Key Performance Indicators

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to consider:

1. Number of Orders Handled:

 Definition: The total number of orders successfully pulled by the staff.
 Formula: Total number of orders handled.
 Target: Increase the number of orders handled as per business needs.
2. Order Response Time:
 Definition: The time it takes for staff to respond to orders after receiving
 Formula: Average response time for orders.
 Target: Minimize response time to ensure quick processing.
3. Accuracy of Product Information:
 Definition: Accuracy of product information pulled by staff.
 Formula: Number of orders with accurate product information / Total
number of orders.
 Target: Increase accuracy of product information to reduce errors.
4. Stock Availability Rate:
 Definition: The percentage of orders successfully pulled without stock
 Formula: (Number of orders with available stock / Total number of orders)
* 100.
 Target: Improve stock availability to reduce order rejections.
5. Job Efficiency:
 Definition: The efficiency of staff in pulling orders within one working
 Formula: Number of orders handled / Working hours.
 Target: Increase job efficiency to improve productivity.
6. Order Rejection Ratio:
 Definition: Percentage of orders rejected due to specific issues.
 Formula: (Number of orders rejected / Total number of orders) * 100.
 Target: Minimize the order rejection ratio to enhance customer
7. Compliance with Procedures:
 Definition: The extent to which staff follows established procedures and
 Formula: (Number of orders compliant with procedures / Total number of
orders) * 100.
 Target: Increase compliance to improve service quality.
8. Tool and Platform Utilization:
 Definition: The extent to which staff effectively utilizes online tools and
 Formula: (Time spent using tools and platforms / Total working hours) *
 Target: Ensure optimal use of tools and platforms to enhance efficiency.
9. Customer Service Improvement:
 Definition: Evaluate whether staff contributes to the improvement of
customer satisfaction.
 Formula: Customer satisfaction survey results or positive feedback.
 Target: Increase positive feedback to enhance brand image.
10. Customer Retention Rate:
 Definition: Percentage of customers who remain loyal after orders are
 Formula: (Number of customers who remain loyal / Total customers) *
 Target: Increase the retention rate to enhance customer value.

Each of these KPIs can be measured and assessed regularly to monitor and improve the
performance of staff pulling orders from an online platform. Customize these KPIs based
on your business goals and specific priorities.

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