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ENGL 229 Prof.

Elise Stickles

Homework 3
Due November 26, 2023 at 11:59pm

Note: For questions 1 through 3, please follow the provided instructions instead of the
instructions in the textbook.

1. EG pages 325-326, question 9.2, sentences (a) through (d)

(A) For each of the sentences, identify the source domain word(s) and target domain
(B) After you have completed (A), do the mapping analysis for the metaphor TIME IS
MOTION ALONG A PATH, following the model provided in Table 9.1 and
modelled in class on November 2 and November 7.

2. EG page 326, question 9.3, sentences (a), (c), (d), (e)

(A) For each of the sentences, identify the source domain word(s) and target domain
(B) For each sentence, identify the source domain concept and target domain concept.
Refer to the November 9 lecture for a discussion of common source and target
domains. Recall that concepts are rendered in ALL CAPS.
(C) For each sentence, state the name of the metaphor using the TARGET IS
SOURCE format.

3. EG pages 326-327, question 9.7, sentences (b), (c), (d), (g), (h), (i)
(A) For each of the sentences, identify the vehicle and target.
(B) For each of the sentences, state the metonymy issuing the B FOR A format. Refer
to the November 9 lecture for a discussion of common types of metonymies.
(C) Briefly explain your reasoning for each sentence’s analysis.

4. EG pages 359-360, question 10.3

Note: Recall that ?? indicates a sentence is pragmatically anomalous, or doesn’t
“sound right” despite being grammatically acceptable.
You may draw the diagrams by hand and submit them as an image file to Canvas or
embed the images into your homework file.
Refer to the November 16 lecture for discussion of how to diagram the image

5. EG pages 360-361, question 10.5

Refer to the November 16 lecture for discussion of semantic network (radial
category) analysis.

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