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Public Policy

Process, Implementation and Evaluation

By: Susilo Wati




A. Public Policy Concept and Scope 1


A. Characteristic of Public Policy 15
B. Objective of Public Policy 22


A. Importance of Public Policy 43


A. Understanding Policy Model 53
B. Type of Policy model 61
C. Public Policy formulation 67

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


A. Stakeholder role in Public Policy
A. Characteristics Problem Policy 83
B. Formulation Problem As Core Public
Policy 92
C. Election Alternative of Policy to Solve
Problem 94
A. Drafting Agenda 103
B. Policy Formulation and Legitimacy 109
A. Policy Implementation 119
A. Public Policy Evaluation 139
B. Evaluation Function 141
C. Public Policy Evaluation Type 142
D. Model Evaluation of Public Policy 143
E. Inhibiting Factors of not Achieve Policy’s
Goal 145

A. Understand Role Community 155
B. Community Participation Type in the Process of
Public Policy 160
References 170


A. Public Policy Concept

1. Understanding Public Policy
Development is an activity carried out for grow and
improve the system and to achieve goals to be achieved.
Development is carried out by various communities who have
interests and ownership continuity with objective certain.
Activity development Which done between government with
public And Also the private sector is carried out continuously
to achieve the aim of improving people's welfare
(Ramdhani & Ramdhani, 2017).
According to Tachjan in (Herdiana, 2018) that
substance policy in essence is an agreement from
something decisions from several sets of related choices one
another. Policy is basically an activity from government
Which arrange life public nor public.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

For create development Which optimal, The

government created several policies later used to help meet
needs major issues and solve problems in society. The birth of
something Public policy is nothing other than because there is a
basis used For finish problem Which happen in public. There
are no other uses public policy is oriented towards meeting
the needs and interests of the community on beginning
policy set by para party (stakeholders) (Ramdhani &
Ramdhani, 2017).
Public policy by (Anggara, 2014) is defined as a series of
decisions that are interconnected issued by government
agencies and officials. A policy is related to the decision
making process a decision aimed at continuing an action
what will be done. Public policy is a decisions made by
public authorities its existence binds many people. Public policy
must made by holder mandate Which has given by public or
the multitude because it has representation over the multitude
The existence of public policy in modern countries has
The main focus is public services, where the priority is the
country's achievements in defense and improvement
quality life more takes priority And favored. No only focuses
on public services, but public policy must can accommodate
various interests and unite interest Which Lots For reach
priority And urgent

in organize interest Which more general.
Furthermore, according to (Anggara, 2014) the policy
becomes something draft covers a number of matter following
This :
a. Decree, provisions Which own influence tie on
something policy.
b. The purpose of creating a policy is to achieve
certain goals and overcome various problem Which
c. Decisions that can be implemented or not held
something interest.
d. A process of implementing things that have been
done set.

2. Form And Objective Public Policy

Position something policy That only temporary And
it's just a rule. A policy can used to be a guide for those
who will implement it on something activity. Policy the
public must have support from several parties for make it a
success. In an instrumental perspective, Public Policy is
media Which used For get objective which is expected with
the government's efforts in realizing it policy.
Objective from Public Policy is in a way base is For
establishing order in an area of power or orderliness in running
a system nature public. With exists policy so in a way personal

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

public more have limitation And rule in process its

A number of objective Public Policy in a way wide Can
nature political, economic, social and legal. In the political
sphere, Public policy becomes a medium for distribution
values in the form of goods or services addressed to its
people. Meanwhile, in the social sphere, Public Policy own
objective For put things in order life socializing,
overcoming public unrest or conflict Possible Can happen, as
well as increase harmony between members of society without
seeing various views (Affrian, 2012).
Public policy is formed by government institutions which is
intended as a guide for carrying out various activities or
actions or other things where still concerned with the public
or citizens. The nature of implementation Public Policy Can
give implications broad. So, to implement public policy, isn't
it? is an easy and simple thing. Public policy can be
interpreted as a law, when there is an issue Which hinder And
influence in interest owned by public that needs to be regulated.
However, if public policy becomes legal basis, then there must
be various parties who agree For arranged And set.
In formulating public policy there must be parties
authorized. A public policy can be established and confirmed
become Public Policy like Constitution, regulation president,
regulation government nor area,

And Also regulations so its nature become must And must
observed. Penalty from violation nor order always given to
citizens who run it (Anggara, 2014).
The government makes public policies to achieve the vision
missions created and agreed upon during deliberations together.
The form and objectives of public policy are appropriate on
picture 1 in lower This:



Source: (Angara, 2014)

3. Principles Public Policy

On basically, Public Policy is something provisions
regulated by the government with a specific purpose. To
organize and achieve effectiveness in activities government,
then the principles of public policy used For base from all
affairs government. For creating effective and efficient
policies is the principle in management Public Policy that is :

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

a. Formulation policy, that is How method formulate-

right Public Policy
b. System method For implement Public Policy
c. System method evaluate Public Policy.

4. Aspects Important in Public Policy

At the basis of public policy, we must understand
regarding public policy from various points of view and comes
from several existing aggregations. In preparation Public
policy certainly must understand and be able to formulate
policies that do not burden society and are more effective as
well as efficient.
Public policy can be seen from several points of view we
usually know. In economics, social, legal, political and else
we can understand about public policy broader and knowing
the context based on the substance each. However seen from
context substance the, Politics and state administration have a
policy concept a public that is more complex and organized
and has a basis from policies such as government/regional
regulations, laws invitation nor regulation Which originate
from government.
In implementing public policy, you must know basics and
understand the process. Important elements contained in system
Public Policy Can give impact Which positive And optimizing
Good in process And its implementation.


In the book (Anggara, 2014) the important elements are

explained in system Public Policy, that is :
a. Environment policy (policy environment), that is
elements that originate from the underlying conflict or
community issues that have an influencing effect to
Which influence And Which influenced.
b. Public policies, that is, decisions preparation from a
number of agency Which each other concerned
and prepared with that aim reach something
objective certain
c. Policy actors (policy stakeholders), namely the
process in influencing and being influenced both
individual nor in group or organization.
Relates to important aspects of the policy system public,
there are some similarities in terms of internal views the context
each, like environment, organization/ institution as proposer,
And material substance Which There is.
a. Aspect historical, is aspect Public Policy Which
happen in context policy on period previously.
b. Environmental aspects, namely aspects that occur
from environmental influences during
implementation and preparation.
c. aspects , namely aspects that are always there in
each policy because it is related to the agency nor
According to (Mita, 2010), there are two aspects of
implementation model implementation policy Which more
in accordance And effective,
Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

ie model linear And interactive. Implementation policy in a

way Consistency can show the interconnectedness of the system
elements. On model linear, in process taking decision is the
most important phase, and the implementation phase is the
most important phase where the attention has become less
and has shifted to other groups. Meanwhile, for interactive
models, implementation a policy is better able to follow
continuous movement, actively and continuously developing.
This is for reasons of implementation of policies from several
parties involved can participate and propose changes at
various stages its implementation.

5. Scope Public Policy

The scope of public policy includes: methods policy
process research; results from policy studies; as well as
findings in produce study Which contribute and working
together is important to meet needs intelligence moment This.
Implementation policy connect between objective
policies and their realization with the results of government
activities. implementation policy required Because exists
problem policies that need to be addressed and resolved. Four
factors as a source of problems as well as a precondition for
success implementation process, namely communication,
resources, attitudes bureaucracy or implementers, and
organizational structure including governance Genre Work
bureaucracy. Four factor the is criteria Which need There is in
implementation something policy.


1) Factors strategic Which Influential in

Formulation Public Policy
Factor condition environment Which seen Can give
influence to implementation policy. Factor the Can comes
from factors such as the political system, economic system
and values socio-cultural values. Factors regarding the political
system in question with government and administration. Many
parties which pays attention to how to manage the formulation
policy. The government can form a policy by public or
community assistance and performance by the government as
well assessed its implementation.
Economic factors, usually the implementation of activity
processes economy is at in the market And Also company.
They implement method like the environment. Like Market
economics is carried out in the buying and selling market,
with each other transact and carry out its activities with the
same policies set on beginning.
Environmental factors, namely factors that influence
implementation of public policies concerned with public or
public. Factor environment This more corner to inhabitant
country or mass Which more Lots.

2) Types Public Policy

a. Substantive and Procedural Policies
Substantive policy is policy Which viewed from
the substance of the problem Which faced
government. Whereas procedural policy is policy
Which reviewed from Lots party Which

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

follow as well as in its preparation (policy stakeholders).

b. Distributive, Redistributive, and Regulatory Policies
Distributive policy is policy Which
arrange about giving service And lead come back
to individual nor group. Redistributive policy is a
policy that manages matters transfer of allocation of
wealth and ownership. Whereas Regulatory policy is
policy Which manage about restrictions to action.
c. Material Policy
Material policy is policy which managing
placement and provision source from material.
d. Public Goods and Private Goods Policies
Public goods policy is policy Which manage
regarding the provision of materials to be used as
well as existing services from the government for
interest together. Private goods policy is policies
governing the supply of goods or in the form of
services provided by party private For interest

3) Model process policy as something activity political

Model of the process of implementing a modern
political approach For used as base analysis policy political.
Center from this approach is the behavior of individuals and
actors political. Objective main from its implementation is
For look for


patterns Act in demand or process Which can identified.

There is a number of process policy consists from :
a. Identification problem (problem identification) , Can
done through demands from individual or group to
activity government
b. Agenda setting, the focus of attention from the mass
media for public officials in particular public matters
For set things Which agreed
c. Formulation suggested policy, that is process
determination agenda in problems and program
proposals For finish problem
d. Policy validation, namely the process of selecting
proposals, formation of support in political activities
and used for validate as law invite law.
e. Policy implementation, process thatimplements-
implement policies through bureaucratic organizations,
prepare financing, And etc
f. Evaluation policy, that is process analyze about
program, evaluation of results, and its impact so
reach change And adjustment.

4) Institutional Model : Policy as Results from

Existing government structures and institutions have
been around for a long time became the center of attention of
political science. Traditionally, science political has framed
as studies about institutions

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

government. Public policies are determined, implemented,

and formally imposed by government institutions. Institution
government give Public Policy with three characteristics,
between other as following:
a) Government lend legitimacy on wisdom ( policy ).
Wisdom government seen as a legal obligation,
which must obeyed by all inhabitant country.
b) The universality of public policy. Policy government
reaches out to all people in a country public, Good
individual nor group.
c) The government monopolizes coercion in society.
This means that the government legally provides
sanctions and punishes, demands loyalty from all
people, and issue governing policies all over public.

5) Model of Rationalism: Policy as Achievement Profit

Social By Maximum
This model views the goal of policy as maximization social
benefits. The government must make policies that benefit the
wider community by reducing the number larger amounts of
funding are issued by public or public.
Policies that are in line with the provisions are designed with
appropriate For maximizing results riches clean. Term
rationality The same with draft efficiency.


As for the conditions Which must fulfilled For choose

policy Which rational, that is:
a) Know What desire nor need from public
(preference mark)
b) Know all over alternative policy Which Can support
to achievement benefit policy
c) Know all over consequence from every policy
d) Take into account ratio between benefit And cost
Which carried from every alternative;
e) Choose an alternative policy Which most efficient.
Thus, policy making is one- way and acceptable requires
information about policy options, ability predictive For can
know in a way appropriate And in accordance with
consequence from choice policy the, And intelligence For
count balance Which appropriate between cost And benefit (
cost-benefit ratio And benefit).

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


1. What Which You understanding about essence Public Policy

2. What form And objective Public Policy?
3. Explain element important in Public Policy
4. Explain What just Which intended with room scope
Public Policy
5. Explain Which You understanding about model process
policy as activity political


A. Characteristic features Public Policy

Public Policy must follow reform Which rooted on
aspects of public policy. Formulation, implementation, and
evaluation policy is action Public Policy Which carried out
on the basis of public interest. Apart from that, also for
determine the achievement of policy objectives so that they
are achieved accordingly with Which expected.
Of course just, formulation policy based on evaluation
policy period Then. Every policy No stand Alone and is a
continuation of existing policies. As Suite Which No
inseparable For find pattern Which suitable and good for the
benefit of society. Policy These must be based on
improvements to previous policies based on results evaluation
No every policy identified with quick. Public Policy
need stages testing, study, experiment, And iteration, so that
weakness And

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

policy deficiencies can be minimized. Impact testing Policy is

also an indicator of policy success public that has a positive
impact that is used as an option policy. Aspect loss And
benefit from policy must arise as a result of the policy to be
held. Therefore, public policy should not decided arbitrarily,
whatever the circumstances and circumstances, because every
policy has quite a big impact on public in a way whole.
Meanwhile, Hugwood & Gunn is based in (Life, 2017)
opinion that Public Policy consists from 10 definition, that is:
1. Policy as brand field activity certain (as sign
activity field); Branding or policy naming will be a
continuum and become a structured and routine
program embedded in policy.
2. Policy as an expression of general goals or desired
state; Government statement regarding a decision
related to need And interest general and/or interest
public, Good For solve the problems they face or
other things beneficial for public.
3. Policy as a specific proposal (as a proposal special);
Proposal bottom-up or top down special which is
directly related to interests and need


4. public. For example about problem Which related

to community life, needs to be taken concrete steps to
make decisions Which leads on policy from
5. Policy as decision. Whatever steps taken by the
government in making decisions, that is is Public
Policy. On moment Which The same decision
government is quiet, So silent government is as
Public policy as a government decision.
6. Policy as form authorization official (as
authorization formal); Policy as form validation
formal Policy in form regulation similar to the
government in the form of regulations legislation
as valid to implement duties and responsibilities and to
carry out its duties, principles and functions are
carried out through validation formal. Policy
formal usually tie holder interest policy.
7. Policy as program. The government program is
part from Public Policy. Can it is said that every
program implemented by government, Good
formal nor informal, is something policy.
8. Policy as product (as output); Policy as output is that
every public policy must own output Which
expected. Outputs generated by the work program
becomes part from Public Policy. For example,
when regulation

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

government regarding waste management is

determined, output regulation Which generated
become decision management rubbish. Decision
regulations This including in category Public Policy.
9. Policy as the final result (as a result); So also with
results as part of that policy is the final result of the
work program that has been carried out held. The
final result of a program or action government is part
from policy.
10. Policy as theory or model. In government, various
studies and analyzes of various problem Which faced
government produce different outputs or outcomes
For made policy government.
11. Policy as a process ( as a process ); As a processes,
policies will have a relationship between one policy
with policy other. Every decision or regulations
have a hierarchical nature between one regulation
with regulation other And with Thus it is a
collective collaboration can used as base taking
Characteristic features Public Policy on in essence is
activities that are unique in the sense of having certain
characteristics that other types of policies don't seem to have.
The special characteristics inherent in public policy come
from reality that policy is the result thinking, design,
formulation, And decision called people Which powerful in
system political. In system political or


simple traditional society, for example leaders traditional or

tribal leaders. Meanwhile, in a political system that complex or
modern society, they are the executive, legislator, judge,
administrator, monarchy And the like.
First , public policy is an action taken deliberately leading
to a certain goal, right only some forms of behavior or
actions are truly completely random, routine, and deviant.
Public policies such as development policy or social policy in
the system modern politics is not an act of chance or omission
but action planned.
Second , policy primarily consists of mutual actions
relationships and patterns that lead to certain goals carried out
by government officials and is not decision Which stand
Alone. For example, policy No only covers decision For
make Constitution in a particular area, but followed by a
decision or instruction executives in more detail related to the
implementation process And mechanism coercion For
implement it.
Third , policy is what is actually done by the government
in certain areas. For example, in arrangement trading, control
inflation, alleviation poverty, eradication corruption,
eradication blind letter, promotion program family planned,
And promotion housing area people for group income low.
Fourth , public policy can be positive or negative. Public
policy, in its positive form, can include a number of form
action government Which intended For

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

influence solution problem certain. Whereas in form passive

can covers decision official government not to act or take no
action in matters things that require government intervention.
For example in trade and free market climate, the
government tends to close eye And ear, or let trader
traditionalists were beaten and even forced to go out of
business because no longer able to compete with many
imported products traded through supermarket modern.
In a legal country like Indonesia, public policy at least
in the positive form it is based on Constitution And
authority certain. Member public will automatically receive
that tax or contribution Regional development must be paid
for as a legitimate matter. Terrorists, corruption and drug
dealers must be punished accordingly severe punishment.
People with disabilities or people with disabilities people
with disabilities who are able to work are sought for this type of
work appropriate , while those who are unable to work
must receive social benefits. the public policy has a strong
binding force towards society as a whole whole and has a
coercive power that is not possessed by policies taken by
private organizations, NGOs, or private organizations that
generally only have binding power internal Which limited
(Wahab, 2021).
Policy No as well as immediately can differentiated
from management; Policies cover behavior and
expectations; Policies include both action and inaction
action; Policy usually own results end Which want to


achieved; Each policy has a specific purpose or objective,

expressed or implied; This policy emerged from a process
that takes place continuously; Policy covers relationships
between and within organizations; Public policy relating,
although not exclusively, to the lead role government agencies;
Policies are formulated or determined Alone (Abdal, 2015).
In general, according to (Affrian, 2012), public policy
always shows certain traits or characteristics of various
government activities. There are five general characteristics
of policies public.
1. Every policy own objective. Prepare Politics should
not be random or chance to make it happen. If there
is no goal, you No need make policy.
2. This policy does not stand alone, separately from
policy other. Policy the Also related with various
policy Which related with community problems,
which are directed at implementation, interpretation,
And enforcement law.
3. Policy is What Which done government, No What
Which they say will they do or want to do.
4. Policies can be passive, prohibitive, or in the form of
instruction For its implementation.
5. Policies are based on laws, because they are own
strength For force person For

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

obey it.
According to (Ramdhani & Ramdhani, 2017) confirms
that characteristic Public Policy need poured in regulation
coercive legislation . From the corner look This, can
assumed that Public Policy is policies taken by the
government directed at social welfare, which can be achieved
in the form of regulations, laws, etc. Public policy is
binding and must be obeyed by all members of society
without exception. Before public policies are issued and
implemented, the policy must be established and approved by
agencies/institutions Which authorized.

