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Understanding the role of Information and Communication Technology in the

effectiveness of Flexible Education

A Qualitative Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College
Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of Course Requirements

APP 005: Practical Research 1




This research is about Understanding the role of Information and Communication

Technology in the effectiveness of Flexible Education as Flexible Education has played a big
part to our societies current education’s quality considering the past year’s pandemic which
greatly affected many of the world’s organizations including education that is why this study has
been conducted in order to understand what and how Information and Communication
Technology greatly increased the effectiveness of Flexible Education to the world’s quality of

Before this study the researcher’s knowledge have been subpar considering as we
are students we have firsthand experienced to this new way of delivering knowledge but as we
were conducting this research we as students have come to realise we only have scratched the
surface of this new way of learning greatly influenced by Information and Communication
Technology as we have come across many articles,studies and other pieces of literature
regarding Flexible education such examples are Online Distance Learning: A Literature Review
by Dr.John L.Taylor(2020) explains about how Communication and Information Technology
affected education, Social Networks as an Important Part of Communication in Contemporary
Trends in Adolescents, Their Impact on Their Personality and Psycho-Social Behavior by
Technium Social Science(2021) talks about the problems of online education because of online
facilities , Impact of online classes on the satisfaction and performance of students during the
pandemic period of COVID 19 by Education and Information Technologies(2021) which speaks
about online classes during the pandemic which in turn proves the effectiveness of online
education to the world and many more literary pieces concerning online education.

In summary this research is about Flexible Education and how Information and
Communication Technologies role’s to Flexible Education greatly affected the success and
problems of online education as online classes are a great way of imparting knowledge yet as it
is online their are many problems which can quickly suffice with it as their are many variables
such as internal/external disturbences and many more that can quickly impede the students way
of learning.

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