Database Past Paper Short Question

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Database Past Papers

Short Questions
1. What is SQL?
SQL: (Structured Query Language)
It is a simple data sub language. It means that it only has language statements for database
definition and processing SQL was developed by INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE (IBM). It is
further introduced by AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD INSTITUTE (ANSI). A new standard SQL3 also
exists but widely used version of SQL is ANSISQL-92.
2. What is Database?
Database is a collection of information that is stored in an organized way so that it can easily be
accessed, managed and updated.
3. Define Design View.
Design View:
A Design View is the view of the table in which table is designed and fields are specified as well
as their data types are also specified.
4. What is MS Access?
MS Access:
Microsoft Access is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the
relational Access Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It
can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.
5. What is Primary Key?
Primary Key:
A Primary Key is candidate that is selected by database designer to identify a record uniquely in
a relation.
Some important points of primary key are as follows:
i. A relation can have only one primary key.
ii. Primary key does not allow duplicate value.
iii. It cannot contain NULL value.
6. What is meant by DCL?
DCL: (data control language)
Data Control Language is used to access the stored data. It mainly used for revoke and to grant
the user the required access to a database. In particular, it is a component of Structured Query
Language (SQL).
7. Define E-R Modeling.
Entity Relation Model: (E-R Model)
E-R model is a logical representation of data in an organization. It views the entire system as a
collection of entities related to each other. It is used to describe the element of the system and their
8. Define Data Access Pages.
Data Access Pages:
A data access page is a web page that shows records from a database. Users can view, sort,
filter, create and update the records in a database on a web or network server.
A data access page is a Web page that is designed to let you view and work with data from internet or
an intranet. This data is typically stored in an Access database.
9. Define Currency Data Type.
Currency Data Type:
This data type is used to store number as currency. The value in currency field is rounded to
two decimal places. The negative currency values are displayed in small character like salary, fee and
10. Define Integrity Constraints.
Integrity Constraints:
In Database Management System, integrity constraints are pre-defined set of rules that are
applied on the table fields (columns) or relations to ensure that the overall validity, integrity, and
consistency of the data present in the database table is maintained.
11. Why Update Query is used?
The UPDATE query is a type of action query which is used to modify the existing records in a table.
12. How do field and record differ?
Fields/Attributes Record/Tuple
A single unit of information in a table or A set of data values in a table organized in a
entity is called field or attribute. Simply we row is called Record or Tuple.
can say that combination of data organized
in a column and column heading is called

13. What is the use of MS Access?

Use of MS Access:
Microsoft Access is an information management tool, that help you to store information for
reference, reporting and analysis.
14. Define One to Many Relationship.
One to Many Relationship:
When single record of table one creates the relationship with many records of table two then it
is called One to Many Relationship.
While creating one to many relationship both tables have same data types fields but only
parent table has primary key.
15. What is the use of field size property?
Field size:
This property is used to define field size for the text, number and auto number data type. For
the text by default field size and the maximum length is 255 characters and for the number data type
the default field size is long integer, we can also change into integer, single or double etc.
16. Write shortcut keys of Paste and Print.
Paste: Ctrl+V.
Print: Ctrl+P.
17. What is the main difference between Form and Report?
Forms Report s
Forms are output to the information Reports are output from the system.
Form allows you to both add data to tables Reports present data from tables and also
and view data that already exists. from queries, which then search for and
analyze data within these same tables.
Forms are visual representations that are Reports are gathered the information for a
basically used to take user’s input or task that is generally shown as an output.

18. Define Cardinality.

Total number of rows in a relation is called cardinality.
Cardinality refers to the uniqueness of data values that are contained in a column.
19. What is the difference between Primary and foreign key?
Primary key Foreign Key
Primary key uniquely identify a record in Foreign key is a field in the table that is
the table. primary key in another table.
Primary Key can’t accept NULL value. Foreign key can accept multiple NULL values.
We can have only one primary key in a We can have more than one foreign key in a
table. table.
Cannot have duplicate values. Can have duplicate values.