B. Objective Public Policy

Public policy is not without aims and objectives. Meaning
And objective Public Policy is For solve common problems
that grow and develop within public. Too many problems,
differences and severity. Therefore, not all public problems can
result public policy. Only public problems make people think
and look for solutions that can produce policies public (only
Which motivating person For Act become political issues).
Therefore, the formulation of policy problems The public is an
important stage in the policy process public. However, in the
public policy process this needs to be taken into account who has
the right to formulate, determine, implement, monitor And
evaluate performance Public Policy.


A policy will provide a solution to the problem what's

happening. Apart from that, policy is a solution problems that
arise in society. Policy aims For solve problem Which There is
in a way whole, not to solve problems by creating ones new.
However, with this policy, problems exist can be resolved
and become a solution to this problem. Public policy can be
seen from alternatives made in the policy. In public policy
There are many alternative choices, so there are policy
choices is policy Which best between alternatives other. Or
more Good from Which more Good.
The more alternatives the better in Public Policy. This
aims to measure the quality of policies to be taken. Of course
the policy choices are almost it can definitely be implemented
well, because of the choices that alternative covers aspects
implementation policies are good or not, and indicators of
success Policy can also be measured by various considerations
and Another choice. What is certain is that policy choices
have already been made taken into account with ripe And
Policy will be the main reference for organizational
members or society to act. Policies can be binding people at
the strategic level or planned by the authorities public. As
decision Which tie public (public), policy must made by
authority political, that is they Which receive a mandate from
the public or people, generally through process election For
Act on Name people Lots. Example

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

policy is:
1. Constitution,
2. Regulation government,
3. Decision president,
4. Decision minister,
5. Regulation area,
6. Decision guardian,
7. Decision director.
Every policy described herein is binding and must be
implemented by the policy object. Example above also
provides knowledge for all of us about space The scope of
policy can be total, intermediate and partial (Abdal, 2015).
Public policy is organized to achieve goals certain. In
general, public policy is formulated using the purpose of
organizing life together. From that perspective Effectively,
public policy is a tool to achieve goals related to the
government's efforts to realize it values public. There is various
form mark public, between other:
1. Ideal values of society, such as justice, equality, And
2. Solution that problem faced public, such as
poverty, unemployment, crime, and provision service
service public Which bad,
3. Utilise opportunity new For life public Which
more Good, like push


investment, innovation service, And increase export,

4. Protecting the public from private practices
detrimental to society, for example through enforcement
consumer protection laws, road permits, And
permission disturbance.
Policy objectives can be political, economic, social or
law. Politically, public policy is determined to distribution
and allocation of value, in the form of goods and services, to
all members of society. With regard to power, Public Policy
arranged so that government can maintain its monopoly on
society and government power or country can accepted And
recognized by public.
In field economy, Public Policy made with objective:
1. Support And facilitate market so that can carry out
its functions freely and competitively arrange wheel
2. Provides assurance that economic activity will
happen without pressure from party wherever,
3. Softens the economy, and makes the wheels easier
economy move free in implementation activity
production, consumption And distribution,
4. Providing guarantees and protection against
interest people Which No capable capitalist
In field social, Public Policy made For:
1. Reach control social on public,
2. Overcome conflict social Which happen in public, And

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

3. Build connection social in between member public

without discrimination.
By law, Public Policy formulated For:
1. Realizing justice and legal order within public,
2. Enable people to understand and comply regulations
made by the government or state, And
3. Create atmosphere peace life in public (Affrian,
It is implicitly understood that the goal of public policy is
to solve problems facing society and for the benefit of society.
There are also those who interpret it public policy objectives as
facilities provided by government for a better, more
prosperous society And fair.
According to Riant Nugroho in his book entitled
“Public Policy in Developing Countries” based on in (Life,
2017) put forward 4 (four) objective Public Policy, that is:
First is the distribution of resources at the national level,
that is includes redistribution and absorption of resources at
the level national. Redistribution is a policy that leads to
distribution of existing human resources as the main source
absorptive policy. Absorptive policies are policies that leads
on policy absorption. Absorption reception country For
redistribution Later as barrier to


current policy, because absorptive policy aims to support

policy redistribution
Second , For arrange, liberation (liberation) And
deregulation (the activity or process of removing restrictions
or regulation). Policy the will produce regulations based on
agreement Which implemented as policy. Set rules, make
rules legislation, And make agreement together about the
policies to be taken, including impacts of future policies.
These settings are for maximizing And increase
implementation Public Policy. In addition, regulatory policies
will conflict with policy deregulation Which release, free, And
relax all existing regulations to resolve the issue and problems
that arise. The deregulation process is part from Public Policy.
Third , dynamics and stability. The general policy is
stabilize the state and condition of the country. The stable
condition is expectations and conditions needed by society.
Stability politics, economics, social and culture are part of
public policy. The state is obliged to provide a sense of security
for all its citizens through policies that is the authority and
responsibility of the state. Dynamics social, national and state
life is consequence from public Which very interactive And
social, so that whatever problem Which become dynamics
national life, must be overcome by strengthening
circumstances public. For example, when movement reform

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

turbulent, the country must be able to take political steps

concrete measures to achieve political and economic stability, so
that unrest Which more big can avoided.
Fourth , strengthen the market and the country. Market
strengthening because the country's economy depends on the
market. The market determine the rise and fall of prices. The
market also plays a role global economy. Increase the market
to reach Economic stability is an important thing to do and
controlled. Apart from that, strengthening the country is
something what must be done to protect it from attacks
attacks that affect the sovereignty of the nation and state.
Both strengthen each other to become a strong country
independent, prosperous And peace.
Objective Public Policy can differentiated with:
1. Resources or resources, namely between policies
public Which aim For distribute source state power
and which aims to absorb state resources. For
example, autonomy policy regions that give
authority to regions to control and manage a
number of resources .
2. Policy regulatory And deregulative, policy regulatory
are regulatory and restrictive, such as policies tariff,
policy procurement goods And service, policy human
rights, etc. Meanwhile, deregulative policies
liberalizing in nature, such as privatization policies
and policy deletion tariff.


3. Dynamism and stability, dynamic policy is policy

Which designed For mobilize source national power
to achieve some progress desired, like policy
decentralization. On moment the same thing, the
policy of stability is to prevent the dynamics are too
fast to be detrimental existing systems, both
political systems, security, economic, and social.
An example of this policy is national security policy
and policy determination ethnic group flower.
4. Strengthening country And market, policy Which
strengthen country is policy Which encouraging a
greater role for the state, such as policy national
education which makes the country a main actor in
national education and not public. Meanwhile,
market or public policy Promoting is a policy that
encourages roles public or market mechanisms greater
than role country, like policy privatization BUMN
And policy Company Limited (PT).
The so-called national education policy strengthens role
Country with ensure 20% budget country for national
education, but on the other hand there are articles that
increasing the role of the community with the existence of a
school committee. There are also dynamic goals to
encourage formation private schools, but also the goal of
stabilization with standards education that must be followed.
There are also organizational goals, like limitation every level
government in operate

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

the role of national education, but there is also a liberation

goal by providing space for the community to establish And
operate school non-state.
However on in fact, every policy contain more than one of
the objectives mentioned above, at that level different. Thus
public policy always contains The dual function is to make
policies fair and balanced encourage the progress of life
together. Therefore, it can be concluded that public policy is a
decision ruler country Which aim arrange life together.



1. What Which You understanding about characteristic features

Public Policy?
2. Explain Meaning And objective Public Policy
3. Public Policy nature tie public without exception. How
according to You?
4. Explain Why A policy Which taken must own
5. Public Policy can nature positive And negative, give
example policy Which nature negative

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


K Public Policy on basically something Which applies

And enjoyed by public wide from results decision
government through various consideration. So that policy the
aim For herding public in something norm or policy Which
applies. Public Policy own meaning And meaning Which
diverse. According to Thomas R. Dye (1992) public policy is
whatever governments choose to do or note to do (Public
Policy is What just Which chosen by government For done
or For No done. Whereas according to Aminullah in
Muhammadi (2001 : 371-372) That policy is effort or
action For influence system achievement objective Which
desired. Effort or action the nature strategic, futures Long, And
comprehensive. Can in Pull conclusion that Public Policy is
something action Which taken by government with
objective For arrange public in achievement something
objective. Whereas meaning Criteria according to
dictionary big Language

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Indonesia (KBBI) is size Which become base evaluation or

determination of something. Criteria for Determining Public
Policy can be defined as the main tool in determining something
design thinking sake realization Public Policy Which can
accepted by public
Public Policy Which become something system For
carried out by the community is certainly the main object of
discussion in this chapter. Apart from that, we have to
understand first about criteria What just Which must fulfilled
in determine Public Policy. There is 6 criteria that is interest
public, justice, efficiency, And effectiveness, Enough And
1. Public interest is one alternative in determination
criteria Public Policy.
Society is the main object in application policy
the, Of course very required to fulfill or implement a
policy Which Already arranged by government.
Difficult For believes that society can operate
policies that have been decided by the government. On
Basically, broad public policy objectives are determined
by the government it seems that the concept is top
broad public interest rather than individuals or
grub anywhere. Regulation as well as legislation
an invitation that includes the goal as an
illustration a clean environment, a healthy
population and good education, reducing injustice from
different social origins, network availability Which
safe for society Which not enough capable. Fact


that legislation and regulations can also includes

concessions to powerful individuals and interested
group does not mean that interest public no, most No,
A criteria implicit in make legislation And
If analysts and policymakers have a number
of draft on interest public when they create and
evaluate, but don't means there is uniformity in the
guiding principles they. Although thinking liberal
democratic opinion that action ethical guided by
principle universal, balanced rather than personal
interests or faction-constitute theme Which
important in debate about what policy analysis
should be done, Still No There is One people too
Which in a way comprehensive determine these
principles . Behind the inability to create a
operationalized explanation of public interest and
covers the whole to be given as standard in
evaluating and making all Public Policy, However
Still Possible For can see an idea of public interest
is provided as a background and foundation for more
detailed analysis with more criteria special. Policy
analysts and policy makers must can provide reasons
for their decisions- reasons that can withstand
public scrutiny and Which justify action they.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

this is often a “public interest” or “public good”, not

just because it is considered fair by the government,
but also because many analysts And maker policy
truly believe it. Due to the vagueness of this concept,
however. Criteria Which more Specific must
developed where policy reserves can be sorted and
evaluated in terms of public interest. Criteria These
—fairness, efficiency and effectiveness—are
discussed in lower This.
2. Justice means equal treatment to all person Which is
at in situation Which The same.
In in fact, Where person No are in the same
situation recognition of justice often recognized for
redistribution of resources scarce power. On the one
hand, differences between people in intelligence,
skill, income, wealth, education and employment
status are considered constitutive norms and any
efforts to change differences This must customized
with Be careful to other social goals and values. On
the other hand, similarities in the distribution of
intelligence, skills, income, wealth, education and
employment status were considered norms, and the
familiarity of sameness must also be customized
with Be careful to objective And mark social other.
In general, policymakers measure how much
fair something service Which distributed in between


various group targetdwith consider how much service

is needed from what is received by individuals in
each recipient group. Because individual and group
needs and abilities would be different, justice does
not have to be interpreted with meaning that amount
Which The same from goods or services that must be
provided to each group or Individuals must be equal,
but rather a fair number must given.
3. Efficiency is the ratio of input to output. Inputs is
source Power Which changed through activity into
the output policy.
Policies that achieve more goals than those that
do desired with less cost is more efficient than those
with goals Which The same However with cost
Which more big or fewer destinations for the same
cost. It has been proven that bureaucracy, unlike
producers private sector, not only has no reason to to be
efficient because they do not operate for the sake of
profit, but there is no clear upper limit production
process for public goods, unlike owned by the
private sector. For most public services and
programs, diversity of objectives associated with any
given activity making achieving efficiency more
complicated and problematic compared to in sectors
As results from objective Which contradictory

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Different priorities for interested groups different,

efficiency is generally achieved within policy
government only in method Which limited.
However, behind the difficulty of achieving it in
government agencies, efficiency is an important
criterion in in literature Public Policy.
4. Effectiveness
Reach from A policy For reach the goal-is
criteria other Which used in evaluation reserve
policy. In term technically it is the ratio of actual
output to plan output over time. Matter This is
different from efficiency where effectiveness is
visible in terms of absolute achievement while
efficiency only centered on how many units of
output what a person achieves for a unit of his input.
According to Mardiasmo (2017: 134) Effectiveness
is a measure success or failure in achieving the
goals of an organization achieve its goal. If an
organization achieves objective so organization the
has walk with effective. A common thread can be
drawn effectiveness as a necessary measure of
success achieved by policy makers to the wider
community as target implementation something policy
5. Enough is measure something policy in achieve the
expected results by utilizing existing resources. These
criteria have various variation connection between
source Power And objective Which


will achieved;
• Achievement of certain goals at a
cost certain
• Achievement Wrong One between Lots target
with cost still
• Achievement objective certain with cost
Which can changed
• Achievement Wrong One between Lots target
with cost Which can changed
6. Missed, missed criteria meant that strategy policy can
fulfil need something group or can solve a particular
problem on public. For example is development
carried out in an area that is underdeveloped through It
is hoped that the Presidential Instruction for
Disadvantaged Villages or IDT will be obtained
answer problem Which faced by group people living
in that area. these criteria It also aims for equitable
development exists in Indonesia for the welfare of
society and Also justice social for all over people
The six points above are the basic criteria in determining
a policy. In the formulation process Public policy is known
for a term called criteria which has the nature of subjective
judgment, although there are many which is objective and
quantitative. The most important thing is the criteria the
related tightly with objective Which will achieved.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

These criteria can generally be grouped in two

categories. First, general criteria or which are known by the
wider community, such as, interest public, fair, efficient And
effectiveness. Second, criteria Which nature special Which
adapt with circumstances environment And objective certain
Which want to achieved. From criteria Specifically, it can
produce two criteria, namely responsiveness (answered) And
accomplishment (complete). Second criteria the contain
different meanings and contain implications Which different
also in its influence to development.
Country develop Alone tend apply criteria answered (
responsiveness ) for reasons of availability of funds, conditions
urgent which requires it to be resolved immediately and
political needs in the run-up to elections. The advantage of
these criteria is that they can produce results policy strategies
that can immediately meet changing demands from public. Will
but behind profit Of course there is A lack ie in period time
Which long, will New upheavals arise and the same problems
demand. Because of that This missed criterion is suitable to be
applied within a certain period of time short with nature muffle
turmoil Which happen.
In Look from perspective development nation, use
complete criteria for laying the foundation for
development sustainable more in accordance. Especially
in determination policy development infrastructure. With
method thereby, the government does not need to have to face
the same problems each two three or five year very. With
thereby, thought, time, power And resource Which There is
can used

for the development of new targets that do not yet exist.

