Practical Evaluation

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Fall 2023

Practical Evaluation 1: Intro, Warm-up &Cardio

To be presented November 10th, 2023

This practical evaluation is worth 15% of your grade.

Each student is responsible for leading the class* through the beginning of a class. The practical
evaluation should take 3-5 minutes, and should include:
-Short introduction ~30 sec- 1 minute
-Warm up ~1-2 minutes, 3 movements
-Cardio ~1-2 minutes, 3 movements
Not graded but to be included: 1-2 songs to play during your evaluation.
*If equipment for your class is limited, a smaller participant group is allowed.

It should be clear that you researched the class you chose to teach.

Sample class types:

-Body pump
-Step class

Please email me with your class idea and I will let you know if that class is taken. There will be a
limit of 3 class types for the class. You are welcome to go beyond this list but communicate this
with me beforehand so it can be approved.
Fall 2023

Needs Satisfactory Good Excellent

Readiness -Not prepared, late, -On time, in -Some clarity that -Student clearly
fails to display proper attire, but student prepared prepared for
professionalism not prepared evaluation /1
with school dress
Preparedness -Unclear of -Some -Most instructions -All instructions
instructions instructions followed followed
-Missing followed -Proper timing -Proper timing
components -Proper timing /3
-Less than 3
minutes, or cut-off
after 5 minutes
Execution -Goals of class not -Goal of class -Goal of class is -Goal of class is
communicated, not somewhat well presented in well presented
clear in execution presented well in terms of in terms of
-Not creative communication communication execution
-Intensity and execution and execution -Flows well
throughout in -Has some flow -Mostly flows -Appropriate
question but has some -Appropriate intensities /5
-Lack of aspects that seem intensity -Gives
organization, “disjointed” -Gives modifications
choppy and -Some issues in modifications -Engages
confusing; format sequencing audience
difficult to follow -Simple with some -Captures
appropriate interest of
intensity audience
Engagement -No modifications -Some -Modifications -Excellent
given modifications given modifications
-No interaction with given -Adequate control -Excellent
the group -Little interaction and interaction interaction with
-Seems with the group with the group. the group
disinterested -Some interest -Instructor is -Great /3
and ability to buy interested participant buy-
in participants in and interest
Leadership -Cannot hear -Occasionally -Presenter heard -Presenter heard
-No eye contact heard with some during majority of throughout
-Poor introduction eye-contact class, positive class, eye
-No inspiration -Slight intro and body language contact clearly
some clarity in -Good displayed,
routine introduction positive body
-Some inspiration -Inspiration in language /3
in speech speech. -Excellent
inspiration in

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