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Nozha Language Schools

Hijaz Branch

Connect Plus 3
Third Primary

First Term

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Exercises included in this booklet are just for

practice and this doesn't guarantee they are
literally the same as in the end of term

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 2

Contents Page

1 Connect Plus :Unit (1) 4

2 Connect Plus :Unit (2) 23

3 Connect Plus :Unit (3) 34

4 Connect Plus :Unit (4) 46

5 Connect Plus :Unit (5) 56

4 Quiz Time 43
5 Fares And The Fish 71
6 Final Revision 79

3 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Unit one

At the track

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 4

New Vocabulary

athlete compete distance

wear throw medal

measure track win

jump race event

5 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

1-Supply the missing letters of the following words:

In class:

1) w--- 2) c------ 3) t----

4) w-- 5) m------

-Supply the missing letters of the following words:


1) j--- 2) m---- 3) a------

4) t---- 5) d-------

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 6

2-Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

In class:

1- Mohamed Salah is a famous (singer – athlete – doctor).

2- There is a big sports (athlete – distance – event) in our country.

3- Mary (wears – measures- throws) the distance between the two


4- Tom will (win – measure – wear) the running race next month.

5- Ten miles is not a short (event – distance – medal).

- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:


1- Oscar won a (athlete – track – medal) in the race.

2- Ten teams are (throwing – wearing – competing) for the prize.

3- Cindy can (throw – compete – wear) the ball as far as she can.

4- The Egyptian team won the gold (event – distance – medal) for
this competition.

5- We (jump – wear – throw) gloves in winter.

3- Fill in the blanks:

In class:

athletes – distance – medal – wear – jump – compete

1- Carl wins a ..................... in the race.

2- The ..................... are running around the track.
3- Five athletes the race this afternoon.

7 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

4- I................ a green T-shirt.

5- The runners must run a certain.........................

- Fill in the blanks:


measure – track – compete – throw –event –won

1- Don’t ................... rubbish on the floor.

2- How do you ................... the length of the table?
3- Our team ...............the swimming race yesterday.
4- We run around the club.
5- There will be a big week.
4-Look at the pictures and write the missing parts:
(In class)

1- My father won a sliver............. 2- I used to...........all

in the ………………… the running races.

3- To be an ..................., you must 4- Our club has a big

eat healthy food. ......................

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 8

5- I...................... my ………………… before I go to school.


1-My sister will win 2-He can ………………… high.

in ………………………

3- I ………………… the race 4- Please help me ………………

yesterday. the ………… between the two

9 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

5-Classify the following words into the suitable category:

(wear- athlete-track-medal-measure-win)

1.------ 1.------

2. --------------- 2.----------

3.----------------- 3.---------------

Noun Verb

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 10

Language Use:

How far? is used to ask about the distance of

one place from the other.

How fast? is used to ask about the distance and


How high? is used to ask about the height of

an object or building.

6- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- (How fast – How far – How high) can you run?
–I can run 3 meters in 40 seconds.
2- (Who – Where – How) far he can jump?
3- (How far – How high – How fast) is the Cairo tower?
– It’s 187 meters high.
4- (How fast – How often – How far) can you throw the ball?
–I can throw the ball ten meters.
5- How (fast – far – high) is your building? –It’s twenty meters
6- (How far –How fast- How high) is your office from your home?
My office is 5 KMs away from my home.
7- (How far – How fast - How high) is this building?
– It’s 250 meters high.
8- (How- What- Where) fast is the cheetah?

11 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Language Focus
7-Supply the missing parts of the dialogue: (In Class)

A: Do you enjoy sports?

B: …………………………………………..

A: Which sport do you think is easy?

A: ………………………………………? …..

B: I usually do sports twice a week.

-Supply the missing parts of the dialogue:


Peter: ............................................................?

John: Yes, I like sports.

Peter: What sports events do you like?

John: .......................................................................

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 12


And: is used to join sentences.

Or: is used to show choice.
So: is used to show the result of something.
Because: is used to show the cause of

-Read and complete:

because- or- and- but

1. I like running jumping.

2. It’s hard to do sports today it’s hot.

3. I like tea I don’t like coffee.

4. Do you like to eat pizza spaghetti?

13 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch


Subject + will (‘ll) + inf.


1- He will go to the park tomorrow.

2- They’ll sleep early tonight.

Tomorrow – in the future – next (day – week – Sunday….)

Negative Form:-

Subject + will not (won’t) + inf.


1- It will not be hot today.

2- She won’t cook pizza tonight.

Question Form: -

Yes/No question: Will + subject + inf. +………?

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 14

Wh. Question:

Question word+ will + subject +

Example: inf. +………?
Will he win the competition?
-Yes, he will. – No, he won’t.

1-Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

-In class:
1-The winner will (be – being – is) happy today.
2-Our school (will – is – do) get a medal tomorrow.
3- It (isn’t – won’t – wasn’t) be easy to win today.
4-Will they win the race? Yes, they (will- won’t- isn’t) win.
5- (Is – Are – Will) they be tired?
*Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1. Next Friday they (is – are – will) run for a competition.
2. I will (wins – win – winning) the match tomorrow.
3. We will drink tea (now – today – yesterday).
4. (Are- Will – Do) you wear a white shirt next week?
2-Correct the verbs between brackets using the future
simple” Will”:
-In class:
1. She (earn) …………………… a lot of money today.
2. I (travel) …………………… around the world next year.
3. You (meet) ………………. lots of interesting people at work next week.
4. You (not / have) …………………… any problems in the future.
5. They (not / be) …………………… at home tomorrow.
6. Everything (be) ……………………… perfect in the future.

15 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

-Correct the verbs between brackets:
1-William ………………….. (run) next week .
2-My friends ……………………… (study) English next Thursday.
3-He ……………………….. (not/fix) his car tomorrow.

3-Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

(In class)

1- Nader will sleeps early tonight.

2-Will it jumping high?
3-No, we will go swimming next Wednesday.
4-Rewrite the following sentences using words between
-In class:
1.I will do it again. (not)
2. She goes to Aswan every holiday. (next year)
3. They travelled to India last year. (tomorrow)
4. We will have a party tomorrow. (When)
5. Olivia doesn’t do sports every day. (won’t)

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 16

 We use the comparative form to compare between
two things, animals or people.
short adjective + er+ than

Fast faster high higher

Steven is faster than Noah.

Adjectives that have Adjectives that end

one vowel before the with(y) after a
last letter consonant
big bigger than easy easier than
fat fatter than heavy heavier than

good better
bad worse

Long adjective + more+ than

difficult more difficult
beautiful more beautiful
Math is more difficult than English.

17 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

1-Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
In class:

1-The cat is (small- smaller – smallest) than the lion.

2William ran (fast – fastest – faster) than James.
3-The train is (bigger- big – biggest) than the car.
4-Emily is (good- better- best) than Roaa.
5-Ava is (prettier- pretty- prettiest) than Olivia.
- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. The garden is (big – bigger – biggest) than the house.

2. Charley is taller (the – to – than) Lara.
3. A book is (smaller – small – smallest) than a bag.
4. She is (old – older – oldest) than her sister.
5. Cartoons are (most- more- less) interesting than programmes.

2-Rewrite the following sentences with words from

In class:
1. Cars are usually expensive. Bikes are cheap. (cheap)
2. The first necklace is expensive. The second necklace is too
expensive. (more)
3. Monkeys aren’t dangerous. Lions are very dangerous. (more)
4. Winter is better than summer. (worse)
5. The monkey is smaller than the elephant. (The elephant)

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 18

6. Sam is very funny. Dan is not funny. (than)
7. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. (faster)
8. Lisa is taller than Tina. (shorter)

3-Rearrange the following sentences:

In class:
1. is - My house -than -hers - larger .
2. the box – than – is – This bag - heavier .
3. is - Your dog - than- - boring-more - Jim's dog.