Example from development Which oriented on criteria
complete This can seen in the construction of buildings,
bridges, roads and various other infrastructure in European
countries, for example Which Already finished built two
three century Which then, and Still useful until now and in
the future even until old Later.
In several developed countries such as the United
States and etc, very known difference orientation policy
based on periodicization period position head country or head
government In period First, government more tend use
approach political futures short with use criteria missed in
every election policy. This required For fulfil aspirations
public who is 'in'. The goal is to gain internal support general
election in the second period. In the second period,
government want to make history with do matter-
monumental thing. Therefore in choosing between
alternatives policy tend prioritize criteria 'complete'
According to said Zainal Abidin as reported by
detiknews. com who is a development management expert
regions say that the above criteria exist because That to
government area expected ;
1. In development infrastructure, used orientation
development period long with priority is placed on
the use of completion criteria (accomplishment) in
choosing between various

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

alternative policy.
2. Prevent leakage of funds and wealth very limited
country and a waste of time in completing national
development in the future front.
With exists explanation from criteria on Of course Still
There are many more criteria used for each leader Country.
The reason is that the heads are different, of course this also
results differences in the way a policy is made. Will but the
goal he wants to achieve is of course the same, namely for
the sake of welfare of the wider community as implementers of
policies the. In formulating the policies that will be carried out
by the government of course through various
considerations and through existing processes or criteria.
Because in context regarding issues of community welfare
must be appropriate with the interests of the community
implementing the policy This.
Policy Which There is Of course must done by public
Which There is with objective public Can more understand
about implementing this policy for the sake of equal distribution
of justice be a right public And mandatory For filled.
Of the six points in the public policy criteria, of course
become base main in every step preparation policies taken
by the government. And we as people must more you know
about impact What Which happen after policy This happen.
Indonesia of course country law with strengthened Pancasila
as the ideal foundation and also the law Invite base 1945 as
base regulation country Of course


No Can denied that policy Which We do must We practice it

And Also We obey together so that creation public Which in
accordance with Pancasila please to 5 justice social for all over
people Indonesia.

A. Meaning Importance Studies Public Policy

The definition of public policy according to A. Hoogerwet is
important elements in the political field. Public policy It can
also be interpreted as achieving certain goals done in the
time certain. Public Policy or Public Policy is policies Which
made by government to achieve certain goals in society. So
that Public Policy learn how For public That designed,
implemented, Then monitored.
Para scientist political on period past generally interested
on processes political, like process legislative, process
election And element system political like group interest or
public opinion, nowadays scientists are increasingly
increase attention they to studies Public Policy. Public
policy studies are a study for describe, analyze And explain in
a way carefully various causes and consequences of
government actions. The trend of political scientists is
becoming increasingly interested to public policy studies has
been stated by Thomas Dye (1978) as quoted by Sholichin
Abdul Wahab as "This study includes efforts to describe the
content of the Public Policy, assessment of the impact of forces
Which originate from environment to fill Public Policy,

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

analysis of the consequences of various institutional statements

And processes political to Public Policy; study deep about
consequences from various policy political on public, Good
form impact Which expected (planned) nor impact Which No
The phenomenon of increasing interest in scientists We
can see politics on public policy from the many research and
literature discussing public policy in a way special. Even if
Public Policy understood as an action carried out by the
government, then according to Budi Winarno, in his book
entitled Theory and the Public Policy Process, expressed
interest in study Public Policy has taking place since very
long, even since the time of Plato and Aristotle, although in
At that time, studies on public policy were still focused on
institutions country just.
Traditional political science places more emphasis on
study institutional and philosophical justification for an action
carried out by the government and pays little attention to the
relationship between these institutions and public policy.
New after That attention para scientist political start move on
on problem, process, And Act in demand Which related with
government And actors political. Since exists change With
this orientation, political science begins to be seen as
giving attention to decision-making problems collective or
policy formulation. Public policy is increasingly assessed
very relevant For material study Because supported by
problems actual Which appear from various policy


or government regulations. Questions or concerns- problem

actual the for example;
• Direct Cash Assistance Program (BLT) can help
well-being public poor, from exists impact increase
price fuel?
• is Actually fill or load policy planting capital
• Who Which benefited And who Which
disadvantaged with program increase tariff base
electricity, increase price fertilizer, And etc?
The issues mentioned above are problems or policy
research questions and at the same time demonstrate why public
policy needs to be studied. According to Thomas R. Dye and
James Anderson, there are three reasons behind this Why Public
Policy need studied
First, policy Which studied in frame scientific
considerations . Namely to increase knowledge Which more
deep. Start from process making policy, development and the
consequences it causes for public. On learning This Of course
can add Our knowledge is mainly in politics and society
generally. For objective scientific, Public Policy can
viewed as both a dependent variable and a variable
independent. It is said to be the dependent variable when his
attention is focused on political and environmental factors
influencing or determining policy content. For example,
something policy can influenced by distribution power

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

between groups suppressor or groups interests in society and

government agencies. If Public Policy seen as variable
independent, then vice versa. Our attention will be focused
on impact policy on system political And the environment.
For example, what is the impact of political systems and systems
parties in the future? And what impact Public Policy to well-
being inhabitant?.
If in this case we can study it carefully then we will think
twice in determining policy That's why the policies we adopt
are the wider community will later implement this policy.
However, if we make policies only because of group interests
nor personal so Of course will impact for misery public Lots
specifically for public Which is at in group intermediate
Second , consideration professional or reason
professional. This consideration is divided between
individuals and groups And government can take action
policy to help solve existing problems public. This
professional judgment can be used to show policy What Which
appropriate For reach A specific goals or factors that produce
policies Which There is. Matter This bring to holder policy to
position determines an action with consideration ripe without
must injure sutu group or agency but by proving it, it is not
just a discourse mere.


Of course policy makers must be able to understand

this idea collaborate from third element, individual, group,
And government for the sake of making a policy that can
considered professional. The policy issued certainly must be
based on the interests of the general public and for the sake of
welfare of the wider community. With the main point missing
one of the parties who feels disadvantaged or experienced
intimidation from party other.
In this case Don K. Price (1964) makes a difference
between the scientific levels ( the scientific estate ) who are
trying set knowledge And level professional ( the estate
professionals ) who seek to apply knowledge science to
solving practical social problems. A number of scientist
political agree that a scientist can help determine goals Public
Policy, However a number of Which other No agree.
James E. Anderson including Which support
professionalism (not just scientific). According to him, if we
know something about facts Which help in shape public
policy or its consequences of policies that might arise, if we
knew How individual, group or government can Act to
achieve their policy goals, then we worthy of giving it and
not worthy of remaining silent self.
By therefore according to Anderson is something Which
legitimate for a political scientist to give advice to
government nor holder authority maker policy so that

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

policy Which it produces capable solve problem- problem

with Good. Naturally knowledge Which based on fact is
precondition For determine And face problems public.
Third, consideration political or reason political.
These considerations lead us to matching or ensure that the
government uses appropriate policies suitable For reach A
objective. In consideration It is necessary to distinguish
between policy analysis and advocacy policy.
1. Policy analysis is basically related to about the causes
and consequences of something public policy.
Looking deeper into what Which make points Good
from something policy And look for more in about
knowledge from impact if this policy occurs. What is
usually analyzed is the formulation of policy content
and impact from something policy certain, like;
rights civil or international trade without approval or
their disagreement, look for more specifics what is
the cause or impact of disapproval of party Which
concerned as well as analyze policy what is related
to this? In There are still two points of public policy
analysis theory namely;
a. First, economic theory. In economic theory
Public Policy analyzed through effect Which
caused to economy in a way


overall with the nature of paying attention to

impacts economy Which obtained from analysis
Which they do. In this theory the perpetrator is
more focused on development economics of
policy Which carried out and matching
expenses as well as suitability for what is done by
government. Usually the policy contains Economic
elements are related policies about business or
export and import, or policy Which based as
development infrastructure Which equally.
b. The second theory is social science theory, in In
this theory, the perpetrators of the analysis hurt
their analysis with period long to its influence for
the wider community. Ininipara social science
theory analysts are more likely to pay attention
impact on society by taking long distance impacts
occurs among the community. Main differences
between these two theories is the long-term
effect And short from policy Which considered
2. Policy advocacy is especially related to things must be
carried out by the government, with progress certain
policies, through discussions, approaches, and
political activity. On policy advocacy tends to be
Political roles take priority over others. Because use
method approach And Also discussion For
determine sutu direction policy And

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

with various considerations that exist only for

interest group nor personal. Policy those who come
out of this point usually tend to get comment bad from
public Lots Because only important interest they tap
think about community interests wide as object
Which operate something wisdom certain.
For them, political scientists cannot remain silent or No
do anything about problems political. They want to improve
the quality of internal political policies ways according to
which they are indispensable, though In society there are
often substantial differences about policy What Which called
Correct And appropriate That.
In public policy analysis as discussed in point on of course
contain two theory There is theory economy and also social
sciences where economic theory is more inclined towards
results from economics while social sciences are more inclined to
public in a way totality.
What arises from the study of public policy is to be
expected Readers can find out how this policy was created
and how these policies can guarantee prosperity for many
people. Equity also refers to facts that the public has felt the
results of the policy Good. With exists response from public
become Wrong one value of the success of policy
implementation public.
We can indeed understand the importance of public
policy studies Take advantage of one of them, we can find
out the goal Which designed from wisdom This, target
Which aimed For


this policy, and more broadly we can provide an evaluation to

this public policy. By using analysis And Also theory Which
We learn Of course can make material research on public
policy. What else in period government today. There may be
many policies to consider not enough firm in taking it why No
thought impact moreover formerly will but direct emit policy
the. So that No amazed if student And public follow voice his
aspirations For demand his rights as public Which must
Of the three points, the main reasons for studying policy
The public is indeed a priority for craft makers policies and
also for the public to understand more deeply or learn about
the importance of good public policy for society as well as for
elites and groups. The reason The design process must
involve various things various elements in the discussion
and of course each element own interest Which proposed.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


1. Public Policy must own criteria fair or justice. How

opinion You about criteria This
2. Explain the criteria efficiency in Public Policy
3. Explain Meaning criteria missed in Public Policy
4. How according to You about criteria Public Policy Which
responsiveness And accomplishment ?
5. How opinion You about process political Which must faced
in formulate Public Policy?


A. Understanding Model Policy

Models can be interpreted as theories, thought processes
can be used For solve problem. Model policy is theory
policy, And Because That can used to solve policy
problems. Understand and Understanding policy is based on
it's basic goals implementation of the policy, there is no
policy if not intended to make good arrangements as
administrative materials as well as normative subjects.
Talking about settings, this is done in a way that different,
can be by arrangement followed by coercion, yes also with
arrangements that only benefit someone, a group of people, or
for everyone, but if all the way it is graded for it will be able
to assign a color to each formulation policy (Winarno, 2012).
The most important dimension of public policy is
practical policy. In here Public Policy seen as activity

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

process or as an integrated system continuously moving

from one part to part, defining and shaping each other others
(Mustari et al., 2015). Model can also be interpreted as
approach. Therefore, each approach is not only indicates a
particular approach to policy but Also can fulfil Lots or
combination from a number of approach Which formulated in
something approach certain. This approach will help in
understanding government life, political life, policy
processes, system policy, analysis policy, And system
government. With the approach used, it will produce forms of
form (Faried, 2012).
A model is an abstraction from reality. Mustapadijaja
formulating a model as a simplification of reality the
problems encountered, which are created in the relationship
causal or functional. The model can be described in the form
schematic models (such as flowcharts and stock charts), physical
models (such as miniatures), game models (such as training
scenes steering, management training), and symbolic models
(such as econometrics and program computer).
Learning things will be easier with forms. Like case a
child want to introduce candidate his wife to his parents, the
child must create a picture about the condition of his future
wife. Physical condition, marital status, religion, character,
family background. Abstract depiction reality about candidate
his wife is a model. Policy the public will also find it easier
to learn with help use form. Model is tool in formulation


and public policy making. Benefits of using models is to

simplify the structural description of the problem, and helps
predict the consequences that arise from existing or not
change Because factor reason (Yep, n.d.).
The model is a simplified representation from several
phenomena of the real world. Model used in public policy ,
including conceptual models. Model like This try For:
1. Explain And simplify about thinking political And
public policy;
2. Identify aspects of policy issues Which important;
3. Help someone to be able to communicate with to
others by focusing on aspects aspect Which essential
in life political;
4. Direct efforts toward better understanding regarding
public policy by suggesting things Which No
important And Which considered important;
5. Suggest an explanation predict the consequences and
For public policy.
The following is the political approach and model used in
observe process Public Policy.

a. Model Institutional (Institutions Model): Policy as

Results from Institution
Existing government structures and institutions have
been around for a long time become center attention
knowledge political. By traditional, knowledge

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

politics has been framed as the study of institutions

government. Public policies are determined, implemented,
and formally imposed by government institutions. Institution
government give Public Policy with three characteristics,
between other as following.
1) Government has lend legitimacy on wisdom (
policy ). Wisdom government seen as a legal
obligation, which must be complied with by all
inhabitant country.
2) Universal public policy. Policy The government has
reached out to all the people within a society, both
individual and social group.
3) The government monopolizes coercion on society. It
means, government legitimate For punish And
punish, demand loyalty from everyone, and issue
policies that regulate all public.
Approach institutional have weakness, in among them
as following.
1) Does not explain the relationship between the
contents of public policy And structure institution
2) Approach This only explain about organization,
structure, tasks and functions of institutions without
systematically examining the consequences of
characteristics institutional with results policy.
Caused, policy so that approach This often


considered unimportant and unproductive and no

There is connection Which clear between institution.
3) Can produce change institutional Which can result
change policy. In The realization is that there is not
always a correlation with institutional changes with
change policy. By theoretical, impact policies that
are not in accordance with policy objectives and
policy changes can occur due to the process

b. Model Process: Policy as Something Activity Political

Process model using a political (behavioral) approach
modern as base analysis Public Policy. Approach This based
on behavior individual or actor political. Wrong One the main
goal is to look for patterns of behavior (processes) certain.
Thus, process models are useful in helps understand the
various activities involved in policy making process. Process
policy consists of.
1) Problem identification (identification problem).
Identification policy issues through demands from
group or individual For activity government.
2) Agenda settings , Focus attention from media mass
And public officials on public matters specifically for
decide things Which will done decision.
3) Policy formulation ( formulation of proposals
policy). Proposing programs for problem solving
and determination agenda problem.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

4) Policy legitimacy (policy validation). Selecting a

proposal, establishing political support for existing
proposals, and ratify them as laws invite law.
5) Policy implementation (implementation policy).
Implementation policy through organizing
bureaucracy, collecting taxes, preparing financing or
give service, And etc.
6) Policy evaluation (policy evaluation). Analyzing about
program Which There is, evaluation results And
influence, And recommend change And
adjustment on change.
The process model only emphasizes the activity stages
carried out in policy development. Therefore That, model
This own point weak in No notice essence from policy Which
will taken.

c. Model of Rationalism: Policy as Achievement Profit

Social By Maximum
Model This see objective policy as maximization feature
social. It means government must make policy Which
beneficial for public wide with reduce big funds issued by the
community. Rational policy precisely designed to maximize the
realization of net worth. Term rationality changing with draft
efficiency. As for condition Which must fulfilled For choose
policy Which rational, that is:


1) Know need public or desire (preference mark).

2) Know all policy alternatives
support achievement benefit policy.
3) Know all consequence policy;
4) Take into account ratio between cost And benefit
Which carried from every alternative.
5) Choose alternative policy Which most effective
And efficient.
With thereby, making policy Which rational need
information about choice policy, ability predictive to know
accurately the consequences of policy choices, and the
intelligence to calculate balance Which appropriate between
cost And benefit (ratio cost benefit).
There is Lots obstacle For taking decision Which rational
(Angara, 2014).
Policy models are like part appearances certain certain
something situation situation problematic lemmatic in a way
simple simple for the benefit of special interests. Like As
with issues policy issues policies which is a construction
construction mental on the basis of conceptualization
conceptualization and specification specification of the
elements of a problematic situation problematic, model ,
model policy policy is also an artificial conceptualization of a
policy issue policy, like like energy, environment

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

poverty poverty, gap gap, sorry sorry -teraan, crime crime, etc.
Model policy policy served served as as draft, diagram,
diagram, chart, or equality mathematical equations
mathematical, For describe describe, explained explained
And predicting predicts the elements of a situation
problematic problematic situations, as well as to perfect
refine or improve policies the public policy by recommending
recommend direction -direction action action for overcome
overcome problem problem certain certain.
Government as man Which have Power to carry out the
will of the state ordered by constitution both in functional
and internal relationships cooperative relations between
government and government parties power or arrangement
with the people as the party controlled or regulated essentially
has the authority to make decision at a time can do action For
interest Which want to achieved Good in a way together or
individually based on the understanding of certain parties to
the other party. Thus the substance of the policies government
policy is to make or carry out making decisions and then
taking action by the government together with the people
controlled and regulated or unilaterally by the government to


So a policy model is defined as a theory or approach to

policy and therefore can be put to good use For solve problem
Which overcome by policy. Policies can basically be used to
do regulation and it may be possible to carry out coercion,
and therefore policies can be seen from various perspectives
an approach or theory or model or abstraction of
something reality Which There is (Faried, 2012).

