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1. An Element is observed to be carried out in 0.8 minutes.

Given pace rating is 110% and the

secondary adjustment by 20'96, find the time on any fair day. If* 0.2 minute per element is
given as allowance, what is the standard time taken for 20 repeated actions?
A. 26.4 minutes. B. 26 minutes. C. 2 minutes. D. 2.6 minutes

2. An Element is observed to be carried out in 0.8 minutes. Given pace rating is 110% and the
secondary adjustment by 20'96, find the time on any tBir day. If* 0.2 minute per element is
given as allowance, what is the Normal Time?

A. 1.056 B. 1.6 C. 1.06. D. 1

3. The observed time for an element is 1.2 minutes. The pace rating for the element is 120% and
job difficulty is found to be 30%. Find Normal Time of the element. Also find standard Time a t a
n allowance of 10%.
A. 2.08 min B. 2 min C. 2.8 min D.3min
4. The average actual time for 6 elements of a task were measured and tabulated below. The
Predetermined Motion Time for two elements is also given. Calculate the performance rating
factor. Also find the total normal times for all the elements on the basis of average rating.

A. 2.19 B.2 C. 4 D.6

5. Find the Normal Time and Standard! Time for an element. which has the following ratings in
Westinghouse system, and observed time is 1.2 minute.

A. 1.1 16 min & 1.24 min. B. 1.1 16 min & 1.24 min. C. 1.1 16 min & 1.24 min.
D. 1.1 16 min & 1.24 min.

6. The observed time for an element was one minute and the rating were found to be as follows
Determine the normal time or basic time for the element under observation. (Refer
Westinghouse performance rating table). Also find the standard time @ 20% allowance.

A. 1.525 min B. 5.25 min C. 2.525 min C. 25.5 min

7. What is the information collected for method engineering in the analyses regarding to the job?
A. Name of the product
B. Name of the part and number according to drawing
C. Material
D. Quality
E. Quantity of the part per product
F. All
8. ………………………is a work measurement technique for recording the times and rate of working for
the elements of a specified job carried out under specified conditions/and for carrying out the
job at a defined level of the performance.

A. work measurement B. Time study C. standard time D. Normal time

9. Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a
qualified Worker to carry out a specified job at a defined performance.

A. work measurement B. Time measurement C. standard time measurement D. Normal time

10. What are the basic aims of Work study?

A. Simplifying or modifying the methods of operation
B. Reduces unnecessary or excess work
C. Stops wasteful use of resources
D. Contributes to industrial safety by identifying hazardous work and developing safer methods
E. Cuts down the time of performing a certain activity.
F. All
11. When an operator is running an automatic machine, he becomes idle after loading or if the
process demands some time to go for next operation such as allowing cooling after welding
operation, he becomes idle. In such cases what types of allowance becomes prominent.

A. Process Allowance B. Contingency Allowance C. Special Allowance D. Normal allowance

12. Which one of the following is Basic procedure of work study?

A. Select – Record - Examine- Develop- Evaluate- Define- Install- Maintain.

B. Record- Select- Examine- Develop- Evaluate- Define- Install- Maintain.

C. Develop- Evaluate- Define- Install- Maintain- Record- Select- Examine.

D. Evaluate- Define- Install- Maintain- Record- Select- Examine- Develop

13. Which one of the following is part Micro motion study as an Aid in Improving Methods?

A. Filming the operation to be studied.

B. Analyzing the film.

C. Charting the results of the analysis.

D. Developing the improved method.

E. All

F. non

14. Which one of the following is not be Principles of motion economy?

A. Principles that apply to the use of the human body

B. Principles that apply to the workplace arrangement

C. Principles that apply to the design of tooling and equipment

D. Principles that apply to non motion activities in the organization

E. Non

F. All
15. Under Preliminary Considerations, the job choices for analysis are:

A. Bottlenecks which are holding up other production operations.

B. Movements of material over long distances between shops or operations involving a great deal
of manpower or where there is repeated handling of material.
C. Operations involving repetitive work using a great deal of labor liable to run for a long time.
D. Technical Considerations Make sure that adequate technical knowledge is available with which
to carry out the study.
E. all

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