1-bigger- A dolphin - is – than – a mouse.
2- easier-than – Art -is- Science.
3-heavier – the hippo - The elephant- is – than .

19 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

We use the
superlative to compare between one thing, animal,
person and a group.

the +short adjective + est

Fast the fastest

highest the highest

Nader is the fastest boy in class.

the+ most + long adjective

dangerous the most dangerous

interesting the most interesting
Nader is the most handsome boy in class.

1-Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

In class
1- The mouse is the (small- smaller – smallest) animal.
2- Rami is the (clever – cleverest – cleverer) in the school.
3- This story is the (more amusing- less amusing- most amusing)
story in the world.
4- Amelia is (to – the – than) tallest girl.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 20

5- The turtle is the (better – good- best) animal.

- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. The garden is the (cleanest– cleaner – clean) place here.
2. Brian is the (worse– bad – worst) boy in running.
3. John is the (nice-nicest-nicer) boy that I know.
4. She is the (old – older – oldest) in her family.
5. He is the (more handsome – better handsome – most handsome)
boy in the school.
2-Rewrite the following sentences using words between
In class:
1. Baseball is not the best sport in the world. (worst)
2. Oscar is a good student. (in the class )


3. Whales are heavier than dolphins. (the heaviest )


4. No book is more exciting than this book. (the most )

5. No country is better than our country. (best)


6. My car is cheaper than your car. (the cheapest)


7. Aeroplanes are faster than cars. (the fastest)


8. Mia is taller than any girl in our family. (tallest)

21 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch


3-Rearrange the following sentences:

In class:
1. is - My house -the - largest .
2. the – is – This box - heaviest .
3. Your dog – the - is- fastest - dog.


1-biggst- An elephant – is – the – in zoo- animal .

2- shortest -the – is – A penguin - animal .
3-heaviest - The elephant- is – the -animal .

- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- We use our (bicycle – camera – plastic) to take a lot of photos.

2- A (policeman – athlete – teacher) catches the thieves.
3- We play bowling in the (event – sports center – citadel).
4- Rabbits eat (cookies – carrots – ice cream).
5- (Camels – Mice – Horses) live in desert.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 22

Unit 2
Body matters

23 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

New Vocabulary:

heart skeleton brain beat

lungs nutrients blood rib

knee elbow skull jaw

oxygen A gas which all living organisms need.

blood A liquid that carries oxygen and nutrients around your
blood vessels Veins and arteries.
arteries These carry blood with oxygen in it away from the
veins These carry blood without a lot of oxygen in it to the
Skelton All the bones that keeps us strong and help us move.
living organism All things that live, eat and grow.
muscles Help us move our arms, legs and body.
nutrients We need these to grow.
skull A framework of the head that enclose the brain.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 24

1-Supply the missing letters
In class:

lu–gs br-in ja-

s-ull el-ow he-rt

nut-ie-ts b-ood be-t

2-Fill in the gaps:(In class)

elbows – Arteries – nutrients – lungs – brain

1-Our ………………… controls everything that happens in our body.

2- We need …………………… to help us to grow.

3- …………………… carry blood with oxygen in it away from the heart.

4- Muscles in our arms and ………………… move when we play tennis.

5-The heart pushes the blood to the ………………….

25 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Fill in the gaps:

blood -skeleton – Veins – Oxygen – bones

1-Our ………………… helps us to move.

2- …………………… carry blood from the body to the heart.

3- ……………………… is a gas which all living organisms need.

4-Our……………………… are hard.

5- …………………… carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.

3-Underline the correct answer between brackets:

In class:
1-Blood carries (lungs – oxygen – arteries) and nutrients to all the
body parts.
2- (Veins – Blood – Brain) and arteries are the major blood vessels.
3- We need (organs – muscles – lungs) to move our bones.
4-In the (brain – arteries – lungs), oxygen is added to the blood.
5-Bones are hard and they protect our soft (brain – blood –

Underline the correct answer between brackets:


1- Our (lungs – brain – veins) controls everything in the body.

2- Veins and arteries are types of (nutrients – blood vessels –
3- Our bones are (soft – hard – liquid).
4- Muscles in our arms and (knees – jaws – elbows) move when we
play tennis.
5- (Arteries – Veins – Vessels) carry blood from the body to the
English (Connect Plus) – First Term 26
4-Pictorial Composition (In class)

1-He broke …………………… 2-Blood is a ………………………

3-What do we need to move our bones? 4- Oxygen is a …………………


5-Which organ carries blood to the heart?



1- Your heart …………… about 70 times in 2- The ribs protect the

a minute. …………………

27 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

3- Our …………………… helps us to move. 4- The skull protects the

5- What do you need to grow ?


5-Classify the following words into the suitable category:

( protect-carry-blood-skull-grow-bones)

Noun Verb

1-------------------------- 1---------------------------

2-------------------------- 2---------------------------

3-------------------------- 3---------------------------

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 28

6-Put true or false:
1- The rib protects the brain.

2- Our lungs control everything in the body.

3- Veins and arteries are types of blood vessels.

4- Our bones are soft.

5- Our heart beats about 70 times a minute.

Language use
Complete the missing parts of the dialogue:
In class:
Jenny : Is the heart an
important organ ?


Jenny: What carries blood from the body

to the heart?


Complete the missing parts of the dialogue:

Tom: How many times does your heart beat?

Ben: ………………………………………………………………………

Tom: What do you need to move your bones?

Ben: …………………………………….

29 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

-Subject + am/is/are + going to + v.(inf.)

1- I am going to buy a new car.

2- She is going to cook lunch.

Negative Form:-
I am not

He, She, It isn’t + going to + v.


We, You, They aren’t


1- You aren’t going to play computer games.

2- I am not going to sleep late.

Question Form:-

Yes/no question
Verb to be + Subject + going to

+v. (inf.) …. ?
Wh. questions

Question word+ be+

subject+ going to+ …….?

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 30


1- Are they going to go to the park?

2- Is it going to drink milk?
3- What are you going to eat?
1-Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
(In class)
1. They (aren’t – isn’t – am not) going to go the cinema today.
2. She is going to (eating - eats - eat) cake.
3. (Are – Is – Am) he going to study English?
4. I’m going (for- to – at) take a shower.
5. It is going to rain (today-last year-everyday).

*Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. Rody isn’t (go – going – goes) to buy a new skirt.
2. Is he going to (travelling – travel – travels) tomorrow?
3. We (is - are – am) going to visit our uncle.
4. I (am not – isn’t – aren’t) going to go to the doctor.

2-Correct the verbs between brackets:

-In class:
1- The boys are going to……………… (sing) a nice song.
2- My friend ………………. (not/swim) in the sea next week.
3- (Be)……………. he going to come late ?
4-My cat ……………………… (not/drink) milk today.
5. (cook / you)…………………………. dinner tomorrow?

1- Nina ……………………… (not/watch) TV tonight.
2- John and Rana………………. (be) going to run quickly.
3-(have/you)……………… lunch with your friends today?