B. Miscellaneous Policy Model

The model itself is actually a representation a
simplified theory about the real world. Model refers more to
a concept or chart for more can simplify A reality. However
different with theory Which its authenticity has proven
through A testing empirical, based on isomorphism, that is
similarities between one reality and another other facts. It can
also be said that the model is the fruit of isomorphism
between one or more empirical theories. With its position as
an isomorphism between two or more empirical theory, so
the model is often more difficult so that its truth can be
tested in the field. However although the model has not yet
become an empirical theory, capital will still be used as a
very good guide beneficial in study, especially study
Which aims to conduct further research or research or new
discoveries. If you look at it from function, difference
between theory empirical with model

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

is if theory empirical functioned For explain ( to explain )

social phenomena, while the model will serve as a guide to
discover ( to discover ) and propose a the relationship
between the concepts to be used for observe symptom social.
Which on matter This in knowledge is representation from A
reality Which There is.
Basically the human mind is incapable of understand all
reality as a whole, but only can isolate and understand parts of
reality That. Then with an use of the parts reality, the human
mind will build ideas or idea. Thus, even if the model does
not have similarities with theory, considering the concepts
applied to models is not the same as the concept theoretical
concept, but if the model is truly isomorphic and empirical
evidence can be found in the model the will become A
On the use of models to carry out assessments on public
policy will have a very big influence the benefits. As there are
several reasons that can be put forward on this matter. First ,
public policy is a process which is so complex. Therefore,
from the nature of the model that simplifying reality will go
a long way in helping understand reality bag Which complex
the with exists models analysis Public Policy like for example
model policy implementation, it will be easier to achieve
separates the policy implementation process into elements
element implementation Which will more simple. Matter This


so useful to be able to see what variables can be influence the

policy implementation process. Second, like Which has stated
previously that is characteristic scientific humans who are
unable to understand reality complex without simplifying it
further first, then the role of models in explaining public policy
will very useful on matter This (Winarno, 2012).
Regarding division on the basis of policy style,
Salisbury and Heinz (Sharkansky, 1975), divided the
model policy in 4 (four) pattern, that is:

a. Policy Distributive
Policy Distributive is policy Which can provide results
to one or more groups group. Giving something through a
policy carried out by competent people in their fields and
the gift is purposeful. Arrangements made based on requests
or application processes that occur and/ or on the basis of
problems deemed relevant to needs person Which concerned.

b. Policy Re-distributive
Re-distributive policy is a policy that subdivide where the
result is given to one or a number of group but with sacrifice
Which other. This also has a regulatory aspect, although it is
given on the one hand. profit temporary party other must

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

c. Policy Regulatory
Policy regulatory is policy Which used For arrange. This is
intended as a giving policy something restrictions to actions
or Act behavior of one or more groups, thus negate or justify
even indirectly get specific results for groups This.

d. Policy Self-Regulation
Self-regulatory policy is the policy used for arrange self
Alone in determine Also restrictions to the behavior or
actions of one or more group, thereby actually increasing the
results results Which will obtained And No reduce it.
Humans are always seen in theory as creatures
rational, but in reality, humans fall into all its limitations.
Something Which rational Not yet Of course give certainty
about something truth Which accepted, so that policy Which
formulated in a way rational No always produces something
rational. Budget Policy Unwanted State spending, which
always does changes to the budget every fiscal year, is a fact
policies that cannot be prepared on the basis of considerations
Which rational. View This normal used in thinking economics
known as the human concept economy.
Models of public policy decision making . If policy
interpreted as accumulation or gathering from


a number decision so model policy can month seen as a

model of retrieval or formulation decision. Departing from
this conception, it is from the model policy Which seen from
aspect formulation the, according to Dror (1968) is covers
from 7 (seven) model policy including 2 (two) of these
models which have developed by Limdblom (1959), namely
the rational model comprehensive And model incremental .
Model the including:
1. Economically Rational Model
Economically rational model is the same as
rational model, but in this model it will be more
emphasized on consideration field economy like
policies relating to program determination planning
budgeting system or abbreviated PPBS or policy
Which related with something appropriateness costs
or what is called cost benefit analysis or on policy
budget with system Dipa.
2. Sequential decision model
Sequential decision model is a model policy
formulation is carried out on a basis the result of an
experiment or research on various alternatives that
can be chosen so can be expected in the formulation
of a policy Which most effective in the future.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

3. Satisfying model
satisfying model is a formulation model policy
Which based on on process election which is the
most satisfying alternative without bother sucks For
evaluate alternatives other.
4. Extras rational model
extra rational model is something model
policy formulation is so rational that expected can
produce policy Which most optimal. However from
very rational the so will exceed the rational range on
which it is based on logical considerations but has
entered the range.
5. Optimal model
Optimal _ model is something formulation policy
which is based on a combination of several models
Which own focus on identification mark, utility
practical, And problems policy like mixed scanning
policy , which in this case is the substance model
rational comprehensive combined with model
The model from the perspective of changing policy content in
public policy, when model policy seen from changes above on
the content that has been required then the policy model can
happen to the model of change as a whole on time which fast
and model Change the said regularly gradually


And slowly. In time Which Which fast mentioned that

policies with a Radial model while slowly And gradual in
mention policy model reformist .
Model Radials , that is model change Which in a way
comprehensive on all system Which applies And all aspect
which will be the scope of the policy content. For example It
is the desire of some people to change constitution
Constitution 1945.
Reformist model , namely a model with changes
progresses slowly and goes deeper some aspects but
gradual, The changes are like change function change
position as from policy reform government policy
government unity national (Faried, 2012).

C Models Formulation Public Policy

The formulation of public policy has presented various
explanation Which alternative about How Public Policy
formulated. Hence the main activity of formulation policy is
For choose alternatives To use handle problem policy,
explanations alternative the Actually is models than making
decision. Use explanations This is important for
understanding policy formulation and analysis of existing
policies. Policy formulation models which has been developed
by these experts is intended to simplify the process of
formulating public policy Which so complicated And at a time
can easy understandable.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

a. System model, public policy is seen as the response

of a political system to demands demands that arise
from the environment, which This is a condition or
circumstance is outside the boundaries of the political
system. Strength- forces that arise from within the
environment and can influence the political system
so seen as input ( inputs ) for system political,
whereas results Which issued by the political
system is a response to demands demands earlier
Which seen as output ( outputs ) from system
political. Meanwhile , the political system itself is a
collection of structures and processes that belong
together relationship so that it functions
authoritatively for allocate of values to a society. The
outputs of the political system is an authoritative
allocation of values of the allocation system and
allocation is a Public Policy.
b. Comprehensive rational model , this model is model
from formation policy Which most famous and also
the most widely accepted among people para reviewer
Public Policy. According to model rational
comprehensive make from decision will have
sufficient information about the alternatives
alternative used _ For cope A problem.
Assumption Which used in


this model is that the decision maker will can

make comparison from alternatives based on costs
and profits precisely .
c. Model addition (incremental model), critics to
model rational comprehensive Finally gave birth
to the addition model or the so-called
incrementalism. By Because That model This leave
of criticism of the comprehensive rational model,
So model This try For cover the existing
shortcomings of this model with road avoid Lots
problem Which found on model rational
comprehensive. Model incremental or addition is
results from practices which is widely accepted
among builders from public policy. This model
tries to align with reality life practical based on
pluralism and democracy, nor based from limitations
limitations human abilities. The main rational basis
of the incremental or incremental model is that
change incremental give level maximum security in
the policy change process. All Trustworthy
knowledge is based on means the only one in take
decision without pose risks by continuing the policy
in accordance on direction objective policy long
until limit considerations policy

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

alternatives with similar policies relative so that there

is a degree of difference so small with the current
policy Now (Winarno, 2012).



1. What do you understand about models in Public

2. What do you know about the most important dimensions
in A policy?
3. A approach will very help policy in understand the life
of government, politics and on finally gave birth to a
form of policy. provide arguments You about matter This
4. Agenda setting is a very important process important in A
policy. give opinion You
5. In Model Rationalism, known that Policy as achieving
maximum social benefits. give opinion You about matter

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


A. Role Actor in Formulation Public Policy

In the formulation of public policy it certainly has actors
who formulate established authority. Para These figures or
actors have an influence on the process implementation
with method Which used in a way each each. At the
beginning of policy formulation it definitely requires process
as a whole. This phase determines success or No
preparation of public policies to be implemented in the
next era. Every policy making is a decision- making ,
However taking policy form various type method And
strategy to various decision Which made in frame reach
objective each each.
While still in the process of the policy cycle, problems,
proposal, And demands Which expressed become affairs
government and become a government program. Public
Policy have three component Which each other have

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

linkages in process that is perpetrator policy, fill policy, And

environment policy.
Several political figures explained that the process of
Public policy formulation must have characteristics to pay
attention to achieve the goal. According to Ripley (1985)
(Muadi et al., 2016) explained a number of step in Public
Policy, ie :

The people or actors involved in the formulation policy is

called a policy actor. As for the perpetrators or actors in
public policy, namely official actors and non-official actors
official. Public Policy seen as design program developed by
the government with its objectives in mind and implementation
stages for various actors which are involved. These actors
can come from the government or public And identified from
circles bureaucracy legislative justice institutions pressure
groups and organizations community.


1. Perpetrator official
Perpetrator official This Can covers agencies government
like institution legislative, judiciary, And executive.
As a legislative institution it has the authority to forming
and formulating policies. this legislative body have Lots voice
Which beginning his power from Lots the choice of the voting
public. Of course deep Policy formulation must know the
needs and objectives to be achieved. Therefore, public policy
must arranged And created without burdensome various party.
After the policy is prepared by the legislative body, then
The next task of the executive agency is to implement and
executing policies by implementing them to the community
or other public parties. whereas institution judiciary have
authority For give it input and assessment as well as
supervising in consideration sanctions if there are errors or
shortcomings stage implementation on A Public Policy.

2. Perpetrator No official
These perpetrators come from outside official institutions or
private parties nor organization mass, party political And Also
inhabitant country. This actor has no authority in making or
policy preparation. This actor has a role to play in implementing
policies and can provide input or suggestion in accordance
Which they want. But What Which inhabitant convey also
does not allow that suggestion yan yang given will accepted.
Perpetrator maker policy Already

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

have target Alone in manage his duties. Implementation from

policy consists from three element, that is :
1) Specification details program
2) Resource allocation
3) Decision
Implementation policy give impact on success policy
the. If something policy provide a positive impact on
society then a that policy Can said succeed.
Implementation policy is an activity or activity for realizing
decisions policy to achieve objective.
There are several formulation processes in the policy
process policy and policy implementation. Formulation
process and implementation policy implemented by group
suppressors or what are known as political leaders. Result of
a policy is policy performance. Therefore, a policies are
dynamic. Policies can be created in range time Which No can
determined as well as as form solution problem on events
Which There is on society (Desrinelti et al., 2021).
Public policy actors have an obligation to responsible
answer as well as manage policy For implement it. Results
from application or implementation of the performance of
public policy actors provides influence to process Which


1. Lotus Role Actor in Process Policy

Actors and relationship patterns from the use of theory
taken from discipline knowledge, organization, psychology, And
knowledge political.
a. Stage Identification Problem become Agenda Policy
As policy development Which regular
implemented and already has a program through
GHBN or repelita. Actors from various groups
with related interests with problem policy politician
non legislative, mass media, public opinion to be
directed to be interest in government.
b. Stage Formulation Policy
At this stage many actors have roles in the
executive and bureaucratic fields. Problem which has
been processed by the executive body can become
agenda policy government. As policy Which be the
authority of the autonomous region that has it
function And role is head area along with his staff.
Advocacy in the opinion input process as well
involving the role of actors from the executive
body and bureaucrat.
c. Stage Implementation Program/Policy
At this stage, actors have a predisposed role more
active as on the part of bureaucrats of all levels. In a
system framework, implementation is a process
conversion Which change wisdom, objective, And
means become results And give lead come back.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

d. Stage Evaluation Policy

At this stage, the actor formally has The
authority is the legislative body. Evaluation has
meaning For evaluate programs Which has processed
And held so that produce lead come back companies
desired by policy and No.

2. Essence Making Public Policy

Policy making involves a decision used to define
outcomes and start the process held. Decisions or results
from policy determination influence implementation Good
from stage beginning And influence decision making on
implementation next(Angara, 2014).
The policy formulation stage becomes a process that
held in a way regular with involve para actor Which holding
policies to produce a series of actions in solving public problems.
Some value or measure that influence the actions of decision
makers in stage policy And shared become a number of
category, that is:
a. Values Political
The process of making public policy must not
left in focus the study. If process policy making
released from reality politics, then the results of the
policy will be poor aspects the field, temporary
Public Policy No Once No free hand from aspects


b. Values Organization
Decision from policy Which set taken from the
basics in the organization, as things can be influence
organizational members to accept implement it.
c. Values Personal
Decree This made on base from values on each
individual to embrace and create decision For
maintain reputation, riches, And etc.
d. Ideological Values
Ideological values such as nationalism become
basis for policy making. Deep value issues the
discourse of public policy analysis is an aspect
metapolici Because related with substance,
perspective, arrested And behavior, Good Which
hidden nor open.
e. Values policy
Existing decisions are made with perception
making policy about interest public or making
policy Which can accountable. With these values
, maker policy more know recognize problem,
method use information, And etc.
The actors in policy activities or processes interact One The
same other For get desire And objective through each other
exchange resource Which they have each.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

In the public policy process, conflict often occurs within

interest between actors. There is actor Which own strength
and more elite positions. In this case it is like the
government And group interest, more own scope room
Which broader and more dominating when compared to
actors bottom(NGO And inhabitant country)(Taufik, 2017).



1. Explain importance actors in formulation Public Policy

2. Name it actors Which role in formulation policy from
outside government
3. Name it value or size Which can influence Action para
maker decision
4. What Which called 'perpetrator official' in formulation policy

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


A. Characteristics Problem Policy

The policy implementation process is not only related to
actions of the government/agency responsible for implement
the program and fulfill its objectives directly or indirectly can
influence actions stakeholders, including network in the field
political, economy, And social. Error or lack something policy
usually evaluated after policy it is implemented, and successful
implementation of the policy can be achieved analyzed the
consequences that arise as a result of implementation policy.
Policy evaluation can include policy content, implementation
policy, And impact policy. In matter the success of public
policy, a state policy will effective if implemented and has a
positive impact for society, in other words, actions or deeds
human beings who are members of a corresponding society with
Which desired by government or country. By

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Therefore, the government needs to ensure policy

implementation Which effective done through design program
Which adequate And structuration from process its
implementation. Aspects Which Influencing the
Implementation of Public Policy: implementation Policy can
be interpreted as part of the process stages wisdom, Which
position is at between stages preparation wisdom And
consequences Which caused by the policy (output, outcome).
(Ramdhani & Ramdhani, 2017)
Public policy development needs to be carried out
consistently proportional by using appropriate analysis and
methods appropriate so that it can produce public policies that
are truly can really be useful. Avoiding public policy it is
actually counter-productive and creates many new problems. We
No can reject that Public Policy No is at in a vacuum
because in public policy it is summarized the political
tendencies possessed by the actors who formulate a policy.
Therefore, as a fact, public policy does not only have
strategic facts by answering problems social problems
experienced by society but also exist political facts in which
actors have a role in Public policy formulation also has special
importance for himself. Therefore, as a strategy, Public policy
not only has a positive side but also there is a negative side.
The policy issue at its core is by creating an activity to
discuss various things type issue nor problem social. As for
problem nor issue


social the must chosen based on argumentation Which strong

And have relevance with situation And condition up to date.
The scale of impact and scope of the problem is also
enormous important to pay attention to because of the
increasing impact and scope the problem increasingly feels
the sense of urgency of a problem is made into a public policy
issue become important.
There is A problem public No direct in a way automatic
direct Can made as material Public Policy. There is
precondition separately when problem public want to used as
material for public policy. There are two types Public
problems are first, a very focused society For notice A
problem until Finally create a group forum that can be used
for overcome this problem. Meanwhile, secondly, society less
coordinated and less organized therefore Public issues that
want to be addressed do not receive a response more society.
Therefore if there is a problem public want to transformed
become Public Policy need the existence of a forum in the
form of a group that focuses on For push problem social the
so that can made as material Public Policy. A Public Policy
often even though procedurally already used democratic rules
but in reality often policies are made only for pragmatic
purposes by interested elites. Public policy materials should
have come from a public problem instead it has changed with
problem Which ridden by interest individual. By

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Because That so that Public Policy originate from problems

public public must in a way together push public issues to
related parties by creating a groups united by a common
problem. (Mawaza & Khalil, 2020)
Process formulation policy is Wrong One tool
important in stages policy Which related with policy
management, both government and non-government.
Problem formulation is the first step in making a public
policy. A formulation problems can supply relevant
knowledge with policies that personalize the underlying
assumptions problem definition and entering the policy-
making process through agenda setting. It is concluded that
Public policies are made because of public problems Which
happen so that problem the can anticipated and achieve the
expected goals. Formulate the problem It can be said that it
is not easy because of the nature of the problem public is
complex. Therefore, it is better in formulate problem know
more Formerly characteristics the problem.
First, because a problem cannot stand alone There is
always a connection between one problem and another One
with Which other so that in analysis policy For use a holistic
approach in solving problems And can know root from problem
Second, policy issues must be subjective, i.e where it's a
problem the is results from thinking in


environment certain.
Third, a phenomenon that is considered a problem
Because exists desire man For change situation.
Fourth, solutions to political problems can change.
What this means is the same policy for the same problem the
same and not necessarily the same solution because of
different times different or different environment. Problem
defined as a condition or situation that gives rise to a need or
dissatisfaction for some people, who want help or repair.
Temporary That, something problem will becomes a public
problem if it involves many people and has an impact not
only on people who are directly involved, but also a group of
people who are No direct involved.

