participants with regard to their age, grade and sex.
Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation. These tools will be used in
determining the impact of home and curricular factors on learning engagement (Blended
Classes) in Tinogpahan Elementary School.
Cronbach’s Alpha. This statistical tool will be used to determine the reliability of
the questionnaire.
One-way ANOVA. This statistical tool will be used to determine the significant
difference between the degree of the effects of pandemic on the behaviors of senior high
school students and the profile variable of students in terms of sex, age, strand, hours
spent on social media, hours spent interacting with other people physically, and number of
people in the household.
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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School


Arguedas, Daradoumis, and F Xhafa Xhafa (2016). Analyzing how emotion awareness
influences students' motivation, engagement, self-regulation and learning
Brill, Frances et al. (2018). What Impact Does Accountability Have on Curriculum,
Standards and Engagement in Education? A Literature Review.
Bunijevac (2017). Parental Involvement as a Important Factor for Successful
Mansour and Martin (2012). Home, Parents, and Achievement Motivation: A Study of
Key Home and Parental Factors that Predict Student Motivation and Engagement.
Feldman, et al. (2005). The Role of School-Based Extracurricular Activities in
Adolescent Development: A Comprehensive Review and Future
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School
Font and Maguire-Jack (2013). Academic engagement and performance: Estimating the

impact of out-of-home care for maltreated children.



Urie Bronfenbrenner. Bioecological Systems Theory.



Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Appendix A







Instruction: Fill your personal information below. Put a check on the space provided to

determine your choice. For the item that needs specific answer, kindly write your

information.Your response will be treated as confidential.

Name: (Optional) ___________________________________


( ) 10 years old ( ) 12 years old

( ) 11 years old ( ) 13 years old and above


( ) Female ( ) Male


( ) Grade 5 ( ) Grade 6

Educational Attainment of Parents:

( ) Elementary Level ( ) Secondary Level ( ) Tertiary Level ( ) College Graduate

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

Socio-economic status:

( ) Upper Class ( ) Middle Class ( ) Lower Class

II. Direction

Answer the following by putting check (√) mark on the column of your preferred answer.

The following scale below will serve as your guide in answering the questionnaire.


2 NO



1 2

1. Parents provide a quiet and organized study space at home for your

complete schoolwork.

2.Parents maintaining a frequent communication with you to talk about

your requirements and academic difficulties.

3.Parents engage in educational activities together with you at home.

4.Parent have set explicit time limitations for screen usage time, to

encourage other forms of learning engagement.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

5.Parents take part in events and activities associated with the school, like

volunteer opportunities and parent - teacher conferences.


1 2

1. Parents help you to establish a daily routine for completing homework.

2. Provide educational materials like books and puzzles at home.

3.Participate actively in your school-related activities.

4. Encourage you to ask questions and explore your interests.

5.Use positive reinforcement to motivate you in you learning efforts.


1 2

1. Home learning environment is quiet and comfortable space at home

where one can focus on his/her schoolwork without interruptions.

2. Providing educational materials like books and puzzles to increase

knowledge and learning.

3. You can explore the books and educational materials in your home.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

3. There is a certain period each day that your family has set aside for you

to complete your education.

5. You have conversations about what you are learning with your family



1 2

1. Selecting activities to go along with your lessons makes you feel more

engaged in the material.

2. You get more interested about attending to school when you curriculum

includes a variety of subjects.

4. Find it easier to pay attention when your teacher connects the lessons to

things you already know.

4. Pupils are likely to learn when they are engaged in practical tasks or


5. When the curriculum allows you to study things that interest you, you

will feel more involved in the learning process.


Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

1 2

1. Enjoy collaborating on projects with pupils in various grade levels.

2. You find learning to be more engaging when multiple subjects are

incorporated into a project.

3. Choosing subjects that you are interested in for a project makes it

easier for you to study.

4. You get more motivated when you discuss your thoughts and study

with pupils in different grades.

5. Engaging in cross- grade projects enhances your comprehension of

many viewpoints.


1 2

1. You will get more out of your lectures when your teacher assigns

different tasks to different pupils.

2. When you are able to select how you want to learn about a subject, you

will become more interested in it.

3. When your teacher uses visual aids like photos, films, or hands-on

activities, you pay attention and retain the information.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

4. Your teacher assigns you more tasks if you complete your assignments


5. You learn more effectively when your teacher discusses topics you find



1 2

1. When you have engaging reading material and classroom supplies, you

will be more enthusiastic about studying.

2. It is simpler to concentrate on your academic work when the teacher

clarifies concepts and assists you in understanding them.

3. Learning is enjoyable when you work on projects with your peers and

use various supplies including glue, paper, and markers.

4. Choosing topics that you are interested in for assignments or other

activities increases your level of engagement with the material.

5. Paying attention and learning are made simpler in a comfortable, well-

lit, and spacious classroom.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School



Name: Nicole Salomon Coros

Age: 21
Date of Birth: July 10, 2002
Place of Birth: Surigao City
Address: P-5, Barangay Serna, Surigao City
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Fathers Name: Ronnie D. Coros
Mothers Name: Rolita S. Coros


ELEMENTARY: Serna Elementary School

SECONDARY: Mat-I National High School
COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
COURSE: Bachelor of Elementary Education
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School



Name: Hazel Francisco Clarito

Age: 21

Date of Birth: September 9, 2002

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Address: P-6. Barangay Serna, Surigao City

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Fathers Name: Wilson T. Clarito

Mothers Name: Rosemarie F. Clarito


ELEMENTARY: Mat-I Elementary School

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Mat-I National High School

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School

COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges



Name: Sophia Marabulas

Age: 26

Date of Birth: September 9, 1997

Place of Birth: Surigao Del Norte

Address: P-1, Barangay Tinogpahan, Sison, Surigao Del Norte

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


ELEMENTARY: Tinogpahan Elementary School

SECONDARY: Toledo S. Pantillo Sr. Memorial National High School

COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

COURSE: Bachelor of Elementary Education

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Home and Curricular Factors Influencing the Learning Engagement of Elementary Pupils
of Tinogpahan Elementary School



Name: Kyla Rosillo Masuhay

Age: 21

Date of Birth: September 26, 2002

Place of Birth: San Pablo, Sison

Address: P-2, Barangay San Pablo, Sison, Surigao Del Norte

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Fathers Name: Ferdinand Alipao Masuhay Jr.

Mothers Name: Yullie Rosillo Masuhay


ELEMENTARY: San Pablo Elementary School

SECONDARY: Toledo S. Pantillo Sr. Memorial National High School

COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

COURSE: Bachelor of Elementary Education

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