31 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

3-Rewrite the following sentences using words between
brackets: (In class)
1. The dog is dirty. ( going to)
2. I visit my grandparents every Saturday. (This Saturday)
3. We are going to eat at a restaurant tonight. (What)
4. Paul is going to play basketball later. (not)
5. I am going to study for the test tomorrow. (When)
6. My mum visits her aunt twice a week. ( tomorrow)
7 . I am going to watch a movie this afternoon. (not)

(The oo sounds)
Listen and write:


long (oo) sound short (oo) sound

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 32

Circle the short oo :
1-Look at my room, it’s on the roof.

2-Our skin keeps us cool.

3- Reading books puts me in a good mood.

Circle the long oo :

1-I go to the zoo soon.

2- She puts her boot in the room.

3- We have lots of fun at the pool.

Fill in the gaps: (In class)

( books – foot – good – cook – zoo – tooth )

1-It is good to read ………………………

2-The teacher said “ …………………… job”.

3- My dad is a good …………………

4- In the ……………… there are lots of animals

5-Yesterday my middle ………………… fell out!

33 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Unit 3
What's on your plate?

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 34

New Vocabulary:

fruits vitamins nutrients

delicious balance minerals

vegetables fiber carbohydrates

Protein fats olive oil

35 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

1-Supply the missing letters: (In class)

v_t_mins nu_rie_ts f_ _er

V_ge_ables m_ne_a_s b_la_ce


fr_ _t o_iv_ oi_ d_lici_ us

c_rbo_ydra_es f_ _s

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 36

2-Underline the correct answer between brackets:
(In class)
1. There are lots of vitamins in (fruits – meat – bread).
2. Vitamins are (nutrients – fat – sugar) in some food.
3. Fruit is (bad – delicious – sad).
4. It is important to get a (balance – eggs – small) of the right
kinds of food.
5. Our bodies need lots of different (water – meat – nutrients).

Underline the correct answer between brackets:


1. (Fats – minerals – rice) help us absorb some important vitamins.

2. (Protein – Sweets – Candies) helps us grow and makes our bodies
3. There is protein in (bread – cola – dairy foods).
4. (Calcium - Chocolate – Sugar) is good for our bones.
5. We shouldn't eat or drink a lot of (orange – sugar – banana).

Carbohydrates - Cheese - fruit - orange -

sugar - Fibre - Calcium - protein - healthy – unhealthy

3-Fill in the blanks with the suitable word from the box:

In class:

1-You can find calcium in …………………….

2-You can find vitamin C in .......................
3-…………………………. give us energy.
4-……………………….. is very important in a healthy diet .
5-………………………….is good for our bones, heart and muscles.

37 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch


1-Too much ……………. is unhealthy.

2-We should eat lots of ……………… to get the vitamins we need.
3-There is …………………………….. in fish and meat .
4-We should eat fruit and vegetables to be………………………
5-Too much sugar is ……………………………
4-Look at the pictures and complete the sentences:

In class:

1-You should eat …………….. and 2-This pizza tastes……………….

……………………… to be healthy.

3-There are lots of ……………… in fruit. 4-There is calcium in……………


5-...............................give us 6- There is protein in ………. , …………

energy. and ……………

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 38

7-………………… contains healthy 8-We shouldn't eat or drink a lot
fats . of ……………………

5-Put true or false:

1. Calcium is good for our bones. (…………)
2. We can find protein in bread and pasta. (…………)
3. There are lots of vitamins in fruits. (…………)
4. Fats don’t give us energy. (……………)
6-Classify the following words into the suitable category:

(fats- important-vitamins-healthy-calcium-good)

1. -------- 1.------

2. --------------- 2.------------

3.------------------ 3.---------------

Noun Adjective

39 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

7-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Oscar: Hi Sarah.

Sarah: ………………………………………

Oscar: You look tired. Are you ok?

Sarah: No. I …………………eat well.

Oscar: You should eat healthy……………

Sarah: I like to eat French fries.

Oscar: French fries aren't healthy.

Sarah: What should I eat to be healthy?

Oscar: …………………………………………………….

Sarah: Ok. Thank you, Oscar.

Oscar: …………………………………………………….

Supply the missing parts of the dialogue:


Tom: Which snack is your favourite?

Sam: I like…………(1)……………………

Tom: So do I. I like chocolate brownies too.

Sam: Yes, they are…………………(2)…………………..

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 40

Should & Shouldn't
Should+ Verb (inf.)
Usage: To show obligation/advice

You should exercise every day

You should eat healthy food.

Should +not+ Verb (inf.)

You shouldn't eat a lot of sweets.

You shouldn't go to bed late.
1-Underline the correct answer between brackets:
In class:

1. You (should – must – shouldn't) open your friend's bag.

2. You shouldn't (watching – watch – watches) TV all the day.
3. We should (wears – wore – wear) heavy clothes in winter.
4. Children (should – shouldn't – must) eat too many sweets.
5. It’s rainy, you (should – may – shouldn’t) take an umbrella.

Underline the correct answer between brackets:

1. You (shouldn't – should – mustn't) drink milk every day.
2. We shouldn't (fights – fighting – fight) with our friends.
3. Omar's tooth hurts. He should (go – goes – going) to the dentist.
4. Students (should – shouldn't – mustn’t) do their homework.
5. You should (am – are – be) quiet in the hospital.

41 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words
between brackets:
In class:
1. Do your homework. (should)
2. Dan always shouts in the class. (shouldn't)
3. Study hard. (should)
4. Don't eat ice cream in winter. (shouldn’t)
5.You look very ill. I advise you to see a doctor. (should)

Rewrite the following sentences using the words between

1. Eat fresh vegetables. (should)
2. Eat a lot of sweets. (shouldn't)
3. Sleep early. (should)
4. Obey your parents. (should)
5. Speak loudly in the class. (shouldn't)

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 42

Circle the words that end in the same sound :

1-Fiction: story _ introduction _ printer

2-Pollution: solution _ flowers _ internet

3-Fire station: presentation _ student _ officer

4-Digestion: toy _ suggestion _ adventure

5-Nutrition: position _ insect _ computer

1-Supply the missing parts of the dialogue:

Peter: ........................(1)....................................?

John: Yes, I like sports.

Peter: What sports events do you like?

John: .....................(2)..................................................

Peter: How………………(3)……………………………..?

John: I do sports twice a week.

2-Underline the correct answer between brackets:

1. (Calcium - Chocolate – Sugar) is good for our bones.
2. Our team is (throwing – wearing – competing) for the prize.

3. My sister is (good- better- best) than her friend Tina.

43 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

4. (How fast – How far – How high) can you run? –I can run 3
meters in 40 seconds.
5. Our (brain-skull-ribs) protect our lungs.
6. Vitamins are (nutrients – fat – sugar) in some food.
7. (Veins-bones- Blood) carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of
the body.
8. We run around the (athlete- track-distance) in the club.

3.Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in

1. I am going to travel tomorrow. (When)
2. She will be happy. (not)
3. Stop eating too many sweets. (shouldn’t)
4. The mouse is smaller than the elephant. (The elephant)

Reading Comprehension
4. Read the following passage and answer the questions
Pam is reading a good book. The story is about an elephant. The
elephant is special. He is magic. He can talk and can turn beans into
gold. Pam finished the book and told her friends about the elephant.
The next week, her class is going to the zoo. Pam is happy because
she will see a real elephant.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the story about?
2. Why is the elephant in the book special?


English (Connect Plus) – First Term 44

B. Choose the correct answer:

3. The elephant in the book can (talk- special- read).

4. The next week, Pam's class is going to the (beach- library- zoo).

5-The Link Reader: “Fares And The Fish ”

A- Answer the following questions:

1-What did Fares want to be?
2-Who went to the pool with Fares?
B – Complete the following sentences:

3-Fares and his family lived in ………………………………………………

4-Fares went quickly ……………………. the ramp.