1. Problems Public
A problem will become a public problem if it exists the
person or group that takes action towards solve that problem.
There will be a problem public issue if the issue is clear.
Problems public is problems Which have impact wide and
includes consequences for people not involved directly. Public
problems can be categorized into in a number of category.
Category First, problem public can differentiated become
problem procedural And problem substantive. Procedural
problems relate to how government works organized and how
the government carries out its tasks his duties, whereas
problem substantive related with

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

real consequences of human activities. second category,

based on the cause of the problem. Based on this category,
Public problems can be divided into foreign problems and
domestic problems. Public issues can also be distinguished
based on category amount person Which influenced as well
as relationship between one and another. By category In this
case, public problems can be divided into distributive problems,
problem regulations, And problem redistributive. Problem
distributive influence a number small person And can handled
in a way individual, while regulatory issues encourage its
emergence demands submitted in order to limit the actions
action party other. As for problem redistributive concerning
problem Which want change sources between groups or
classes in society. this policy started from conflict And involve
conflict class.

2. Characteristic features Tree Problem Policy

There is four characteristic principal problem policy, that is :
a. Each other dependency, Problems policy No is
something unity Which stand Alone, but part from all
over system problem.
b. Subjectivity, external conditions that give rise to
something problem defined, clarified, explained, And
evaluated in a way selective.
c. Artificial nature, Policy issues understood,
maintained, And changed in a way social.
d. Dynamics problem policy. Method look person to
problem will determine solution Which


offered For solve problem the.

3. Types Problem Policy

There is two type problem public, that is :
a. This problem is characterized by attention organized
groups and townspeople who aim For do action.
b. problem cannot be solved simply individual, but
No organized And No get support Which adequate.
Lots of it interest Which enter make actors Policy makers
are busy in formulating policies will be implemented. The
actors must choose which problem There is. Need time And
power extra from para institution policy makers (executive,
legislative and judicial) to make policies. All policies that
come out are the result of a public problem. Strict public policy
paradigm and unresponsiveness will result in a strict state face
and unresponsive. On the other hand, the public policy paradigm
responsive will produce face country Which responsive also.
Refer on many problem Which related with public policy,
a problem can arise as a result of its existence a number of matter
Which No walk as it should :
a. Roles (regulation), Regulation intended For
regulates all human behavior. In this case concerns
all public issues or concerns Which caused by
public. Problem public can

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

occurs if: a) the language used in the regulations is

ambiguous or confusing, as in no explains what is
prohibited and what is mandatory carried out by the
community; b) some regulations can cause behavior
problematic; c) regulation often strengthen a number
of behavior problematic, but No eliminate it; d)
regulation open opportunity action for behavior
Which No transparent;
e) regulations give excessive authority to executor
regulation For Act oppressive.
b. Opportunity (opportunity), when opportunities are
widespread, somebody can take behavior
problematic. When given the opportunity, it can
encourage people For behave deviate. In matter
This, environment become factor Which dominant
Which cause behavior Which deviate.
c. Capacity (ability) Matter the related with
exchange Which caused No can Reign para
individual For do things in outside his abilities. By
Because That, need exists understanding about
conditions from every individual.
d. Communications (communication), Appearance
behavior Problems can be caused by ignorance
society about a rule. Ignorance This is caused by
poor communication walk with Good
(misunderstanding). Problem communication
Actually is problem


classic in a country rich in culture and very plural

e. Interest (interest), This category can be used to
express an individual's opinion about the
consequences And benefit from every his behavior.
Consequence And benefit The result can be in
material form (economic benefits) and non-material
(recognition And award).
f. Process (process), Process is A instrument which is
used to discover some behavior problems occurring
within an organization. Several processes are used to
formulate problems within the organization, such as the
collection process input, the process of processing
input into decisions, process output, And process bait
come back.
g. Ideology (values and/or attitudes), a set of values
that a society holds to feel, think, and act. A value
that applies in public is results agreement together in
A group. Possibility happen The conflict is very big
considering that these values are alive in a plural and
heterogeneous society (a the values held often do not
match the views every group).
These seven things aim to narrow things down and
more systematize the perspective of the actors who create it
policy or policy analysts in trying to find division something
problem Which come from public.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

This hope will only be realized if all parties are involved

regarding the policy of abandoning one's own selfishness
each And more important affairs together. (Suaib, 2016)

B. Formulation Problem As Core Public Policy

Public Policy Formulation Process Problem Formulation
( Defining Problem )
Policy formulation is the first step in the public policy
process as a whole. Therefore That, what happens in this phase
will greatly influence the success or failure of public policy in
the future. It is also important to remember that the formulation
of public policy Good is a formulation oriented towards
implementation and evaluation, this is due to policy makers
assume that the formulation of good public policy is A
conceptual Which loaded with messages ideal and normative.
Formulating the problem is an important step most fundamental.
To be able to formulate policies with well, then public problems
must also be well recognized as well. Public policy is created
basically to solve problems that exist in society. So it's deep
This step must be done carefully because with there are errors
made in the formulation of the problem (issues issue) will result
policy Which issued even will Wrong. We often fail find
solution problem Which appropriate compared to find
problem Which appropriate.
There are 4 conditions for a problem to be identified as an
issue policy, among them that is:


1. Agreement from Lots party

2. Own prospect settlement,
3. Consistent with consideration political
4. Consistent with ideology.
Compile Agenda Policy in Public Policy interpreted as a
list of things or problems. Agenda setting is the process of
making a problem so that it can be solved received
attention from the government. Policy agenda too can be
analogous to a discussion topic or agenda meeting Which
discussed in A meeting big para official government. This
policy agenda serves as a reminder that in conditions of limited
resources and time, para maker policy must give attention on a
number of issue just Which most priority. There is a number
of factor internal And external factors that influence the shift
of issues to the agenda policy.
a) Factor internal :
1. Style leadership political
2. Vision And mission party supporter government
3. Success government in Century Then
4. Changes in income and expenditure budgets
country. One of the internal factors that really
determines whether an issue can become a
problem the policy agenda is the structuring of
the problem. So it must be formulated in a
systematic way, structured, simple, and
touching the heart public.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

b) Factor external :
1. Change economy
2. News media mass
3. Opinion public
4. Changes in court decisions.relationships
5. Development technology
6. Change demographic

C. Selection of Policy Alternatives to Solve Problem

This alternative selection is done by doing consultation,
ideas can be tested and policy proposals can be perfected.
There is a number of reason Why government need to consult
on the policy agenda, he reasoned that is:
1. In line with emphasizing democratic values the
importance of openness, participation and openness
from Lots person.
2. Build consensus And support political.
3. Improve coordination between various institutions
related to policy and institutional agendas who will
formulate and implement policy the.
4. Increase quality agenda policy through gathering
information from various parties and with use
diverse media.


5. Accelerate response and formulation of strategies

policies that will be established to address them
agenda policy priority.
Determination Policy, A policy Which will stipulated
in the form of a law is usually made in two format, ie drafts
or design invite invite (RUU) And academic manuscript
(NA). The bill is a text consisting of: articles and explanations.
While NA is basically is script policy ( policy papers ) Which
explain scientific concepts that support regulations or articles
articles stated in the bill. There are two meanings of policy
determination. First , policy determination is the process carried
out by the government to implement a a certain pattern of
action or vice versa, not to do it action certain. Second ,
determination policy related with achievement consensus in
election alternatives which are available. Good policy means
nothing what if it cannot be implemented. This stage involves
series activity Which covers announcement to public
regarding the policy choices taken, instruments policy Which
used, staff Which will carry out program service Which will
given, budget Which has prepared, and reports that will be
evaluated. Public policies must be created For reach objective
certain (Garut et al., 2021)
For the benefit of the public policy implementation
process Which always responded by public in a way positive,
para formulator policies must always be negotiated directly with
public Which caught impact something policy.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Every good policy formulation must be contained nuances

implementation And yardstick measuring its success, so that
policies that have been formulated and put into practice The
program must always aim to be implemented. the
formulation concept is related to implementation issues
policy, Where dependency implementation Which Good will
be largely determined by the process and policy
determination which is conducted. In addition, formulation
and implementation Policy is two elements that cannot be
separated even conceptually. A policy has no any meaning if it
cannot be implemented. Therefore it needs to be formulated
precisely through a determination process policies that are
relevant to their implementation plans. Aspect others contained
in understanding the dynamics of determination And
implementation policy Which in tune the. In the process need
notice context involvement public. Many people believe the
policy problem is a problem objective conditions whose
existence is simply possible determined from fact What Which
There is behind something case.
A naïve view of the nature of the policy problem This
would fail to understand that the facts are The same, for
example, statistics government Which show that crime,
pollution and inflation are increasing – tend to be interpreted
differently by each policy actor. Therefore, the same
information can and always does produce results conflict of
definitions and explanations of a "problem". This matter not
because the facts regarding the matter are inconsistent, but
Because analyst policy, taker decision, and perpetrator-


Other policy actors adhere to similar assumptions differences

regarding human nature, government, and opportunity carry
out social change through public action. With In other words,
policy problems lie in the eyes of the perpetrators Problem
formulation, as one stage in the process research in which the
analyst fumbles for a definition which may be about
problematic situations, is undeniable is the most
complicated but least complex aspect understood in policy
analysis. Problem formulation process policies do not follow
definitive rules, because The policy problem itself is so
complex. Because of that, problem policy is stage most critical
in analysis policy, because analysts more often solve problems
that wrong rather than finding the wrong solution to the problem
Which Correct.
The fatal mistake in policy analysis is solving Wrong
problem formulation because the analyst is required to
solve it correctly. Ability to recognize distinction between
problematic situations, policy issues and policy issues are
critical to understanding the various ways How experience
daily translated into the disagreement regarding the direction of
government action either actual or potential. The formulation of
the problem is greatly influenced by the assumptions of various
policy actors – members parliamentarians, administrators,
business leaders and groups consumer groups– as a tool in
understanding the situation problematic. At the conceptual
level of policy formulation No only containing spark thought
or opinion para leader

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

which represents members, but also contains public opinion

(public opinion) and public voice. This is due to by the
policy-making process essentially never value free (value
free) so that various interests will always influence the
policy-making process. The more high type of policy issue,
problem (problem) being formulated analyst become the
more complex in meaning, problem become increasingly
interdependent, subjective, artificial and dynamic. Although
issues the each other depend, a number of issue strategic in
nature, while others are operational in nature. Issue strategic
(strategic issues) is an issue whose decision relatively
unchangeable. Some issues such as whether the authorities
security must physically eradicate the perpetrators of the
crime Crime is a strategic problem because of its
consequences or results actions cannot be reversed within a few
years. On the contrary, Operational issues are issues where the
consequences or outcomes of decisions are made relatively
reversible–no risk or downside certainties such as those found
at higher levels tall. Because all types of issues are
interdependent. For example, realization mission organization
part big depend on the practical adequacy of its personnel-
very important to understand that complexity and inability to
be changed from decisions policy increase in line with level
type issue policy.
Condition Which needed in frame solve problems
whose composition is not clear, are not the same as those
required for a well-formed problem. If on problem Which
arranged with Good analyst can use


methods conventional For solve problem Which has

formulated with clear or proven Alone, so on problems whose
structure is not clear there is a demand for analysts take the first
step by defining the problem Alone. In defining the nature of the
problem, the analyst does not only put himself in a problematic
situation, but also must test his thoughts and insights
creatively. It means that most analysis policy poured out on
formulation problem and after that only problem solving. On
in fact, solution problem only is part little from work policy
analysis. (Muadi Sholih et al., 3016)
Characteristic important from problem policy:
1. Each other dependency from problem policy. Problem-
policy issues within one area (e.g., energy)
sometimes influence problem- policy issues in
other areas (e.g., service health And
unemployment). In the reality of policy problems is
not an independent entity; they are part of the
whole problem system at its best described as messes,
that is, a system of conditions external factors that
generate dissatisfaction among segments public
Which different. System problems or messes are
difficult or even impossible solved with use
approach analytical that is, an approach that solves the
problem inward the elements or parts that make it up
Because seldom problems can defined And

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

solved in a way individually.

2. Subjectivity of Policy Issues. External conditions
Which give rise to something problem defined,
classified, explained, And evaluated in a way
selective. Although there is an assumption that the
problem is objective. For example, air pollution can
defined as the level of gas and particles in in
atmosphere data Which The same manage pollution
can interpreted differently. Policy issues “is the
result of thoughts made at one time specific
environment; This problem is elements of an
abstracted problem situation of the situation by the
analyst. That way, what what we experience is
actually is a problem situation, not the problem itself, as
in like an atom or a cell, it is a construct
conceptual. In policy analysis it is a matter its very
important not to confuse the between situation
problem with problem policy, Because problems are
abstract items that arise with transform experience
into judgment man.
In define in a way active essence something problem,
analysts must not only confront themselves with problematic
circumstances but make judgments and opinions creatively.
This means; that policy analysis is shared into two types of
analysis in a balanced manner, namely formulation problem
And solution problem. Process formulation policy


public is identification problem And preparation agenda,

problem, wishes, demands, aspiration, And will Which
develop in life public.

Public Policy; process, Implementation and Evaluation


1. Explain how you think there is a mistake on a policy?

2. Problem identification becomes one of the curial processes
in the formulation of public policy, give arguments you
3. Problems that occur in society have an impact broad and
can include consequences for people Which No involved
in a way direct. according to You impact What can
happen when public problems escalate? widespread?
4. Formulate problem is step Which most fundamentals.
what do you think should be done? government in the
formulation process public problem?
5. What conditions must be formulated as a problem public
Which can identified on process formulation?


