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BAYAGEN BSN-3D NCM 117 05- 27- 2023

SPLIT 2016
The film explores explores themes of trauma, identity, and mental illness not only for the

antogonist but also for Casey our protagonist where we come to learn that she was a victim of

sexual abuse as a kid. Overall, “Split” was a gripping and thrilling movie, however it did not satisfy

my preference of psychological thriller. It had a very good depiction of mental illness and how

unresolved trauma can lead to self-destruction or to inflict destruction upon others. What I love

about the movie, is that it gave depth to Kevin’s multiple personalities and explained how he

developed it. Both Casey and Kevin both suffer from past unresolved trauma, but both of them

developed differently. I can also say that humans are fragile creatures, if we are pushed to the edge

of our limits we either breakdown or break others. Another idea I have gotten from the movie is how

powerful the human mind really is. It may have been a work of fiction, but the fact that Kevin

Crumb’s mind was able to construct 23 distinct and unique personalities has me wondering what

we as humans could achieve if this was possible in real life.

In broad daylight, after an innocent birthday party at a mall, the unsuspecting art-class

schoolmates—Casey, Claire, and Marcia—fall prey to the creepy predator, Kevin Wendell Crumb, a

shattered man suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Not one, but twenty-three distinct and

suppressed personalities reside inside Kevin; however, from the horde that plagues him, some

identities are, inevitably, more sinister than others. Sooner or later, the elusive 24 th “Beast” persona

will emerge in all its glory, as an amalgam of Kevin’s qualities, and the highest form of human

evolution. Nevertheless, is the feared monster within real, or is it a figment of Crumb’s morbidly

demented imagination.


 Dissociative identity disorder (DID)

All Personalities

 Kevin- The host body, and original personality of Kevin Wendell Crumb.
 Dennis- “Dennis” was one of the first personalities to form when Kevin was only 3 years old,
as well as one of the more disturbing, as he has a perverted liking for watching young girls
dance naked. He also has obsessive-compulsive disorder (caused by Mr. Wild’s OCD) and
touches everything with a yellow rag. He is also very intelligent, manipulative, and tough,
and is mostly able to act like a different personality. Although he is cold at times, he seems to
have a lighter side, especially towards children. He, Patricia, and Hedwig are known as “The
Horde” by the other 20 personalities, and the three are worshippers of The Beast.
 Patricia – A Polite British speaking woman who at times can be psychotic. She is very
knowledgeable when it comes to animals and cuisine in different societies, and loves to cook.
Dennis and Hedwig listen to her and all three are called “The Horde”.
 Hedwig- A 9-year-old boy who befriends Casey, Claire, and Marcia after they were kidnapped
by Dennis. He loves to draw and dance to music, especially that of Kanye West. Unlike the
other personalities, Hedwig has the power to steal “the light” from Barry, the dominant
personality, and while not intentionally evil, Hedwig chooses to give the light to Dennis and
Patricia so he’s not made fun of. Enjoys using the term “Etcetera”.
 Barry- An extroverted, effeminate fashion designer who is one of the nicer personalities, and
is the dominant personality before being taken over by The Horde.
 The Beast- The 24th and most dangerous personality to form. This personality changes
Kevin’s body chemistry and physiology to the point where his skin is impenetrable and can
develop superhuman speed, strength, and durability.
 Jade- A foul-mouthed yet sweet teenage girl who has diabetes and has to take insulin shots.
 Orwell- A highly intelligent man in the field of history who tends to compare historical events,
mostly those in the 11th and 12th centuries, to the feud between The Horde and the other 20
personalities including himself.

The other following personalities names appear on a video diary log, even though they are not seen
in the movie:

Heinrich- As mentioned by Dr. Fletcher

NORMA- is an apologetic personality, as seen in Glass.

Luke - Takes the light when Mr. Glass is trying to free Kevin from his room. Has a Texan accent, a
big mouth, and apparently spoils endings to movies, as he says, “[e]veryone knows that the priest
dies at the end of the Exorcist.”

Samuel- Mentioned by Dr. Fletcher

Mary Reynolds- Mary and Ian Reynolds are twins. Mary has an Irish accent. Mary does not
support the horde, as shown in Glass.

Ian - Ian and Mary Reynolds are twins

Mr. Pritchard -In Glass, it is revealed that Mr. Pritchard is a professor of cinema, specifically
Japanese at UMass Amherst. He is one of the personalities against The Horde, and is hoping for the
return of Kevin.


- It is entitled the split because the character Kevin portrayed different personalities.

My different personalities sometimes I am moody, I can be happy outside and sad inside.

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