Pictorial Composition
6. Write a sentence under each picture describing it:

1. Our heart……………………. 70 times 2.Fruits are…………………….

in a minute.

3. My brother ……………….. in the race 4. …………………… are important

to yesterday. our body.
45 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch
Unit (4)
In the wild

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 46

New vocabulary:

Wildlife park sloth

Fennec fox Macaw

Cheetah Cobra

Spider monkey Chimpanzee

47 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Squirrel Mole

Sea lion Crayfish

1- Supply the missing letters of the following words:

In class:

1-F- n -e - f o - 2- M – c o –

3- S-u-r-el 4- -o-e 5- C-a-fish

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 48


1- - lot- 2- ch-mpa-z—

3- --l 4-s—l-on 5- C—ra

2-Underline the correct answer between brackets:
In class:
1-When we visit a/an (aqua park-wildlife park-amusement park),
we can see animals in their natural life.
2-The animals take (shelter-food-medicine) to stay warm and safe.
3-(Cheetahs - Sloths – Cobras) are known for being slow.
4-The (fennec fox – sea lion – sloths) has long ears and a bushy
5-Penguins gather in a large group, called a (team – colony-
Underline the correct answer between brackets:
1-My mother bought me a colorful (macaw – sloth – monkey).
2-Some birds build (schools – nests – homes) in trees.
3- (Crayfish – Sea lion – Sharks) hide under rocks in rivers.
4-Animals live in places which are (far away- close to –
disconnected) their natural habitat.
5- (Cheetah- Sloth –Rabbit) is the fastest animal on earth.

49 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

3-Fill in the gaps with a word from the box:
In class:
grass sticks – dig burrow –Moles –
Wildlife park – behave

1- …………..….. is a place where animals can live without cages.

2-Squirrels………………. to take shelter there.
3-…………… are very rarely seen animals, as they spend most of their
lives underground.
4-We can learn how animals ……………by watching what they do.
5-Lots of birds use ……… build nests in trees.
Fill in the gaps with a word from the box:
chase – gather – Owls – habitats – crayfish

1-Penguins ……..…. in a large group called colony.

2-………….. can't make holes , they find them.
3-Turtles and……………….. hide under rocks .
4-Animals live in …………. where they can get food, water and safe life.
5-Cheetahs ………. other animals and hunt them to eat.

Pictorial composition
4-Write a sentence under each picture describing it:
(In class)

1.Penguins/gather/colony 2.cheetah/fastest
------------------ -------------

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 50

3. squirrel/burrow/shelter 4.birds/nests/trees 5. owls/holes
---------------- ------------- -----------

Write a sentence under each picture describing it:


1. Animals /uncage/wildlife park 2.Fennecfox/shelter/burrows

--------------------- -------------------

3.crayfish/rocks 4. Moles/burrow 5. Spider monkey/jump

---------------- ----------------- ---------------

5-Put true or false:

1. Lots of birds build nests in trees. (………………)
2. Owls live in holes in trees. (………………)
3. Foxes gather in a large group, called colony. (………………)
4. Crayfish hunt other animals to eat. (………………)

51 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Language use:
Complete the missing parts of the below dialogue:
In class:
Brain: Hi Magi, what did you do yesterday?

Magi: Hi Brain…………………………………………….

Brain: Wow, did you love the animals?

Magi: Yes, I loved the chimpanzees.

Brain: …………………………………………………………

Magi: Yes, I loved it so much. It moved very slowly.

Supply the missing parts of the dialogue:

Ann : ………………………………………………………………..?
Charley : I went to the wildlife park.
Ann : What did you see there?
Charley : I saw……………………….
Ann : Was it a sloth?
Charley : No, it had big ears.
Ann : Was it …………………..?
Charley: yes, it was.

Complete the blends nd – nt -mp:

In class:

h--d pl--t l--p

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 52

grass la-- pri--
Complete the blends nt – nd -mp :

ju-- te--

Sa-- sta-- up la--

53 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Might/ Might not

1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets: (In class)

1) Tom (might arrive – will arrive) today, but I am not sure.
2) I was afraid that I (might be – might is) late.
3) I (will go – might go) to the park. I am not sure.
4) I think students (borrow – might borrow) only four books at
the time.
5) Tina (might come – might not come) to the party. She is ill.
2- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1) Perhaps I (will wear – might wear) a blue jacket.
2) I think John (likes – might like) playing football.
3) Perhaps Jack (might put on – might not put on) his jacket. It’s
4) I don’t know what kind of insect this is. It (will – might be) a
kind of ant.
5) A- What’s the capital city of Spain?
B- I’m not sure but it (will be- might be) Madrid.
3- Write the sentences in negative form or positive
form according to the indication in brackets: (In
1) They..............................come tomorrow. (Positive)
2) that. (Negative)
3) It....................................rain. (Positive)
4) I ....................................go there. (Negative)
5) We...................................check the door. (Positive)
4- 4-Write the sentences in negative form or positive
form according to the indication in brackets:

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 54

1) Cindy..........................come to the party. (Negative)
2) Sally..........................go to school tomorrow. (Negative)
3) Oscar...........................go out this evening. (Positive)
4) They..............................move to a new house. (Positive)
5) The Browns................................bring us a cake. (Negative)

5- Rewrite the following sentences using the word in

brackets: (In class)
1- Perhaps I will wear a sliver dress tonight, I am not sure.
2- It isn’t cold. Perhaps Jack will not put on his jacket. (might not)
3- Perhaps I’ll join a drama club. (might)
4- It is possible that we will go to Turkey this summer. (might)
5- Sarah has some money and she is at the clothing store. (might)
6- Rewrite the following sentences using the word in
brackets: (Homework)
1) It’s cold outside, but Jack isn’t wearing a jacket. (might)
2) I should go to work today, but I feel a little sick. (might not)
3) It’s possible that the dog will run away from home. (might)
4) It’s possible that it will rain again. (might)
5) I think I will visit my grandparents next weekend. (might)

55 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Unit 5

All About Water

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 56

New Vocabulary:

oasis desert tree

dry hot plant

river lake rain

soak fruit spring

ground monuments

57 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

1-Supply the missing letters: (In class)

--sis d-s-rt tr--

d-y h-t pl-nt


r--n l-ke r-v-r

s--k fr--t -pr-ng

Gr--nd m-n-ments

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 58

2- Underline the correct words between brackets:
-In Class:
1-Siwa Oasis is a very interesting place in the (desert-town-village).
2-The desert is (hot-cold-cool) and dry.
3-An oasis is a place where there are lots of (lakes-rivers-springs).
4-People use the leaves of (olive trees-date palm trees-tamarisk
trees) to make baskets.
5- (Olive trees – Acacia trees – Tamarisk trees) protect oasis
from sandstorms.
1-(Basil-Spearmint-Date) is a herb that can be a medicine.
2-Acacia trees provide (food-medicine-shelter) for people and animals.
3-(Tamarisk trees-Olive trees-Date palm trees) are smaller than
acacia trees and they have (fruits-yellow flowers-pretty pink
4-We can use the wood of (olive trees-acacia trees-date palm
trees) to make useful things such as bowls and baskets.
5- At an oasis, there are lots of (rivers – springs – lakes) of fresh
3-Fill in the gaps with a word from the box:
-In Class:

date palm trees-olive trees-Acacia trees-Tamarisk trees-

spearmint trees

1- ------------ is a herb that can be a medicine or you can put it on

food or drink.
2-Farmers grow tall------------------------to sell dates in Egypt and
all over the world.
3- ---------------------- provide shelter for people and animals.
4- ----------------------are smaller than acacia trees and they have
pretty pink flowers.
5- People grow---------------------- to eat olive, cook with olive and
make olive oil.