A. Drafting Agenda
Drafting agenda is A process Which very strategic in
reality Public Policy. Inside it there is thespacewherethemeaningof what
is called occurs public issues and priorities on the political
agenda are contested, and if an issue is able to gain status as a
problem public, and gets priority on the agenda, then the issue
receive more allocation of public resources than the issue
other. An agenda is a pattern of government behavior Which
its nature Specific. This can interpreted as analysis about how
a problem is developed, defined, formulated, And resolved. If
agenda preparation agenda carried out openly, it will benefit the
groups strong group. However, if it is done behind closed
doors will give rise to weaknesses. Because of Public Policy
as effort Which For solve problem public, so process
preparation Public Policy Also must started

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

from preparing an agenda based on participation the public

too. The formulation of the policy agenda is always
influenced by political conditions. In the agenda setting
there are issues policy as results from cross opinion between
para actor regarding the direction of action to be taken by the
government. Policy issues exist because there have been
conflicts or “differences perception” between actors or a
problematic situation that faced by society at any given time.
Taker decisions do not wait until real demands arise from
By systematic can handle incident in society and all its
effects and include it in policy agenda. The negative side is
the burden on the government becomes very high. The
government is forced to focus on wrong a demand made by
the public. Individual activities or other groups means access
to participation in the definition problems, access to
participation to organize problem support, and access to the
priorities to be achieved. The government plays a role active in
do various activity, that is define problem, set priority, And
set objective. Policy makers do not wait for public demands
actually appears in the field. They are systematic can review
incident in public along with all the effect And enter it in
agenda policy.
Many actors are involved in policy formulation. Policy
agenda actors are divided into two categories, namely actor
Which seen And hidden. Actor Which seen is they Which get
attention from process And public. Actor


These include the president, members of parliament, internal

actors elections such as political parties and campaign
figures. Whereas hidden actors such as academics,
consultants, bureaucrats careers, congressional staffers, and
analysts working for the group interest. Group seen
influence agenda hidden policies and groups influence
alternatives policy.
The policy window places various alternative solutions
on the political agenda. The policy window is a an
opportunity to reach out to help, encourage situations, and
focus on specific issues. Supporters inside and outside the
government waiting for this opportunity to continue provide
suggestions and problems. The policy window opens Because
There is incident Good in problem or policy. Appear a
problem window and a political window. After trouble
appear, Then create chance For give solution. There is an
urgent problem that needs to be resolved or because there is a
political current. Hence, the political flow have chance For
push alternative solution And combine with the problem.
Relating to existence various interests in preparing agendas for
both groups other interests, then not all of their demands
can be processed by the government into a policy agenda.
This is caused by limited resources and support to achieve
those needs and what the strategy is implemented.
In here individual in group interest interact in a way
official And informal, And in a way direct nor

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

through mass media to determine public policy Which

desired. Stakeholder interest can influence government or
academics For involved in process agenda, that holder
interest consists from group economy, public, and government,
including: businesses, professionals, workers, group interest
public And Also Can official government trying to influence
the flow of bureaucracy, politicians and academics can through
debate provide alternative solutions to the agenda according
to their interests. Even if the proposal is not in accordance
with interest they so they try For reject it. (Pujiwidodo, 2016)
According to elite theory, public policy can be seen as
values and decisions of the ruling elite (ruling class). The
main argument of the elite theory is that it is not the people
who make public policy, but come from elites who regulated
and implemented by government officials and agencies. Elite
theory's view of policy making certainly cannot solve
public problems, but only will creates new problems because
they are not given space for the public to participate in
formulating policy. In fact, to realize good government ( good
governance ) requires synergy between government, private
sector, and civil society. Hence, action collective (together) is
very important as part of governance the good one. Within this
framework, the government's desire to monopolize the policy
process and implement policies These must be abandoned and
directed towards the policy process Which comprehensive,
democratic, And participatory. All actor


Policies must interact and influence each other ( inclusive ) to

formulate policies that suit needs public. Paradigm good
governance , administration public demands network building
in the policy process public. Networking in public policy does
not only include participation And cooperation, but Also exists
conflict, opinion elites, the formation of groups or policy
subsystems Which new.
Problem formulation can reveal assumptions hidden,
diagnose reason, set objective For adapting conflicting views
and designing opportunities policy Which new. Process
preparation policy agendas include: private problems , public
problems , issues , systemic agenda , and institutional agenda .
Drafting The policy agenda begins with a problem appear in
society. This problem can be described by somebody as
problem personal ( private problems ). Problem personal is a
problem that has a direct or only impact concerns one or a
small number of people involved direct, Then develop more
carry on become problem public ( public problems ). Problem
public interpreted as problems that have far-reaching
consequences, including consequences for people indirectly
involved. Description about solution problem leaving from
view that policy work starts from problems Already change
with itself. Policy started when visible problems, problems to
someone can be make hypothesis about series action Which

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

happen to somebody can show goals and clear problems, but

there are concerns that arise appear. Group formulator political
become active No like usually activity they become more
Public problems very Lots And complex only part small
who can get government attention and the skewed attention
of policy formulators gives rise to the policy agenda . Agenda
government often No along with political demands and also
differ from political priorities . The number is endless and
placing more importance. Agenda government the amount
limited And must looking in a way Certain And active.
Agenda systematic more nature abstract And often No
accompanied alternative method solution. Agenda
government nature more real. Agenda political generally
special and new. The government's agenda is general and
may be an old or new issue. Public problems Can enter
become agenda government when:
1. There is threat to balance between group
2. Leader utilise his leadership For obtain support
3. Emergence crisis or incident outside normal
4. There is movements protest and violence
5. There are issues that are propagated by the mass
media until attract attention society. (Haryadi, 2018)

Dr. Dian Torch Kusuma Goddess, M.A.P.

B. Formulation And Legitimacy Policy

Formulation policy is part from stages Which most
important part of the public policy process. This is due to
because to carry out the next process, namely implementation
and policy evaluation will only be possible when the policy
formulation process has been completed. Success or failure of
implementing a policy to achieve the objectives also depend
on the stage of policy formulation. Policy formulation as a
process that can be viewed in 2 (two) type activity. Activity
Which First is decide in general what to do or formulation
policy directed For obtain agreement about something
alternative policy Which chosen, something decision approval
is the result of the overall process. Whereas activities directed
towards the policy decision being made, in this case a policy
decision includes action by somebody official or institution
government For agree, change or reject a chosen policy
alternative. Policy formulation concerns various efforts
alternatives are agreed upon for the problem being developed
and Who just Which participate. Formulation policy is
processes specifically aimed at completing problem special
Overall process which express and problem definition,
formulation of possible solutions problems in the form of
political guidance, the channeling of guidance that into the
political system, empowerment of giving sanctions or
legitimacy from direction action which will selected,

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

validation And implementation or implementation from

monitoring and reconsideration or reciprocity. Formulation
Process Policy Approach in the policy formulation process or
can also be called visible policy formulation of two
perceptions. The first policy formulation process can seen
with use approach problem oriented , that is process
formulation policy Which see something problem as
something that must be resolved, esp by the government.
Meanwhile, the policy formulation process the second is to
use a goal approach oriented, namely the formulation of
policies that are oriented towards objective end or said as
formulation policy Which forecasting by not using the problem
as a the reference And nature forecasting (Haryadi, 2018)
Fundamental issues in formulating policies the public is
formulating policy problems . Process formulate problem
policy This according to differentiated become four type
phase Which each other depends One with Which other that
is: Search problem, Definition problem, problem
specification, and problem control. Formulation problem
started with exists situation problem, ie series situation
Which give rise to flavor dissatisfaction And felt something
was wrong then did a scan (introduction problem). From
situation problem the Then looking for a problem, then there is
a map of that problem. Usually that What is obtained is a pile
of interrelated problems which This unstructured form is then
referred to as a map problem. A pile problem the, can solved
in a way


together, but it must be explained first which problem which is a

public problem. The results of the explanation are stacked
problem Which Not yet structured produce problem
substantive Which Then done specification to problem
substantive That Which furthermore produce problem formal,
namely problems that have been specifically formulated and
In this case there are several models of policy
formulation public to review the policy formulation process
so that it is more easy to understand. This policy formulation
model aims is: to simplify and explain about government and
politics, identification and interests And strength politics in
public, explain knowledge appropriate to political life as
well explain the problems and political influences that occur.
then these policy formulation models are used for simplify and
understand the formulation process that policy. models of
public policy formulation into four models , namely System
Model, Rational Model, Model Incremental And Model
Investigation Mixture (mix X ed scanning). The essence of the
public policy formulation process is an action and
communication in the community environment which
produces output in various forms policy. In order to achieve the
goal of successful public policy properly, a method or
technique is needed making it or need done formulation
In the formulation of public policy, agreement must be made
more takes priority And interest together And well-being

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

together is a direction for public policy formulators. Every

official formulator Public Policy must always sensitive And
can feel what your needs and desires are public. Every state's
policy formulation is its policy if it is in accordance with the
interests of society then it will definitely be get support from
the community. the policy process will experience cycle
Which covers formulation, implementation And evaluation
policy. For reach success in implementation policy so the
formulation must directed and right on target and
understand the public's needs developed at that time. In the
formulation of public policy officials The person concerned
needs to pay attention to the following steps This Which
includes, process formulation problem Public Policy, the
process of putting problems on the government's agenda,
formulation of public policy proposals, policy legitimation
process public, implementation, assessment and evaluation of
public policies. (Alaslan, 2021)
There are several stages of public policy formulation,
that is :
Stage First, formulation problem Public Policy. This stage
is the stage when the problem is raised, then para maker policy
look for And determine identity problem policy as well as
formulate it.
Stage second, preparation agenda government. From
that's all Lots problem general, only A little Which obtain
attention from policy makers. Policymakers' choices to a
small number of common problems causing them to arise agenda


The third stage, formulation of public policy proposals,

namely activity compile And develop series action Which
need For solve problem.
The fourth stage, ratification of public policy is a process
adjustment And reception in a way together to principle-
principle Which recognized And size Which accepted.
Stage fifth, implementation Public Policy, that is
proposal policies that have been accepted and ratified by the
party concerned authorized, Then decision policy That Ready
Stage sixth, evaluation Public Policy is step the end of a
policy process. Public policy assessment done For know impact
Public Policy.
Legitimacy aim give agreement on process basis of
government. If the act of legitimacy in a society is governed
by popular sovereignty, citizens will follow instruction
government. Will but, inhabitant country must believe that
the government's actions are legitimate. Support for the
government tends to shift reserves from attitudes Good And
intention Good to action government Which help member
tolerate government dissonance. Legitimacy can managed
through the misuse of certain symbols. By process This For
support government. There is a number of Network Actor in
Public Policy Formulation (New Approaches in Formulation
Policy) between other :
1. The Old Public Administration (OPA) Paradigm
The Old Public Administration Paradigm his
government nature centralized And limit

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

the role of citizens is replaced by government those

with an entrepreneurial spirit or better known as
paradigm New Public Management (NPM)
2. Paradigm New Public Service Paradigm New
Public Service views the position of citizens highly
important for governance democratic. Inhabitant
country positioned as owner government (owners of
government) And capable Act together achieve
something more Good. Interest public No Again seen
as unification of personal interests, but as a result
dialogue and public involvement in the search for
value And interest together.
3. Network (Networks) In social sciences, the term
networks First time used on year 1940s And 1950- to
analyze and solve relationships, interconnectedness,
and personal dependence. In case of policy making,
paying attention on method policy appear from
connection (interplay) between people and
organizations and provides an overview a more
informal one about the “right” policy With thereby,
network used For show patterns of relationships
between individuals, between groups, and between
organizations. Networks can be formal or informal
para areas local, inter local, bond business or inter
As a process, the policy formulation stage consists of: a
number of component (element) Which each other relate in
a way


respiration so as to form a systemic pattern in the form of

input- process- output–lead come back. Component (element)
Which there is in the process formulation policy, between other
as following.
1. Action Action policy is action deliberate and
always carried out in an organized manner and
repeated to form patterns of action certain things so
that it will create norms for the policy system. If it is
in the early stages of growth system policies and the
goals of the system are determined first to
determine which actions will be done to achieve that
goal, when system has walk, norm Which formed by
pattern the action will change or influence objective
2. Actors or actors involved in the formulation process
policy will give support or demands and become
targets of policy generated by the policy system.
The most actor dominant in the policy formulation
stage with demands that are deep in nature, meaning,
have power or authority to determine the content and
provide legitimacy to policy formulation Which
called maker policy. Temporary That, actor who
have other qualifications or characteristics with
external demands is known as a group interest, party
political, leader elite profession, And etc. To be able
to survive playing deep system the, they must own

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

to rule play, Which on at first formulated jointly by

all actors. At level this, the commitment of the
actors will make them comply with shared rules or
norms. Besides that, Compliance with these norms
is mandatory because it is assumed that the
achievement of system goals will be realized if all
actors comply with the norms together.
3. Orientation Mark Process formulation policy on
in principle relate with process identify And
analyze values Which diverse, Then determine
values that relevant to the interests of society so that
every policy Which generated will have implications
value, both in form and in form. Therefore, the
actors who play a role in Policy formulation does not
only function to create exists balance in between
interest- different interests (muddling through or
balancing interests), but must also function as appraiser
(valuer), namely being able to create existence
values that can be mutually agreed upon on which
they are based on rational judgments for achievement
results Which maximum(Suaib, 2016).



1. Name it condition problem public Which Can enter

agenda government
2. What Which You understanding about formulation policy
3. Name it 2 activity in formulation policy
4. Explain stages or process formulation policy
5. What Which You understanding about legitimacy policy

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


A. Implementation Policy
Implementation is one of the important elements in
bring an idea to fruition. A person or perpetrator government
must implement or implement an idea to achieve a
predetermined goal. Implementation is process Which taken
or carried out in various field without exists limitation
whatever. By Because That In implementing a program, it is
necessary to have readiness for all field needs. Frequent
implementation underestimated, considered only the
implementation of programs that have been determined by
decision makers, as if if this stage is less influential. Policy
implementation considered important and must be done. As we
know it the policy will not have any impact without it application
or implementation. Policies are only documents or programs
that have no meaning for life. Something Even policies that
are considered good and appropriate will not deliver change
whatever when No implemented.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Implementation interpreted as implementation or

application. Policy implementation is an activity in carrying out
or implementing a policy has been established.
Implementation of a policy has an important role for the
running of government processes and well-being public.

1. Definition Implementation Policy

Implementation is application from A policy which
contains steps and processes activity. In this case
implementation has a role important in process policy
And in implementation the policy, the level of success of a
program can be in terms of how optimally the policy is
implemented. According to Grindle, implementation is a
process of action administrative Which can researched on
level program certain. And process implementation can
started if objective And target in a program has been
determined, the program of activities has been arranged And
fund has Ready And distributed For reach target. (Akib,
Objective from something policy And the realization in
process implementation government very relate. Objective
The existence of policies is to resolve various issues problems
that arise in society and create well-being. And in its
implementation the government- You must have prepared a
program of activities like what is able to provide a solution to
a problem Which happen. Matter This in accordance with corner
look from Vans Meters


and Van Horn that the task of implementation is capable build

network Which possible materialized objective of public
policy implemented through actions, activities agency
government Which involve various party Which interested.
(Grindle, 2017)
In matter This, implementation can understood as
something policies oriented to the interests of the general public
or public. A policy can be seen how beneficial it is its impact
once it has been implemented or implemented to policy the.
Implementation is action advanced or execution after process
planning policy.
According to Jones (1991), there are several dimensions
in government implementation that are closely related with
a program that has been approved, then determine
implementation and discussing the stakeholders who will be
involved in process implementation policy. With thereby, The
implementation process includes activities referring to
placement something program Which impact, covers 3 action
main in implementation the policy, ie :
a. Interpretation. Interpretation here Act in give
meaning or interpretation A programs or policies
that are felt to be in place and its implementation
will give impact positive for public Lots.
b. Organization or agency. Organization here as a unit/
place put policy so that can accepted.
c. Application. Application This relate tightly with

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

equipment needed to support service.

In accordance with a number of points on,
implementation policy is not only concerned with the
behavior of agencies administrative Which responsible in
operate policies or programs and creates self-obedience
groups, but also in terms of networks of power economic,
political and social which will then influence behavior
stakeholders Which involved Which Finally will provide
the desired good influence ( intended ) nor Which No expected
( negative effect ).
Then according to (Subianto, 2020) mention There are
several elements in the implementation process , namely:
a. The policy implementation process is a series follow
carry on from program Which has set Which covers
taking decision, stages strategic and operational
implementation so that materialize a policy program
so that it can be implemented and in accordance with
policy targets as stated determined.
b. The implementation process can be successful or less
successful or it could fail. This can be seen from the
form the results achieved or outcome, because in
process the involve various party Which 7sure just
have an influence and are supportive or scatter
achievement target target policy.


c. In the process implementation policy, at least- lack

of there is 3 element important And absolute,
1) There is policy or program Which will held.
2) Target Groups or group target. Group This target
is interpreted as the target of a policy Which has
3) Element executor ( Implementer )
d. Implementation of the program is impossible in room
empty/sterile. So that factors environment (physical,
social, cultural and political) can provide influence in
the policy implementation process and programs
Implementation policy in context management
including in framework organizing-leading-controlling. So,
when a policy has been created, the next task is ie organize,
carry out leadership to lead policy implementation and also
carry out implementation control. There are the following
draft management implementation policy Which adopted
from thoughts of James AF Stoner, R. Edward Freeman, and
Daniel R. Gilbert Jr (1996).

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

No Stage Issue Important

1. Strategy Implementation Adapt structure with strategy
(Pre Implementation
Institutionalize strategy
Operationalize strategy
Use procedure For makes it
easier implementation
2. Organizing ( Design organization And structure organization
Distribution work And design work

Integration And coordination

Recruitment And placement source Power man
(recruiting & staffing)
Right, authority, And obligation
Delegation ( Centralization And
Development capacity organization And
capacity HR
3. Mobilization And leadership Effectiveness leadership
Work The same team
Communication Organization
4. Control Design control
System information management
Control budget/finance


From the table above there are stages and details of

activities in implementing policies. Because of that role
important, policy implementation if not carried out
appropriately with the right process, the results of the policy
plan will be achieved may differ from what is actually
desired, either by policy makers themselves or by people
who is the target of the policy. In this case, for example,
Policy implementation is carried out correctly according to
SOP and use the money as needed without committing acts of
fraud (corruption) but not necessarily The results of these
policies can be useful and enjoyed by the general public who
are formally the target or target policy. (Kartawidjaja, 2018).
Although thereby, For simplify stages the, there is
guidance required to carry out implementation policy with
model as following (Dwiyowiyoto, 2003):

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Guide For do implementation policy

Through picture on core problem ie is at on the

implementation of a policy itself. Implementation policy is
How something policy or program Which can be made to suit
the quality of the resource available. Viewed from picture the
There is something must in implementing good governance,
especially in section “adjusting implementation procedures to
available resources will used".