20. What is E.F Codd?

E.F Codd:
E.F Codd was a Computer Scientist who proposed the Relational model for Database
Management in 1970. Based on relational model, the Relational database was created.
21. Define Many to Many Relationship.
Many to Many Relationship:
When more than one, one to many relationship exist among the tables then it is called many to
many relationship.
While creating any relationship all tables are closed from memory/inner window. In a
relationship first table is called PRIMARY OR PARENT TABLE and second table is called SECONDARY or
22. Define rows.
In Access, table rows are referred to as records. A set of data values in a table organized in a
row is called Record or Tuple.
23. What is RDBMS?
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):
RDBMS that is based on the relational model. When we create a relationship of table with
another table then DBMS is converted into RDBMS.
24. What is Table?
The combination of rows and columns that is used to store some specific data related to some
specific topic.
A table or entity contains following objects:
i. Fields/Attributes.
ii. Record/Tuple.
iii. Value.
25. Define Caption.
This property can be used with any field to assign the label or name to any specific field
that appears as a field name at the run time.
26. What is key attributes?
Key Attributes:
A Key in DBMS is an attribute or a set of attributes that help to uniquely identify a record in a
relation (or table). A key attribute is the unique characteristic of the entity. Keys ensure that there are
no rows with duplicate information.
27. Define DBA.
DBA: (Database Administrator)
Database administrators use specialized software to store and organize data. A Database
Administrator is individual person responsible for controlling, maintenance, coordinating, and
operation of database management system.
28. What is Module?
A module is a collection of declarations, statements, and procedures that are stored together as
a unit.
29. What is metadata?
Metadata in DBMS is the data(details/schema) of any other data. It can also be defined as data
about data.
30. What is meant by Form?
A form is a database object that you can use to enter, edit or display data from a table. You can
use forms to control access to data, such as which fields of data are displayed.
31. Define Lookup field property.
Lookup Wizard:
Lookup wizard in not a data type bat it is used to store multiple values of same data type
in a specific field and user can select one value from the given values by using combo box.
32. What is Database Application?
Database Application:
A Database Application can be used for storing or retrieving data, run queries on data, update
and manage how the information is organized and optimized, processing transactions, or various
machine calculations.
33. Describe Fully Functional Dependency.
Fully Functional Dependency:
A full functional dependency is a state of database normalization that equates to the
normalization standard of Second Normal Form (2NF). In brief, this means that it meets the
requirements of First Normal Form (1NF), and all non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent
on the primary key.
34. What is difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
Software that provides a systematic way A DBMS that is based on the relational
of creating, retrieving and managing data model introduced by E.F Codd.
in databases.
Stands for Database Management Stands for relational database management
system. system.
Stores data in a hierarchical form or Stores data in tables and these tables are
navigational form as files. related to each other.
Suitable to store a small amount of data. Suitable to store a large amount of data.