59 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Complete the sentences with these words (oasis-hot-dry-desert-
monuments-big spring):
1-Siwa Oasis is a very interesting place in the----------.
2-The desert is-----------and------------.
3-In an---------there is water.
4-An oasis is a place where there is a--------------- or lots of springs.
5- We can see some------------------and swim in the spring.
5-Look at the pictures and make a sentence about each picture:
-In Class:

1.Siwa Oasis-desert 2. desert-hot-dry

-------------------------. -------------------------.

3. water-spring-Oasis 4. monuments-our- country

-----------------------. ------------------------.

5. like-water-plants


English (Connect Plus) – First Term 60


1. rain-rivers 2. trees- around-lake 3. Farmers-date- palm

---------------------. ---------------------. -------------------------.

4. ground-dry 5. soak- clothes -water

---------------------. ------------------------.
Language use:
Complete the missing parts in the dialogue:
Adam: ----------------------------------?
Sarah: I went to Siwa Oasis last summer holiday?

Adam: -----------------------------------

Sarah: It's a place where there is a big spring or lots of springs.

Adam: Who did you go with?



Sarah: Yes, It's a very interesting place.

61 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Has/have + verb (past participle)

1-We can use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our


We often use ‘never’ for negatives and ‘ever’ in questions.

My brother has met his favourite singer.
I have never seen an alien!
Have you ever climbed the Eiffel Tower?

2- For something that happened in the past but is important in

the present:

I can't get in the house. I've lost my keys.

3- Have been and Have gone

We use have/has been when someone has gone to a place

and returned:

A: Where have you been?

B: I've just been out to the supermarket.

A: Have you ever been to San Francisco?

B: No, but I've been to Los Angeles.

But when someone has not returned, we use have/has gone:

A: Where's Maria? I haven't seen her for weeks.

B: She's gone to Paris for a week. She'll be back tomorrow.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 62

Present Perfect Positive Form
Subject + have + past participle + object
Tom has lived in New York for 10 years.
We have studied French since 2003.
Present Perfect Negative
Subject + have not + past participle + object
She hasn't met Peter.
They haven't finished the job yet.
Present Perfect Question Form
(Question Word) + have + subject + past participle?

Has she worked here for a long time?

Where has she gone?

Regular verbs:
ask has/have asked
cook has/have cooked
open has/have opened

63 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Present Perfect: Irregular Verbs
Many Present Perfect tense verbs are irregular. Study the grammar reference chart below.

 be  been  hit  hit

 become  become  hold  held
 begin  begun  hurt  hurt
 bite  bitten  keep  kept
 blow  blown  know  known
 break  broken  leave  left
 bring  brought  lose  lost
 build  built  make  made
 buy  bought  meet  met
 catch  caught  pay  paid
 choose  chosen  put  put
 come  come  read  read
 cost  cost  ride  ridden
 cut  cut  run  run
 do  done  say  said
 draw  drawn  see  seen
 drink  drunk  sell  sold
 drive  driven  sing  sung
 eat  eaten  sit  sat
 fall  fallen  spend  spent
 feed  fed  stand  stood
 feel  felt  steal  stolen
 find  found  swim  swum
 fly  flown  take  taken
 forget  forgotten  teach  taught
 freeze  frozen  tell  told
 get  gotten  think  thought
 give  given  throw  thrown
 go  gone  understand  understood
 grow  grown  wear  worn
 have  had  win  won
 hear  heard  write  written
English (Connect Plus) – First Term 64
Key words:


Example: Amy (eat) has eaten lunch already.

Example: Amy and Arnold (eat) have just eaten lunch.
Note 'yet' takes negative form
Example: I have not done my homework yet.

1-Underline the correct answer:

1. …………………… broken your leg?
a. Have you b. You have
2. She ……………………my temperature.
a. has she b. has taken
3. They……………………their postcards.
a. have already written b. already have written
4. Julia …………………… a cake.
a. have just made b. has just made
5. She ……………………the pizza yet.
a. has eaten b. hasn’t eaten

6. Have you …………………… broken your arm?
a. ever b. never
7. I haven’t worked……………………
a. just b. yet
8. Have you ever……………to India?
a. been
9- Tina ……………………. her homework yet.
a- has done b- hasn’t done
10- …………………………………eaten sushi?
a- Have ever you b- Have you ever

65 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

2-Rewrite the following sentences using words between
brackets: (In class)
1-They ate their lunch. (already)
2- She came back. (just)
3- She didn’t see him. (seen)
4- Did you see Mark? (Have)
5- My mother cleaned the house. (yet)

5- We listened to the new album. (never)

6-Tom found his keys. (yet)


7- He wrote five letters. (already)

8- Ben drank his cup of tea. (just)

9- Did you go to Alexandria? (Have)


10-I didn’t eat Shellfish. (never)


English (Connect Plus) – First Term 66

Choose the correct answer:
1. It’s a great movie. I have … that 9. Eva, Thomas, and Robert … Hong
movie many times. Kong many times.
a) saw a) have been
b) seen b) been to
c) see c) have been to
2. Have you … really strange or 10. I’ve cleaned the kitchen, but I … the
interesting food? living room yet.
a) ever eaten a) haven’t clean
b) never eaten b) haven’t cleaned
c) ate c) have cleaned
3. (A) … your brother talked to you yet? 11. (A) Have you ever seen a ghost?
(B) Yes, he …. (B) Yes, I ….
a) Has / did a) have
b) Have / have b) ever
c) Has / has c) never
4. My family and I … to many different 12.(A) … your teacher graded the test?
countries around the world. (B) Yes, she ….
a) have flown a) Has / has
b) has flown b) Has / have
c) flown c) Have / graded
5. My sister … ridden a bicycle. She is 13.She has a car, so she … there many
afraid that she will fall off. times.
a) never a) have drive
b) has never b) has driven
c) has ever c) has drove
6. (A) … you talked to Mr. Parfitt? 14. (A) Have you … your homework?
(B) No, I …. (B) Yes, I ….
a) Had / haven’t a) done / do
b) Have / haven’t b) did / did
c) Have / didn’t c) done / have
7. I’m sorry, but I … finished my 15. (A) … have you been?
homework yet. (B) Fine, thanks.
a) have a) How
b) hasn’t b) What
c) haven’t c) When
8. (A) … you finished your lunch yet? 16. Have you finished answering all
(B) Yes, I …. the questions …?
a) Has / has a) yet
b) Has / have b) ever
c) Have / have c) never

67 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct sentence.

a. I have rode a horse and a camel. _______________________

b. I have never make a snowman. _________________________
c. My parents never have tried sushi. _____________________
d. My sister has go to a concert. _________________________
e. Has your brother ever see a ghost? _____________________

Write the sentences below in the present perfect tense.