The stages of implementing the policy are: Phase

important because this phase determines successful Policies.
Phase Implementation requires a series of actions to be taken
is the expression transformation that the policy defines In the end
it will become an operational pattern for making changes as
needed. With signed policies previously. The key to
implementation is understanding the what what you need to do
This will be implemented after the policy adopted.
According to George C. Edwards' view, Implementation
policy influenced by 4 variable, namely: (Pramono, 2020)
a. Communication, communication is one of the
variables Which influence implementation policy
ie Because success implementation Public Policy so
that implementor understand And know what to
do. What is become objective And target policy
must transitioned to the target group so as to reduce
distortion implementation. Moreover Again if
objective And target from something policy No clear
by group target then there will likely be resistance
from group target the.
b. Resource. Although the contents of the policy
have communicated with clear And transparent, if
the implementer lacks the resources to implement,
implement the policy of course just No will walk
with maximum from source Power here it is will
materialized resource man, ie

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

competence implementor And source Power financial.

c. Disposition, is a character or characteristic that is
possessed by implementor, like honesty,
commitment, consistent And characteristic
d. Structure organization, here structure organization
tasked with implementing policies, has in-depth
knowledge of the process or stages implementation
policy. In the stages This Of course just involve all
over element in government or stakeholders holder
interest Which There is Good That sectors private
nor public in a way group.

2. Model Implementation Policy

Basically there are 2 types of modeling techniques to
choose from policy implementation. The first is implementation
policy Which patterned from "on to lower" or Which called
with “top-bottomer” The other one is from “bottom to top” or
“bottom-topper “. Following models implementation policy.

a. Model Implementation policy Jeffrey Pressman And

Aaron Wildavsky (1973)
In a book by Pressman and Widavskyl it is model
implementation Which First time appear. In A book entitled
Implementation (Pressman & Wildavsky, 2013) state that
implementation can succeed depends on involvement
between organization And department


at the local level involved in the implementation process.

Thus, coordination and cooperation between organizations and
department very important. If connection between both of
them deficit, this will cause implementation failure. In the
formulation Pressman And Wildavsky This see that problem
implementation And level its success can analyzed in a way
Their formulation will be useful during
implementation policy does not involve many figures and
various levels so that factors connection Which crisis Can
calculated so that corrective action can be taken
immediately. However _ This formulation will be difficult if
carried out by young people actor, remember connection
communication between actor from various organization Also
walk not enough maximum.

b. Model Implementation vans Meters And Carl Vans

Horn (1975)
Model Which offered by Vans Meters And Vans Horn
from general approach developed by its predecessors,
Pressman and Wildavsky became a model in the process
implementation policy. Approach previously considered
very help in understand you process implementation,
However very not enough in framework theory. So the model
they developed relies on 3 pillar Which as following:
1) Organizational theory, especially regarding change
organization Which influenced by work Max Weber
2) Studies about impact Public Policy, especially

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

policy Which Which nature law

3) Study of interorganizational relationships, incl results
studies Pressman And Wildavsky.
This model assumes that policy implementation move in
a way linear from Public Policy, implementor, and public
policy performance. There are several variables included as a
variable that influences Public Policy is variable (Kurniawan &
Maani, 2020):
a. Activity implementation And communication between
b. Characteristics And agent executor implementor
c. Condition economy social And political
d. The tendency (disposition) of
implementation implementor
e. Objective policy And standard Which clear
f. Source Power (financial or various incentive
Which can facilitate effectiveness implementation)
The model proposed by Van Meters emphasizes the
importance of implementer participation in the preparation
objective in something policy, will but approach they fall
into the category of top down approach. They says that the
standards and objectives of a policy communicated to the
implementer via the network between his organization.


Model Implementation Policy Mazmanian Sabatier

3. Daniel Mazmanian and Policy Implementation Model

Paul A Sabatier (1983)
Duet between Mazmanian Sabatier Finally to- classify
the policy implementation process into 3 variables, that is :
a. Independent Variable. Namely whether the problem
is easy or not controlled with respect to problem
indicators theory and technical implementation,
diversity of objects, and change like What Which
desired by maker policy.
b. Variable Intervening. That is variable ability policies
to structure the implementation process with
indicators clarity And consistency objective, it uses
theory causal, accuracy allocation

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

source fund, cohesiveness hierarchical in between

institution implementer, implementing regulations
from the implementing agency, and recruitment of
implementing officials and transparency to outside
parties and variables outside of policy influence the
related implementation process with indicator
condition socio-economic And technology, support
c) Dependent Variable. Namely the stages in the
process implementation with 5 stages, that is
understanding from implementing agency/agency in
the form in which it is prepared implementing
policies, object compliance, real results, acceptance
of the actual results and their end leads to revision
of the policies made and done in a way whole.


4. Whereas theory according to Mazmanian And Sabatier

(Bi Ma'rufah & Sholichah, 2018) there is 3 group
variable that influence success implementation ie :
a) Characteristics from Problem :
• Level difficulty in implementation from problem
Which concerned
• Level pluralism group
• Proportion group target to total population
• Scope change behavior Which expected
b) Characteristics Policy/Law :
• Clarity in fill policy
• Support in a way theoretical to policy
• The size allocation source Power financial to
policy the
• Linkage support between various institution
• Level commitment apparatus to policy
• Clarity And consistency rule Which There is
on body executor.
• Access outside groups to
participate in policy implementation.
c) Variable Environment :
• Condition social economy public And level
progress technology.
• Support government to something policy.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

• Attitudes of voter groups (constituency groups).

Voter groups in society can influence
implementation policy.
• The level of commitment and skill of the
apparatus And implementor.

5. Brian W. Hogwood and Policy Implementation Model

Lewis A Guns
Hogwood and Gun is an English writer who very defend
his view about importance approach top-down for the
implementation process. For them, approach bottom-up which
tends to handle implementation issues on a case by case basis
is not interesting because the maker policies are
democratically elected individuals and their views on
implementation do not violate democracy.
Their basic idea came from the 1978 publication Gun
Which investigate reason failure implementation. Publication
This is being developed with a work entitled " Policy Analysis
for the Real World ” In in writing the give proportions to
achieve perfect implementation for para maker policy
between other as following:(Dr. Sahya Angara, 2014)
a) Situation in outside institution or organization
executor No in a way Serious hinder process
b) Sufficient time and resources are available for
implement program.


c) There are no restrictions on providing all sources the

power you need, including power sources required
for each stage in the process implementation.
d) The policies implemented are based on causal theory or
because consequence Which valid.
e) The causal relationship is direct and minimal Possible
There is connection between or intervening
f) Implemented by one agency involved- connection
institutional dependency very low.
g) There is understanding Which intact And
consistency between the goals to be achieved and
these conditions must exist throughout process
h) In frame reach objective Which has set, to indicate
the tasks that must be carried out by the parties
involved in the sequence complete, detailed and
implementation steps perfect.
Actually, model Hogwood And Guns This fundamental to
strategic management concepts that lead to practice
management Which systematic And Of course just No leave
basic principles of public policy. Weaknesses of the concept It is
not clear which part is political, strategic, And technical or

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation



1. What Which You understanding about implementation

2. Name it 4 variable on implementation policy
3. what differentiates the implementation models
according to Jeffrey Pressman And Aaron Wildavsky
(1973) And Daniel Mazmanian And Paul A Sabatier
4. Explain the characteristics and variables that can influence it
the success of a policy according to Mazmanian and
5. Why Brian W. Hogwood and Lewis A Gun more trust
implementation model top down? explain

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


A. Evaluation Public Policy

Evaluation is basically an examination of
implementation program Which held Which will used to
predict, calculate and monitor implementation future programs
will be much better. With Thus, evaluation is more forward
looking than error period Then, And directed For increase
opportunity success program. Evaluation is effort For
measure and evaluate objectively the achievement of
results planned. The evaluation results are intended as feedback
regarding plans that will be carried out in the future come
(Yusuf, 2000).
Term evaluation own meaning related, Which each
each refers to the application of various measures of value to
policy and program results. In general, the term 'evaluation'
equalized with evaluation, evaluation, And estimation words
which states an effort to analyze the results of policies in unit
mark. In understanding Which more Specific, evaluation

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

concerned with generating information about the value or

benefit from policy outcomes. When policy outcomes have
value in reality, it is because it contributes to the goal or
targets, in this case the policy or program is said to be has
achieved a meaningful level of performance, which is
meaningful that the policy issue has been resolved. clarified
or resolved (Dunn, 2000).
No public policy can be issued without evaluation. Policy
evaluation is carried out to assess effectiveness Public Policy in
take responsibility for it to public to achieve predetermined
goals. Evaluation required For know gaps between hope And
reality. The outcome of a policy is said to have value
because The outcome contributes to the goal or target, with
say other policy or program the has achieve a meaningful level
of performance, which means problems policy found And
resolved (Kridawati, 2013).
In general, policy evaluation can be interpreted as: an
activity that involves assessing or evaluating something
policy Which covers substance, implementation, And impact.
In this case, policy evaluation is seen as an activity
functional. This means that policy evaluation is not only
carried out on stage end, but done in all over process policy.
Thus, policy evaluation can include phases formulation of
policy problems, proposed programs for solve problem
policy, implementation, And phase impact policy.


B. Function Evaluation Public Policy

Function Evaluation Public Policy according to
Nugroho (2004) has four functions, namely explanation,
compliance, auditing, and accounting. Through evaluation
it can be described reality of program implementation and
generalizations about patterns patterns of relationships
between different dimensions of reality he observed.
1. Explanation, Evaluators can identify problems,
condition, And actor Which support success or
failure policy.
2. Compliance, through evaluation it can be observed
whether the actions of the actors, both bureaucracy
and actors others, are in accordance with standard
procedures set by policy.
3. Auditing, Through evaluation can is known is the
output actually reaches the proposing group policy,
or There is leakage or deviation.
4. Accounting, Through evaluation, of the economic
consequences of policy the can is known.
The main function of evaluation is, first, to provide valid
and reliable information about performance policy, that is,
the extent to which needs, values, and opportunities have been
achieved through action public. Second, evaluation contribute
on clarification and criticism of underlying values selection of
goals and objectives, and clarification of values is carried out
through the establishment and operation of goals and
objectives. Evaluation will give information Which valid
And can
Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

reliable about policy performance, namely to what extent

needs, values, and opportunities have been achieved through
action public (Nugroho, 2008).
The function of evaluating public policy according to
(Putra, 2003) has three main things, namely: (1) providing
adequate information Correct about performance policy; (ii)
For evaluate suitability goals or objectives with the
problems faced; and (iii) contribute to other policies,
especially related ones with methodology. These three
functions illustrate the importance of policy evaluation to be
carried out so that the process Public Policy can works with

C. Type Evaluation Public Policy

By general, Nugroho (2008) share evaluation become
three type, that is:
1. Evaluation on Stage Planning
Say evaluation often used on stage planning
For try choose And prioritize various alternative
And possibility way to achieve the set goals
previously. So we need various techniques Which
Can used planner. The only one matter Which need
remembered in matter This is that method Which
used in choosing priorities are not always the same
For every situation, but different in accordance with
characteristic problem That Alone.
2. Stage Implementation


At this stage evaluation is an activity by

carrying out analysis to determine the level progress
implementation compared to with plan. There is a
difference between evaluations in this sense and
guidance. The guidance assumes that objectives to be
achieved according to and that program planned For
reach objective the. Instruction consider whether
project implementation is appropriate with plans and
plans it is right to achieve objective.
3. Evaluation on Stage Post Implementation
From here understanding evaluation almost
The same with the understanding at the
implementation stage, only the differences that are
evaluated and analyzed are no longer the level of
implementation progress is compared with plans, but
the results of implementation are compared with plan,
that is, what are the effects resulting from
implementation of these activities in accordance with
the objectives Which want to achieved.

D. Model Evaluation Public Policy

From (Cook & Scioli, 1975) After modification,
schema model evaluation impact can clarified. William Dunn
(Keban, 2008), put forward several evaluation models
Public Policy Which consists from :

1. The adversary model

Para evaluator grouped become two part, task

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

First is present results evaluation program positive, and the

results of effective and good policy effects, and the second
group plays a role in finding impacts negative, ineffective,
failed and not on target. evaluation result program. These two
groups aim to ensure impartiality and objectivity of the
evaluation process. The result then evaluated as a result of the
evaluation. According to the model evaluation this, no there is
efficiency in that data collected.

2. The transaction model

Model This related with use method studies case, Which
is method experience And consists from two type, that is:
responsive evaluation carried out through informal activities
repeatedly so that the planned program can be implemented
depicted accurately; Informative evaluation aims to study
programs innovative To use describe And explains the
implementation of a program or policy. By therefore, the
evaluation of this model will attempt to detect and document
parties Which involved in program.

3. Good free model

This evaluation model aims to find impacts actual from
policy, No only For determine impact expected as stated in
the program. In effort find effect Which Actually, evaluator
No need study extensively and in depth about the goal
program Which planned. So that evaluator (researcher) in
position evaluate And There is objectivity.


E. Factors Which Resulting No Achieved

Objective Policy
All public policies have a purpose can influence or
monitor human behavior in some way, to persuade people to
act in accordance with predetermined regulations or
objectives by the government, whether related to policy or
various things such as patent rights and duplication rights,
opening a housing complex, price rates, night theft or military
acceptance. In this case if the policy cannot fulfilled, Lots
person still Act with method Which No desired, if they do not
use the method that has been specified, or if they stop doing
what they have done determined, then the policy is said to be
ineffective in a way effective or in a way extreme the result in
its implementation (Agustino, 2008).
In general, evaluation of a policy can be said as activities
involving estimation or judgment about policies that include
the substance of implementation and impact. In this case, it is
seen as an activity that functional. Which have meaning
House something policy No only done at the last stage but it
is done also in the entire policy process. Thus, a policy can
covers like stage formulation problem policy issues,
programs proposed for resolve a policy, implementation or
problem on stage impact policy Which arise (Afternoon,

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Generally, when talking about policy evaluation, Of

course these thoughts will be connected with estimates or
interpretation of policies that have been implemented but
actually it's not just that. Policy evaluation Actually Also
discuss about problem planning about fill about
implementation si And Of course effect or influence from the
ongoing policies themselves who has an opinion about the
factors that cause it failure to achieve the goals of public
policy expressed in variations that are so impressive both that
anecdotal or fragmentary, influenced by a particular ideology,
influenced by partisan interests, or influenced by other
assessment criteria (Agustino, 2008) .
Remember so breadth And Lots variety problematic
social problems faced by today's society Which Want to or No
Want to must catch responded by government house then it
would not make sense if the policy analysis the public is
homogeneous. That's what caused it as response from para
expert develop it various specific approaches in public policy
analysis. A analysts may only be interested in analysis of
something part of a particular policy process. For example, in
aspect agenda preparation or policy implementation, or field
other substantive ones such as policies in development coastal
area environment. Likewise an analyst can just lean on approach
statistics Which rigid, or rather on the contrary on
approaches Which more nature


intuitive. Finally, an analyst can be so challenged For can use

approach perspective that is about what things should or
might not happen instead, developing a more empirical
approach, know things What just Which Actually happen
(Afternoon, 2017).
In everyday small talk among the community laypeople
are not even rare among professionals and academics, one
often hears people commenting about said that public policy is
something that abstract No clear his figure, blurry, No own
linkages directly related to daily life, and so on. So far This,
about something Public Policy as Wrong One draft of course
No too wrong although How Later concerning about Public
Policy as series activities or actions carried out by the state or
the government, ah, this is not entirely true (Wahab, 2021).
In lower This will displayed factors No achieved objective

1. There is A policy Which contradictory with system

mark Which exist.
If a policy is deemed to be contradictory in a way
extreme or in a way sharp with system mark Which has held
by a society at large, or groups group certain in a way
general so can confirmed if Public policies that want to be
implemented will be difficult For can accomplished.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

2. No exists something certainty law

There is no legal certainty, there is uncertainty legal
regulations, or lack of clarity in policies conflicting with each
other can be wrong one source of citizen non-compliance
with existing policies determined by the government. This
is very possible For can happen Because policy Which No
clear policy conflicting content, or ambiguous policies can
give rise to wrong understanding, so that can give rise to
inclined For rejected by inhabitant For implemented.