35. How do you communicate with RDBMS?

You can communicate RDBMS by structural query language (SQL). The SQL is used for inserting,
modifying, deleting, and retrieving data from database.
36. Write disadvantages of File Processing System.
Disadvantages of File Processing System:
i. Inconsistent
ii. Not secure
iii. Limited data sharing
iv. Atomicity problem
v. Lack of data Integration
37. Briefly describe the three types of SQL commands.
Types of SQL Commands:
i. DDL (Data Defining Language)
ii. DML (Data Manipulating Language)
iii. TCL (Transaction Control Language)
iv. DCL (Data Control Language)
38. What is a transaction?
A transaction is a single unit of work which accesses and possibly modifies the contents of a
database. Transactions access data using read and write operations.
39. What are the advantages of DBMS?
Advantages of DBMS:
i. Redundancy Control
ii. Data Consistency
iii. Data Security
iv. Data Sharing
v. Easier Reporting
40. What do you know about BCNF?
BCNF is a normal form used in database normalization. BCNF was developed in 1947 by
Raymond F. Boyce and Edger F.Codd. It is a slightly stronger version of third normal form.
41. Name the Sub Systems of RDBMS.
Sub Systems of RDBMS:
i. Input-Output
ii. Security
iii. Distribution Control
iv. Transaction Control
v. Memory Management
42. What is distributed Database?
Distributed Database:
A distributed database is an integrated collection of databases that is physically distributed
across sites in a computer network. A distributed database is a database in which data is stored across
different physical locations.
43. What is data Redundancy?
Data Redundancy: (duplication control)
The data in the database appears only once and not duplicated (e.g. Number, CNIC and
Roll No etc.)
44. Describe a sub query.
Sub Query:
A Sub query is a query within another SQL query and embedded within the WHERE clause. A
Sub query is used to return data that will be used in the main query as a condition to further restrict
the data to be retrieved.
A sub query is a query that is nested inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or inside
another sub query.
45. Define Validation text.
Validation Text:
It is an error message that appears when any invalid action is performed by user while
entering the data in a specific field.
46. Write about non-key attributes.
Non key-Attributes:
Non-Key Attributes are the attributes or fields of a table, other than candidate key
attributes/fields in a table.
Two or more entities can have the same value for this attribute.
47. What is datasheet view?
Datasheet View:
The datasheet view is used to display the result where entries into the table are made. It
is also called Run time of table.
48. What is the difference between layout view and design view?
Layout View:
Layout view use to make many common design changes while you view data in a form or
Design View:
A Design View is the view of the table in which table is designed and fields are specified as well
as their data types are also specified.
A design view is a means organizing design information. It enables you to design and set up your
49. List some database applications.
Database Applications:
i. MS Access.
ii. Oracle.
iii. My SQL.
iv. DB2.
v. SY Base.
50. How many types of database models.
Types of Database Models:
i. Hierarchical database model
ii. Relational model
iii. Network model
iv. Object oriented database model
51. Define Candidate key.
Candidate Key:
A candidate key is a super key that contains no extra attributes. It consists of minimum
possible attributes.
52. What is record?
A set of data values in a table organized in a row is called Record or Tuple.
53. Write two benefits of database system.
i. Improved data sharing.
ii. Improved data security.
iii. Better Data Integration.
iv. Increased End User productivity.
54. Write the purpose of action query.
Action query allows us to delete specified records, append records from one table to another, update
information in a group of records, or create new tables.
55. What is query?
Query is the second and very important object of MS Access data base. Query is derived from a
Latin word "QUEREREE" which means "to ask question" so we can see that query is question which we
ask or right to get specific information stored in a table.
56. Write components of database system.
Components of Database System:
i. Forms
ii. Reports
iii. Queries
iv. Tables
57. What is Validation Rule?
Validation Rule:
This property defines for a criteria or the condition for the data entry in a specific field where
user is bounded to enter the values in a field according to the condition or criteria.
58. What is meant by maintaining data?
59. RDBMS stands For?
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
60. How can you import a table create in another database.
To import table from another Access database, select the external Data tab in the toolbar at the top of
the screen. Then click on the Access button in the import group. Next, click on the Browse button and
find the Access file that contains the tables that you wish to import from.
61. What is difference between front-end and back-end view?
Front-end View:
Front-end view refers to the client-side of the application.
Back-end View:
Back-end view refers to the server-side of the application.
62. What is Alternate key?
Alternate key:
The candidate key that is not selected as primary key is known as Alternate Key.
63. What is a file?
A file is an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands used with
a computer program. On a computer there are three types of files: Application files, Data files, and
System files.
64. Define Macros.
A macro is a tool that allows you to automate tasks and add functionality to your forms,
reports, and controls. A Macros is a series of commands and instructions that you group together as a
single command to accomplish a task automatically.
65. What is meant by default value in database?
Default value:
This property is used to define any specific value as a default value so we do not wrote
the value again.
66. What is the purpose of normalization?
Purpose of Normalization:
i. To organize data.
ii. Make database more flexible.
iii. Reduce data redundancy.
iv. Eliminate inconsistent dependency.
67. Define SELECT query.
SELECT query:
A select query is a database object that shows information in datasheet view. A query does not
store data, it display data that is stored in tables. It is use to fetch data from the MySQL database.
68. What is auto number data type?
Auto Number:
This data type is used to store unique sequential. It inserts the numbers automatically in
ascending order like serial no. 1 2 3 4 5 ……………………………………..
69. Define hyperlink.
This data type is used for the field whose value is to be link with any external file. A URL
stands for Uniform Resource Locator is given to create a link with specific text.
70. What is 1NF?
First Normal Form: (1NF)
I. Each Table cell should contain a single value.
II. Each Record should be unique.
71. Write uses of reports.
Uses of Reports:
i. Reports use to give summary of the data.
ii. To convey information to the reader.
iii. Provide details about individual records.
72. What is data?
Data is the raw facts and figures.
73. Define Memo Data type.
This data type is used to store alphanumeric data (alphabets + number + special
characters/symbols. ($,*,%,>).
74. Define Attributes.
A single unit of information in a table or entity is called Field or Attribute. Simply we can say
that combination of data organized in a column and column heading is called Field.
75. Define Data Integrity.
Data Integrity: (reliable & accurate)
The reliability and accuracy of data is called data integrity.
76. Define one to one relationship.
One to one relationship:
When single record of table one creates relationship with single record of table two then it is
called ONE TO ONE relationship.
Some time it is written like that (1:1).
While creating one to one relationship both tables have assigned primary key with same data
77. What is the use of database access page?
i. To view data from the internet or an intranet.
ii. To work with data from the internet or an intranet.
78. Write the name of the principles of database design.
i. Keep it simple.
ii. Eliminate redundancy.
iii. Data consistency.

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