1. I saw a penguin. ____________________________________

2. Did they eat breakfast? ______________________________

3. Jennifer didn’t finish her homework. _____________________

4. Did they meet the president? __________________________

5. No, we didn’t. ______________________________________
6. Did Roberto visit Vancouver? __________________________

7. Yes, he did. _______________________________________

8. Mrs. Smith didn’t read the book. _______________________
9. He was a teacher. __________________________________

10. Were you in jail? ___________________________________

11. I didn’t clean my room. _______________________________

12. No, they weren’t. ___________________________________

13. Was she sick? _____________________________________

14. Did he swim in the ocean? ____________________________
15. They didn’t arrive. __________________________________

16. Where were they? __________________________________

17. We lived here for a year. _____________________________

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 68

18. What did he do? ___________________________________
19. It didn’t rain for a long time. __________________________
20. Who finished the homework? __________________________

Read the following passage then answer the questions:

I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and
I don't work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I
was 69. I have been to so many countries that I can't remember all of
them. I've been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three
times. I have also been once to Russia but I didn't like it at all: much
too cold for me!They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree.
I've been married
four times but never for more than five years. I don't think women really
understand me!
I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was
a programme about life in the military about twenty years ago. I met the
Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I've met a lot of famous
people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous
cinema and television personalities. I've never met the American
President though which is a pity.
Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and
have also eaten and drunk some strange foods and drinks. I ate cats
and rats in India and drank something called Mirto on a little island in
Italy many years ago.
Choose the best answer:

1. The colonel is...years old.

a) seventy-one b)seventy -three c) seventy-five
2. He worked in the army for ...
a) fifty-one years b) fifty - six years c) sixty-one years
3. He has been to Australia
a) many times b) five times c) more than five times
4. He has been to Russia
a) one time b) once c) once time

69 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

5. He didn’t like Russia because...
a)it’s big. b)it’s not cold c) it’s cold
6. He has had ..... wives.
a) four b) five c) six
7. He has been on television...
a) many times b)once c)never
8. He has been on radio programme about
A) his wives b)his work c) his television
9. He has met the Prime Minister many times.
a)Yes. b) No. c)I don’t know.
10. He has met the American President many times.
a)Yes. b) No. c) I don’t know.
11. He has never eaten cats and rats.
a)Yes. b)No. c) I don’t know.

Circle the words that end with/ /:

-In Class:
1.river 2.shelter 3.acacia 4.cheetah 5.water

6.better 7.under 8.tree 9.beaker 10.polar

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 70

71 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch
Third Primary –Connect Plus Reader
(Fares and the Fish)
1-Complete the following sentences:
1- Fares lived in ……………………… with his family.
2- Fares loved ………………………….
3-Fares trained in the …………………… for an ………………
4-Fares wanted to be an ……………………… and to win lots of ……………….
5-Fares and his family lived close to the ……………………………………………
6-Fares …………………… to the pool with his mom or dad.
7-One day, Fares got his bike out of the ……………………
8-“Have you got your cycle ………………………., Fares?” asked mom.
9-Fares cycled through the ………………….
10-Fares’ friends were on their …………………………….
11-Adam wasn’t wearing a ………………….. or ………………………………………
12-Fares thinks skateboarding is………………………..
13-Fares stood at the top of the....................
14-Fares stood on the skateboard and …………………… with his feet.
15-Fares went quickly ……………………. the ramp.
16- Fares ……………and …………… on the ramp because he was too fast.
17-Fares’ leg ……………………… and he can’t ……………….
18-Adam is going to call ……………………………………… then he is going to
call an ………………………………
19- At the hospital, Fares had an …………………………….
20-Fares has to wear a ………………… for about six weeks.
21-Fares was …………… and …………… because he had a …………accident.
22-Fares’ dad and sister had a …………………. for him.
23-Fares …………… the fish and ………………… their water clean.
24-“Put on this ………………… and ……………….” said Fares’ dad.
25-Fares could see ………………………………………… under the water.
26-“I want to swim like a……………………….” Fares laughed.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 72

2-Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- Fares lived in Hurghada with his (brothers-family–
2- Fares trained in the pool for (an hour-2 hours- half an hour).
3- Fares wanted to be an (engineer-astronaut-athlete).
4- Fares and his family lived (close-next-opposite) to the sports
5- Fares put his bike in the (park-garage-garden).
6- “Be (polite–patient-careful), Adam.”
7- Fares stood at the (middle-bottom-top) of the ramp.
8- “It isn’t very (high-deep-difficult), it’s easy.” said Adam.
9- Fares slipped and fell on the ramp because he was too (careful-
10-Adam is going to call an (ambulance-car-aeroplane) for Fares.
11-Fares has to wear a cast for about (two- four-six) weeks.
12-Dad carried a large (box-fish tank-toy) into the room.
13-Fares (enjoyed-hated-didn’t mind) watching the fish.
14- Fares learned the (names-sizes-colours) of the different
types of fish.
15- “You can swim and (play-sleep-breathe) underwater.
3-Put (√) or (x):
1- Fares loved swimming. ( )
2- Fares went swimming every Friday. ( )
3- Fares wanted to win lots of money. ( )
4- Fares walked to the pool with his mom or dad. ( )
5- Fares’ friends were on their bikes too. ( )
6- Adam wasn’t wearing a helmet. ( )
7- Fares went slowly down the ramp. ( )
8- Fares slipped and fell on the ramp. ( )
9- Fares’ arm hurts. ( )
( )

73 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

10-Fares wants to watch TV.
11-Fares’ parents are worried about him. ( )
12-Fares could count the fish inside the tank. ( )
13-Dad had another surprise for Fares. ( )
14-Fares wants to breathe like a fish. ( )
4-Answer the following questions:
1-Where did Fares and his family live?
2- How long did Fares train in the pool?
3-What did Fares want to be?
4-Who went to the pool with Fares?
5- Where did Fares meet his friends?
6-Why did fares asked Adam to be careful?
7-Have Fares tried skateboarding before?
8-What happened to Fares on the ramp? Why?
9-Can fares move after he fall of the ramp?
10-Why is Adam going to call Fares’ mom?
11-Why did Fares apologise to his family?

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 74

12-Fares’ mom is wise. Prove.
13-What was inside the boxes?
14-How many fish were there in the tank?
15-What happened after two months?
5-Complete the graphic organizer:

Title Setting

………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………
…………….. ……………..



75 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch




English (Connect Plus) – First Term 76

Colour the picture:

77 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch


English (Connect Plus) – First Term 78

Sample Test (1)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Sameh: Where will you go tomorrow?
Hazem: ………………………………………………………………………….. .
Sameh: ……………………………………………………….………………...?
Hazem: Yes, I will meet my friends there.
2) Supply the missing letters:

t---- a-------- s-------

c------ a------ w-----

3) Choose the correct word in brackets:
1 –She (will – aren't – won’t) be sad after the race. She will be happy.
2 – Fady jumped (high – higher – the highest) than Ramy.
3 – Amir was in a race last month (but – because – so) he didn't win.
4 – Who is the (slow – slower – slowest) girl?
5 – She wants to come first (so – because – but) she trains hard.
6 – I think she (wins – will win – won) the race next month.
7 – How (high – fast – often) does he go to the club? -Once a week.
8 – Will he (run – runs – running) fast in the race?
4) Rewrite the following sentences doing as show:
1. He got a medal. (tomorrow)

79 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

2. She trains every day. She wants to win a medal. (because)
3. I like basketball and handball. (don’t like)
4. Yes, she will throw the ball. (Will)
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions
Hi, I'm Fares and this is Tarek. Tarek is an athlete so he does a
lot of exercise. He wants to compete in the school long jump
competition. This is his best event and he wants to win a medal. He
competed last year but he didn't win a medal. He didn't come first or
second. He came third so he knows he has to try harder his year. He
comes to the track three times a week. I go with him because I'm his
friend. I warm up with him and I measure the distance he jumps. He
jumped his farthest distance this week so I think he will win the
A) Answer the following questions:
1) What does Tarek want to compete in?
2) What does Tarek’s friend do?