3. There is membership somebody in organization

A person can be said to obey or disobey regulation or
Public Policy Which set by government can be caused by
involvement in an organization specific if the goals of the
organization are shared by many person Which involved in
something organization or idea with policy Which has set by
government so they would like to even eat embody or au do
decision government That with sincere And Honest However
if The goals of the organization he joins are the opposite ideas
and thoughts of the organization, no matter how perfect they
are the policies that have been made by the government will
be met difficulty For implemented with Good.


4. There is draft Disobedient in a way selective to law

Public can obedient on something type policy certain but
there is Also Which No obedient on type policy other. There is
person Which obedient in policy crime but at the same time
they can disobey policy prohibition other.
The output of the policy is in the form of objects or
things carried out by the government (such as: deep payment
programs welfare to the community or Operational
Assistance School And etc). Activity activity the can be
measured with clear standardization, this is a kind of thing This
can give you a little idea about what we are about the result or
impact of public policy due to an attempt to determine a
policy outcome of our attention is the changes that occur in
the surrounding environment or the political system that can
result from implementation policy.
Meanwhile, policy is more focused or trying to be able
to determine the influence of internal policies real life
conditions later. When talking about the outcome, then at
least you know better what it is which want to be resolved
with the policies issued (policy objectivity). It is a natural
thing if in measure success need For he determined No just
from some change in living conditions what will actually
happen, such as the reduction phenomenon amount
unemployment but Also has become something obligation

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

decision makers to be able to see the impact of the formulation

policy Which will implemented.
For this reason, apart from the influencing factors
achieving policy objectives, below are: impact from policy
Which have a number of dimensions.
a. The influence is on the problems of society relate And
involve from public. First must be defined about who
will be affected the impact of these policies Are poor
people small entrepreneurs or school children. Further
Again, must noted that policy can have expected or
unexpected consequences or even both of them.
b. Policies can have an impact on situations And group
other or can called Also with the term externality or
spillover effect is like a trial nuclear explosives in the
atmosphere which is the case can give data Which
desired For A development making weapon but in
This context can have dangerous effects for
inhabitant public world matter the will impact
negative externalities, although on the other hand
there are those too its positive external impact on the
implementation of activities the.
c. Policy can have a big influence on future such as its
influence on conditions Which There is moment This.
Which often become question in making policy on
Now This is is


policy the made in period use long term or medium

term or long term short? Who benefits from making
it? policy the?.
d. Policy can have impact in a way No direct
experience which is an experience of A community
or a number of member among them. Like cost
Which No taken into account in process making
policy the.
In matter This Of course just so difficult For can measure
indirect benefits from policy implementation for certain
communities. Next is the main discussion is in the fact that
the implementation of public policy as if always relate with
invention material Which desired or desire that can be achieved
which is deep its implementation impact become example
symbolic from on materialistic. Analysis of a public policy
usually have. It's hard to think about what will actually be done
by government And with impact material What in the future.
Public have confidence if Public Policy made in a way
legitimate, constitutional, And made by official authorized
public and through valid procedures has available. If
something policy made based on based on these provisions,
the public will tend to have willingness self For can accept
And implement this policy. Especially if it's policy The
public is closely related to life they. However matter the
will leaving behind if

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Public policies are made by authorized public officials To use

For smooth desire para maker policy the and even make it
miserable for the people there. If society views that there is a
policy that is contrary to interest public so inhabitant will own
trend For reject than policy the.
Furthermore, there are factors that can influence the absence
achieving policy objectives in this case the community driven
by rational choices (rational choices), like on century
postmodern moment This, so Lots found that an individual or
group of citizens is willing to accept and can carry out
something Public Policy as something Which logical rational
as well as of course felt need you For done. In side other Lots
person Which No Like For pay tax, especially when their
economic conditions are weakening like moment This, but If
they trust that pay taxes are necessary to contribute to services
government to public so person the will aware And obedient
to carry out tax payments. However, factors This policy will
not work linearly the public was created and the public felt
disadvantaged by it the existence of this policy is what causes
this to arise controversy among the community so that people are
reluctant For carry out Public Policy the (Agustino, 2008).



1. What Which You understanding about evaluation policy?

2. Why evaluation policy This important done?
3. What function evaluation policy?
4. What Which You understanding about transactional model?
5. According to You, What reason appearance factors
Which result failure A policy

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation


A. Understand Role public

Role theory is a theory used in sociology, psychology,
and anthropology and is a mixture of various theories,
approaches and scientific disciplines. Role theory speak
about term 'role' Which general used in world theater,
Where in theater a actor must playing certain characters
and in their positions as characters are expected to act in a
certain way. Position actor in theater The same with position
individual in public, And both of them have position Which
The same.
A role is defined as a characterization performed actors
in a play, defined in context social as function Which done
somebody when he hold a position in the social structure. The
role of an actor is limit Which set by actor other, Which as
it happens

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

is at in performance/acting role Which The same.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that
theory Role is a theory that talks about attitudes and behavior
someone who is expected not to stand alone, but always in
relation to the presence of other related people with a person or
actor. . Actors become aware of structure the social
environment he occupies, so that actors always try
appearing “quality” and being perceived by other actors as
“no deviate” from the system of expectations that exist in
society (Hero, 2015).
A role is a dynamic aspect of a job or job prestige,
someone who has exercised rights and obligations means
having fulfilled a role. Roles according to Kozier Barbara is
a set of behaviors that people expect other to somebody in
accordance with position in system. Roles show modification
functions, and as processes. Role Which owned somebody
covers three matter, between other:
1. Roles include standards that are associated
with position person the in public;
2. Role is matter Which done somebody in public.
3. Role Also is behavior somebody Which important for
structure social public.
Roles can also be defined by participation, form
contribution, work organization, goal setting, and roles
own characteristics as following:
1. Participation in Decision:


2. Taking decision And implementation.

3. Contribution: like idea, power, material, etc;
4. Organization Work: together The same (different role).
5. Determine objective: set by group with party other.
6. Role public: as subject.
So it can be concluded that role is an aspect dynamic of a
person's attitude towards the expectations of others Which
occupy status certain.
Structure role shared become two part, that is:
1. Formal roles (clear roles) are a number behavior
Which homogeneous, And role formal standard
There is in family.
2. Informal roles (closed roles) are implicit roles or
emotional Which usually No appear to surface And
For guard balance.
According to Linton, society is a group of people who live
and work together long enough to be formed an organization
that organizes every individual in society and makes every
individual in society able to organize themselves and think of
themselves as community social. units with a number of
According to Soerjono Soekanto, society in general own
characteristic features as following:
1. Humans who live together consist of at least two

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

2. Mixing/binding for a specified period of time long;

3. Be aware that they is One unity.
4. This is a system of living together (Margayaningsih,
Society involves a set of human relationships a complex
one that is very broad in nature. Society is something unity
life man Which interact according to a certain system of
customs sustainable and linked to a sense of shared
Public is group big or small Which consists of many
people who naturally interact with each other interact in
groups and influence each other. Mutual influence means
spontaneous influence and relationship spiritual which are
elements that must be present in public. Public No means
amount people Which stand Alone, but must There is
connection One The same other And is an ever-changing
unity that lives because process And cause change in life man.
Public is group person Which own the same feelings ,
united with each other because of them have a common
identity, interests, and sense of belonging, and usually is at in
place Which The same. Public is something system habit And
system method power And cooperation between various
groups and plantings to control Act in demand man And his
freedom. Then public


is every group of people who have lived and worked long

enough for them to organize themselves and consider themselves
as social entities with limits- limit which for sure Got it
concluded that society is a system, a human unity with
interaction, habits (custom), way life together which life by
boundaries (rule) and consider himself as unity social which
continuous and binding (Mustanir & Immortal, 2017).
Role public have meaning Which very wide, para expert
say that participation or role public especially is attitude And
behavior but its boundaries No clear, but it is easy to feel,
appreciate and practice but difficult formulated.
The role of society is the participation of individuals,
families, and community groups in every effort health Which
Also is not quite enough answer health self self, family and
society. The role of society is process in frame:
1. Develop And increase flavor not quite enough
2. Develop the ability to understand
importance health.
Objective role public is as following This:
1. Increase role And independence as well as
cooperation with NGO Which own vision Which
2. Increase size network institutional, NGO And public.

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

3. Increase role active public in every stage and

development process with increasing partnership
networks with the community (Margayaningsih,

B. Form community participation in the process

Public Policy
Community participation is community participation in
process identify problem And possibility Which There is in
public, choose And take decision about alternative solution
For face problem, carry out efforts to overcome problems,
and involve the community in process evaluation changes
Which happen.
Draft participation in its development own
understanding Which different although in a number of
matter there is equality. In draft development, approach
participative at least own three understanding. First,
Participation is defined as society's contribution to increase
the efficiency and effectiveness of internal development
encouraging the process of democratization and
empowerment. Second, approach This is known involved in
duality tool And objective. The third concept, Participation is
defined as a state in which regional officials, community
leaders, NGOs, bureaucracy and actors others who are directly
involved in participatory programs, far from principle
Participation relevant with meaning role as well as,
follow as well as, involvement or process Study together
understand, analyze, plan And take action

by a number of member society. Improvement participation

depends on mutual understanding and that understanding
because people connected and interact one same another. In
mobilizing the participation of all parties, it is necessary to (i)
create a free or democratic atmosphere and (ii)
development synergy. It was further mentioned that
community participation in development is the participation
of the community in development, participation in
development activities, and participation in taking benefits
and benefits from the results development (Mustanir &
Immortal, 2017).
Process is the main key to achieving goals. Process
become an important part of policy. Good policy, if the process
is not good, this policy can also cause serious consequences.
Each process determines policy outcomes. Policies are
determined by processes. This process is what happens
important in reach objective policy.
The process lies between policy formulation and the
goal. This process is a circulation process investigate policy
aspects in all components policies to produce policy
outcomes. In the process policy There is three component
Which accompanying him, that is partnerships , networking
And participatory.
First, partnership . Partnership in the policy process is a
pattern for building cooperation between all holder interest in
political. Collaborate For achieve policy objectives in
accordance with duties, principles and its function in politics.
Policy cannot be implemented in a way independent by
leader. Policy structural must
Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

run according to the job description that represents the task and
responsibilities, so that there is no overlap between one job
and another job, and all work together and help each other
to achieve goals policy.
Second, networking . Policy Of course just No Can stand
Alone. This policy is supported by other policies touch each
other as part of macro policy. A policy requires a network that
can communicate from one policy to another, resulting in
linkages between One program with program other can
sustainable and synergistic. Therefore, it is important to
build Networking in politics as a form of effective
cooperation to establish policy objectives at the national
level and international.
Third, participatory. Policy No will works well without
community participation. Society participation is an inevitability
in public policy. Public as citizens have the same
responsibilities For build government Which more Good,
that is by taking an active role in various government
programs and supports policies that are implemented directly
nor No direct by government.
Policy cannot be separated from the participation of the
community its implementation. Participation public will
determine the success or failure of public policy. Not only
society political subjects, but also subjects that have an
important role in policy.


In this policy process, a policy cycle is implemented

contained in public policy, namely the formulation,
implementation, evaluation and reform. The formulation aspect
is defining policy planning to be implemented. Preparation is
the reason for implementing policies with consider aspect
interest, need, And benefit audience. Determination formula
Which will used depends on a careful process and in
accordance with the rules science, namely the demands of
society, academic studies and need country.
In aspect implementation policy as part of the policy
process, there is how good the policy is formulated to work.
Efficiency and completeness of infrastructure policy
determines the success of policy implementation. Natural
resources, human resources and resources policy
infrastructure is important in implementing policies, so that
policy Which applied consistent with objective Which want to
In evaluate policy as top control policy Which has held.
Factor supporter And obstacles in the implementation of
policies implemented above basis for policy evaluation. Is the
policy working? well or not. What are the obstacles and how?
how to overcome problems in implementing policies the.
Stakeholders must participate widely in the process
public policy making. Governance theory confirms that For
create structure government Which

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

well, the State (state), the private sector (private parties),

and civil society (society) must be directly involved in
defining, implementing and evaluating policies which is
implemented. These policies were realized in the form of
government-based programs on interest general.
Stakeholder involvement is one of them determining
factors for the success of public policy. Public policy will work
well if implemented together by all parties. Apart from that,
each individual has a role equal in public policy, as citizens and
as Individuals must participate in implementing public policy
which cannot be separated from social life, nation and state.
Therefore, public policy must be understood
comprehensively, so as not to be "blind" towards existing
policies in the surrounding environment as pattern
participation Which develop For become inhabitant country
Which Good And participate in making Public Policy.
Public policy has a form that can be taken guidelines And
consideration for all over holder interest in the life of society,
nation and state. Form policy the is guidelines And guidelines
Which held with Good And If No so will There is penalty
Which follow. Form policy the can held as law Which tie all
over inhabitant his country.
The policy is divided into 3 (three) parts, namely laws
law, paternalistic (acting like a father), and behavior leader.
Form First is that law is


the final form of public policy that is used as guidance and law
for all levels of society. Legal provisions The law regulates
all aspects of national life and patriotic. There are sanctions
for those who violate the provisions has been codified in
statutory regulations. As a form of public policy, laws must
be implemented And held with Good. Regulation legislation
include all over holder interest Which related so that can
held in accordance with objective Which expected.
The second form is paternalistic. Paternalistic is behave
like a father with regards to attitude leader towards his
employees. Leaders act like father and employee act like
sons. This is form politics is inherent and occurs at all
political levels. Leaders like parents treat employees like his
children. The leader does what he wants for individual and
group interests. Employees or subordinates act like their own
children who cannot refuse order superior.
Paternalism is divided into two parts, namely Paternalistic
conventional and rational paternalistic. Conventional fatherhood
make a leader as king. No only obligation for subordinate For
obedient And submit on order commander, but the decree has
become an ingrained culture meat in people's lives. It's also not
an obligation, has become a necessity. Meanwhile, rational
parenting too Can called as leadership authoritarian. All

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

leader is final And must held, If No, You will be penalized

for refusal. Status quo set on level parenting rational.
Third, behavior leader. Behavior or attitude leader
become public policy. Even in a somewhat cliche world, it can
happen that public policy is a leader's position itself.
Corruption is one example that still exists rampant in rule
form policy Which applied by stakeholders, and one of them
is abuse power by para leader Which ended on case
corruption (Life, 2017).
Stage formulation policy is stage critical in policy
process. This is related to the selection process policy
alternatives by the usual policy maker take into account the
direct impacts that can be caused from the main alternative
choices. This process is usually revealing power and attraction
and distribute them among various social, political and
economic interests. Stage formulation policy involve define
and/or develop a series of policy alternatives to overcome
problem and narrow down the set of solutions in preparation
For determine policy end.
Policy formulation involves a development process
proposals for relevant and acceptable action (usually called
as alternative, proposals, or option) For overcome problem
public. According to Anderson, formulation policy No will
always end with its publication law invite. However, in a
way general, A proposal policy


usually intended to bring about substantive change to existing

policies. With regard to this issue, there is a number of criteria
Which help determine choice alternative policies to be
converted into policies, for example: feasibility, acceptability
political, cost, benefit, And etc.
Actors involved in policy formulation can be divided into
formal groups and informal groups. Group formal usually
consists of formal actors with power policy makers such as the
executive, legislative and judiciary. While informal actors
consist of society, both individuals, group interest nor actor
party political.
Policy making is a complex process because it involves
many processes and variables that must be studied. Public
Policy is something unity system Which moving from one
part to another continuously, each defines and shapes each
other. Policy the public cannot be separated from the process
of activities involving actors actors who will play a role in the
policy making process. According to many experts, in
understanding the manufacturing process policy, we need to
understand the actors involved or involved in process making
The policy formulation process is the core of Public Policy,
because from here the limitations will be formulated from
policy That Alone. No all problem Which become
Community problems need to be resolved by the
government as a policy maker, who will put it in on the
government's agenda and then outlined in something policy
after through various stages (Abdal, 2015).

Public Policy; Process, Implementation And Evaluation

Participation public on initially only possible in spaces

outside the superstructure and implemented through institution
representative, like group interest, group pressurers, and
political parties. These institutions then serves as a channel
for collecting people's aspirations by DPR as institution
representative public (Mariana, 2015).
Community participation and involvement in the
process planning for determining public policy, policy
programs public, and the public decision-making process
constitutes characteristic of democratic state administration,
especially with faucet autonomy area turned on with
Which provide the widest opportunities for participation
public in maintenance government area, especially in making
regional regulations or policies (Affan, 2020).



1. Why involvement stakeholders become Wrong One

decider success Public Policy?
2. What purpose government follow include society in
process policy?
3. What shape role as well as society on Public Policy?
4. Why behavior leader become A policy?
5. Why participation public very important on process policy


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