B) Choose the correct answer:

3) Last year, Tarek came (first – second – third) in the competition.
4) Tarek comes to the track (three – four – five) times a week.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 80

6) Write a paragraph of four sentences on:
Ideas to help you:
hobby – football – every week – club – with friends – at school –
famous player

7) Copy the following sentences:

If you're late, then wait at the gate.

81 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Sample Test (2)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Hazem: Are you going to go park at the weekend?
Zeiad: …………………………………………………………………………………….. .
Hazem: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Zeiad: I'm going to ride my bike there.

2) Supply the missing letters:

s------- s-------- t-----

k--- h---- b---

3) Choose the correct word in brackets:

1- We are (go – goes – going) to go to the park after school.
2- (Is – Has – Does) she going to go to bed early.
3- Your (lungs – brain – vein) controls all your body.
4- She (buy – is going to buy – buys) a new mobile next week.
5- Is he going to (climb – climbs – climbing) the mountain?
6- I (never – usually – always) draw pictures. I don't like drawing.
7- You should go to bed because you are very (positive – relaxed –
8- Are they going to (has – have – had) cheese for breakfast?
4) Rewrite the following sentences doing as shown:
1. We ride our bikes on Friday. (going)

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 82

2. He’s going to go to the club. (not)
3. Yes, she is going to wear her sunglasses. (Is)
4. What are you going to do tomorrow? (I…………………)
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions
Tomorrow is a holiday. Fady is going to ride his bicycle in the
morning. He's going to go the shops near his house to buy some things
for his mother in the afternoon. His sister Farida is going to clean
her bedroom in the morning. She's going to help her mom in the
afternoon. In the evening, they and their dad are going to watch TV.
A) Answer the following questions:
1) What’s Fady going to do in the morning?
2) What’s Farida going to do in the afternoon?
B) Choose the correct answer:
3) This family is (three – four – five) persons.
4) They all are going to (read books – watch TV – go out) in the evening.
6) Write a paragraph of four sentences on:
“Human body”
Ideas to help you:
Human body – thirty two teeth – 206 bones – strong – hard –
foods – good for you – bad

7) Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting:

Don't bark if you can't bite .

83 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Sample Test (3)

A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Shady :………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Faris : I always get up at seven o'clock.
Shady : What do you have for breakfast?
Faris : …………………………………………………………………………………. .
2) Supply the missing letters:

d---- f----- f----

s---- t---- v-------

3) Choose the correct word in brackets:
1 – (Fiber – Calcium – Cereal) is good for our bones.

2 – We (should – shouldn't – can’t) have a healthy diet.

3 – Milk and cheese are (daily – diary – dairy) foods.

4 – You shouldn't (drinks – drinking – drink) too much soda.

5 – When you are (sweat – hydrated – dehydrated), it means you are

getting enough water.

6 – Cakes, biscuits and soda contain (sugar – protein – fiber).

7 – Should I drink water? – Yes, (I should – you shouldn't – you should).
8 – Plants get water from the (air – sun – soil) in their roots.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 84

4) Rewrite the following sentences doing as shown:
1. Doing exercise is good for your body. (should)
2. Should I eat a healthy diet? (Yes, ………..)
3. Sleeping for only five hours is unhealthy. ( shouldn't )
4. No, I shouldn't drink lots of sweet drinks. ( Should )
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Every Thursday, my mother goes shopping. My sister Riham
sometimes goes with her. There are a lot of vegetables and fruits in
the market. My mother buys tomatoes, peas, potatoes and lettuce.
She also buys bananas, apples and strawberries. She buys my sister
an ice cream and buys me a bottle of orange juice.
A) Answer the following questions:
1) When does the mother go to the market?
2) What vegetables does she buy?
B) Choose the correct answer:
3) Riham likes (sweets – cakes – ice cream).
4) My mother buys me (oranges – ice cream – juice).
6) Write a paragraph of four sentences on:
“The healthy diet”
Ideas to help you:
Sweets – crisps – biscuits – chocolate – soda – meat – fish –
vegetables – fruit - water

7) Copy the following sentences:

Variety is the spice of life.

85 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Sample Test (4)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Ramy :………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Adel : No, I wasn't at school yesterday.
Ramy : What did you do?
Adel : …………………………………………………………………………………. .
2) Supply the missing letters:

p------ f--- g------

r--------- n--- d-----

3) Choose the correct word in brackets:
1 – We (might – might not – can) go out today. It's very hot today.

2 – The (South Pole – North Pole – equator) is the point at the furthest

south of the world.

3 – I (go – goes – went) to the wildlife park yesterday.

4 – (Macaw – Cobra – Spider) is a colorful bird.

5 – Birds build (leaves – nests – burrows) in trees.

6 – He (might – haven’t – hasn’t) drink his juice. It's very hot today.

7 – (Volcanoes – Flood – Rain) erupt from time to time.

8 – It might (live – lives – lived) in a polar area.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 86

4) Rewrite the following sentences doing as shown:
1. No, it wasn't a fennec fox. (Was)
2. I loved seeing the chimpanzees. (What)
3. What might you do tomorrow? (I …………..)
4. He might come with us. ( not )
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
We sometimes visit the zoo in summer. We see the hippo. It's big.
It has got small ears and a short tail. It likes water. The monkey is a
funny animal. It can run and jump. It likes bananas. It lives in trees. It's
small and has got a long tail.
A) Answer the following questions:
1) What do you do in summer?
2) Where does the monkey live?
1) Choose the correct answer:
3) The hippo is (short – small – big).
4) The monkey likes (strawberries – apples – bananas).
6) Write a paragraph of four sentences on:
“The lion”
Ideas to help you:
Lion – wild animals – live – forest – eat – other –
small animals – dangerous – can see – zoo

7) Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting:

Sometimes silence expresses better than talking .

87 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

Sample Test (4)
A- Language Function
1.Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
A: Where do you travel every summer?
B: ……………………………………………… .
B: I travel with my family.
B- Vocabulary & Structure
2.Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. (Sugar –Fats–Protein) help bodies grow.
2. Miss Mona is (measuring- playing-skating) how far you jump.
3. I think she (might wear – wears– wore) a pink dress.
4. (Blood – Water – Nutrients) carries oxygen and nutrients around
your body.
5. Amira (will- won't-is) get a medal. She didn't jump high.
6. Veins and arteries are types of (gas – liquid – blood vessels).
7. It (is going to – is – was) rain tomorrow.
8. (Wildlife park – zoo – Aqua park) is a place where animal can live
without cages.
3.Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets:
1. He will paint his room. (not)
2. It's possible that I will play football. (might)
3. Fares drives fast. (shouldn’t)
4. She plays music every day. (tomorrow)

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 88

C-Reading Comprehension

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Once upon a time, there was a young princess who lived in a large
castle. She was very beautiful but she was very sad because she had
no friends. One day she walked to a pond near the castle and looked
into the water. A little frog jumped out of the water. It was very
funny. The princess liked the frog and talked to it. She touched the
frog and soon the frog was a handsome prince. They loved each other
and lived happily ever after.
A. Answer the following questions:

1– Where did the princess live?

2 - Why was the princess very sad?

B. Choose the correct answer:

3 - The frog lived in the (castle – pond – ice).

4 - The princess wasn't (young – beautiful – happy).

The Link Reader: “Fares and the fish”

5. A- Answer the following questions:

1-Who did Fares live with?


2-Why wasn't Adam wearing a helmet and knee pads?


B – Complete the following sentences :

1. Fares lived in …………….. .
2. In the [ark Fares saw his …………. .They were on their

89 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

D - Pictorial Composition
6. Write a sentence under each picture describing it:

My father won a the ……… There is protein in …………..

and ……………….

Fennec fox dig ………… to take shelter

E – Handwriting
Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting:

You become what you believe.


English (Connect Plus) – First Term 90

Sample Test (6)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing letters of the following words:

nerv--- -itadel diges---- te--

2) Complete the following dialogue:
Running – do – enjoy – sport
Rana : Which …………………………………do you think is easy ?
Reem: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Rana : Do you ………………………… running ?
Reem: Yes, I …………………………………………………………………. .

3) Choose the correct word(s) between brackets :

1 – Never (spread – pressure - give) your friend to do something he or

she doesn't want.

2 – The (heart – tongue – saliva) moves blood around the body.

3 – We can make baskets from the leaves of (date palm – acacia –

tamarisk) trees.

4 – I have (visit – visits - visited) the Pyramids.

5 – Youssef jumped (high – higher - highest) than Seleem.

6 – They are making (fun – happy - unhappy) of me. It's not good.

91 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

4) Read and circle ( True ) or ( False ).
Ahmed wants to be in the school running team. He goes running

once a week. He sometimes skips breakfast but he always eats lunch. He

loves snacks. He likes candies and drinking sodas. He should drink 1.5

liters of water every day.

1. Ahmed goes jumping once a week. True / False

2. He never skips breakfast. True / False
3. He likes candies. True / False
4. He should drink two liters of water every day. True / False
5) Rearrange the following sentences:
1. have got – I – a book – the moon - about.
2. can – grow – People – an oasis – spearmint – in.
6) Look, unscramble and write ..

1. :2. 3.

nglus htsol tairneofrs

----------- ---------- ----------------
----------- ---------- :----------------

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 92

Sample Test (7)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing letters of the following words:

riv-- c—k swa-- enorm---

2) Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1 – We measure energy in (grams – percent - calories).

2 – Our (skin – brain - skull) is the largest organ in our body.

3 – In the (desert – tropical zone - wetland), it doesn't often have


4 – A (barrier – drain – dam) stops the flow of water in a river.

5 – It's hard to run today (so – because - but) it's hot.

6 – I am (go – goes - going) to drink water after I go running.

3) Read and circle (True ) or ( False ).

Ramy is an athlete. He wants to have a healthy diet. He lives in a

hot country and he does a lot of exercise. He's going to a race

tomorrow, so he needs lots of energy. He should drink a lot of water.

1. Ramy is an athlete. True / False

2. He should drink a lot of water. True / False
3. He lives in a cold country. True / False
4. He does a lot of exercise. True / False

93 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

4) Rearrange the following sentences:
1. likes – She – with – communicating - people.
2. muscles – to move – our bones – help – Our.

5) Writ a sentence under each picture.

1. 2.

club – track jump - high

----------------- ----------------

6) Punctuate the following sentence.

which snack is your favorite



7) Copy the following sentence.

I like dried fruit bars.



English (Connect Plus) – First Term 94

Sample Test (8)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing letters of the following words:

m---- j-- m-------- v-------

2) Complete the following dialogue:

Will – Yes – watch - Good

Huda : Hi, Fatima. Let's …………………………………the 100-meter race.

Fatima: …………………………………idea! I think Mona will win.
Huda : Look ! They're starting now. ………………………… Mona wins?
Fatima: …………………………………, she will!

3) Choose the correct word(s) between brackets :

1 – Amira (won’t - will – is) get a medal. She didn't jump high.

2 – (Blood vessels – Arteries - Veins) carry blood from the body to the


3 – Dairy foods have a (mineral – germ - vitamin) called calcium.

4 – (Has – Have – Having) he ever visited an oasis?

5 – Small monkeys live in the (canopy – emergent - understory) layer.

6 – A (Sandbag – Dam – Canal) is a river that people build.

95 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

4) Read and circle (True) or (False).
Sugar is good but it is bad for our teeth. Sugar is also bad for our

heart. It stops our arteries working well. When we get energy from

sugar, it lasts for a short time. It can be bad for our mood. It can make

our brain confused and feel worried.

1. Sugar is bad for our teeth and heart. True / False

2. Sugar can be good for our mood. True / False
3. Sugar can make our brain confused. True / False
4. Energy from sugar lasts for a long time. True / False

5) Read and match (A) with (B).

1. I like helping Mayar a. to help our bodies grow.
2. We need nutrients b. the fastest animal in the world.
3. Cheetah is c. He is cooperative.
d. because she's my friend.
6) Punctuate the following sentence.

no, he shouldn't

7) Copy the following sentence.

Crayfish live in rivers.

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 96

Sample Test (8)

A-Language Function

1) Supply the missing letters of the following words:

a------ b---- s---- d-------

2) Complete the following dialogue:

trees – Oasis – ate - plants
Shady : What did you do at Siwa ………………………………… ?
Zein : I …………………………………a lot of fruit.
Shady : What about ……………………… in Siwa ?
Zein : The date palm ………………………………… grow in Siwa.
3) Choose the correct word(s) between brackets :
1 – Water on the surface of streets can go down a (drain – barrier –


2 – He likes sharing things. He's (brave – lazy - sociable).

3 – I'm going to (wear – climb – go) a helmet.

4 – Leen loses the race (and – but - so) she didn't win a medal.

5 – A/An (oasis – ocean - river) is a place where there is a big spring or

lots of springs.

6 – (Sloth – Macaw - Cobra) is a very colorful bird.

97 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

4) Rearrange the following sentences:
1. never – I've – olives – eaten.
2. going to – climb – She's - a rock.
5) Writ a sentence under each picture. .
1. 2.

skip breakfast - never athlete - track

----------------- ----------------
6) Look, unscramble and write. .

1. 2. 3.

erwa umjp actcus

----------- ---------- ----------------

7) Copy the following sentence.

We add salt to food to preserve it.


English (Connect Plus) – First Term 98

Sample Test (10)
A-Language Function
1) Supply the missing letters of the following words:

-offee nutri---- ri-e wetla--

2) Complete the following dialogue:
Caring – without – volunteer - help
Adham : What is the meaning of " ………………………………… " ?
Ziad : When you volunteer, you work to help people
…………………………………getting paid.
Adham : I think people who are volunteers might be ………………………….. .
Ziad : Yes, because they want to ………………………………… other people.
3) Choose the correct word(s) between brackets :
1 – Nesma likes giving people presents. She is (moody – calm –


2 – How (fast – many - high) can he run? – 100 meters in 15 seconds.

3 – Camels can store fat and nutrients in their (fur – humps - hooves).

4 – Foxes and rabbits dig (burrows – sticks - holes) in the ground to

live in.

5 – You shouldn't (slept – sleeping - sleep) for four hours every night.

6 – (Minimize – Install - Collapse) is to make something smaller or less.

4) Rearrange the following sentences:

1. secrets – friend's - tell – Never – your.

99 Third Primary – Hijaz Branch

2. done – We've - an experiment – science class – in our.
5) Look, read and complete.
1. Cr—fish lives in rivers.
2. B-n-s are hard and they protect soft organs.
3. I think our school will get a med-- today.
4. We can dry fruit in the s--.
6) Look, read and complete.
Cookies – fruit – buildings
1. 2.

New…………………. can destroy habitats. You shouldn't eat …………………

every day.
7) Punctuate the following sentence.
there is natural sugar in fruit

Copy the following sentence.

Do you wear sunscreen?

English (Connect Plus) – First Term 100

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